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 Team Tyler RP (OPEN)

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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2014 7:11 pm

(Hey everyone, I would like to propose an RP where my team of explorers are trying to find a way to survive in Felarya, get some treasure, and hopefully get back home. This RP is open to anyone. I only ask that you keep with some what of a story line and write at least 3 or more sentences per entry. Please note that I have do not know 100% of the locations (I know most though) or any small details of Felarya. I also can not be on here all the time, but I'll at least be on here as often as I can. I have RP'ed before and played D&D a bit. Also, no insta-killing of characters, at least give me a chance to save them.)

Rules: I will control my party of humans (descriptions below) and anyone who wants to join can be any predator (or a possible new party member if you happen to stumble across us).

As mentioned, no insta-kill. But death can happen.

Please write 3 or more sentences.

Correct me if I make any errors with the more subtle details of Felarya.

Don't leave out the Felaryan plants too.

Please leave suggestions and out of character talk in ((Double parenthesis))

Character Bios:

Tyler (Party Leader)
me: Quick and fast, able to handle myself in a situation. Vore lover, so Felarya is a big weakness.
5'7", 150 lbs. Likes guns and swords. Prefers shotgun. (male)

Kelsey (the brawn)
(My GF) 6'2" 245lbs. She is larger and fatter, but has a lot of muscle and speed. She can talk me out of stuff and is able to reason with others.
Uses Knives as weapons, also has a lighter. (female)

Lea (the brains)
5'5" Is pretty smart and can see some traps and think about things in a different way. Also pretty athletic as well. *NOTE: This is NOT the Lea that is Crisis's Friend*
Prefers a small handgun and can also learn magic. (female)

Vanessa (Survivalist)
5'6" She is strong, pretty country-ish girl. Tough and able to help others when in need.
She will get a small guide book to Felarya so she will know some species and characters. (female)

Morgan (random)
5'6" A very weak girl. She is very needy, although a friend of mine. Will not hesitate to help others.
No weapon used as she is a pacifist.

Now then, let's kick off the story!

*Everyone in my party was just hanging out on campus one day, when out of nowhere, a huge portal appeared! I try to get away, but slowly get sucked into it*

Everyone: TYLER! *They rush to me to pull me back, but get sucked in with me. The portal flahes brightly white, then vanishes just like it appeared, leaving nothing*

*We wake later in a ruined ancient city (Ur-Sagol) By the dimensional gate*
Tyler: Everyone alright?
Kelsey: Looks like it, but where are we?
Tyler: I dont know, a ruined city it looks like.
Vanessa: Hey their is a portal like the one we came through, lets just go back through it!
Tyler: Ok. *Runs through the portal, but it simply returns me back to where i started* Looks like its not working...
Lea: We're trapped?
Tyler: Calm down! I'm sure someone will send help soon! Lets see whats around here.

*We find a box filled with equipment as if someone was expecting us. We all get our weapons (But no magic yet). Vannesa finds a book entitled "Guidebook to Felarya"*

Tyler: Felarya?
Vanessa: That's what it says.
Tyler: Oh no!
Kelsey: What?
Tyler: I, um, kinda know that world...
Lea: What about it?
Tyler: That its very dangerous!

((Note, to keep it fair, my knowledge of Felarya as a character is reduced. I only know Crisis as a character))
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2014 3:28 pm

((Ooh, a brand new, open RP? Count me in! ^^ ))

((Vince Vincent’s bio))

Vince Vincent was having a bad day. A very bad day. He’d never thought that he’d ever go from being the ruler of a (somewhat small) criminal empire in Negav, to being on the run in the wilds of Felarya. Then again, being a three inch tall neera, most would have never thought he’d be the ruler of a (again, somewhat small) criminal empire in Negav, of all places.

But I digress. Vince was a tad busy making his way through some very, very big ruins. His usual troop of bodyguards had, unfortunately, suffered the typical fate of human-sized creatures running into a much larger predator on Felarya. All Vincent missed about them was their speed, and reassuring presence. Though, okay, even he would admit that going like that was a pretty bad way to go.

Well, they knew what they signed up for, he thought, continuing on through the rubble, and barely heeding his surroundings. At least they’re definitely dead. I’m just waiting for the Felarya roulette to pick a demise for me-

It was around then that a very large bottom materialized above his head, and smothered him.


Vince groaned when Kelsey got up off of him, struggling to move his stiff and mostly-crushed joints. Somehow, miraculously, nothing seemed to be broken… but he was surrounded by a whole squad of bloody humans. This wasn’t going to end well.

So, as is typical of his kind, he attempted to sneak off to one side, aiming for a small ruined house a few feet away...
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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2014 4:26 pm

Kelsey: I think I just sat on something! It was small.
Vanessa: Was it a fairy? Did it have wings?
Kelsey: No, it looked small though. maybe this world's version of a mouse?
Tyler: Either way, we should keep going. Lets look for anything that could help us here and move out.

((Interesting charicter BTW. They have not noticed you in the Rp yet, unless you chose to make yourself known))
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2014 7:03 pm

((Considering he'd probably just keep scurrying away, I'll wait to see if someone else appears and points Vincie out. Though if that doesn't happen, I'll figure something out... ^^ ))
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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2014 7:07 pm

((Ok, Ill give it a bit and see if anyone joins))
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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 1:16 pm

I'll throw in Lorelei to mix things up a bit. She is of giant size, but tries her best to be a vegetarian. That said, she's rather easily tricked and may end up eating someone unwittingly.
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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 3:50 pm

parameciumkid wrote:
I'll throw in Lorelei to mix things up a bit. She is of giant size, but tries her best to be a vegetarian. That said, she's rather easily tricked and may end up eating someone unwittingly.

((Alright, she seems cool! Perhaps she can help us. You can write her in if you want))
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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2014 9:35 am

As Vince drew increasingly near the dilapidated house, it became increasingly clear that it wasn't a house at all so much as a pile of rubble hugging the shape of some kind of hard, rounded organic structure.
The identity of the structure became obvious when it suddenly exhibited the very un-house-like behavior of getting up and moving, revealing the soft, squishy body of an achigate poking out from underneath.
Lorelei yawned emphatically. She had been at some party someone was hosting last she remembered, before wandering off into the woods and falling asleep. Fortunately she'd been smart enough to at least try to disguise herself by burying herself in a pile of wood scraps, but in retrospect maybe leaves would have been more believable. Either way, she hadn't been discovered by anything that would have tried to eat her. Rather, she was confronted with a small group of humans and a distressed-looking Neera barely large enough to see.
She waved down at everyone. "Hi~"
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2014 9:52 am

Vince hardly heard what the humans were saying as he kept running, and-


He suddenly slammed into a wall of sticky, moist flesh. A very, very, very big wall. The neera tried to look up, and found that the house had, in fact, been a huge snail-girl. Well, as far as he could see from way down here.

Even worse, it didn't seem like it was going to handle his human problem, as it just smiled and waved. And greeted them.

Vincent quickly tried to evaluate his situation... and finally decided to just try climbing Lorelei. It wasn't like she could move very fast. Or see/feel/hear him all too well. It was going to be fiiiiine... well, he hoped.
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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2014 5:24 pm

*my party sees the snailgirl after revealing herself. I choose to talk to her, since we are at a safe distance still (like 40ft)*

Tyler: Hello! Who are you? Whats in your mouth?

*the rest of my team get behind me, seeing as she should be a herbivore*

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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2014 4:00 pm

Lorelei dug around in her mouth a bit before pulling out a well-mashed piece of some kind of leaf.
"You mean this? ...uhh, well I was eating earlier and I just sorta fell asleep afterward, so I uh... listen to what you're making me say!"
She proceeded to cringe like a stereotypical anime heroine and fling the little green thing off into the woods.

"...oh!" It was at this point that she became aware of some small tickly thing trying to scale her torso. On closer inspection it was the Neera.
"And what are you up to?" she asked him.
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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2014 4:08 pm

So you dont eat people? Tyler says. What is that thing? Vanessa asks. I must have sat on that, says Kelsey.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2014 4:55 pm

Vince froze just as he reached the first strip of Lorelei’s ragged shirt. He slowly looked up… and up… and up, having to lean back a good bit to see that… the huge snail girl was looking right at him. Vincent paled, swallowing hard. He’d… basically never been noticed by a predator of humans. It was a lot more unnerving than he’d thought it would be.

“U-u-uh…” He stuttered, looking around quickly. “C-catching a ride…?” He finally offered, weakly. What kind of crime lord are you?! She’s just a… a… huge… building-sized… snail-zilla...
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Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2014 5:38 pm

*me and my team simply do nothing and watch the interaction, not careing one way or the other what happens to him*
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PostSubject: Re: Team Tyler RP (OPEN)   Team Tyler RP (OPEN) Icon_minitime

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