Some basic rules to follow on those forums :
* If you have a question, please check that it has not been answered anywhere else on the site. Use the search feature.
* Post your comment/question to the most appropriate place. Any posts deemed to be in the wrong forum will be moved. Do not cross-post the same question to multiple places.
* All posts of the forum must be in English.
* No all-caps (FOR EXAMPLE, LIKE THIS) or all-bolds please. It is extremely hard to read and annoying... Posts submitted in all-caps or all-bolds may be deleted. Also use a proper English please. Avoid posts such as " Hi m4te ! how r u going"
* No useless posts please. This includes: Thread bumping, flooding, or spaming. Also avoid necromancy on old posts unless you really add something to the conversation and they are still relevant. If it's just to write something like " I agree", kindly refrain from it.
* Do not impersonate anyone whom you are not, regardless of who the other individual may be. Identity theft won't be tolerated.
* Keep conversations on-topic as much as possible.
* Do not link to any site that contains pornography please. Forumotion is strict on this. Any post containing an inappropriate link will be deleted and the poster may receive a warning according to the situation... Non-hardcore adult related material is okay as long as it don't cross certain red lines. The same goes for post content. Keep in mind it does include the chatroom as well.
* No link to Peer to peer sites either.
* You are free to speak your mind, but please remember this is a community, other people might have different opinions, so you should try to be courteous and nice to your fellow man/woman, Giant/Giantess. Gratuitously rude, provocative or inflammatory comments, as well as unreasonable accusations and demands, will NOT be tolerated. If unclear, it is up for a Moderator to decide if the event was indeed fit for punishment, and this decision is absolute. If you have a complaint about the moderation, please do it through private messages. Keep in mind, though, that a Mod is always open for considerate suggestions.
* Deliberate trolling will be severely punished and will result most of the time in a direct - and without warning - ban. Don't use use little smartasses images either, to emphasize any derogatory comments. Those are always provocative and very close to trolling.
* In case of a big argument, if it's finally dying down DON'T FAN the flames again. You are not here to prove to the world that you have "won", that you are "right", that you are the best or something... It's utterly pointless on internet anyway.
*And of course DO NOT Make Inappropriate or Offensive Posts - including threats, harassment, racial hatred and so... This will end in the same result than trolling. Discussing about real politic or real religion on this forum is also very heavily discouraged.
*Even if Felarya is a great world that spans over many mediums, please try to keep matters restricted to the medium at hand. Discussions happening in Skype, a pad, or DeviantArt shouldn't be brought to the forum and vice-versa."