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 There Shall Be Music!

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PostSubject: There Shall Be Music!   There Shall Be Music! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 12:47 pm

After some time here in this forum, I noticed something: People should have their own beat and rhythm. For those who don't understand, I say that people here should have their own song to them. Now I'm not saying "everyone bust out your lyric sheets and guitar and hop to it" I'm just suggesting this, if there is a song that describes themselves, if not themselves then someone here on the forums or places or events in Felarya (or people on DA.) Just be sure to post why the song relates to the subject either posting the lyrics or... a lyric video.

Good luck, my friends and have a good day (or night) and a good life.
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The Rev
The Rev

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PostSubject: Re: There Shall Be Music!   There Shall Be Music! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 5:44 pm

Smooth Criminal Very Happy I've got a white fedora and everything.
Well, okay, I don't really understand the lyrics at all. Maybe Styx's Blue Collar Man would be a better example. If anyones ever heard of the band Styx (I'm sure no one has...), it's like an 80s-prog kind of song or something.

"Give me a job, give me security..
Give me a chance to survive,
I'm just a poor soul in the unemployment line
My God, I'm hardly alive!
My mother and father, my wife and my friends,
I see them laugh in my face,
But I've got the power, and I've got the will,
I'm not a charity case,

I'll take those long nights, impossible odds!
Keeping my eye to the keyhole
If it takes all that to be just what I am,
I'm gonna be a blue collar man!

Make me an offer that I can't refuse
Make me respectable, man
This is my last time in the unemployment line
So like it or not I'll take those

Long nights, impossible odds
Keeping my back to the wall
If it takes all that to be just what I am
I'm gonna be a blue collar man

Keeping my mind on a better life
When happiness is only a heartbeat away
Paradise, can it be all I heard it was
I close my eyes and maybe I'm already there!"

..etc. I don't know, I just got a job a month ago and this is how I feel about the whole situation Very Happy
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: There Shall Be Music!   There Shall Be Music! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 9:09 pm

My Geus, My Them song should be

the Wanted them song- The Little things


Idk all the Lyrics in the song so I hope this link would lead you to the song
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PostSubject: Re: There Shall Be Music!   There Shall Be Music! Icon_minitime

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