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 XXX with an incubus - Happy Birthday?

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XXX with an incubus - Happy Birthday? Empty
PostSubject: XXX with an incubus - Happy Birthday?   XXX with an incubus - Happy Birthday? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 19, 2014 1:42 pm

So, if a female of any race has sex with an Incubus, what's the outcome?
Has there ever been a restriction as to how specific species are compatible with one another? For that sake, let us assume that the incubus is capable of adapting their reproductive system to the respective female.

There are several characters who are the children of an angel and a demon, so they arent restricted to their own species alone.

I also assume that succubi are able to use family control magic or whatever to decide whether they want to have children or not. Maybe even going so far as to decide what the child will be.

However, if the human is female and the demon is the incubus, and the incubus decides to fertilize the human, what would then be the outcome in felarya? A Human, a demon or some sort of half-demon? Or does the author pretty much have a free hand at doing whatever they please? I'd like to hear your opinion about that and especcially if there are any certain rules about that which I may not be aware of.
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XXX with an incubus - Happy Birthday? Empty
PostSubject: Re: XXX with an incubus - Happy Birthday?   XXX with an incubus - Happy Birthday? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2014 2:52 am

Well, I think we'd need a canon answer to that from Karbo, since I don't think there's any rule on that. At least not that I'm aware of.

In legend, real world legend, women that an Incubus slept with would give birth to a child with exceptional abilities. That is, a child with control over magic. There are some theories out there that say Merlin from King Arthur's legend is a powerful spellcaster because his father was a demon.

Moving on to other settings, we have D&D, where half-demons are possible in the form of a race called Tiefling, or we could always go with Tolkien's lore and avoid all half-races entirely by making the child able to choose which one he wants to become.

We can also have the sex demon take control of that, though, and have him or her decide which race is the child going to be born to, since I can totally see that falling under their magic's area of expertise.

A quick search through the wiki turned up something interesting, though. I knew this race was here, but I wanted to check if there were more, and there aren't.

Pit Nagas are apparently a mix of Naga and Demon. They are mentioned to have both demon blood and demonic traits in their appearance, so I guess this is a canon point towards a half-demon version of each race being possible, although maybe not all races are compatible with demon blood. Besides Angels, I mean.

I'd also like to address the point of cross-race breeding with demi-chimeras. Maybe they are the result of two races breeding, or they are another race altogether that can breed with any other race and take in their traits? I think that should be answered too.
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