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 ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~

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Mr. I
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 14, 2014 2:17 pm

(Hhhat, please. Can you not post in RP threads unless you are involved? That'd be great. Also I'm waiting for others to post first as I posted recently.)
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Eternal Optimist
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 14, 2014 7:48 pm

(Hat can make a fun post OOC if he wants to. It's not hurting anyone. That said, I would mind if he derailed the main RP, so please nobody else reply to what he wrote. ^^; Also again, next time you guys post, I'd like you to describe how your characters are enjoying themselves so far, whether or not it would show through their body language or otherwise, stuff like that to give Exi a good sense of where the party is. Very Happy Please and thank you.)
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Mr. I
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 14, 2014 10:26 pm

Poss set her hand down on the ground, palm side up. It was always easier to talk to smaller people when she didn't have to lean forward so much to both hear them and get a good look at them. It also helped them get a better look at her, especially if they weren't exactly comfortable with her spider half.

"Capsuleer?" She asked.

Since thugs had gotten started, Ishoam was peanut against the wall, looking outside ocassionally. He had heard that a magician was coming to the party, but was starting to think he wasn't coming. He made his way toward the buffet and started eating whatever looked good, mainly the meat tubes in buns. Ketchup and relish were a plenty on his plate.
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 19, 2014 3:50 pm

Astrid mews. "Sorry, I won't bother you about it any more." she happily eats some of the food, then starts walking around, checking out Poss's cave. She couldn't help but be a bit curious about it, as she'd never been in the home of a Dridder before. She runs her hand along some of the webbing. "Nyaaa~ This is really soft...I like it Poss." she'd notice Exilon was back on the stage and her ears twitch as she silently hopes for more music.
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2014 3:35 pm

Kleos was sat in his chair and was slowly looking around the cave, lost in thought. It seemed the tense atmosphere from before had faded. His mind was tired from constantly thinking the worst and checking for danger. The others were way too trusting of that Dridder, but he felt that if the Dridder had planned to trap everyone, she would have done so already. He relaxed and decided to at least try to enjoy himself. But he didn't plan on dancing. His body still ached from the journey to the cave. Though he was still young in age, his body did not match his youth. His hair had gone mostly grey by now and the color was gone from his features. It was awful to be a youthful soul trapped in a fragile body. But this was his fate. A fate he had accepted long ago.

Relaxed and finally at ease, he smiled weakly as his gaze wandered from person to person. Sat in his chair, he drummed his fingers to the beat of the music and wondered if it was too late to accomplish his dreams.
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2014 10:39 pm

"I fly spaceships," Persephone explained. "Not that it should be any surprise, but I'm not originally from here. I used to live in New Eden, which is a region of space filled with a number of habitable planets controlled by different nations. I came here while exploring an unknown wormhole that happened to lead to Felarya."
Persephone was just starting to get comfortable. She'd been apprehensive at first, having come here at the request of a friend but in no real mood to party. Hopefully the proverbial ice was breaking and she might be able to enjoy herself for a change.
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Eternal Optimist
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2014 8:27 pm

(uh, in case you guys aren't sure what I'm looking for and that's why you haven't posted, I just want you to describe some facial/body language for Exilon to observe when you post next, that's all. >_<; )
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 7:10 pm

Winona polished off the last meat tube bread on her plate, she leant back in her chair and sighed happily, purring as she licked her lips. A loud belch quickly arupted from her mouth before she had to chance to politely supress it.


Her hand shot to her mouth and she embarrassedly quickly glanced to her left and right at the people around her.

"Pardon me." She said casually and as posh as she could muster, trying to maintain the outward impression of lady-like etiquette.

She paused to groom herself, licking the back of her hand a few times and then brushing it agaist her white neko hair, she repeated this process several times before getting out of her seat to see if there were any more Meat stick breads left.
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Eternal Optimist
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2014 8:17 am

Exilon smiled to herself. It looked like things had calmed down considerably. She just hoped everyone had gotten their questions to Poss answered. Since it was a party, it was time for more music, she deemed. She brought her golden staff out of her coat once more and caused it to change its shape into that of a violin simply by thinking about it. A simple-looking percussive instrument and an equally-simple string instrument appeared in the air behind her, constructs made of glowing lines as always. The percussion began first, starting a gentle, faint beat that would still echo through the cave. The string instrument then joined in, laying down a mid-tempo, upbeat tune, which Exilon then harmonized with using her violin, beginning to play the melody that would take over the song. A few other constructs appeared, giving the song depth and richness, along with distinct 'elven' undertones.

(For reference, give a listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHSVHbxBEHU&feature=related )

Around the same time, another guest showed up at the entrance to the cave, a young neko man with tan ear and tail fur, and brown hair coloured blond at the tips. He looked around the cave with a look of astonishment, his long orange and green cloak covering most of his body. He looked between the other guests, and the huge dridder who doubtlessly owned the cave. Then his eyes came to rest on Exilon, bouncing and twirling with the music on the tree stage, and his face lit up, his apparent discomfort giving way as he ran into the room to get a better view of her, excusing himself as he passed by Persephone and Winona.
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2014 8:52 am

(Sorry, I've been a bit busy lately)

Astrid's ears twitched as she heard the drum beat begin. Grinning slightly, she closed her eyes and listened. As the music's tempo increases her tail swayed in time with the music. As the violin came on she'd start dancing, swaying her body in rhythm with the drums as she danced. She looked around for someone to dance with, noting with a slight frown that everyone seemed to busy to dance.
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 06, 2014 12:37 pm

Kleos watched the new guest arrive and focused his eyes on him as the guest moved further into the cave in the direction of Exilon. This new neko had sure taken his sweet time getting here. The music was nice but it was starting to give him a headache. He grimaced and rubbed his temples slowly in an effort to relieve the pain. What a nuisance his body was.
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2014 9:52 am

Winona eyes lit up, she had sensed the unmistakable scent of a neko male. Turning round she caught glispe of brown and blond hair wrapped up in a long orange and green cloak as the seemingly young man passed her.

"Oh, hello sailer." Winona quitely said as she watched him make his way to the stage.
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Great warrior
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2014 3:23 pm

(Eh, Is there a problem 'ere chaps?)
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Eternal Optimist
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2014 8:32 pm

(I'm just waiting on Eye and Para.)
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2014 1:39 am

(I would just like to apologize for my lack of posting. In the past few weeks, I have tried to post numerous time, but something interrupted me halfway through. Life and stuff happens, but I still feel like a jerk for holding up the show for so long. so without further ado, here I go.)

"So you came here accidently? Ishoam arrived in a similar way. He was just out minding his own business when he sees a flash of light and wakes up in the Dridder forest. How did your ship handle arriving here? Was it a crash landing or a smooth descent?"

Poss was starting to like this girl. She shared similarities with Ishoam and always enjoyed hearing the story of how someone arrived om Felarya. She also didn't seem to have a lot of anxiety or concern as far as talking to a giant went. Perhaps if things kept going smoothly she would become friends with the other smaller creatures that were partying in her home.
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 12:03 am

"The ship didn't 'handle' it at all, actually. It started breaking up as soon as I hit the atmosphere and the escape pod was the only part that managed to make the ground. Afterwards I pretty much had to fend for myself until I got situated in Negav."
Persephone hoped she wouldn't have to recount the entire story of her first few days here, what with the mortification of finding herself alone and naked in the woods, getting glued between a giantess's boobs, and then being... well, touched excessively by some kind of tentacle dryad. It was a story better learned from than shared with others.
"So were you born here then?"

P.S. She did step onto Poss's outstretched hand. Presumably Exilon can see this.

...sorry for my tardy post. Stuff is stuff and life is life. Things are things. Also, this forum seems to be hella slow for me lately. Anyone else having connection issues?
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Eternal Optimist
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 2:25 pm

(Some days are worse than others speed-wise, Para, I agree. O.o It's a little strange.)

As Exilon continued her song, she took note of everyone around the room, including the new guest, who she flashed a wink to. She liked his style; lots of colours to make one stand out from the crowd. Not that there was much of a crowd to stand out from here. She also noticed Kleos' body language, suggesting he was less than enjoying himself. She wanted to direct him to some headache-relief medicine she had stocked in the back of the cave in case of such an emergency, should he be suffering from such, but she didn't want to interrupt her performance, especially when someone new had just arrived to watch her.

The new arrival, for his part, lit up when he noticed Exilon notice him. He gave a cheer, pumping a fist into the air for a moment, then reached into his robes and shuffled around for a bit, apparently struggling to get to something within. After a few moments, he pulled out a small box wrapped in green with a bow of orange, mirroring his attire. He attempted to get it up onto the stage, though his robes were too heavy and even at his height of 6'4", he couldn't quite reach, even when hopping. He gave up trying after the second hop and looked around with a furrowed brow, hoping someone would step forth to assist.
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Great warrior
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 31, 2014 11:53 am

(Gonna skip over Nergal's turn here to try and keep this going. ^^')

Kleos noticed the Neko trying hard to get the box onto the stage but failing to reach. Ironically this neko didn't seem very athletic, which he found to be quite amusing. But despite finding it amusing, it was starting to get a little sad that no one was assisting this Neko. He grumbled in annoyance and approached the Neko to lend a hand. It was his duty to help people, even with trivial things. Clearing his voice as he drew near, Kleos spoke with his usual friendly tone.

"Hello friend, I am Kleos. I see you are having some trouble trying to get that box up to Exilon. Allow me to help you."

Kleos gently took the box from the neko and cupped it in his hands. Muttering a prayer under his breath, a dim white light began to shine from underneath the box. He then confidently let his hands relax and fall to his sides, leaving the box suspended in midair on a disk of light. The box slowly and gently rose higher and higher until it cleared the stage, moved closer to Exilon and then began to descend. As soon as the disk of light touched the stage, it dispersed into particles and disappeared, leaving the box sitting on the stage ready to be picked up.

Kleos bowed to the Neko, and then walked back to sit in his chair again.
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2014 5:33 pm

Winona watched as the male Neko tried to climb onto the stage, too busy looking at his arse to offer any help. Eventually the 'Knight Templar' went over and assisted him. Strange, even with such a heavily coat one would have presumed that the male Neko wouldn’t have had any problem getting onto the stage. But then again, some Nekos come from backgrounds where their athletic skills aren’t honed, kind of like the sheltered types like Rachael.

.....Like Rachael....Oh Buggeration!

Winona rummaged through her bag for her Magitech phone, she was due to report in to Rachael ten minutes ago. If she doesn't give H.Q regular updates they will start to suspect she is up to no good. And thanks to the 'Blinded' mark that the Magiocrats put on her they can always check up on her whereabouts if she ever gave them a reason to resort to that. They would obviously be very unimpressed if they saw her stuffing herself with meat sticks at a party and not doing her job.

"Hey Rach!" Winona spoke into her communication device. "I've had to make a slight detour while on route, had to escape from a massive Dridder and had to work my way back on track. So expect me to be a bit late."

"What's that music?" Rachael’s voice crackled through the phone.

"What music?"

"I can hear music in the background, Your car doesn't have stereo, so where is it coming from?"

Winona paused for a moment and bit her lip, she completely forgot about the music that was playing at the party.

"It's a Jaykay bird." She then said after some thought.

"A Jaykay bird?"

"Yeah, some nearby wild Jaykay bird that is picking up a signal from somewhere. They can do that you know."

"Are you Bullshiting me?" Rachael asked.

"Look it up if you don't believe me. Jaykay birds can pick up music." Winona replied calmly.

There was a moment of silence from Rachael's end except for the slight crackles of the pages being turned.

"Very well..." Rachael said after a pause. "Contact me when you arrive at your destination."

"Ahuh." Winona said.

Winona hanged up the call and put the phone back in her bag.

"Smooooth." She said smugly to herself
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 09, 2014 12:55 am

Possios saw the male Neko arrive on the scene and her tongue very discretely breached her lips, as if she was just wetting them. She would watch him be assisted by the knight Templar before overhearing half of Winoa's conversation. She looked to the guest still in her hand and said with a slightly disappointed tone. "Aww. Leaving us so soon?"
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Eternal Optimist
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 09, 2014 7:51 am

(I think we're just waiting on Nergal now, right? I really wanna get this one back up to speed.)
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 09, 2014 1:37 pm

Oh, is this still alive too?
Now poor Persephone's in THREE places at once xD

Maybe I do need more characters after all...
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Bandur Khan
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~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~   ~Exilon's Night Party - Dridder Forest Edition~ - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 14, 2015 5:28 am

(You wish for... Speed? Okay - here comes the Speed Specialist!  Smile )

Her last Job was done - so Pearl had enough Time to make herself... hot. At least she had found a Tailor to make her some new Tops - and YESS! This Man even managed to design her a fitting Top for her favorite Jeans - the super-tight, stretchy red one with the white Side Stripes. So this Top was comfy to wear - and red-white, too. Matched even Pearl´s Sneakers. Looking into her Mirror, she was very satisfied. Pearl doesn´t even look sportive and hot - she looked... super fast. She took her two Wristbands, which were blue and white, her massive Watch and her Super-Ultra-Special-Present - only for Exilon (from the same Tailor as her new Tops).
Time to put on her BORGHESIA-Glasses. Pearl began to smile.
And then - she jumped out of the Window.
Her little Shack, built into a Tree, that was located near some Dockyard Buildings in the Motami´s was hanging roughly 12 Meters above the Ground. So she fell down - and began to move her amethyst coloured Wings. Only two little Spots on them glowed yellow - and now Pearl was surrounded by a yellow Ring it seemed, as her Wings awoke with a deep Hum to Life. An astonishing Wind Draft whirled a Cloud of Dust, as this gaudy Lightning gained Height - and Speed.
Lots of it.
With a Speed, that seemed absolutely insane Pearl roared between the Houses and she loved it. She also loved the deep vibrating, mad Noise she made, when she flew - like an old piston-driven Plane. Pearl´s Style of Flying differed much from this of an `ordinary´ Fairy. They seemed to be featherlike, soft and gentle - Pearl however was... a Warbird. A massive High-Velocity-Projectile, able to accomplish the freakiest Manoeuvers in no Time. One of her Specialties, she was proud of.
`Man - I am going to have Fun at a REALLLLLL PARRRRTY! This is gonna be so great!´ she smiled - now even glowing red at some Spots on her Body and Arms. Pearl thinked of the Location - Dridder Forest - okay, the Location is known and marked on most of the Maps. It was a dark grey-green coloured Spot on her Map - with no Details, which was no Wonder. What she knew about Dridders, was not this much - Pearl knew they would appear to look very... unique, so to say. And they often are said to be... well, uhm... not very nice. But Pearl knew Exilon - and she loved Music, bright Colours - and Pearl would be not surprised, if Exilon could have managed to persuade even the nastiest and most evil Dridder to discover her mostly well-hidden nice Side. Pearl smiled again as she gained even more Speed and raced through the Night Sky - like a roaring little Rocket, glowing red and surrounded by a light yellow Ring.
She was sure Exilon has invited most unusual Guests - and Pearl was curious of meeting them all! As a former `rich Girl´ she loved this Aspect of Parties the most!
So she arrived at the Forest - which doesn´t look very... inviting, she thought. So she flew over the sometimes eerie looking Trees, thinking: `Well... Party and Exilon... Look for some colourful Shine - and be aware of Sound which seem unusual around here...´
So Pearl managed to point out a Location which appeared to be a huge Cave - or something like that. Surprised by the sheer Size of this Cavern she slowed down and flew into it, to discover indeed... a `Party Hell´. Lights, Music, jungle-like Interieur, even a Tree inside this Hall, and many People - surrounding a huge Being, that looked very... unusual. An enormous Woman with the Abdomen of a fitting and huge... Spider. So impartially and always cheerful flying a crazy Greeting Circle, she stopped in Mid-Air right before the Head of this Woman and smiled at her: "Woow - You really are big, theheee! I am Pearl, nice to meet You! This is Your Home, I think?"
Amazed and almost overwhelmed by the massive optical Input of this Place, her Wings slowed down and Pearl elegantly jumped on the Floor right in Front of this huge Being, curiously looking around: "I like it here! And You like Parties, it seems? Theheee, so I think You really do rock!"


And there she was - a very special `Fairy´, with two short and sturdy-looking, amethyst coloured Wings, wearing big, mirrored Sun Glasses and tight, red and white Clothes, making her well proportioned Body appear even more streamline. This weird Girl had fuzzy, short and white Hair, which matched her cute Face quite well. And she was smiling all over her Face, enjoying this joyful Atmosphere. Now even some small blue glowing Patterns appeared on her flat Tummy and her Arms, carrying a nice-looking Parcel. Then she realized the small Woman in the Hand of the Dridder and blushed: "Oops - did I have interrupted Your Conversation? I´m sorry for that!"
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