Well, I kinda missed a lot of things when I leapt headfirst into the roleplay section of this forum, so I'll just try to compile my various character ideas here.
Jenna the Tomthumb Chemist - currently in 'A Grande Adventure'
Name: Jenna
Race: Tomthumb
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Height: Roughly two and a half inches tall.
Skin: Tan
Hair: Dark brown, tied back into a short ponytail.
Eyes: Chestnut brown
Jenna stands at a mere two and a half inches tall, and yet stands with some confidence. Here tiny frame is clothed in forest-camo slacks, a tank-top, and mud-smeared combat boots from her days of field research. It's certainly come in handy in surviving on Felarya, and compliments her lithe, lightly-muscled frame. She also wears a small backpack, similarly camouflaged, which holds her equipment for diagnosing chemical ingredients and making potions - not to mention holding several said potions of various types and sizes. A few potions of her anti-acid hang from her waist, ready for use at a moment's notice.
Jenna grew up on a mid-high tech colony in a universe far from Felarya. The thing was the planet she lived on was scaled down to her people's size - so growing up she didn't know she was on the bottom of the food chain. So, without fear of predators, she began to gain an excellent grasp of science - chemistry in particular. However, her need for discovery could not be contained in a laboratory, so she spent most of her time on the frontier discovering new ingredients.
Unfortunately, on one of these little field trips she was accompanied by a bunch of theoretical physicists and quantum physicists who were hoping to test some of their new toys away from major population centers. In the dead of night, these scientists accidentally tore a hole in space and time, which proceeded to consume the scientists, their camp, and Jenna just after she grabbed her equipment.
When Jenna awoke, she found herself in the Chidokai forest, during a brief period of dryness. Wondering where she was and how trees could get so huge, she was soon found by scouts from a nearby Neera village. Bringing her back to their village, they showed her hospitality and explained to her just where she was. At the mention of most lives ending in pools of acid, Jenna was hit by an idea, and immediately got to work.
In a matter of days, she had collected a wealth of alchemical ingredients which the Neera tribe had collected for her, and over the next few weeks began to work on creating a potion that would save the lives of scores of tinies in the years to come - an anti-acid potion. After innumerable colorful explosions and acid spills, Jenna achieved her goal. She was soon put hard to work making more of the potions, as the Neera scouts began taking them with them into the field.
It turned out her discovery was made just in time, as several of the Neeras returned, most drenched in saliva, with news of a party of traveling Nekos - and more importantly, the new potions worked like a charm. With her job done, Jenna made sure the Neeras had an ample supply of the elixirs and knew how to make more before packing her bags and leaving the village. Since then, she has traveled across Felarya, searching for tiny settlements where she can set up shop and give them her life-saving potions.
NOTE: The latest post in a Grande Adventure (page 45) shows how the anti-acid potions work. I'll edit how they work into here later, if ever XP
Grenda the Jotun Scavenger/Adventurer
Name: Kvasha (KIV-asha)
Race: Jotun
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: Barely 70 ft
Skin Color: Rather white, though with a slight tan.
Fur Color: Brown
Hair: Curly and flaming orange.
Eye Color: Blue
Tusks: Small, discreet. More like large teeth than anything.
Predation: While Kvasha typically feeds on non-sentient wildlife, elves are fair game if she's hungry, and if there's nothing else she'll go for humans and maybe nekos.
Food Category: ~6 ft, prefers animals and elves.
Kvasha is a young Jotun, only standing at 70 feet. Her flaming orange hair streams back behind her head in long curls, kept out of her face by a simple leather headband. A blue hand print covers the right side of her face, the fingers spread toward her slightly pointed ears. Her 'tusks' are more like extra large lower incisors, and barely stick out of her mouth when it's closed, giving her a rather human look, though she's got a full tail going. Her large blue eyes give her a rather innocent look, as do her 18 years.
Despite being young, however, Kvasha is well-equipped. This is mostly due to her older sister, the blacksmith Natasha, and Kvasha's own scavenging skills. However, due to the temporate climates she usually travels in, Kvasha typically keeps her clothing light. Used to the cold of Elifga Valley, Kvasha only wears leather shorts and a bra. However, she has some armor plates attached to these, hammered into shape by her sister from armored vehicle hulls that she scavenged. For now, there are only a couple that cover the front and back of her midriff, as well as her sides slightly. They are easily detachable and washable, and because they're linked loosely they don't warm Kvasha as much as a full suit of plate armor would. They are also fairly flexible.
Kvasha also carries two giant hatchets, apparently made from a variety of armored vehicle hulls and are always sharp, that typically hang from her sides. Other than those, she has a couple pouches attached to her shorts for loot and good-sized boulders for throwing, and a small backpack with a few scaled up necessities - including some small, padded cells for 'roadside snacks'.
Kvasha is, in a single sentence, a naive adventurer in search of glory. All her life she has heard of grand and breathtaking tales of the adventures the Jotun people's mightiest heroes (or rather, heroines). She's always been excited to go outside and explore, and has always been up for a good fight, drink, or meal. She's constantly dreaming of becoming a great heroine in the future and to have her stories passed down for centuries in Jotunsberg, and is always willing to help her sister Natasha. She's also very fond of quests and parties of adventurers, and if she (metaphorically) stumbles upon some, she'll typically question their purposes before eating them/letting them go.
An important note about Kvasha, though, is that she is afraid of mages and magic in general. While she's too proud to admit it, when magic fire sprouts up, she'll be quaking on the inside. However, she knows from experience that mages aren't digestion-proof...
Hunting Habits:
Kvasha, being young, large, strong, well-armed and armored, typically takes a very straightforward approach to catching food. That is, if it's small enough/not sentient, she chases it down and swallows it/hacks it to bits and cooks it the old fashion way. While she greatly prefers the latter fashion of collecting food, giant non-sentient creatures aren't as common as Kvasha would like, and so often she has to turn to smaller sources of food. However, if she manages to catch some elves, or other members of smaller races that she sees as mean, dishonorable, or somehow make themselves look delicious, she'll typically keep them in the little holding cells in her backpack until she thinks it's a good time for a snack.
Kvasha was born in Jotunsberg and lived with her older sister Natasha as she grew up. Since Natasha was more or less completely enveloped in her studies of blacksmithing, learning from a tribe of humans that had become friends with the Jotuns, the two sisters never got very close growing up. This led to Kvasha turning to the stories that sages and travelers would tell, providing her with all her current role models. Thus, she became rather impatient to strike out on her own, into the wilderness.
However, Natasha finally freed herself from her studies, confident in her smithing abilities, and managed to reel a very young Kvasha in before she got herself killed. After trying to convince to take a different path in life, Natasha finally realized she could put Kvasha to good use - Natasha needed lot's of metal to make anything, and the world of Felarya was bound to be littered with wrecked metallic structures. So, she managed to arm and armor Kvasha with what little she had managed to barter, and sent her out into the world to get more resources.
For the past year Kvasha has been wandering Felarya, periodically returning to Natasha to turn in more metal and reap the benefits of better armor and weapons. Over this time she's made some acquaintances in the wild, and has learned a lot about the world around her.
She still wants to follow her dream of being a famous warrior, though.
Name: Justicar Davian Thule
Species: Space Marine - Augmented Human
‘Subspecies’: Grey Knight
Age: Davian was nearly a century old before he came to Felarya, but do to his genetic enhancements, he is
Gender: Male
Height: Roughly 8 feet outside of his power armor, slap another dozen centimeters on when he’s in it.
Skin color: Fair
Hair color: Dark
Eye color: Dark
Justicar Davian Thule is a Space Marine - a genetically and technologically enhanced super-soldier from a different universe. Specifically he is from the ranks of the Grey Knights, who are literally bred to fight daemons. Just because he has been transported to Felarya doesn’t make his job any different. It just makes it more challenging.
Davian is armed with a Nemesis Sword, though while the formidable bolter attached to his wrist is out of ammunition, the Nemesis Sword is still fully-functional, powered by Justicar Thule’s psychic ability and quite capable of making a mess of most opponents. His Aegis Armor is built specifically to resist psychic attacks, but it works well enough against magic as well. However, Davian does not know how to channel his psych into an actual attack like the majority of psykers in his home universe.
Thule hasn’t come to trust anyone else yet to the point where he can tell them how he got here, however. For now, he is simply a wandering, well-armed, daemon-blood-thirsty soul. Funny there’s a giant succubus having a party right now.