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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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Chicken-Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Chicken-Harpy   Chicken-Harpy Icon_minitimeTue Apr 09, 2013 10:06 pm

Race: Chicken-Harpy

Genders: Exclusively Female

Origin: Offworlder settlers

Hair: Instead of hair, a chicken-harpy will have long, downy feathers growing from her head. Most often the feathers are common human hair colours like brown, blonde, ginger, e.t.c, but can also be white, scarlet red, or even golden-orange depending on the chicken-harpy’s subspecies.

Skin: A chicken-harpy’s skin is similar to a human’s in most respects, though aside from her face and the front portion of her torso, a chicken-harpy’s body will be entirely covered with feathers.

Facial Features: Chicken-harpies have very humanoid faces, but chicken-harpies have larger, more ’round’ eyes that give them a slightly alien appearance but aid them in locating food and nesting material from high branches. Chicken-harpies have various eye colours, though the most common colours are shades of blues, greens and browns.

Build: The body structure of a chicken-harpy is geared towards lean muscle and minimizing weight in order to better maintain their speed, agility and ability to glide. Their bones are hollow, to minimize weight, and the materials they’re made from makes them nearly as strong as a human’s. Most chicken-harpies have very small breasts and only very rarely reach a C or D cup. The breast tissue being unnecessary since they do not need to lactate for their children, though if they have a demon's child, they will seek out and eat special plants that induce lactation almost by instinct. A chicken-harpies hips are one attribute that they have in excess. Since they lay large eggs, their hips are very wide to allow the egg to pass more easily.
All chicken-harpies are human sized, normally only grow to 5 feet, though some are a little taller or shorter.

Wings: Chicken-harpies have wings in place of arms, whilst incapable of flight, they give the chicken-harpy balance when running and grants them the ability to glide and slow down falls. They also give the chicken-harpy a boost when jumping with their powerful legs.

Legs: Chicken-harpies have thick, powerful thighs – a useful attribute for escaping predators and in capturing mates. Their talons are tipped with razor-sharp claws that should be avoided at all costs. Because of this, it is not wise to anger a chicken-harpy.

Reproduction: The chicken-harpies reproductive systems can take almost any variety of sperm and use it to lay an egg of their own race. Unfortunately, they cannot convert demonic sperm into another chicken-harpy, and in the rare instances where one of those species can make a chicken-harpy to copulate (Either willingly or by force,) the chicken-harpy will inevitably have to birth demons. For this reason chicken-harpies normally avoid demons at all cost, though not all chicken-harpies are aware of this.

When a chicken-harpy hatches, they have yellow, downy fluff instead of feathers, sometimes with small highlights in their hair that shows their colouration when they are older and have baby-blue or turquoise eyes that either changes colour as they get older, or stays the same all their lives. It should be noted that a chicken-harpy can pretty much walk and run once they find their balance after hatching, though they rather clumsy at the young age and tend to stumble and fall allot when it comes to running.

Mentality: A Chicken-harpies personality is as varied as humans, though most are very timid, shy, quiet and mild-mannered, hardly ever muttering a swear word. Many people think chicken-harpies are 'dumb birds' but in reality they are very intelligent, since in both where the chicken-harpy originates and Felarya, if you don't think and move quick you are likely to be gobbled up by some kind of predator. Most chicken-harpies are incapable of learning magic, unless they have an artifact that grants them magic powers.
Instead of saying birthday, a chicken harpy would call their time of birth their hatch-day. They also refer the children of their race as chicks.

Predation level: Chicken-harpies are mostly safe to be around, but it isn't unheard of for a chicken-harpy to eat tinies, such as the Ariformids by mistaking them as weird-looking bugs. Chicken-harpies are one of the very few sentient predators that like the Ariformids' taste, even if they aren't very filling.



'Common' Chicken-Harpy: The name of average chicken-harpies without any truley unique features. It is very rare, but it is possible for a common chicken-harpy to hatch a Queen instead of another common. The hatch-day of a Queen is highly celebrated in chicken-harpy culture.

Queen: This is a rather rare variant of chicken-harpy that has long, flowing tails and a metallic-looking golden or silver pigmentation on their feathers, they are naturally extremely beautiful and it is said that their beauty rivals that of a succubus. They are normally very level-headed, calm, elegant and regal, preferring diplomacy over fighting or running. Queen chicken-harpies are often looked up upon by other chicken-harpies for their beauty and wisdom.
A Queen chicken-harpy is one of the few sub-species of chicken harpy that can learn magic, even if it takes her hundreds to thousands of years to learn. Also it should be noted that Queen chicken-harpies have a very potent fertility, being able to produce numerous children in their lives. Though most, if not all, of a Queen chicken-harpies children will be common chicken-harpies and egg-hens. So far there has not been any sign of a 'Scarlet Queen.'

Egg-Hens: A sub specie of chicken-harpy also known as 'brooders.' They normally have white plumage, but can have other colours too. They have a tuft of red downy-feather hair on the top of their heads. egg-hens are normally gentle, timid and shy, but they have a big heart and if they find eggs or children that has been abandoned or lost their parents, she will take them under her wing to raise them herself. Whilst they are gentle and shy, if an egg-hen spots someone hurting their children... Oh boy, she will go into rage and won't stop chasing and attacking the person who harmed her children until the person leaves her territory, or... Well, when the person is dead.
They are called Egg-hens because out of all the chicken-harpies, these lay the most nutritious eggs. They lay unfertilized eggs for 3 to 7 months, and then go 'dry' for 2 months and the cycle repeats. Because of all the eggs she lays, she will need to eat allot of calcium and eats chalky-rocks and bones she finds to make up for the loss. If she has enough calcium, it is possible for an egg-hen to lay an egg every day for her life, though may skip a few days.

Scarlet Chicken-Harpy: There are some chicken-harpies that adapted to life in the jungle of perils, having adapted a scarlet pigmentation on their feathers and a slightly red tint to their skin. They are a lot, and I mean A LOT more aggressive than a normal chicken-harpy, and aren't afraid to speak their mind and talk allot like a Felaryan harpy, with a lot of swears and almost never run from a fight. They aren't at all mean however, if you manage to get on their good side you will have a friend for life. There are rumors floating around about some Scarlet Chicken-Harpies having regained the ability to fly, but this has not been proven.

Predation level: Scarlets are rather high on the predation level to tinies, being mostly optimistic hunters. Some are even a threat to human sized beings, possessing sharper teeth than the other chicken-harpy subspecies and are not afraid to use their razor-sharp claws.

Crested Chicken-Harpy: These are chicken harpies adorned with large crests on their heads that look allot like an Afro, but made of downy feathers. They come in various colours and are mostly docile, yet also easily spooked. Some of the colours they come in are White Crested Black, White Crested Blue (The only difference between black and blue is that the blue has a blue/green/purple sheen on their feathers), Silver Laced and Golden Laced (Has silver/gold feathers with black edges) and just plain white.
Unlike other chicken harpy races, the chicks are hatched with a puffy pom-pom on their heads (That later become their crests) and are their adult colouration, though maybe a few shades brighter or tinted yellow.

NEW: Bantam: These are one of the smallest breeds of chicken-harpy, normally only reaching 3 feet, and are due to their light weight and relatively large wings, they can fly but are rather clumsy in flight. The most common plumage for them is the partridge pattern, but there are dozens of colors including: Gold Partridge (black-red), Silver Partridge (silver duckwing), Yellow Partridge (yellow duckwing), Red Shouldered White (Pyle), Black and many more. All varieties should have slate blue legs, apart from certain varieties.
They have a friendly and docile temperament, but are somewhat flighty. Bantam-harpies make good mothers and will easily go broody.
They can produce 160 cream or white eggs in a year if they have enough calcuim in their diet, though the size of the eggs are much smaller than the Egg-hen's eggs, due to their dimunitive size.
(The bantam is based on the Dutch Bantam)

NEW: Cochin: The Cochin is a somewhat chubby and rather tall tall, fluffy feathered chicken-harpy with fully feathered legs and feet. Their very fluffy cushion and short, fluffy tail give them a unique look. The skin beneath the leg feathers is yellow. They can grow up to 6 or 7 foot, and colour varieties include buff, black, partridge, blue, silver laced, splash, golden laced, and white. Cochins also come in a variety called frizzled, in which the feathers are turned outward. Cochins are well known for their good mothering skills, and tend to be foster mothers for other races and even animals. They can lay many eggs, but usually not for extended periods of time since they are seasonal layers. Cochins are normally quiet and calm personality wise, like that of a queen chicken harpy.


My Chicken-Harpies:
• Zinnia the Egg-Hen
• Carina the Queen Chicken-Harpy

Last edited by Mage of Mist on Fri May 17, 2013 12:51 pm; edited 9 times in total (Reason for editing : Added a new sub-specie)
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Chicken-Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chicken-Harpy   Chicken-Harpy Icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2013 12:23 pm

You do a nice job on the description of what they look like, and "mentality" is nice too...but maybe you could elaborate on that a bit, and maybe talk about their hunting habits as well.
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Chicken-Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chicken-Harpy   Chicken-Harpy Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 11:13 am

I'm going to admit: when I read the thread title I thought this'd be a bit of a jokey species, but you've actually thought it through really well! I like their distinctive build and appearance, and how their life cycle reflects that of the species they're based on Smile I would echo Bael's sentiment in that they could do with a section on their feeding habits, but otherwise this seems good! Very Happy
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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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Chicken-Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chicken-Harpy   Chicken-Harpy Icon_minitimeMon Apr 15, 2013 11:05 am

I have posted the predation levels, also gave Ariformids a new danger in the jungles of Felarya. XD
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Chicken-Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chicken-Harpy   Chicken-Harpy Icon_minitimeMon Apr 15, 2013 1:08 pm

Wow, a lot more seriously written than I first thought it might be, I mean other than the Duck harpy, this is one that could easily be bird to set up to be a joke race.
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Mage of Mist
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Mage of Mist

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Chicken-Harpy Empty
PostSubject: New sub-specie   Chicken-Harpy Icon_minitimeMon May 13, 2013 12:45 pm

I made a new sub-specie of chicken harpy
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PostSubject: Re: Chicken-Harpy   Chicken-Harpy Icon_minitime

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