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 The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters

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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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PostSubject: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2013 2:28 pm

Name: Miya (M-i-ya)

Last name: Stormwind

Nickname: The Mage of Mist

Age: 23 years old

Gender: Vixen (female fox)

Species: One Tailed Silver Fox Kitsune

Appearance: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Beautiful%20Grey%20Vixen%20(Small)
Her height is 5.2 feet.

Abilities + Skills: Miya is very agile, can see in low light perfectly, has an amazing sense of smell and sound and is very cunning. She has a few psychic powers. She is very skilled in close combat, along with her powerful illusion and mist magic. Her soft, luxurious fur coat is somewhat waterproof, allowing her to swim without getting too soaked.
One of Miya's many ways of escaping from humans and small predators is to hypnotize them, by making them stare into her eyes -- which is almost impossible not to do because of how much they contrast against her monochrome fur and because of their beauty.
She also knows a teleportation spell, but she doesn't use it since it hardly ever takes her to where she wants to go.

Miya's mist magic allows her to do many things, such as amplify her illusions and she can 'see' through the mist to an extent, so the Misty Glade in all it's mistiness doesn't really bother her that much. She had the ability to control mist to a much lesser extent as a normal fox, but her powers doubled when she became a kitsune. She can also 'throw' mist into an attackers face to temporarily blind them if her hypnosis abilities don't work.

Weapons: Miya has a special dagger that she keeps on a necklace hidden underneath her neck-fur, which she can use to slash at her foes if unarmed combat isn't enough, she trained herself how the use daggers as weapons for when the unfortunate event happens where she has no magical power left.

Elements: Her main elements are water and earth.
If her elements where water and air, she would be unbeatable with her mist magic.

Personality + History: Miya was originarily as ordinary fox that grew up on the streets of a city, thus she is very streetwise and wary of new people. Miya lost her family to humans that killed them for their fur coats but Miya stayed hidden behind a dumpster to avoid being caught by the 'monsters' that slew her family and was, and still is, afraid of humans.
After becoming a Kitsune, Miya still fears humans, but to a lesser extent because she knows she has a better chance of defending herself.
Miya became a kitsune by a mix of age, lust for more power and the fact she was in a rather unstable area at the time, Miya was 21 years old when she became a kitsune.

Miya likes to come up with complex hunting strategies, but if her plans fail, she'll resort to the 'old fox trick' where if she is dealing with a herbivore she will lie on her back and wave her arms and legs in the air to catch her prey's attention and use it's curiosity against itself, as soon as her prey item is close enough she will lash out at it, often using her claws and teeth. But if the prey's hide is too thick she will use her dagger to try and kill her prey. Sometimes her prey looks allot bigger close up and she decides to give up the hunt, often just lying there staring at the creature for a few moments in a daze before dashing off. It can be quite amusing to watch.

Miya can be rather vain when it comes to her fur, which could be considered a weakness. She hates and I mean HATES it when her fur gets all messed up, always trying to avoid falling into some mud whilst chasing prey and despises getting any blood on her fur, always aiming for a swift, clean kill. If her fur does get dirty Miya will head back to her den or a safe area to clean her fur, often abandoning the chase completely.
Miya even made brushes a combs out of bones, wood and dried grasses just to keep her fur clean and neat. Every morning she will spend about 2 hours after waking up just to tend to her fur, making sure there aren't any parasites or mud in her fur.
Miya always wants to look as good as possible, even for normal things like hunting prey.

Oh, and one thing you REALLY don't want to do is insult her fur condition, or even try to mess up her fur. She takes great pride in her fur and messing it up on purpose is like hitting her berserk button. You could say she goes into 'Harpy mode,' spewing insults to whoever insulted her and/or tries to mess up their hair, even if they are 100 feet tall, she will try her best to get revenge for her broken pride. This often amuses most predators so much that they forget about trying to eat her.
Miya loses all sense of danger and would even attack a pack of kensha beasts if she feels that they messed up her fur on purpose... And scarily succeed in defeating the pack whilst in berserk mode, whilst if she was in a normal state of mind she wouldn't stand a chance.

Miya refuses to wear clothes since they mess up her luxurious fur coat and because it feels unnatural for her to hide her body she states that her fur is already enough clothing. Miya is very stubborn and it is impossible to get her to wear clothes -- Even as a disguise she will refuse. They also hinder her flexibility, so she wouldn't be able to do her amazing leaps or fight properly with clothing on.

She is extremely independent and even if she needed help with something, she would stay quiet about it and try and do it herself, but if a friend offers to help she will, though seeming annoyed, agree to let them help her.
The reason for this is because she doesn't want to appear weak and vulnerable, which is the last thing she wants. Miya puts on a 'mask' metaphorically speaking since she acts really tough and independent on the outside, but on the inside she is a somewhat shy, yet playful kitten that only wants to make friends, but is too afraid of people to try.

It is very hard to befriend her, and next to impossible for a human to even try. But the golden rules are to be calm and offer her some food and try and talk with her whilst she is eating, just don't make any sudden movements or she'll just dash away in a blink of an eye.
You could also compliment her fur though humans have to be careful on how they compliment it, since she will start to think you will try and steal her fur.
Though once Miya considers someone a friend, she will become less weary of them and become slightly mischievous, getting more and more playful and talkative as they get to know her, even to the point where she'll let them pet her soft fur... But if someone she doesn't know touches her fur (barring children) she will scratch at them and hiss.
She has a soft spot for children, even human ones, and would never raise a claw to a child though she may act cold and annoyed at their antics. But in reality she loves it when children snuggle up in her fur and pull on her ears.

Miya's relation to the wildlife and place in the foodchain:

Upon arriving in Felarya through a mistake in a teleportation spell, Miya has been fighting for survival, using her illusion and mist magic to fool predators into, well, eating air as she escapes into the bush with her almost lightning speed.

Predation tier: A mix between Safe and Reluctant depending on how hungry she is, normally she likes to avoid humans but if there is no other options she will begin the hunt.

Food Category: 10 inches - 5.2 feet. Though she won't hesitate to steal some meat from a dead corpse, no matter the size.
Miya isn't very voracious, though she does admit to eating a tinie or two whilst they where still alive.
When hungry and too tired to hunt, Miya likes to follow the Nexocula whenever she spots them and tries to steal meat from the corpse before they swarm it, and if she gets ill from the meal, she just finds a Black Skin-Diver to cleanse the toxins from her body.
So far she hasn't risked hunting anything much bigger than herself, she has hunted a few Tinies for snacks, but apart from little snacks, the small things aren't worth eating in her eyes.

Miya doesn't just eat meat, she also eats the various berries, fruits, vegetables and roots that grow in Tolmeshal forest in order to have a balanced diet. Miya also occasionally steals berries from a Bugle Lizards stores, but not very often. The honking sounds often distracts her and makes her want to play with the overgrown lizards instead of stealing any food.
She loves to pester the Bugle Lizards due to the honking sounds they make amuses her, but she never bugs them for long since she knows the sound attracts predators.

Miya hates the magic draining/eating lifeforms, since they remove some of her keys to survival, her mist and illusion magic.

Miya is currently based in the Tolmeshal forest, where she dug a den to live in and give herself some peace from the giant predators that roam the land, it may seem like a simple mound of dirt covered in grass at first glance, but underneath the mound are complex tunnels that lead to somewhat furnished rooms. She decided to make furniture out of wood, grass and fur, weaving comfortable beds, chairs. And making carpets with the fur from a dead furred parrot that she found. She also made a table so she doesn't feel so much like an animal when eating.
(I shall make a map of it later on)

Occasionly she will visit the Misty Glade, using her mist magic to make a 'bubble' around herself when the mist is water, but is always alert for danger such as mist elves, mist fairies and other predators that live there, she mainly goes there to hone her magic since if she doesn't use it often, it will start to get weaker which is the last thing Miya wants.

Last edited by Mage of Mist on Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:02 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : If I missed anything important just tell me and I'll update it whenever I can! ^-^)
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2013 5:25 pm

Well, you've done your homework, miss. But first, lemmecheck a few details.

You mention stuff happening AFTER she became a kitsune in her backstory. I'mma ask, right now- does that mean she was something else before? Was it a normal girl, a watermelon, or a melanistic, otherwise mundane, definitely not monster girl version of Vulpes Vulpes?

After that, you mention she has a few psychic powers and is very skilled with a... dagger. Just so you know, skilled and handy are two different things. There's not a lot of skill to be gained with a dagger if you've avoided people all your life. Also, I'm going to assume her psychic powers include teleportation, given she wound up in Felarya with it... and that should preclude any need to become skilled with a dagger. Unless she has some sort of knife fetish, she shouldn't have ever cared for those.

Dunno about you, but far as I know, kitsunes can disguise themselves with illusions. No need to wear anything, and their hides usually do the trick for all their dressing needs.

I think you misplaced a paragraph from abilities in backstory + personality, Mist. Her ability to hypnotize people with her gaze is not such.

Besides, you have written half of her personality on how she fears humans, but if you become her friend you can pet her and she's cute and cuddly. Try telling us about more of what she's like, please. You know, something like 'fiercely independant', 'shy', 'proactive', 'lazy', 'active' or 'outgoing', something like that. Not how much she likes kids.

Now, you see... that to trap a glouteux in a pit, and then kill it, you're going to need a lot of pit. This ain't no burrow, this is at least a 30 foot wide, 30 foot long, over 40 foot deep hole so it doesn't hop out, and then a bit more so that the rock you throw can accellerate enough to hit its nonexistent brain. It's going to take aplenty work for a five foot two girl to dig that much, let alone pick up a rock of the right size. You might want to magic up some things in here, because if that weren't enough, glouteux rot like any other kind of meat- i.e. pretty fast, specially if they sit overnight. You might want to think up some other meals too- there are other animals that don't merit wiki mention. You can make up as many of them as you please, or pull them off wikipedia, like the duiker was.

Also, you mention none of her mist magic before the second half of her bio. And I'm curious as to what it does.

That's what I spotted that may need some reworking, ma'am. Here's to hoping my observations will be of any use.
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2013 7:45 pm

Wow, you put a LOT of thought into this one.
I like how she isn't a Sue, nor is she an overdone race or one that is... well, silly. Or one of those that's inevitably a Sue, Felarya has a lot of those. But I digress.
I too am baffled about all this "before / after she became a Kitsune" stuff. Was she a regular fox? A fox neko, differentiated from a Kitsune by lack of superpowers?

P.S. As long as I'm rambling here, pedantic mode ACTIVATE! Your pronunciation thingy is... well, useless. You literally just spelled out her name with a hyphen in it. Is it a short "i" sound, or a long "e" sound, and is the A a schwa, or is it meant to be enunciated, i.e. "Mee-yah"? Otherwise, while I could make some improvements here and there if I really wanted to, your spelling and grammar are pretty darn good, which in this day and age is commendable Wink
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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeWed Feb 06, 2013 1:23 am

I have to admit I was half-asleep when I did this, plus I have a bit of a cold so I am a bit foggy headed XD

Miya was a regular fox before becoming a Kitsune, and she became skilled with using a dagger as a weapon by training (Despite it not having much use,) plus she couldn't just rely on magic since mist magic uses up allot of energy for her since while it is her most powerful magical skill, it is also not her element.

Her mist magic allows her to do many things, such as amplify her illusions and she can 'see' through the mist to an extent, so the Misty Glade in all it's mistiness doesn't really bother her that much. She had the ability to control mist to a much lesser extent as a normal fox, but her powers doubled when she became a kitsune. She can also 'throw' mist into an attackers face to temporarily blind them if her hypnosis abilities don't work.

I didn't even notice I put the hypnosis in the personality + History until now, thankyou for pointing it out.

I will fix the profile, and I'm wondering what I was thinking of about hunting the glouteux scratch
I repeat, I wasn't thinking very logical then lol

I didn't draw it, but I found it here and Miya's name does have a short i sound, sorry for any confusion.

Thankyou for the help and the compliments! cheers
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeWed Feb 06, 2013 12:03 pm

The first thing I was about to say until I saw parameciumkid's comment was about the picture...

It seems like you've edited this a lot, and I never saw what the original looked like - but if it was anything like the faults stabs said you had then you did a very good job with the editing! It seems very solid now, and you don't concentrate on any one thing for too long.

I still wonder what world she came from and how she was turned into a kitsune, but the former isn't necessary and the latter happens usually through felarya dimensional silliness. I guess being turned into something else when arriving in felarya is somewhat of a romanticized tale. That gives me an idea for a fairy tale for the rumors thread...

You seem to have fears down, but what about things that she's NOT good at, or maybe some hobbies? Those can make a character seem more 'down-to-earth' if you will.

Since Kitsunes are completely under construction you have total freedom on how to form your bio. I tend to try and copy some of the bios on the wiki, but a lot of those only have two paragraphs and not all of them go into too much detail with the character...so the fact that you have a lot of details here already is good.

Though for the physical appearance part in most character bios you have like Name, Species, Age, Height, Skin/Fur color, Eye color, Predation, Food Category, followed by various other physically unique aspects a character might have, such as wings, tails, patterns, underbelly colors, etc. Which I don't think would be necessary at the moment.

Predation tier is how dangerous they are to humans: Safe, Unwilling, Reluctant, Opportunistic, Specialized, Highly Specialized
Food Catergory is basically the favorite size of the meal the character prefers. 3-10 ft, 2-8 inches, or maybe your character is totally vegetarian, and you'd put N/A.

Anyway, sorry if this dragged on too long for you - I think she's a fascinating character angel
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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeThu Feb 07, 2013 2:05 am

I updated the page.

Some of her most favorite hobbies has to be brushing her fur and pestering the Bungle Lizards, she also likes to come up with complex plans to capture prey.

Thankyou all for your advice Very Happy
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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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PostSubject: Eliana the Neera   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2013 4:43 pm

Name: Eliana

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Neera

The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters 20080414_642_mouse_girl
She is 4 inches tall.

Abilities + Skills: Eliana is very fast and agile, using her small size to hide away in cracks and small holes. Her large ears are very sensitive to sound, as in, she could hear a pin drop from a mile away. She can use her tail to balance herself when running across thin tree branches, she can also use her tail as a third arm.

Weapons: Whilst Eliana isn’t much of a fighter, she does carry a needle around to use as a weapon when in danger.

Personality: Eliana is very shy and timid around those she doesn’t know even the other neera. If she encounters a human sized creature or bigger, she will either run away at the first sight or sound, or just freeze up in terror.
If she runs away, you have no chance of befriending her. But if Eliana freezes up you could try talking to the little neera.

Once you gain Eliana’s trust, you will have a tiny friend for life. Even though she is small she will try and do her best to help friends in need, her small size even helping on occasions such as when fixing cars and other machines.

Her many hobbies are tending to flower gardens, often carrying water droplets to flowers and plants, or by dragging a leaf with water on to the plant she wants to grow. She also likes making clothes, often using flower dyes to colour the clothes she makes. Eliana also loves to collect shiny things, such as coins, jewels and bells.
Eliana also likes to explore and can be quite adventurous at times if she has friends with her.

Eliana is friends with a vegetarian neko called Selma, who gave Eliana her bell which used to be Selma’s tail accessory, but now it is Eliana’s favorite ‘necklace’. Selma is the only neko that she isn't afraid of.

Last edited by Mage of Mist on Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2013 6:44 pm

Well I have to say I don't like anthros in Felarya usually. But Miya is quite interesting! Not your typical anthro and very well thought out. I love her funny and curious personality. Her antics are hilarious. Her hypnotic eyes are my favorite feature. Those seem well thought out and placed strategically. Her personal history is a little odd. I can't seem to find one bad point or even p0lace where you can improve really. This is a very good character! O.O In fact I found one: You made too darn good of a character! XD I liek to criticize!! sobsob
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeMon Feb 11, 2013 9:02 am

It's nice that you're making characters, but are you planning on using these in stories, or RPs, or anything else?
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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 5:25 pm

Yes, I am. I am using them in RP's and I am currently wringing a story about Miya and Eliana's little adventures XD
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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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PostSubject: Nayoko Erizawa The 9 Tailed Red Fox Kitsune   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 3:51 am

Name: Nayoko

Last Name: Erizawa

Age: 800 years old

Gender: Female (Bisexual)

Species: 9 Tailed Red Fox Kitsune

Appearance: Spoilered because of nudity
Her natural size is 5.4 feet.

Abilities + Skills: Nayoko can see in low light perfectly, has an amazing sense of smell and sound, Nayoko is very powerful in using illusion magic. She can summon fox-fire without breaking a sweat and can even change it's temperature from volcano hot to arctic cold. Nayoko can hide her ears, tails and even change her scent to blend in with humans, always appearing with a very pretty looking cherry blossom or peach themed kimono on.
Nayuko's illusions are very strong, even stronger than Miya's, since she can perfectly mimic something, from a giant punch to the coziness of a bed, while Miya's illusions aren't even psychical. Nayuko is very skilled at using various types of magic, though her real skill has to be healing magic. Her tails are full of healing energy and rumored to be able to revive the dead (Though not proven.)

Her entire mansion is a permanent illusion.

Personality: Nayoko bests Miya in many ways, unlike Miya, Nayuko doesn't like to boast about her powers. Nayuko prefers to just wonder around and listen to the (often exaggerated) stories from adventurers in Negrav. Nayuko's past is a mystery and because of her cheerful, carefree nature, many people assume she is a bit of an air-head, but in reality Nayuko is a very wise, knowing allot about magic and the various locations and dangers of felarya.

Nayuko has the ability to return to her home dimension, but refuses to. She likes felarya because of it's beauty, mystery and the faeries. Nayuko has... A rather strange diet, she LOVES fairy wings and is a very effective fairy hunter, using her tails that are hidden to snatch faeries and remove their wings, though she doesn't abandon them there whilst defenseless and always teleports the fairies to the Fairy Kingdom or if she is fond of the fairy, she'll possibly keep it as a pet for a while before releasing him/her.

Nayoko likes to explore almost as much as she likes relaxing in hotsprings and listening to stories, whilst she hides away in her human illusion when in Negrav, when exploring she doesn't hide her ears, tails or scent. Nayuko loves to mess with predators, using her illusions to, well, either make them laugh or scare them, it depends on her mood and what the predator has done.

She made her home in Chidokai forest and her home is a Japanese themed mansion and both clashes and somehow fits in with the forest. Nayoko is almost always relaxed and it takes allot to anger her, even when dangling over a predators mouth she'll just grin and compliment the pred's teeth, which confuses the predators most of the time or just makes them hesitate for long enough for her to recite a teleportation spell.

Nayoko likes both men and women and likes to playfully flirt with them, mainly just to see their reaction and embarrass them, though she would never get serious with them and states that if they actually start liking her romantically... Most Negravians freak out when they realize her true identity anyways... Much to Nayoko's dismay.
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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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PostSubject: Forsythia Whitewing   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 11:00 pm

(Warning, kind of an OP character, plus a triple crossover XD)

Name: Forsythia

Last Name: Whitewing

Nickname: Sythia, Forsha, Overseer of the Ancients, Empress of Flame.

Age: She doesn't tell

Gender: Female

Species: Lunastra/Succubus

Appearance: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Yvk2f10
A NSFW version

Her true form:
The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Lunastra
The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Lunast10

In humanoid form she is 7 foot tall

Abilities and Skills:
Quote :
Lunastra, and their male version Teostra, are unique monsters because they actually use their Flame Sac to produce a fire breathing effect, rather than just a beam or a fireball. The Lunastra can produce a highly flammable powder and, by using its wings, spread it across the air. It then gnashes its teeth to create a spark, which then causes the powder around itself to ignite and explode. The explosions have random range; they can be either close, reasonably far away or very far away from where she's standing. If the sparks are red, then the explosions will be close, but if the sparks are yellow, then the explosions will be distant.

Lunastra, as a fire dragon, naturally have expert control over fire. She uses this ability when hunting to ensure quick and devastating kills. Despite her large size, she is quick on foot and can easily chase down fast moving prey. Lunastra can also generate a fire aura around their bodies from their horns, which helps prevent brazen monsters like Tigrex from dealing serious damage to them. These adaptions enable Lunastra to become a formidable apex predator wherever she is.
Her attacks

Forsythia can change into her true dragon form temporally, and all her powers are increased dramatically, but when she reverts into her humanoid form she is incredibly weak for a while as her body recharges.
She doesn’t have the ability to eat spirit energy like most monstergirls, but she does have the ability to seduce men and women alike.

Personality: Forsythia is a very prideful dragoness who loves it when people admire her beautiful, yet powerful body and is known to release her prey if they compliment her body and say how beautiful it is enough.
Forsythia loves to hunt though, and if hungry enough she won’t let the tiny go and will just eat him/her right after catching them, not letting them have a chance to try and escape or even compliment her.

Forsythia has a huge curiosity and has the habit of swooping down from the sky and picking up new things if they are small enough (Eg. Human sized and smaller) to examine them closer, sometimes tearing off their clothes if they are wearing any that is, this often makes sentient beings feel violated by her, despite her meaning no harm.

She is an instinctual fear over humans and humanoid beings with swords, but gets very aggressive and defensive about it when asked “Wouldn’t you be at least a little nervous if she weirdo pointed a sword at you!? Idiot!”

Forsythia is a traveller, hardly ever staying on one area for too long, due to feeling uneasy about the hunters, slayers and preds that are in the area, due to her travels, she is very wise of the life and plants in various areas and also loves to collect shiny and valuable objects in Felarya, no one knows where she stores her valuables except herself.
Once Forsythia casts someone as a friend, she will become allot more nicer and sometimes a little too friendly, loving to hold friends close to herself in a loving embrace, and if she comes across them when flying; she’ll swoop down and lift them up, possibly giving them the fright of their lives if it was their first time and air-cuddle them, occasionally teasing them before putting them back down.

History: Forsythia was once an incredibly strong, aggressive Lunastra, leaving devastation in her wake, but then a powerful mage cursed Forsythia’s body, merging it with demonic energy from another dimension to make her a monstergirl and succeeded, only to fall prey to the beast’s lust for both pleasure and bloodshed.

After about 50 years of raping and killing people, her lust was sated and she became somewhat docile, only attacking if attacked by ‘dragon slayers’ and having gained control of her lust for pleasure and learnt to hold back, to prevent hurting more people. The monstergirl side had beaten her dragon side to an extent. But she was still feared in the realm she ravaged and ravished, so she teleported to a new dimension with a teleportation gem to start a new life, only to be teleported to the realm of Felarya, she tried to teleport away, but the gem had run out of energy and stranded her there…

Forsythia used her powers to defend herself, but after a while she got curious what it felt like to eat prey whole, alive and uncooked after watching the predators and caught and ate a neera, and at first her gag-reflex tried to remove the neera, but Forsythia’s dragon side won over and made her swallow, and she loved it, she feeling of the neera sliding down her throat and the tiny screams from her stomach as she digested her prey really made her wonder why she never did this as a dragon before. Now Forsythia terrorizes tinie villages like she used to with human ones, except now she eats them whole and alive.[img][/img]

Last edited by Mage of Mist on Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:45 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : The picture didn't show up so I had to put a link in)
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 9:00 am

There's no image...
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Mage of Mist
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2013 5:19 am

I fixed it, Some reason the image wouldn't show up so I put up a link ^-^
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Mage of Mist
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PostSubject: Hazel the Naga   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeSun Feb 24, 2013 11:21 am

Name: Hazel

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Giant Naga

Appearance: She looks like this The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Tumblr_m5vc5dAbCo1rvvidco1_500
Except her tail has this pattern
The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters 2039one-med
100 foot by head to ground.
200 foot head to tail.

Abilities and Skills: Hazel is a constrictor, and thus has a very strong tail capable of crushing bones if she wanted. She can dislocate her jaw to swallow large prey roughly around her own size. She can suddenly let out a burst of speed for when she strikes at her prey, first by tensing up her muscles and then releasing all the energy that had built up. She was given the ability to breed with neko's and the ability shoot electricity from her mouth by Sadora.

Personality: Hazel is a really sweet and kind naga who has a rather weak heart despite her size, getting easily scared or embarrassed. She loves to make friends and it takes ALLOT of make her consider you an enemy, the closest thing to an enemy happens to be a frenemy, where she might try and eat you, but will try to avoid it. Hazel is a good friend to have, due to the fact she doesn't like eating people, and would never harm a friend, or friends of the said friend.
Hazel only eats giants, mostly because it means she won't have to hunt often and won't have to hurt as many people.

Hazel can be quite brutal when she catches prey, her calmness and gentleness vanishing as she wraps around her giant prey and proceeds to squeeze them tightly, making it so they can't breathe and once she is sure her prey is dead, she'll dislocate her jaw and start to eat them... After she is finished, she reverts back into the sweet, loverbal naga that many people love... She feels bad for eating them, but she knows that she needs to eat.

Hazel did consider becoming a vegetarian quite a few times, but her time with Constance and Conrad kind of made her give up... Not wanting to become a so called 'grass muncher' as Constance called them. Hazel was heartbroken when Constance died, as she considered Constance her master, though now she is with Conrad.

As noted above, Hazel loves making friends and would do anything to stay friends with them and she loves to cuddle them... In reality this is a dulled instinct to constrict her prey, but would never tell her friends this and tells them that her mother used to cuddle her like that. She hates it when people are afraid of her and gets really upset, and if she gets attacked she'll most likely slither away as fast as she can, but if she is cornered she WILL defend herself... She may feel bad afterwards and she may blame herself despite the fact she was the victim.

Many people think she is 'lazy' due to the fact she spends allot of time sleeping, but she is just either saving up energy for the next hunt, or digesting her meal. She loves to be patted and cuddled by people, and has a strange quirk that the end of her tail will start thumping against the ground, this also happens when she is really happy.

Last edited by Mage of Mist on Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Celhy M'rora The Kluu'on   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 11:10 am

Celhy M'rora The Kluu'on

First Name: Celhy

Last Name: M'rora

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Kluu'on

Appearance: She has a humanoid body shape except having paws instead of feet and for her large, fennec fox ears, cat like face and long, bushy cat tail, large, luminescent green cat eyes and her body is covered in light orange/brown fur that had darker orange/brown stripes down her body, like that of a tiger. She has a cream underbelly that comes to a stop just above her cute, light pink cat nose, she has dark orange, almost black tips to her ears, with white tufts of fur coming out of her ears. Just below her kneecap her fur starts going brighter in color, going fully white by her ankle down to her foot-paws.
The fur on her body is short and smooth except for her tail fur that is long and bushy.

Height: 4.5 foot tall

Tail length: 3.9 foot long

Breast size: Medium C cup

Abilities + Skills: Celhy can see in very low light, has amazing hearing, is incredibly fast and agile, capable of jumping 15 feet without breaking a sweat. Celhy has the ability to heal others, but it has a side effect of sending the wounds from the person being healed to Celhy herself, though the wounds do vanish after a few minutes but it does put her off healing severe injuries as she could die from those too. As she is healing someone, there is a rare chance she could see a memory of that persons past. Her fur is waterproof, like the feathers of a duck, the oils in her fur making is very soft to touch.
She has sharp, cat like claws that she uses in catching prey, either taking down large prey or just in catching fish.

Personality: Celhy's personality can range from between civilized and animistic, depending on how she feels and who she is with. Whilst she can talk English, Celhy prefers to talk in mews and purrs and if angry, growls and hisses when communicating with others of her kind or with animals, but will talk English when around humans and other beings that communicate in her language.
Celhy is incredibley curious and can be quite reckless at times, once jumping in-front of a pack of kensha and yelling "WHAT ARE YOU!?" to them and getting chased out of their territory. She has raided a few dungeons, out of curiosity, but has never taken anything, not even a mere gold coin, she is just in it for the adventure and exploring.

Celhy M'rora loves to swim, catching fish for her lunch, she normally eats them raw, but does eat cooked ones if she is with friends... It should be noted that she has allot more table manners when around other sentient beings.
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Mage of Mist
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PostSubject: Clarissa Fumiko Starbeck And Soul   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 3:51 pm

Name: Clarissa

Middle Name: Fumiko

Last Name: Starbeck

Full Name: Clarissa Fumiko Starbeck

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human (Though in the dimension she came from, her kind was referred as magicians or just magi instead of human)

The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Cute-anime-girl-little

Abilities and Skills: Clarissa's most interesting ability has to be the fact that her soul is not in her body, but it is a rabbit/puppy-like creature she calls Soul, this is very common with magicians in her family line. Clarissa needs to take very good care of Soul because if Soul dies, she'll die too, and most of her magical energy is stored within Soul. Clarissa knows allot of powerful magic spells, both defensive and offensive, her magic being enhanced when she is in contact with Soul. Because Clarissa mainly focus' on magic, she isn't physically strong and to those who are immune to magic, she is mostly harmless.
Clarissa and Soul both can use very powerful healing magic, plus Clarissa knows allot about first-aid.
Clarissa has the ability the talk with other people through telepathy, and even show people things she has seen through it, with the cost of more magical energy and possibly giving herself a headache.

Personality: Clarissa is a gentle yet strong being, incorruptible and pure like the driven snow, and is very intelligent, knowing allot about the many realms and worlds, and despite how delicate she looks, she is very hardy and knows very well how to live in the wilderness. She is devoted and loyal, never treacherous or scheming and Clarissa's manners are never less than impeccable, and her good will and charity are a beacon to those lucky enough to be around her.
Clarissa possess the strength of mind to not panic in almost any situation, and the willpower to never give in to any vile demands.

Clarissa is very protective over Soul, not just because Soul is her soul, but also because Soul is like a daughter to her and you DO NOT want to try and hurt/eat Soul, because Clarissa will most likely severely injure you... She hates to kill people, but she kind of goes in a berserk mode if she senses/sees her 'daughter' being hurt.
Clarissa loves to read books to Soul, mainly ones about magic, documentaries about extinct animals and books about spunky young adventurers.
Some of Clarissa's interests include tea, romance novels, bird-watching, and tomes of obscure knowledge, she also likes to try and translate books she finds that aren't in English.
Clarissa tends to wander around with her head in a book, and is ready to spout out facts when asked about something.


Name: Soul

Last name: Starbeck

Age: 20, but mentally 5 years old.

Species: Soul/Familiar

Gender: Female

The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Cute_wiz1
The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters 1270324134_5366_full

Abilities: Soul has an aura that she can use to make other people feel cheerful and happy, she can use powerful healing magic. Soul can only communicate with telepathy, since she can only mate adorable 'Kyu' sounds with her mouth. Soul is filled with magical energy that Clarissa and any other being capable with magic can access through being near Soul or being in contact with Soul. Soul is linked to Clarissa and if Clarissa dies, Soul would die along with her. Soul can shape-shift, either becoming a pair of angel-like wings for Clarissa to fly with or even becoming Clarissa herself.

Personality: Soul is affectionate, loyal, and energetic often acting childish and is oblivious to danger; therefore Clarissa has to take extra care to keep Soul safe. Soul has a very joyful nature. As a result, She likes to share her joy with those who take care of her and protect her from harm. She is also very friendly towards other people, particularly ones who are small and young. Soul loves her 'mummy' and rarely ever leaves Clarissa's side unless something catches her attention, such as a butterfly.
She loves it when Clarissa reads her stories and will often pester Clarissa to read her a story.

Because of Soul's innocence, curiosity and obliviousness to danger, she would happily hop in front of a giant predator to try and make friends with them, without a single ounce of fear.

They both ended up in Felaya when Clarissa teleported there by accident, and was both fascinated and horrified with how the world worked, Clarissa decided to stay for a while in Safe harbor, so she can learn and record information on the strange lifeforms and plants that live in Felaya, sometimes taking her studies on field, exploring forests and dungeons to discover what lives and grows there. She has considered exploring the tundra and the frost peak, but is a little nervous about the amount of danger in those places.
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 11:10 pm

I know that's supposed to be from some other anime, but all I see is KYUBEY! KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE! DO EET NAOUGHW!!!1!!!
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 9:35 am

You know something like Kyubey would had fitted Felarya quite well, a sidekick familiar that is actually dangerous XD

Anyway I am sure Soul as an familiar type character would be interesting, even if she seems rather typical. I do worry how such an innocent creature would fare in the dangerous world of Felarya though
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 2:16 pm

I gave Clarissa a quick look over. First, stating her first, middle, and last names, and then her full name after that is totally redundant. Shame on you. Second, she doesn't seem to have any negative personality traits. I'm not sure, but as she looks now she might be considered a mary sue.

You also say that Soul rarely leaves Clarissa's side, yet at the same time paint her as hyperactive child ready to be distracted by the smallest of things at a moment's notice (ie your own example, a butterfly). Those two things contradict eachother. As it stands, I think they have the potential to be very fun and interesting, if a little overly adorable, characters, but they still need a bit of work.
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PostSubject: Re: The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 12:25 pm

I love both Clarissa and Soul XD they are adorable! Nyaha is right though. Negative personality traits help to make a character more realistic. You don't have to make her a monster or anything just little things. I put in Tam's bio that she doesn't react when her giant friend's eat people as she's gotten strangely used to it. That little detail is slightly disturbing but makes Tam a little bit more realistic in others eyes. So think on something that would be negative for Clariss.

Oh and this is piece of advice: Having only healing magic in Felarya is basically limiting you character too much. Add some defensive spells at least! Though having offensive balanced magic helps too. ^_^; Felarya wasn't designed as a combat crazed but often in RPs it happens. If you don't want to hav ehr have those "spells" then maybe some artifacts that use offensive power? Just suggesting.
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Mage of Mist
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PostSubject: Opal the Mew   The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Apr 09, 2013 8:48 pm

Name: Opal

Race: Mew

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

True form:
The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters 4153383956a10793493960l

Neko form:
The Mage Of Mist's Cove of Characters Mewgij10

Abilities: Opal's main abilities include turning invisible at will, though this consumes allot of power and she can only use it for roughly 8 minutes. She can create force-fields and psychic energy, Opal also has the capability of using any type of telekinetic ability. She has the ability to float in mid-air and Opal can breathe underwater as well.
Opal has a unique ability that allows her to copy and replicate the genetic code of a person or creature she touched, allowing her to transform into the said person or animal and gain their abilities, but she retains the inability to speak and she has to learn how to control these new abilities, also it should be noted that she also gets the forms weakness'.
Opal can't turn into a giant however, instead she becomes a human-sized version of the giant she is trying to transform into, though she has no problems changing into a tiny.

Personality: Opal is very curious, happy, playful and optimistic, loving to mess around and go swimming, She is very childish and wants everybody she likes to play with her and often takes the form of one of her friends when playing.
Opal loves listening to soothing music, especially from music boxes and will try to stay as close to the music as possible and will possibly fall asleep listening to the lullaby.
Another thing Opal loves to do is eat various fruits and berries, liking spicey and sweet foods the most.
Opal was facinated by the neko's in Felarya and made herself into a neko-mew, this is one of the rare instances when she does alter the DNA contained within herself. She loves to try and make friends, and despite all the powers that are contained within her, she is harmless, if not a little annoying at times.

Opal hates to fight, often trying to teleport away, turn invisible or just fly/run away in order to escape, though if she is grabbed by the attacker she will try to defend herself, but she is horrible at fighting and is more of a danger to herself than she is to the attacker, since she is used to using her powers for harmless pranks and in games and she would never want to hurt anyone and the most she would do to someone is weaken them or make them faint.
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