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 Felarya: The Second Age

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Chihiro Fujisaki
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeSun Dec 02, 2012 3:02 pm

So in this scenario, we see several things change over the course of a few decades in Felarya. Factions are being built, grudges bringing forth, and a clash of ideals, determining the new future of Felarya. Here are the 5 factions and what you should know about them. And just to clarify, the Guardians will have no part in this setting as they feel that the Great Tree Alliance (see below) is enough to represent them. Also, know that we will not RP in this thread, this is merely a sign up for anyone interested in RPing a campaign of one of these faction RPs. I will make 5 seperate RP threads for each faction later. Right now, have your OCs ready and be sure to state where they stand in this scenario. See character app at the very bottom. Also, as a last note, if you're interested in involving canonical characters into this setting, PM me if you want to assume the role of that canon.

Negavian Republic: After a successful coup against the Magiocrats and the ousting of Lady Lesona, Negav is now under a new rule of humanoid beings, claiming to want to spread equality amongst all races. However, such idealism is not without corruption, as only those with magic are more respected than others and all of the senate have ruled predation to be unlawful and heinous. With the Negavians taking arms to set out to colonize and "civilize" new places, Felarya may never be the same again.


>>Magic: Elemental, Barrier, Healing, Enhancement, Illusion Magic

>>Tech: Artillery, Mobile, Guns, Explosives,

>>Supplies: Raw minerals, Tax, Food Cultivation

>Culture: Perhaps the first time a democracy has touched on Felarya, the Republic thrives on security, stability, and efficiency of their milatant forces as well as ensuring prosperity to the general public. In the years following the coup, Senate elections are held in Negav yearly as people become more involved in political affairs while the government focuses on educating the public of the Republic's ideals such as equality, unity, and the pursuit of greatness. Although the new taxes have been detrimental in some areas of the new Negavian Republic, many have seen such problems as a means to a better future, a future without the fear of predation.

>Tactics: Expansion, Colonization, Diplomacy, Extraction, Aggression.

The Great Tree Alliance: Backed with support of the Guardians, members of this faction fight for sustaining the "natural order" of things in Felarya where the good ol times were about eating and hunting prey in fetish like manners. The Fairy Kingdom has aligned itself with this alliance, making it a force to be reckoned with.

> Resources:

>>Magic: Elemental, Illusion, Healing, Size Magic

>>Tech: None

>>Supplies: None

>Culture: A very traditional sense of culture, one would argue that this is hardly a faction at all considering that most members of this faction work independantly to hunt prey. Some may travel in groups and stop certain operations of the other factions, but other than that it's just vore as usual.

>Tactics: Vary on individual, but most utilize extensive knowledge on the terrain.

Nightstalker's Covenant: Consisting of only Nekos, Elves, and Neeras, these creatures with enhanced sensory type abilities makes them a dangerous group for any predator that attempts to harm them. Like the Negavian Republic, they scorn giants and are above predation, but they themselves see humans as suspicious enemies to Felarya as well.


>>Magic: Sensory, Amplfiy, Illusion type magic

>>Tech: High powered rifles

>>Supplies: Food Cultivation, Animal meat, Ammunition

>Culture: A very cautious group of individuals, they tend to strike from distances when it comes to giants. Stealthy and with cunning intellect, they use the terrain to their advantage, and protect their fellow Covanent members with a watchful eyes while they live quiet peaceful lives within their own territory.

>Tactics: Guerilla Warfare, Nighttime strikes, trap making, sabotage, data collection, 2 team snipers

The Resurrection: A terrorist group consisting of only humans, led by the mysterious Harbinger who claims to have ancestrial ties to the Ur-sagolian people. Although they are perhaps the smallest in numbers of the factions, they also possess the greatest knowledge of both tech and magic from the Ur-Sagolian Empire, making them a predator's worst nightmare. Their goal? The usurption of Felarya under human supremacy and the overthrow of the Guardians. Most people think that their cause is vain, but the Harbinger claims to know the secret to exact his revenge on the Guardians for the massacre of his people. The question remains, has he found this secret?


>>Magic: Elemental, Illusion, Summoning, Amplifiy

>>Tech: Power Armour, Energy Type Weapons and Artillery, Barriers, Portal Based Tech, Mechs and Sentinels

>>Supplies: Resources from spies as well as the Titan Company.

>Culture: Burrowed underground in several bases, the Resurrection makes itself a powerful guerrila force in the Felaryan world. They do not show mercy to any enemies to the Resurrection and are quick to violence. Though as aggressive as they may seem, they are not reckless as they follow through their mission only through the word of the Harbinger.

>Tactics: Work in small teams, trap making, and stealthy manuvering against their enemies.

Felaryan Union: Consisting of both giants and normal sized beings, this unlikely alliance wishes to spread peace throughout Felarya through individual sacrificices. Any giant pledges to never eat another being, and any smaller being would help the giants cope with their hunger by forming hunting parties to search for food as well as cultivate them.


>>Magic: Psychic, Barrier, Healing, Elemental, Illusion

>>Tech: Basic medical tech, riflemen, swordsmanship

>>Supplies: Food, both cultivated plants and hunted in the wilderness

>Culture: Works as a close family oriented brotherhood. The Union is under the watchful eyes of the Zen Prophet Order who preaches the virtues and idealism that all children of Felarya should follow. Such teachings promote peace and love between even the distant of cultures. Of course, the use of selective Paladins to keep things in order is needed as well for self-defense.

>Tactics: Nomadic, Defensive, Diplomacy.

Character App:


Bio (adapted for this setting) :


Role: (PM me if you wanted your OC to have a specific or significant role in any Faction he/she is with)

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Felarya: The Second Age Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeSun Dec 02, 2012 3:17 pm

Name: Kenny Amaho
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 5'8
Hair Colour: Light brown
Eye Colour: blue

Kenny is a human off-worlder coming from a war-torn planet, where males are drafted into the military at a young age. He has short, groomed brown hair, and blue eyes, which are often blood-shot from lack of sleep and stress . He wears a olive green T-shirt underneath his armor, along with white cotton pants. He wears dark brown combat boots, a belt holding ammo pouches and flares, emergency rations, etc. On the helmet is an imprinted image of his platoon's mark, a bullet-ridden flag with the words "Lost Children" on it. He also has a backpack, containing a bed-roll and entrenchment tools.


Kenny is an idol to his men, charismatic, caring, experienced, his men love him and he loves them. They form a close knit band of brothers, and their loyalty to each other is high. However, even though Kenny appears as a kind, intellectual, level-headed leader at first glance, he suffers from a depression he keeps hidden from everyone around him. He learned from experience that there's a time for mourning, and a time for action. As long as his strengths are counted on by his fellow soldiers, he will postpone any sort of lamentation...At least until he's alone.
Seeing so many friends and people dying has left him scarred mentally. He suffers from the same terrible nightmare every night, him on the gallows with the noose around his neck, while the bloodied souls of the lost Children watch, silently. Blood seeping from their wounds, and their eyes completely white...
Then he hears a lever being pulled, and the floor sliding out underneath him, before waking up with cold sweat.
His loyalty to his men puts him in danger many times. He will not leave one man behind, and doesn't leave with the rest until he is sure that every man who can be saved is saved. He is also the last one to leave. This loyalty is one of the things that his men respect, and they are willing to show the same loyalty to each other, following Kenny's example.
Another thing about him that his men love is his merciful actions, he tries to resolve things peacefully and cleanly, only resorting to violence as a last resort.


Kenny was born on a back-water planet, desperately fighting for survival. At the age of 13, he was drafted into the military, and assigned to the Lost Children Platoon. The platoon originally consisted of soldiers under the age of 18, many of which have little to no education. Kenny was lucky however, and was able to get house-schooled at a young age, as such he is literate, and spends his time reading books on subjects such as science and mathematics, having to educate himself.
The platoon was often sent on Forlorn hope missions, always the first ones in, the first ones shot, the first ones to die.
He had his first real taste of action when he was 15, when his platoon was selected to drop behind enemy lines, cutting off their escape. Needless to say, the whole operation was riddled with snafus, and the Lost children quite literally lost children, the platoon went from having 50 men to having only 28, and for two weeks the Lost Children slowly went home, this is when most of the causalities actually happened, as disease and wounds got the better of them.
When he was 17, he was promoted to Lance Corporal.
He quickly climbed through the ranks, the men cheering him on all the way. Tales of his success reached the ears of the commander of the company, who became paranoid of losing his position.
Kenny and his men were sent to accompany other units that were considered to be a "bad" influence on the battlefield, or so the commanders say.
The Lost Children, along with the 24th grenadier platoon and the 15th Sapper division, were sent to be transferred to the front lines. They were ambushed by hired mercenaries, and a large-scale fight broke out. It lasted for hours, until the land surrounding them suddenly seemed to morph into a frozen wasteland. The soldiers did not know that they were sucked into Felarya, into the Imoreith Tundra. Of course, like the idiots they were, the mercenaries kept on shooting, the sound of gunfire, along with the strange effects of the tundra, attracted every predator and animal within 10 miles. The two sides scattered when the denizens of the tundra showed up, some went to the north, some to the south. Kenny never did meet up with the men who went north, and they are presumed to be dead by now.
It was a bloody massacre, and in the end, only 36 people from the combined 3 units were alive.
14 Lost children
6 sappers
16 grenadiers.
The group quickly left the tundra, lucky for them, they were teleported close to the Elifga valley, and were able to escape.
It has been a total of two months since they arrived into Felarya, the sappers fortified a cave to serve as a home-base, near Chordoni falls.

Events leading up to the Second Age RP

Role: Lieutenant

Kenny, after learning of the coup, managed to join the Uprising soldiers, lending his own unit to the fight, along with their technology.
He was one of the first to join the New Negavian Republic army, he managed to retain the rank of lieutenant, and commands the men he originally commanded from before his arrival on Felarya.

Last edited by hhhat09 on Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Chihiro Fujisaki
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Felarya: The Second Age Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeSun Dec 02, 2012 3:32 pm

Elliot's Bio


Damien's Bio

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Felarya: The Second Age Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeSun Dec 02, 2012 3:55 pm

Cassius' Bio:

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Felarya: The Second Age Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeMon Dec 03, 2012 9:24 am



Last edited by Darth_Nergal on Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:25 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : added Lucius' bio now that I have the time)
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Eternal Optimist
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Felarya: The Second Age Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeMon Dec 03, 2012 4:53 pm

Kinara's Bio:

Molly and Geno's Bio:

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Felarya: The Second Age Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2012 11:26 am

Add Lucius' bio to my original post since I finally found the time to do it. :3
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Felarya: The Second Age Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2012 11:57 am

I'm extending the deadline for sign ups all the way to Jan 2. 2013, or if there are 8+ people already signed up for this RP, then I will begin making the separate RP threads for the different factions!
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2012 11:59 am

Wait, we're going to do them all at the same time? How's that going to work? O.o Are you sure it won't be too much of a burden?
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Saen Kel
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Felarya: The Second Age Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2012 12:00 pm



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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Felarya: The Second Age Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya: The Second Age   Felarya: The Second Age Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2012 2:25 pm

Nyaha wrote:
Wait, we're going to do them all at the same time? How's that going to work? O.o Are you sure it won't be too much of a burden?

That's true, so in which case, we're gonna start with one of the campaigns, I'll make a poll so you guys can decide which setting you wanna RP first.
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