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 Felarya characters' D&D alignments

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French snack
10 posters

What alignment is Crisis?
Lawful good
Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_lcap0%Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Lawful neutral
Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_lcap7%Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_rcap
 7% [ 1 ]
Lawful evil
Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_lcap0%Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Neutral good
Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_lcap13%Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_rcap
 13% [ 2 ]
Neutral neutral
Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_lcap0%Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Neutral evil
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 0% [ 0 ]
Chaotic good
Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_lcap60%Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_rcap
 60% [ 9 ]
Chaotic neutral
Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_lcap20%Felarya characters' D&D alignments Vote_rcap
 20% [ 3 ]
Chaotic evil
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 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 15

French snack
French snack

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PostSubject: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 3:16 am

A silly thought that came to me. What alignment would you say that Felarya's main characters are? And what about your own Felaryan characters?

Jade O is the easiest: she's clearly lawful good.She's built a little civilisation, and guards it with her life. She also actively intervenes to protect people, in accordance with strong clear principles.

Jora O, I would say is lawful neutral. She comes from a society that has clear rules, which she appears to have abided by and which she still holds to in principle (as best she can). However, she clearly cannot be described as "good" (despite her kind-heartedness in having adopted a child). So, lawful neutral.

Crisis O is surprisingly difficult to categorise. Insofar as she is fiercely protective of her friends ("family"), and of the fairy clan that raised her, she can be labelled "lawful". Lawful neutral, too?

By the same logic, the same would apply to Léa O. Cold, definitely a long way from "good", but loyal.

Anna O might be neutral neutral. She served in the Deluran military, but only out of necessity, and never believed in the values and propaganda of her home society. She's very much a "leave me alone to do my own thing" character.

Vivian O is obviously chaotic neutral. So is Melany O.

Anko O is clearly chaotic evil.

Aya O is lawful good.

Belletia O… chaotic neutral?

Subeta O is probably neutral neutral. The free-spirited adventurer who does her own thing. She's not chaotic, since she doesn't actively defy rules and norms.

Menyssan O is interesting. She's obviously chaotic, uninterested even in the rules of Hell. Can she be described as evil, though? Her role is, in a sense, to destroy evil, albeit for her own nourishment and for the benefit of Hell. I would say she's chaotic neutral. Morality clearly doesn't interest her very much.

Lady Lesona O can probably be described as lawful evil.

Mina O, I think, is neutral neutral. She has no wider society to abide by, and no strong moral guiding principles, though she's fond of her friends. She lives her life simply and naturally.

Gunther O is, of course, chaotic evil.

Garnet O is chaotic neutral, just as clearly.

Malika O is chaotic neutral. Noxcia O: chaotic good?

Tarynn O is neutral neutral, I would say. A loner (though not fully by choice), just trying to survive.

Hiral O is neutral neutral, too. Protective of her family, supportive of her friends, but otherwise just living her life in a pragmatic manner. Medes O likewise. Among the mermaids, Basyla O is clearly neutral good. (Of the "morality trumps the rules" variety.)

Marsha O is chaotic good, I think. Her mental processes tend to skip around all over the place, making her unpredictable at times, but she had gradually started to want to do the right things. Maasma O is neutral good, while Normeda O is neutral neutral. Felecia O is lawful good towards her "subjects".

Remus O and Xanthe O are lawful good.

Ciel O (the dridder) is neutral good, I would say. She certainly has good tendencies in her.

Elli O is neutral neutral. She follows the norms and conventions of society only insofar as they please and benefit her. She has no motivation to be downright evil, but she's very self-centred and a long, long way from good.

Tinatalan O and Caylin O are probably chaotic neutral.

My own characters:

Milly O is a little difficult to pinpoint. She does have the impulse to do good, and tries to be a good person (within certain limits). Within the Felaryan context, I would tentatively label her neutral good.

Jissy O is clearly neutral neutral. She's escaped into the freedom of Felarya, and is now living her life as she sees fit. She's not encumbered by any particularly strong moral sense. Ajab O and Roshan O also fit the neutral neutral label.

Isham O is lawful good, or close enough.

Tina O is lawful neutral. She abides by the laws of the tribe (though she can be quite outspoken), but is pragmatic rather than moral. Joanna O is lawful good, obviously.

Calina O may be chaotic neutral. She's opportunistic enough to live outside any rules, other than those that suit her.

Lucilya O is the epitome of neutral neutral, like many fairies.

Amrine O is lawful good, though she's now cut off from her society of origin. Auena O is neutral neutral, not ever having had the opportunity to be anything else. Canni O is neutral good. Nikilli O is neutral neutral. Shallon O is lawful neutral (as a law-abiding resident of Ryzelm'oire). Vuni O is neutral neutral: just trying to survive and live her life and look after her family, like many Felaryans.

Shelny O is neutral good: there are few rules that apply to her, so she can't exactly be lawful. Besides, she believes that "it's a free world". But she's evidently good.

How would you label Felaryan characters, including your own?

Last edited by French snack on Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:56 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added Crisis poll!)
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 5:01 am

Felarya characters' D&D alignments Alignments_zps317d00b2

Juliana (Angel): Lawful good, as expected from an angel.

Dalia (Inu): Neutral good. Has a high morale but doesn't care much about laws and duties.

Daniel (Human): Lawful Neutral. Doesn't care much about good or evil and just tries to get along nicely, however he's a friend of human society.

Narame (Human): True Neutral. Narame is a mercinary who tries to get through life by any means necessary, but she has not completely shut herself off from human society.

Sarah (Naga): Does whatever she can to survive. Has no opinion about the concept of laws - what can be done will be done if necessary.

Anara (Succubus): While relatively subtly, Anara revels in the creation of Lust and Chaos. One could say she is merely the personalized concept of these two in the human mind.
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French snack
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 5:46 am

Good idea. Here's a chart for my characters.

Felarya characters' D&D alignments Dd_fel11

Lawful good: Joanna: picture by NickinAmerica
Neutral good: Milly : picture by TheWiking2000
Lawful neutral: Tina: picture by Karbo
Neutral neutral: Jissy: picture by Karbo
Chaotic neutral: Calina: picture by TheWiking2000

And here's my take on Felaryan characters in general:

Felarya characters' D&D alignments Dd_fel12

Lawful good: Jade (character by Ravana3k, picture by Karbo)
Neutral good: Milly (character by me, picture by TheWiking2000)
Chaotic good: Noxcia (character by turboman500, picture by NickinAmerica)
Lawful neutral: Crisis (character and picture by Karbo)
Neutral neutral: Anna (character and picture by Karbo)
Chaotic neutral: Vivian (character and picture by Karbo)
Lawful evil: Alastazia Lesona (character and picture by Karbo)
Neutral evil: Velvet (character by Zoekin, picture by NickinAmerica)
Chaotic evil: Anko (character by Karbo, picture by NickinAmerica)
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 1:16 pm

Damn, I need to draw more of my characters so I can have a go at this XD
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 5:05 pm

You with D&D? I didn't take you for that sort of guy, French!  Laughing 

D&D alignments aren't gonna cover everything, but far as I can tell, Crisis is CN. She values freedom, her own in particular, and doesn't really bother at all with a consistent code of laws, despite she expects everyone else to understand hers. Heck, her thinking is so weird she could be filed as an Aberration type: "Strange abilities, a bizarre anatomy, or an otherworldly mindset". There's some altruistic tendencies, but I wouldn't go as far as CG.

Lea seems like a N to me, with good tendencies in the past. She used to be nicer, now she's not.

Vivian seems to me something around true neutral. She's got nothing even resembling an agenda, but fooling around doesn't count as a chaotic act (Unless you fool around with the Forces of Chaos).

Belletia actually jumped into the evil squares when she decided to "annoy others so long as she can get away with it". I'd give her a neutral evil, or maybe chaotic evil bent.

Same with Gunther: he's not chaotic evil. He's neutral evil- a prick with or without rules.

If Mennysan wasn't evil, I'd get bored. I've got a feeling if she wasn't so lazy, she'd be advancing the interests of darkness all around the cosmos. Even lazy as she is, feeding mainly on evil souls, we know she'd get into eating contests just for the joy of it. I'd give her NE, maybe CE, her love for betting on chess don't change anything.

Aya can't be lawful. For that matter, I don't think Isham or Jora were ever lawful. More than just being able to respect rules, lawfulness means that you consider these rules as important as a neutral good character considers others' well-being important, and act accordingly. Aya simply doesn't have the background to be a lawful person, while Isham and Jora have yet to do anything specially lawful.

Codes of honor or behaviour are not incompatible with chaotic individuals, and for that matter, neither is a society. D&D Elves are usually chaotic good, and yet they form large monarchies with complex codes of honor or behaviour. Their laws are simply glossed over very often, and arbitration of disputes often ignores the laws in favor of case-by-case judgements where no one discusses the fine print.

*...I probably think about this more than I should...


As for my characters...

-Elsie is neutral evil, clearly. She does whatever she can get away with for nothing other than the joy of causing suffering. True, at the root of her evil lie her fears, but that don't change what she does. She could do otherwise... and who knows, she still might.

-Thory is lawful evil. There's a set of laws she'd die for, but beyond that, everyone else is... going to be regarded at some point as a means to an end, and expected to act like it.

-Rozal is lawful good. She's chosen to follow a code even if it costs her and others, and she holds altruism as important enough to take risks for. The disjunctive makes it more painful for her and Elsie.

-Marcel is lawful neutral with good tendencies: He obeys any authority he regards as legitimate whether he likes the result or not. His desire to make the world a better place is balanced with an absolutely massive vindictive streak, but he's usually strong enough to decide what's good, even if not always.

-Locust is neutral good. Don't let the potty mouth fool you, he means well at all times, even if he trips over half your words and all of his own.

-Quico Wulf is chaotic neutral. He likes the rules because they remind him of all the things people expect him not to do, and he acts neither out of ill will nor altruism, merely out of an interest in his own excellence and the attached rewards.

-Isa, Samantha, Metzger and Marlene are probably neutral with chaotic tendencies (Metzger has lawful tendencies, though). They don't cling to any code of laws (why would they?), and in fact, took off in wanderlust precisely because things were getting too clingy at home. We'll gloss over the man-eating because they're fairies, otherwise it'd push them right into neutral evil right there.

-Faulkner is a rare animal: a fairy's lawful neutral. He considers consistent and egalitary treatment to be much more important than kindness, and feels entitled to it no matter how unkindly he treats anyone (He doesn't piss people off because he feels entitled to fair treatment, though. He pisses them off because he's surly). He does, however, entitle everyone else to the right to live without fear as far as he's concerned, no matter how unkindly they treat him back. He stays consistent, even if it doesn't do him or anyone any favors.
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French snack
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeThu May 01, 2014 12:37 am

Stabs wrote:
You with D&D? I didn't take you for that sort of guy, French!  Laughing 

I played it quite a lot about 15 years ago, then started again recently, with a different group. (My character is chaotic good: something of an urban nomad, who hunts in the nearby forest or scavenges in town for food, and who sometimes burgles the rich out of interest for shiny pointless trinkets rather than out of necessity, but who does have a moral compass. He avoids causing harm, helps those in need, and gets on very badly with the group's paladin who has a "destroy all evil even if it's innocent and helpless" credo.)

Hmmm… Everyone in the poll thinks that Crisis is chaotic, and most people think she's good. I'd be interested to know what alignment Karbo thinks she has.

Quote :
More than just being able to respect rules, lawfulness means that you consider these rules as important as a neutral good character considers others' well-being important, and act accordingly.

To me, a lawful character is someone who abides by the rules of the society that he grew up in; someone who considers those rules important, and would not normally even consider defying them. A lawful good person will follow those rules until and unless they conflict strongly with his own morality, at which point he will face a dilemma. A lawful neutral person follows the law, without any significant personal moral considerations, and will (when "necessary") place his own highest interests above the law. A lawful evil person is law-abiding but malevolent, and may twist the law to his own ends without actually breaking it. (Hence Alastazia Lesona, probably the only lawful evil canon (wiki) character in Felarya.)

One could expect there to be few lawful characters in Felarya, since it's mostly a wild world. But I think fairies do have societies, with rules. Crisis was brought up in such a society, which instilled in her basic rules that she wouldn't question. They're not incompatible with a large degree of freedom, of course. Same for Aya. As for Isham and Jora, they were both fundamentally law-abiding citizens on their worlds of origin.

I'm applying the alignments here to characters who are not "D&D heroes", but just "ordinary people".

Ultimately, though, I would say the most common alignment in Felarya is neutral neutral.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeThu May 01, 2014 7:50 am

This is interesting. Everyone else has already taken a crack at the canon Felarya characters, and I don't know them all, so I'm just going to do my own. Keep in mind that I don't play D&D and I don't have a lot of experience with these alignments.

Naharou - Lawful Good. His mother instilled a strong morality in him when he was growing up, and he follows and values what she taught him even after her death. Living in the wild most of the time, he doesn't typically concern himself with laws, though he does do his best to respect the rules his friends make, like with Kira who is a stickler for people following the rules of her house and showing her proper respect. He also has a tendency to be conflicted about things, even coming down to his own opinions of people, because of the different viewpoints he tries to use as perspective.

Kira - Either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral. Though she does follow the rules set by Jade in Safe Harbor and helps uphold them, it's more out of respect for Jade then a respect for the law. Respect is the main thing that governs her life; she won't listen to those she doesn't respect, and she won't tolerate people who don't respect her. Though she usually does what she feels is right, what she feels is right changes from time to time despite the fact that she tries to go by the moralities her dad taught her.

Beryl - Chaotic Neutral. She tends to alternate between predatory behaviour and a spacey artsy girl who wants to make people happy, depending on her level of hunger. She does have a what one might call a 'sense of morality', but it's mostly played for humor and doesn't have any anchor in reality. For example, she could be alright with someone bullying a friend of her's because that was the bully's profession, or because the friend did her hair wrong. Likewise, she could be extremely upset at someone for bullying her friend, but only because they did it incorrectly or something like that.

Zelkova - Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral. She loves to inflict pain and humiliation on other people, especially those smaller than her. That said, she sees it as a way to make the rest of the world feel the pain she had to feel when she lost her parents and her eye. She also does have respect for the lives of specific individuals, such as her childhood friend Brine.

Taihaku - Lawful Neutral. A cold, literally icy warrior who puts the commands of whoever she happens to be working for second and the codes of conduct that were taught to her as the chieftess' daughter first. When she's not at work, she's busy learning as much as possible about the world around her.

Molly & Geno - Chaotic Neutral. These two have three concerns: Survival, enjoyment, and each other. Nothing else will ever matter as much to them as those things.

Exilon - Chaotic Good. She, similar to Naharou, was instilled with a strong moral compass by her mother, as well as the rest of her Rosic people. Her main goal in life is to create music for everyone to enjoy. In hand with this, she loves to cut loose and go wild, and when she's in the zone, nothing can stop her. She loves a good rave as long as less than 49% of the partygoers have their lives negatively altered by it.

I have too many characters. DX I'll make another post later.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeThu May 01, 2014 11:40 am

Felarya characters' D&D alignments Charac10

Ue - Raised by Meiramines when she was younger, views other life as...well, life, mostly to protect. Unless they're evil. She tries to avoid eating people as much as she possibly can, and will regret doing so when she has to. Also seen as a motherly figure.

Bael - Lived to support the City that protected him, and trying to protect those he cares about, but will change his path in life if a more satisfying opportunity presents itself.

Mara - Confusing, and loyal, and hugs with the pressure of a hydraulic press Razz. She will hug you into cookie dough, people.

Reishara - Doesn't really care what happens either way, as long as it doesn't affect her, and takes pleasure from teasing people who run through her maze. If they come to harm, then oh well.

404: You have reached this mouth in error Razz(she wont tell you that: conversely, its where you were meant to end up all along Razz)

Janev - Generally cares about her friends, and will protect them - that being said, she is manipulative to her own ends especially using her  beauty as a weapon to those she sees as lesser, and unable to see past skin deep. She loves to tease people, sometimes, depending on mood, can get pretty rough with it, inflicting physical and/or mental harm upon her prey. Recognizes her flaws logic and reasoning, and doesn't give a _____. (If you're her friend though, you're definitely in the clear. So, chaotic evil?)
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeThu May 01, 2014 8:57 pm

Jissy may have been true neutral once upon a time, but in the events during / after her kids she really isn't fitting to that qualifier. TBH, she wasn't true neutral in youth either; that label would only fit with her specific timing following arrival in Felarya.

Rivwin on the other hand probably qualifies as true neutral, though you could easily make the argument that she bounces on the neutral scale given the events of the magical tiny she digested / dridder story. I would also agree that for a large part, denizens in Felarya outside of treasure hunters / power players fall into neutral categories.

Personally, I pegged Crisis for chaotic neutral.

Also, Stabs - Vivian has no agenda? What? That girl is a snake's pit of agendas. She is well known by many parties in the canon, and her ties are deep. She clearly showed a facet of that previously, and given the hints dropped by Karbo so far the next tome might show us even more with regards to that. Temi is the defacto 'mother' figure, but to be honest Vivian also rolls that role pretty hardcore. I might slip and let you call her the female version of the 'cool uncle' trope in Felarya, but still.
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French snack
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeFri May 02, 2014 2:11 am

aethernavale wrote:
Jissy may have been true neutral once upon a time, but in the events during / after her kids she really isn't fitting to that qualifier. TBH, she wasn't true neutral in youth either; that label would only fit with her specific timing following arrival in Felarya.

How would you categorise her? She's obviously not lawful. I don't really see how she can described as chaotic, either. She's clearly not a "good" character, but nor is she malevolent / evil. She's simply enjoying her newfound freedom, and trying to care for her family. Hence "true neutral", as I see it.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeFri May 02, 2014 8:41 pm

Well, to quote the PHB 3.5 on "Law VS Chaos":

Player's Handbook wrote:
Lawful characters tell the truth, keep their word, respect authority, honor tradition, and judge those who fall short of their duties. Chaotic characters follow their consciences, resent being told what to do, favor new ideas over tradition, and do what they promise if they feel like it.
"Law" implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can include close-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgementalness, and a lack of adaptability. Those who consciously promote lawfulness say that only lawful behavior creates a society in which people can depend on each other and make the right decisions in full confidence that others will act as they should.
"Chaos" implies freedom, adaptability and flexibility. On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment towards legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote chaotic behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have in them.
Someone who is neutral respect to law and chaos has a normal respect for authority and feels neither a compulsion to obey nor a compulsion to rebel. She is honest but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others.
Devotion to law and chaos may be a conscious choice, but more often it is a personality trait that is recognized rather than being chosen. Neutrality on the lawful-chaotic axis is usually simply a middle state of not feeling compelled toward one side or the other. Some few such neutrals, however, espouse neutrality as superior to law or chaos, regarding each as an extreme with its own blind spots and drawbacks.

Fairies may have a society, but I don't see the society depending on law or tradition much. Crisis is a pretty picky eater, and more importantly, pretty picky with who is part of "society" for reasons that dun' amount to much beyond personal preference, with consequences she'd prefer to neither explore nor acknowledge.
I'm thinking here whether the part about "keeping promises when they feel like it" should count just because Crisis can simply decide not to acknowledge someone as a fellow entity. By that criteria, everyone and their arch-enemy is lawful good.
A chaotic alignment, I repeat, isn't incompatible with a society that places duties upon its members. Gray elves, barbarians and gnolls all have societies, hell, some of them can even go to war (and that takes some major responsibility), and they've got a lot of chaotic members.


aethernavale wrote:
Vivian has no agenda? What? That girl is a snake's pit of agendas.

She has an agenda? I never noticed. Must've been too busy looking at her bewbs. I'd probably better check the bewbs again. There may be clues to her agenda in there, I'll have to search every inch of them... it could be related to breast cancer, I'll make a hands-on search.

Seriously, what'd she ever do? Other than all that unfortunate business about a book, the only things we're sure are that she sleeps around and gossips a lot.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeSat May 03, 2014 6:34 am

Stabs wrote:
Well, to quote the PHB 3.5 on "Law VS Chaos":

Player's Handbook wrote:
Lawful characters tell the truth, keep their word, respect authority, honor tradition, and judge those who fall short of their duties. Chaotic characters follow their consciences, resent being told what to do, favor new ideas over tradition, and do what they promise if they feel like it.
"Law" implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can include close-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgementalness, and a lack of adaptability. Those who consciously promote lawfulness say that only lawful behavior creates a society in which people can depend on each other and make the right decisions in full confidence that others will act as they should.
"Chaos" implies freedom, adaptability and flexibility. On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment towards legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote chaotic behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have in them.
Someone who is neutral respect to law and chaos has a normal respect for authority and feels neither a compulsion to obey nor a compulsion to rebel. She is honest but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others.
Devotion to law and chaos may be a conscious choice, but more often it is a personality trait that is recognized rather than being chosen. Neutrality on the lawful-chaotic axis is usually simply a middle state of not feeling compelled toward one side or the other. Some few such neutrals, however, espouse neutrality as superior to law or chaos, regarding each as an extreme with its own blind spots and drawbacks.

Fairies may have a society, but I don't see the society depending on law or tradition much. Crisis is a pretty picky eater, and more importantly, pretty picky with who is part of "society" for reasons that dun' amount to much beyond personal preference, with consequences she'd prefer to neither explore nor acknowledge.
I'm thinking here whether the part about "keeping promises when they feel like it" should count just because Crisis can simply decide not to acknowledge someone as a fellow entity. By that criteria, everyone and their arch-enemy is lawful good.
A chaotic alignment, I repeat, isn't incompatible with a society that places duties upon its members. Gray elves, barbarians and gnolls all have societies, hell, some of them can even go to war (and that takes some major responsibility), and they've got a lot of chaotic members.

French snack wrote:
aethernavale wrote:
Jissy may have been true neutral once upon a time, but in the events during / after her kids she really isn't fitting to that qualifier. TBH, she wasn't true neutral in youth either; that label would only fit with her specific timing following arrival in Felarya.

How would you categorise her? She's obviously not lawful. I don't really see how she can described as chaotic, either. She's clearly not a "good" character, but nor is she malevolent / evil. She's simply enjoying her newfound freedom, and trying to care for her family. Hence "true neutral", as I see it.

See above. I'd call her chaotic.

Stabs wrote:
aethernavale wrote:
Vivian has no agenda? What? That girl is a snake's pit of agendas.

She has an agenda? I never noticed. Must've been too busy looking at her bewbs. I'd probably better check the bewbs again. There may be clues to her agenda in there, I'll have to search every inch of them... it could be related to breast cancer, I'll make a hands-on search.

Seriously, what'd she ever do? Other than all that unfortunate business about a book, the only things we're sure are that she sleeps around and gossips a lot.

When you're referred to in bold italics as "The Deceiver" by Alastazia of all people... you're not getting that nickname simply based on your sex life and eating habits. Vivian herself drops little clues now and then, but usually only when she's alone or she thinks noone is listening to her inner monologues. I wouldn't actually be surprised to learn that Vivian and Alastazia - or at least the Magiocrats of Negav - have a history.
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Felarya characters' D&D alignments Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2014 11:35 pm

Hmmm, to be honest I agree French's thoughts on OC alignments with the exception of Crisis and Mennysan.

I think Crisis is more Neutral Good. Sure, she eats sentient prey, but that's food so it's sort of different due to the fact that she is a naga, not a human, and was raised by fairies. To those who do not fall into her "food" category she is very kind and helpful, and sometimes goes out of her way to help them. The perfect example of this is Anna. Sure they're friends now, but when she first found Naga Anna she did, and still does, her best to help and care for Anna. Even if it does mean she sometimes has to go out of her way to hunt for extra food, and put up with Anna's temper, often without a thank you.

As for Mennysann, I'd say Lawful Evil. She is evil, I don't doubt that. Karbo just hasn't drawn her doing something particularly evil yet. However, she seems like the lawful type to me for some reason. The kind of demon that would twist the laws and rules to her favor while forever following them.

Now for my OCs. I think I may have added a bit too much detail in my post. o-o:

Leila- Lawful Neutral:

Nina- True Neutral:

Valandil- Neutral Evil:

Nergal- Lawful Evil:

Sariah- Neutral Evil:

Vadia- Lawful Evil:

Astrid- Lawful Good:

Alreina- Lawful Good:

Tessa- Neutral Good:

Kiley- Chaotic Good:

Sophia- Chaotic Good:

Last edited by Darth_Nergal on Mon May 05, 2014 2:13 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : fixed the post to have the alignments)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeMon May 05, 2014 8:57 am

Nergal, I think you forgot to say which actual alignment your characters fall into. O.o;
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeMon May 05, 2014 9:53 am

Hehe fun thread here Razz 

Personally I think Crisis is chaotic good ^^
Chaotic : she inherited a lot of traits from fairies, is carefree and has lot of problems around technology which she tends to destroy and could be considered a form of order XP
Good : Sure she eats humans and small species but she doesn't really do it out of malice. And she goes out of her way to help her friends and cheer them up and she is very loyal to them.

Menyssan.... is a tough call. Really ^^;    In a sense she is chaotic since she doesn't follow the rules other demons do but she is not breaking them either. She is just lazy heh.  Then she devour the souls of the damned, who committed evil, but let's face it she would devour anything and anybody just for the sake of filling her famously large stomach out of pure pleasure and to feel full.  But in the other hand she doesn't seek actively to do evil either. Again she is... lazy.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeMon May 05, 2014 1:59 pm

Wha!?! But...but I...GRAHHH! I put down the alignments when I posted it...I'll have to fix it.

EDIT: And fixed it.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2014 7:55 pm

Okay I'll try and do my OCs that most recognize/I love to use all the time in RP rather than all 100+ of them! XD But keep in mind I never have completely understood this system as the SW RPG doesn't use it. ^^; Your actions are what determine your character when last I checked. I'll also do them by size since I like to make lists.

-- Gaint Sized --

Clare Gouldscale: Lawful good
Clare is a purely good OC, but she does eat humans out of sense of lawfulness sense she learned the "Honorable" way of eating evil humans from her Senseiacation and doesn't consider it evil. She also goes out of her way to save people as evidenced in "Bullyacation" in Clare's Quest.

Athony: Lawful Good:
Anthony is a strict fellow who follows the rules and doesn't give in to his baser instincts. He helps humans and predator alike without holding anything against them for their predatory ways or expecting anything in return.

Kharl: Neutral Good:
Kharl, unlike Anthony, doesn't always save everyone he see's. Mostly he sticks t looking out for his freinds and treasures them, but as a young Chilotuar he did once eat humans in the past although as forsworn that now. Granted in the recent bit of Clare's Quest I showed him in a short defending Mays from a Walking Nightmare, and nearly dying because of it, but that's just cause he knows her. He doesn't do that for everyone and make it his personal "quest" like Anthony and Clare.

Crystal: XD Ugh hard to say. She technically is chaotic since she appears randomly and terrorizes people for fun, but she often doesn't cause any lasting (physical) pain and suffering. In fact she rarely eats humans without bringing them back to life in her personal little sphere...but she keeps slaves in her "panty drawer" and does to esbatlish an empire and rule over Felarya as a dark goddess once more as she used to her world...Though she usually gets bored and flies off to terrorize people again. But sometimes she actually DOES help people for her own reasons though... Hmm...Suggestions? @-@

Ursala Thunderstep: Lawful Neutral
Ursala as some of you may know is my giantess who's currently mother to a human girl with extrodinary powers, but a terrible attitude XD Ursala is a active hunter she only eats when hungry and tries to spare her victums. She's also not helpful to other adventurers unless Stella is present and likes them. The moment the worm turns? You fall back into the food category.

Nelda: Lawful, Evil?
Hmm Nelda's tough to sort too. Technically she precieves herself as a Lawful Good, but we all know she's a haughty, nose raised in the air nearly merciless hunter. I mean if it wasn't obvious in Clare's Quest? Just WAIT till you see Silent Protagonist 1: Diabolic Duo. Hm with that in mind Lawful Evil might suit her.

Spritz: Neutral Neutral
Spritz does hunt humans and takes pride in it, but see's herself as no more evil than a deer hunter. She hunts for food and sport but neither are evil to her.

Bethony: Lawful Good
Since she and Clare have the same hunting style I believe she should be the same alignment. Ironically had she not become a Dryad I think she'd loose the lawful part.

Magnolia: XD So obviously Chaotic Good.
Magnolia is helpful to Bethony, but hinders most humans she comes across and has a free spirit doing what she wants when she wants, but as Spritz does she enjoys the hunt and thinks she isn't the evil one and humans are made to fit in her mouth and stomachs so they have to be for eating.

Aleron: Lawful Good
I think it suits him since he goes out of his way to rescue humans and even cloaks his wings and dresses like them! o.O Sometimes ending up having to quickly take away the disguise or else end up eaten too! XD

Aleen: Neutral Evil
Aleen is evil. She steals her prey's clothing if it's designer stuff and doesn't seem to even consider their feelings or needs, but unlike Nelda she tends to at least only eat people whom wear her favorite trends.

Ally: XD Possibly Neutral Evil too.
Ally, when she actually does catch prey, tends to gobble them down greedily or savour them way too long cause she knows it's hard to catch more, but does that maker her evil? No. What does is the fact she's obessesed with Prave and Goward! XD She has vowed to devour them and has even left her territory to terrorize them.

Selma: Hmm she's playful but I don't see her as evil so: Chaotic Neutral?
Selma does use her sexy body to catch prey and is highly specialized in capturing them, but she hunts as she strolls. She's more interested in swimming, dancing and sunning to bother with vendettas. Unlike Jasta.

Jasta "The Maiden of Storms": Neutral Evil
Jasta also likes to swim and sun, but tends to hold grudges against her foes and will even hurl huge bolts of lightning at them wehn frustrated, proving the hunger bit is only part of her reason for hunting.

Mayn: Possibly Chaotic Neutral.
Mayn is a specialized hunter and there's no chance of negociations with how fast she'll swallow you, but she does so because she can't leave her nest for too long and it technically acting as any expecting mother giant naga should I think.

Drew: Chaotic Good
The little scamp is a voracious hunter, but after her stomach is filled? Pretty safe as long as something is interesting. Has a slightly askew idea of Sineria and would like to be a "Seeker of Seneria" one day soon, but as for now she reamains just a fun loving young dridder who has helped the Harpy Scout Harley beffore so she's proven she can think with more thna her stomach.

-- Human Sized --

Kate Lowe: Lawful Good.
Kate, despite her sudden temper and typicaly angtsy moods, is a heroine. She deliberately lives with Clare even though she knows she could very well be killed doing so because she selflessly doesn't want Clare to be lonely. Her only darkside is her future rivalery with Janelle and her increasing hatred of Mobius Autero and the fact she'd do anything to see her brother again.

Trent Garison: Lawful Good
Trent is so lawful! Seriously this dude has no powers, little training and takes on giant predators with nothing more than smoke bombs, a big wooden stick and luck. All to save people he doesn't even know!

Axel Kindel: Lawful Good
Axel was once just neutral. Never really trying to be either good or evil and only thinking of beer, boobs and someday finding a way to be a rock star without doing any work. Then he accdidently stumbled into Felarya and, because Nikita save him and helped get him a job at the Spetz, became a more do gooder. He now rather dislikes having to save people, but won't shurk away from it as much and has since beaten his alcoholism and is not only a faithful citizen of Negav but has thought of joining the Isolon Fist as a Psionic Soldier.

Tamlin Landcaster: Chaotic Good
Tam is a heroine as you all mya know, but she's also very chaotic and has shown through her insobordinate behaviour of just walking away from active duty to go on adventures. She's also free spirited and has proven she will never accept things for the way they are in Felarya, bravely approaching predators and trying to befriend them.

Mays Alda: Lawful Good
As a medic she's very lawful int he way she respect orders and her good side is most defiently in the fact she tried not to let her shyness and insecurity get in the way of saving lives.

Lord Mobius Autero: Lawful Evil
XD He should be chaotic, but believe it or not? There's a method to the madness behind him. Yes his "Senetor Palpatine" act makes him seem good on the outside.

Janelle Autero: Lawful Neutral:
Neice to Mobius Autero by blood and goddaughter to him by law. She is lawful in the fact she's a outstanding member of the Isolon Fist, one of it's premiere Frost Magic experts of her generation but why is she neutral? Because the truth is Mobius doesn't trust her enough to allow her to be in the Ascarlin Circle and controls her life through carefully placed orders and misinformation. Thus when she was sent to kill Clare's friends she was doing so through her uncle's deception. Her one possible evil point is her arrogance towards commoners and "imitation magicians". Her rivalery with Kate is fueled by this.

Jarvis Rendwel: Lawful Neutral
Mobius' Neko butler the faithful Jarvis isn't evil either. Why? Well he serves whomever holds the title "Lord of House Autero". If Mobius' brother hadn't died mysteriously then he'd be serving Luthan Autero rather than Mobius. Though he doesn't actually commit evil acts like Mobius he mostly just keeps the secret accounts and organizes the Circle's covert activities.

Captain Mactar Aleous: Lawful Good
Though he won't appear it at first with his cold attitude and military sense of duty to follow his orders to the letter and not question them, he is in fact a good guy. Mac first appears on the scene trying to capture Kate, Tam and Axel so as to force Clare's hand in activating the Terra Spire artifact. Why he does this though is not because he's motivated by greed or desires a power change like the Ascarlin Circle. He obeys Lord Autero's commands on the scen because they are a comands. It's not that he's not capable of thinking morral, it's that he's been trained to obey orders from superiors. He knows nothing else.

Tifana Morbane: Lawful Good
Tifana is the opposite. She hears orders and knows to always question them. She is insubordinate and actually tends be a bit paranoid of the Isolon Fist even though she holds the title "Battle Mage". She uses her eccentric behaviors, such as always reading from a XXX rated romance novel even while talking to somebody directly, to cover this up though. As such she doesn't techically serve any one of the Magiocrats, the Government or even herself. She takes her orders from the only person she trusts: The mysterious neko mage Moria Dalfanen.

Stella Thunderstep: Neutral Good
XD It's hard to see Stella as a good girl, even though she's only like eleven years old, because of her rude attitude and her way of speaking to adults as though they were lesser than herself, but she has proven she'll risk her life for others and even attempt to try and use her bond with her giantess mother Ursala to influence others fate, but only if it suits her.

Officer Chase "The Bloodhound" Maldora: Lawful Good (A bit too much in fact)
Chase has always wanted to be in the Negav Police. Her adoptive father was a human and her mother an elf, both whom serve with honor in the organization and expected their daughter to follow suit. Most human officers don't think much of her till they see why she earned the nick name "The Bloodhoud" by using her nose to always track her perp and usually bringing them in undamaged...well mostly. She has no patience for law breakers and believe without order the world would fall apart.

Darcy Zeck: Chaotic Evil
Darcy is a con woman who lies so much she often forgets which ones she's told to whom. She serves only only herself and tends to forsake friendships for piles of jewels and gold. She has no patern to predict however. She leaps from one situation to the next improvising in a "Jack Sparrow" sort of way often changing alliances as many times as a people change socks in a day. She is especially known for using a fake, inflatable, leather stomach to pretend she's pregnant whens she's caught by giant predators and half the time it seems to work!

Tydus Venda: Neutral Good
Tydus may be a thief, but he never takes more than he needs and despite his having to live in the Pit he tends to actually be less greedy than most. In fact it should be noted the only thing of value he ever stole was Jule. XD He's basically a rogue with a heart of gold. The only reason he's not lawful is he has broken so many just to avoid being caught for his many minor thefts.

Lesard Dresal: Neutral Good
Lesard is a neko bandit and expert swordsman who, while he has a sense of honor towards his own kind, will cut down any non-neko who challenges his plans to fund the "Neko Confederacy".

Wolfgang Windrunner: Chaotic Neutral
Wolfgang spends most of his days living as a bandit. He ambushes human sized travers stealing their valuables and sometimes their lives, though not as a often as most. He runs with a equally lawless neko named Constance whom he is in love with and actually is the only reason he gave up his life in his tribe of the Screaming River Clan Inu to presue and his days of banditry would be over if she asked it of him.

Akio Nightshade: Lawful Good
Despite being a Nemesis she is a good because she not only resists her base urges but keeps the fact she's a Nemesis hiden and tries to act as a normal person. She's fairly good at it too, applying make up, adding a spell to change her eye color when needed and dying her white hair black. She calls herself a mercenary, but won't accept anything she cosiders imorral and in fact is a member of the Order of Minacala praying at temple before each mission out the gate.

-- Tiny Sized --

Zipper Hardy: Lawful Good
That suits him I think. He builds gadgets from scrap he has to steal usually but all for his Tiny clients. He is a bit lathargic when it comes to having adventures, but has proven he's brave under fire, Or neko claw , and will do anything to save his fellow tinies.

Paya Steelsong: Chaotic Good (Was Neutral Evil once)
One a member of a secret fraternity of tiny assassins but has most recently learned to see others as more than a contract since being adopted by a human named C.T. as his sister. Paya is brave and loyal, but only to the Thompsons and their allies. IE: If you oppose her family for any reason? She'd execute you. That being said? She'd regret it.

Lan Glameren: Lawful Good (And then some XD)
Lan is insane. If there are Tiny Pychologists they'd have a feild day with him. He thinks he's a Tiny Knight from tales he's heard as a young Tomthumb. He's like mini Lacelot! He saves Tinies, human sized people and would likely even protect a giant from danger if he were taller....And if he weren't he'd likely dive into whatever preceived monster it was and start hacking away crying "For Minilot!" or something else as absurd. XD His only negative point? He is driven to find the one who betrayed the Order of Tiny Knights, Faust, and make her suffer as the "Traitor of All Tinykind" should.

Rita Maria Sashe: Chaotic Good
XD A relatively new OC I'm in love with. She is a Tiny who was raised in captivity to the point she's gotten a sort of nymphomaniac Stolkholm Syndrome who rejects the idea of freedom from captivity. She tends to be allied with whomever her"master" or "mistress" is and would happily do whatever they asked loyally and without question. She's also a totall deviant and isn't above watching two people make love in secret and taking notes on how to best please her owner later. XD A good point is she isn't jelous or envious of her owner's love. In fact it's safe to say she'll adore them and show them just as much loyality as she show's her owner.

Jule Glase: Neutral Good
A small naga who lives with Tydus Venda the elven thief and is only loyal to him. She tends to be less nice than Tydus and doesn't believe he should help people unless they'll get something in return. To be fair she's not greedy, but is more worried about him and her surviving on the streets of Negav. She even has been used as his weapon, using her Diamond Naga powers to help him avoid the magical stun spells fired from a Stalang or parry with her crystal hardened body as a sword when he needs her to.

Nikolas Tame: Lawful Good
Nik tends to be apathetic about his life, considering he was shrunk and sold on his homeworld to a adventuress who used him as a sex toy and pet, but has proven he'll selflessly save other tinies when the time comes to it and once created a long enough distraction to save a neera girl and very nearly was eaten by Darcy Zeck.

Rusa: Neutral good
Rusa, sister to Tabula, is probably the only Tiny I'd say is too afraid or other people and tinies to really judge as Lawful or Good. If she saw a tomthumb being eaten by Neko she'd stay very quiet and still till it was over. She would possibly feint and try to buy time long enough to save a Carbuncle, but not another type of Tiny or shrunken humanoid. She's not interested in quests or adventure or even riches or so she tells herself.

Tabula: Neutral Neutral
Rusa's sister is what Carbuncles call a "City 'Buncle" and works in a brothel with other carbuncles like herself as both an exotic dancer and prostitute of a unique nature: a tastee. She allows others to to taste her to give them the strange "head rush" Carbuncles are know to produce. Unlike her sister she doesn't tend to fear other tinies so much as see them as "non-clientel" and her only motivation to help people is to help herself and much like her sister wouldn't save a non-Buncle or possibly even Buncle.

Faust Alondita: Chaotic Evil
As a member of the long believed to be mythical tiny society "The Tiny Knights" she was seemingly a loyal, if somewhat misguided and greedy knight...but then one day she was made an offer by a sneaky neko duchess who promised her riches, power and fame if she would but disclose the location of the mythical "Tinylot". Faust did and even helped lead the attack on her fellow knights helping to capture most of them before learning her prize was to be the guest of honor in the Duchess' stomach along with her order. She managed to fight her way to freedom, but when the opportunity came to fight and die saving her allies? She ran. Now she spends her time trying to find and kill the Neko Dutchess, but not to make up for it more simply because her heart is consumed with vengence and she'll kill or torture human and tiny alike to get her revenge.

Grim "The Mad" Thulan: Chatoic Evil
Like his brother Grim was an tiny assassin int he faterity both served, unlike his brother however he got imense pleasure in making the human sized monsters feel the fear he lived with every day. He is actually a little more chaotic than his brother since he believes "don't even, get even to the power of ten". He's a pyromanic who's favorite method of killing is to sert fire to people's homes or clothes and then watch them die.

Zakis "The Sniper" Thulan: Neutral Evil
One of Paya's allies back in the fraternity they both belonged to. He was recruited for his ability to fire miniture Hadoken-like blasts of cocentrated magic into a target's vital areas even from a large distance. He took pleasure in killing nekos and others who consumed his kind, but mostly because the fraternity took care of him and his brother Grim. When the organization broke was borken up he and his brother found other means of employment. He personaly has a vendeta to settle with Paya Steelsong for leaving the faternity and weakening their order but isn't actively seeking her death just yet. He hopes to convince her to help him in his new crazy plot to re-create the fraternity under his rule, not the humans.

Kaydee Strongweld: Lawful Good
Kaydee is one of the few who believes Lan's crazy stories of "Tinylot and the Tiny Knights" and has willingly accepted his offer to be his squire. She is eager to prove she has all it takes and is somewhat recklessly heroic.

....Sorry I went nuts with my tinies! XD Seriously had too much doing this! Tell me if I got it right. ^_-
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Eternal Optimist
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Felarya characters' D&D alignments Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2014 8:37 am

Yay! Jedi didn't die in the tornadoes! Very Happy

And holy crap he has a lot of OCs. O_o;
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2014 11:48 am

Nyaha wrote:
Yay! Jedi didn't die in the tornadoes! Very Happy

And holy crap he has a lot of OCs. O_o;

XD That's not even half. I left out a good deal of my preds and humans and some of my tinies, but not alot. Just Orson I think and one other minor race tiny I can never seem to decide on! XD Plus one I original race one re-discovered the other day name Kime. Don't worry! You'll get to see all my 100+ OCs if I ever finish formatting my "All My OCs by Location and Faction" bio. Keep adding to it darnit all! XD
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya characters' D&D alignments   Felarya characters' D&D alignments Icon_minitimeSat May 10, 2014 7:16 pm

Winona/Mousetrap: - True Neutral:

Self proclaimed moral relativist. Winona Might be aiding the negav government to maintain law and order, but only because they coerced her into it. That would make her 'Agent Mousetrap' persona a Lawful Neutral.
But given that Winona cares little for the Magiocrats and only cares about the city because it's the place where her house is (the house she once shared with her now deceased husband, one of the few people she was ever true to.) That would make Winona, at heart a True Neutral. Winona bides to her own moral code and only plays by the law when she has no choice.

Rachael: - Lawful Good:

Perhaps one of the few people who choose to come to Felarya for reasons that wasn't down to arrogance. A neko raised in another world Rachael has come to Felarya, sacrificing her own safety in the interest of sense of belonging with her own kind and help strengthen the bond between humans and nekos...virtues that are constantly being thwarted between a society she recognizes as ‘racist’ an authority that she recognizes as 'fascist' and Winona's shenanigans that she recognizes as 'sociopathic' Rachael isn't happy by the disgraceful moral standing of Negav, a city that through it’s stubbornness is unwittingly preventing her from using her outsider knowledge to help it, but she is determined to play their own game against them and work till she is in a position where she can actually change things for the better.

Saskia: - Chaotic Evil:

Saskia's shape shifting ability gives her the kind of anonymity that makes justice really difficult to enforce, and thus has given her the belief that rules do not apply to her. If anything she revels in their ignorance of her existence, from creating silly over the top identities and constantly lying in front of people who never catch on until it’s already too late.
Saskia has no qualms about killing people to get what she wants, though she rather let someone else to do it, making allies and ditching them when it suits her, as evident by the trail of patsies in her wake, left to take the blame for the crimes she persuaded them to join her in while she disappears into the crowd.

Lord Cyrus and Agent Bishop: - Lawful Neutral.

Lord Cyrus and his leading handler have the responsibility to protect the people of Negav, though normally the sole interests of the magiocrats, which sometimes goes against the interests of the people, gets in the way. But you can hardly say no to your superiors, can you? Cyrus and Bishop try to balance the responsibly out, understanding more than the magiocrats that you can’t suppress the needs of the people too much, but still the magiocrats often come first.
Cyrus has no qualms with letting his agents torture suspects to get intel and sometimes as unlawful punishment towards those that cross the magiocrats, though he does at least hold it off until they are pretty sure the captive is guilty.
Cyrus also has no problems using the service of lesser criminals using blackmail, realizing that sometimes you need a crook to catch a crook. It was Cyrus who coerced Winona into working for the ISD to begin with. Whenever or not a criminal’s cooperation redeems them in his eyes entirely depends on the crime in question.

Audree And Kyle: - Chaotic Good

Audree And Kyle are typical fairies, they just want to play games, eat prey, have sex and whatever else they feel like. They do take good care of those they consider to be ‘friends’ though, though even friends are not safe from the occasional prank and rough play. While they are ignorant of human law and rights, they do however keep Fairy principles in high regard.
Audree and Kyle are rarely seen separate, considering each other to be ‘playmates for life’ which is the closest thing fairies have to wedlock, as in they must each other for permission before ‘playing’ with other fairies of the opposite gender.

Charlotte: - Chaotic Neutral.

Charlotte the Dridder is mostly concerned about her own well-being and her offspring. Apparently doesn’t even get along well with other Dridders given that her tribe banished her for lethally biting her mates. For the most part anything that is smaller than her is food. She does however care deeply for her eggs and is somewhat capable of bonding friendships, it’s just a shame that her best friend as of late is Saskia. It appears that Charlotte has a sense of loyalty to her, a level of loyalty that Saskia most likely doesn’t give in return.
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