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 Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress)

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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress)   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 1:14 am

Some of these I haven't used yet but I have created them and working on them. I figured it would be a good idea for everyone to be able to reference my characters looks, backgrounds, personality, abilities, etc.

**These are just rough ideas, they aren't all set in stone and there will be times where I add on things as I come up with them. Honestly this is just so you all can get a feel for each of my characters, I will probably do all of them like this...unless anyone adamantly objects.**


Name: Ashes

Age: Six (By her tribes standards) but is actually about 14 in physicality.

Gender: Female

Race: Tigeress (Tiger Neko)

Personality: Kind, and trusting however she is always cautious and on guard even if it doesn't seem like she is in any danger. Willing to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it...as long as it doesn't endanger her own life. A bit reserved at times she can be caught getting lost in thought, this is because she is always planning her reactions to what could happen next. Intelligent and a fast learner, she catches on to most things almost instantly and commits them to memory. If she wants something, she will stop at nothing to get it...even if it means not going about it the way she should. That part of her she tries to keep hidden as she is not always proud of the means she uses to get the things she requires.

Background: Possibly the last one of her species (Unknown at this point) For the first part of her life she lived in a tribal village with her family dating back since the dawn of time with her ancestors. Slowly and surely as more predators started inhabiting the area around where their village stood the population started decreasing significantly. Even with gaining the knowledge to try and build better technology to fight back, they didn't stand a snowballs chance in hell. When they were attacked for the last time it was by a Giantess who had every intention of finishing off every single one of them for her dinner. Ashes was told to run by her father the tribe leader, and that is exactly what she did. Sprinting off into the woods she kept going until she got completely turned around and lost. Making it so she had no way back to her family to know if they are alive or dead. *Sidenote* When she was a child she witnessed her older brother die in water so she refuses to go near large bodies of it. Giving herself her own bathes because her saliva has antibodies in it killing all the germs.

Abilities: Slow aging process, and healing saliva that gets rid of major wounds just with a lick of her tongue.

Weapons: She always carries a perfectly sharpened dagger with her at all times, although it is never in plain sight unless she intends on using it. https://i.servimg.com/u/f56/18/56/48/21/ashes_10.jpg

Looks: Tiger striped ears, and matching tail. Long dark brown hair that reached her tail, deep ocean blue eyes, rather well endowed, slim build, pale complexion, and always clean.


Last edited by Ashes on Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Ralia   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 1:46 am


Name: Ralia

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Race: Inu

Personality: Craves constant physical contact with people she cares about, because she wants to make sure she is loved. This also means that she will hug and lick random strangers upon meeting them for the first time if she is not frightened. Most of the time she is brutally honest with what she is thinking or feeling even when it can make a situation awkward. Wearing her heart on her sleeve is an understatement when it comes to her. Often hyper all the time wanting to be able to take every new sight, smell, person, place in but obviously unable to do so all at once causing her to get frustrated and confused at times. It is a rare event but if she tries to lie about something her tail and ears give her away immediately because they are in the down position and she has no control over it. Since she is still young she still redeems a lot of her Inu qualities, such as licking instead of kissing, rogue tail, and you can ever catch her tilting her head when you are talking to her to show she is listening.

Background: Ralia was born into a family of an Inu dad and a human mother. They were very young when they accidentally had her so it wasn't the best situation. The first couple years of her life had been rough so far, always moving from place to place never staying anywhere more than a night. Trying to avoid the predators that were always lurking around for a bite to eat. Since they were poor most of the time they couldn't always afford proper shelter, or food to eat. Often hunting off the carcasses of already dead animals. Finding that she had to entertain herself she made up little games that she would play, just wishing and daydreaming that she had a friend to enjoy the company of. Her mother and father would always dump her in a hollowed out tall tree stump and go on about whatever they wanted to do, When darkness fell they would come back and get her to put her to bed. However the last time they went to the stump with those intentions, instead of goodbyes being exchanged...it was the sound of bloodcurdling screams coming from her parents. Watching from out the small peephole where a knot in the wood used to be she saw her parents being brutally murdered in front of her very eyes. Clasping her hand to her mouth she dared not to make a single sound until she was sure the coast was clear. In that moment she became an orphan, meaning life was definitely going to change. For five days and nights she stayed in that trunk, unable to get out by herself. Surviving only on nuts that had fallen in the tree or had been stored by some animal, she sobbed mourning the lost of the only family she had. Little did she know that someone could hear her crying, and was trying to find her. Jessica had found the poor Inu girl and took it upon herself to take over parenting duties of the brave puppy.

Abilities: Super sensitive hearing and smell, able to smell things from miles around.

Looks: Mostly human looking except for light brown/blonde ears and tail. Vibrant green eyes, very small less than 5' tall, pale to slightly tan complexion, thin and slender build as she didn't eat much growing up.


Last edited by Ashes on Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Pantera   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 14, 2013 2:44 am

#3 -

Name: Pantera

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Demon/Succubi

Personality: Easy-going for the most part, but she has a rather bad temper. A short fuse so to speak... Untrusting, but very loyal when makes allies or friends. However to get to that point is a feat in and of itself, but if you try hard enough you will break through. Intelligent, cunning, and sly she knows exactly how and where to hit you to make it hurt.

Background: Not having any real ties to hell she decided to cause chaos and havoc all over the world. Mostly she just wants to gain things that she wants most...such as food and other satisfactions that she didn't often get in hell. Making people miserable is one thing that she takes pride in, and while she isn't a terrible person others misfortunes amuse her. Her family wasn't close actually they mostly ignored each other, which is not really surprising if you think about it. Seeing that she doesn't really want to ever have offspring, she things she is better with just having to worry only about herself. Selfish as that might sound it was her number one priority and nothing is going to change that.

Looks: Red eyes, long black hair, 5'7", light tan complexion, slim/athletic build, well endowed, dark grey wings, always wears corsets made of the finest silk, boots made from the finest leather, and bright red lipstick to make her pale skin stand out. https://i.servimg.com/u/f56/18/56/48/21/panter11.jpg

Abilities: Seduction and getting others to do her bidding with just batting her eyelashes.

Last edited by Ashes on Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress)   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 14, 2013 12:30 pm

So did you have all these characters sitting around for a while or are you churning them out as fast as it looks like you are?
If so I'd like to see where they've appeared in stories or see them in RPs or something.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress)   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 14, 2013 1:16 pm


You might wish to take this into account when writing up the first little point-form information bits in your characters' bios. It helps the rest run a lot more smoothly. For instance, you forgot the "race" point in Rala's bio.

I noticed you like to note a few of the abilities of your characters. Have you considered maybe noting a few physical weaknesses or shortcomings there, too?

For Pantera, what you wrote for her abilities worries me. I really hope you don't overestimate her ability to charm - there are a number of character types who naturally ignore or resist charm, and you can't expect everyone to fall in line whenever she's around. ^_^ That's what we would call a 'Mary Sue'.

Other than that, they seem like interesting characters. Be sure to never stop developing them, okay?
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress)   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 15, 2013 11:02 pm

Nyaha wrote:

For Pantera, what you wrote for her abilities worries me. I really hope you don't overestimate her ability to charm - there are a number of character types who naturally ignore or resist charm, and you can't expect everyone to fall in line whenever she's around. ^_^ That's what we would call a 'Mary Sue'.
Well I didn't say that everyone is affected by her ability, I was saying that often times that is what happens. She has an incredible knack for seducing people into doing what she wants. I am not going to be godmodding and saying that it affects a character when it's completely up to them on whether or not it works. I never said it worked 100% of the time.

As far as doing the character skeleton a certain way, this way is easiest for me but if anyone has a problem with it...I will just reveal my character information as the story progresses instead of posting them here. I just wanted a place to keep them for everyone's reference and my own. They are indeed a work in progress so I am not even going to pretend they are anywhere near where I want them to be. Mostly they are just outlines of what I want. I was just doing it to let people in on what I was thinking and writing. Although I feel now as if it's just a waste of time, and I would be better off just putting it in a word processor/notebook for my own keeping.

I am not trying to sound rude so if that is how I am coming off then I apologize. I just have my system and it is how I organize things in my head and keep building my characters up.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress)   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 15, 2013 11:08 pm

parameciumkid wrote:
So did you have all these characters sitting around for a while or are you churning them out as fast as it looks like you are?
If so I'd like to see where they've appeared in stories or see them in RPs or something.
They are some that have been in my mind for a while that I haven't done much with, and a couple I made just off the top of my head on the spot. I have used a few in the chatbox rp's but I haven't joined any of the actual forum roleplays.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress)   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 15, 2013 11:19 pm


Name: Bryn

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Fairy

Personality: Bubbly, bright, always smiling unless something is terribly wrong. Hyper and in a hurry at all times to go from one thing to another. Making new friends is her favorite thing to do, and sugar literally makes her bounce off the walls. Trusting and kind, truly having a heart of gold. Very empathetic and concerned with others feelings at all times, giving her a chance to 'mother hen' those closest to her.

Background: Finally feeling like she was ready to face the world on her own she started off on her life's adventure. Growing up for her was rather normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Having proper training on how to hunt and survive the perils that universe often held. Overall her goal was to branch off from the life she knew back home, finding her own place in the world. Wanting to do everything she ever dreamed of doing, even the impossible. Then eventually find someone that she loves with all of her heart, settle down, and make a family.

Abilities: Size-shifting, flying.

Looks: Long black and teal hair, rainbow wings, green-orange eyes, purple skin complexion, always makes sure she wears fine dresses and looks flawless constantly.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress)   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 15, 2013 11:32 pm


Name: Helena

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Angel

Personality: Quiet, reserved, shy, easily bashful, sweet, kind, but a bit demanding at times. Extremely confrontational if her morals and belief's are compromised. At most times she doesn't feel the need for companions preferring to be a 'lone wolf'. Feeling this because in her mind getting emotionally attached to someone just leaves you open and vulnerable to an attack.

Background: Being tired of heaven, it just wasn't the place for her to be at all times. However instead of falling or doing some drastic, she took the duty of protecting as many innocents as she possibly could. It wasn't glamorous or what she wanted to do with her life but it was better to be free on earth. While she is supposed to be doing her job, she is going through a rebellious phase of sorts. Roaming around doing whatever she pleases only protecting people when she felt like it...which wasn't often.

Abilities: Healing, flying, size-shifting.

Looks: Short red-brown, cream colored wings, pale complexion, brown eyes, wears neutral colored clothing, mostly dresses.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress)   Ashes' Characters (Work In Progress) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 3:23 pm

Ashes wrote:
Although I feel now as if it's just a waste of time, and I would be better off just putting it in a word processor/notebook for my own keeping.
O.o Sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I guess I assumed you were looking for feedback and criticism on your character ideas to help make them better or flesh them out. ^^; I gave my criticism without asking first, I apologize.
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