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 Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music

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What kind of music would you think Felarya's citizens would make? Please explain your choice(es) in the reply box.
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 14% [ 1 ]
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Middle Eastern
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music   Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2012 3:30 am

I know I've seen a thread on here talking about music that would fit in Felarya's majestic scenery, but I've always wondered what the music from its denizens would sound like if they would have access to musical instruments? It seems like the only place in Felarya that has electricity for electrical instruments would be Negav. Since there are so many cultures that divide species, it varies what cultures will produce in these terms.

To be completely honest, when I read stories or comics about Felarya, I feel as if overall, I'd be hearing Finnish folk/traditional music wherever the setting is. It ultimately gives you a feeling of something mystic, magical, and a sense that all things are connected somehow. A good example of this is the song from Finnish band, Korpiklaani called, "Synkkä." Obviously, Negav gives off a whole different feel being as diverse as any other big city. I think that Negav's settings give off a more orchestral or symphonic feel to it.

I ultimately figured that I'd throw this topic out there and long to figure out what you "seasoned veterans" of Felarya have to think about this sort of thing. The idea's there, let's see what we can figure out. I think that this will be interesting with Felarya's heavily diverse culture, the food chain, and it's many settings. Carry on, mates!
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music   Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2012 3:38 am

I'm guessing folk music as well. Rock is my favorite genre but I can't see that kind of music being made in Felarya.
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Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music   Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2012 3:58 am

I'm going to go with folk, or with places that have had time to develop like those musical nekos, orchestral.
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music   Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2012 7:31 am

Overall Felarya seems to be developed to a Bronze or Iron Age culture, so I imagine in larger towns where they have the resources to form orchestras, they would do that, but in small villages, especially in places like the Rosic Neko village, folk or tribal music would be more common.
In Negav? Being the interplanetary trade hub that it is, I'd not be surprised to find everything on that list and then some.
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music   Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2012 8:30 am

I assume most music would be folk, but I agree that Negav being a blend of times and cultures would be very mixed.

Negav music is an idea I am playing with in my story 'She Who Dares Wins' Where my Winona character menctions 'Modern Neko Music Culture' suggesting that city Nekos have updated their ancient music culture to compete with other modern music genres. One example given is an annoying pop song by a group called 'The Neko Nyans' whom's songs have lyrics that pretty much consist of 'Neko' and 'Nyan'
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music   Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music Icon_minitimeThu Nov 29, 2012 5:52 pm

That's a good point with Negav, there. I wouldn't know for sure, but I figured the main genre made in Negav would probably Orchestral. But I honestly hadn't thought about Negav's other cultures. Though, DarkOne, I do believe music that a Neko creates would probably be better than some of the schlock that today's "Popular artists" are coming out with right now. Laughing
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Venom Agato
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Venom Agato

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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music   Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music Icon_minitimeFri Feb 01, 2013 5:07 pm

We can only choose one but together I'd say Folk, Traditional and Tribal.
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music   Felaryan Folk/Traditional Music Icon_minitime

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