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 Firefly's RP Characters.

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Tasty morsel

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Firefly's RP Characters. Empty
PostSubject: Firefly's RP Characters.   Firefly's RP Characters. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 16, 2013 9:38 pm

Title says it all , a place for my RP chars. Feedback welcome.

Name: Sigurd Jón Nielson
Race: Human
Age: 25
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 200
Profession: Adventurer

Appearance: Blond hair, brown eyes. Tall, somewhat lean, but with broad shoulders. Well defined muscles, but not bodybuilder size.  

Sigurd Nielson, A name spoken of in song and many a tale. Any tavern keeper can tell you of his brave exploits, traversing the jungles of Felarya without fear, facing down monsters and demons in his quest for treasure. All of these tales are, without doubt, 100%, undeniably.... False.

Sigurd dose venture through the lands, but unlike the man in the stories, he is utterly inept at surviving in this world. The only reason he is still alive is sheer luck, flukes, and the occasional moment of actually doing something smart. While his ego is larger than his common sense, Sigurd only really comes off as a little self-centered, but an overall nice guy. He is generally friendly, but very boastful of his adventure, which he will tell you about with little provocation. He often embellishes the facts about himself, but would not outright lie or steal credit.

Born and raised in the cold north of his homeworld, he was drawn to the world Felarya by the tales of danger and adventure.

Last edited by Firefly on Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mara's snack

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Firefly's RP Characters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly's RP Characters.   Firefly's RP Characters. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 17, 2013 1:09 pm

First off: Welcome to the forums! Very Happy

Starting I think it was fine. Though I'm a little nervous about having him the subject of song. Is this by bard's in Felarya, or his homeworld? Did he have a homeworld? I do not know, but the songs part is a little iffy. Seems like an attempt to try and glorify your character, even if it's not meant to make him seem like someone big and imporant. (On that note, I'd advise against making any really powerful characters. People used to try and make Magiocrat OCs, before they were all named. That sort of thing is discouraged for many reasons, a lot of which have to do with difficulty in the presentation of a good story)

Anyway, even though this is a character built on contrast, I'd say that you want to make him somewhat competent, at least enough to survive, otherwise why would he go adventuring through the forests and jungles of Felarya? I wager he's intelligent enough not to be stupid, but rather is more likely to make bad judgement calls. In fact bad judgement calls could be a better focus, and present more opportunities for good stories, landing him in difficult situations, where he "by chance" finds a way of escape, thus making the source for these songs that are undeserved. That's just an idea though.

Where exactly is the cold north? The Imoreith (Plateau? It's going to be renamed if not already, as I remember) is quite far away, otherwise there's no real "cold north" like the Nordic people often presented. For that matter those people are shorter and stockier than 6'6". That's a height common in the jungles, because of how the heat circulates through their bodies.

It has promise but needs more specifics.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Firefly's RP Characters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firefly's RP Characters.   Firefly's RP Characters. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 17, 2013 3:24 pm

Weclome, Firefly! My my what a simple, but interesting character! I quite like the fact he's basically a con man slash "fake hero". Felarya is a good environment for such characters I think. I agree with Bael you need a bit more specifics and maybe a little padding here and there. Some list of skills and back story, heck put in some of his more interesting "exploits"! I'd love to see 'em. X3 Big fan of tall tales.
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PostSubject: Re: Firefly's RP Characters.   Firefly's RP Characters. Icon_minitime

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