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 Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)

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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 1:10 am


This RP is about a day in the life of Roxanne, a giant naga who is known for her voracious appitite.

I will be playing Roxanne. Anyone else who joins will be one of the people she caught.

*you may be eaten! no complaining if roxanne gives your character a personal tour of her belly!

No other predators, PLEASE! This is all about outsmarting a pred, not being one.

Originality encouraged! it may be your only chance of survival!

Most of all, have fun!)
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 1:39 am

(I will probably join this, but I can't right now. I'm just posting so you know you've got my interest.)
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 9:52 am

(Saving you a spot!

I will make the first post later today)
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 10:14 am


Height: 100 ft

Age: Who knows? Appears 18

Appearance: lower body is green with yellow stripes along the belly.

Personality: Roxanne is a voracious predator, and a competent one at that. She is, however, quite fond of allowing her prey the chance to escape.

Bio: Raised by other Nagas, Roxanne was abandoned as a child and found by a elder Naga. She grew up, learning to hunt, and making friends of humans from the village. That is, until she got big enough. Then her old playmates were just food.

As were the rest of the humans. And anything small enough to fit in her mouth.

Roxanne was sure to be as silent as possible as the convoy approached. A group of travelers, nothing more. Following them was a snap, and none of them even saw her coming...

(introduce characters here)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 12:41 pm

Hmmm.... Maybe this would give me the chance to show of Nyaha's abilities, or at least hone them to a not-too-advantageous point. I need to post a bio, right?
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 3:32 pm

Ye, that would be great no godmodding please, this is a battle of wits, not strength
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 4:59 pm

Roxanne wrote:
Ye, that would be great no godmodding please, this is a battle of wits, not strength
On one hand I get where you're coming from, but on the other, I say strength can be a valuable asset as well. Not that that pertains to Nyaha, anyway, so whatever.

Name: Naharou "Nyaha" Ikutsuki
Species: Neko
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 132 lbs
Fur Colour: Brown with white tips
Skin Colour: Fair
Hair Colour: Blond
Eye Colour: Green
Threat Level: Random (it mainly depends on if you seem able to survive in Felarya, and whether you threaten him)

Nyaha is a neko boy who has slightly tanned fair skin from getting lots of sun and wavy, fluffy, sandy-blond hair. His eyes are big and youthful, sporting a very kind yet intelligent green colour. The fur on his ears and tail is a healthy brown with white on the tips. The most noticeable thing about him, however, is the shirt he wears, which sports large sleeves which reach down past his knees. The shrit is green with white spots on the shoulders, collar, stomach, bottem edge, and the cuffs of the sleeves, and yellow lines connect the spots on the torso and encompass the cuffs. He also wears tan pants, and sandals on his feet.

Nyaha is a neko who loves to be silly and have fun. He's very outgoing and loves making friends with other people. His idea of maturity is knowing when it's okay to be silly and when it's time to get serious and act like an adult. The way he behaves belies his true intelligence, and when push comes to shove he can be extremely clever. Though he's always ready to make a new friend, he does tend to avoid making friends with humans and even other nekos, as he says they die too often in Felarya and he can't bear to lose that many friends. Above all other things, he believes in friendship, and will do almost anything to please someone he trusts. The second thing he believes in is tolerance, and never reacts too harshly towards anything (with the exception of neko fur hunters). The third thing he believes in is individuality, and can never keep his adoration for all things unique hidden for long.

Nyaha's shirt is very unique, as it's oversized sleeves have been enchanted to hold seemingly anything and everything inside them. The sleeves stretch very far in order to accommodate large items, and items that Nyaha is unable to lift with his own measly strength become wieghtless when inside his sleeves (Though for the most part her remains unable to use them). He has near total control over his sleeves, able to use them as cannons to fire objects from them, or activate certain items from inside the sleeves, and even make intstruments play music. This, combined with his creativity and intelligence makes him a force to be reckoned with, though he doesn't really pick fights with anyone. One of Nyaha's favourite weapons are a pair of gauntlets with foot-and-a-half long steel claws attatched to the knuckles, which he uses maily for defensive and close-combat situations. He also likes to use various distractions in his combat style, and his favourite method of doing so is a smokebomb attack in which sight and scent-blocking smoke either billows or explodes from his sleeve.

(There's Nyaha's bio. I shortened it to exclude his backstory, 'cuz it's not really that important.)
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 7:03 pm

As Roxanne silently stalked the convoy, she noticed a neko. A neko, traveling with humans? Were these men slavers?

Roxanne's memory flashed to an encounter she once had with slavers...

(Not inserting it here because I haven't written it out yet. Let's just say it left Roxanne emotionally scarred, and the slavers dead.)

Roxanne was determined to catch this party now, at any cost.

Slinking up behind them, she saw the neko straggling behind. Along with another traveler...
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 4:18 pm

Mind if join in? Home internet access is still a little fuzzy but I should be able to keep up with everything from my workplace.

Name: Jason Alvin
Species: Human
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 107 lbs
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Hair Colour: Dark brown and messy, slight greying at the temples
Eye Colour: A light yet vivid blue, dulled by his square framed glasses
Threat Level: One of the easiest meals around, once you've caught him

A homely, bookish chap in both appearance and nature, Jason has reluctantly come to Felarya in search of a family heirloom that his much more adventurous brother had once callously traded away. A chronologist on his home world, he is shy, quiet and not entirely personable, only banding together with this set of travellers out of necessity. He is very quick on both his feet and his mind - the former from long isolationist running routines and the latter from years of dedicated scholarship. As expected of such a booksmart person he came woefully underprepared for any fighting and massively overprepared for jungle survival, sporting a knapsack stuffed with lightweight essentials such as rope, flint and water purification tablets. Has developed a nervous twitch due to paranoia since coming to Felarya.

If he's approved he could be the traveller next to Nyaha, or he could be amongst the main convoy. Totally your call! Very Happy
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 5:21 pm

I think this might be interesting, and would like to save a spot. also I have a question, you said no predators, does Gavin count?(link to bio in signature) Also are we allowed to have more than one character, thanks. Until further notice, I will play using Damon(link also in signature). This is my first rp so I am really looking forward to it.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 6:12 pm

1 character per person, please (though if Gavin dies, you can bring in Damon.) And no, gavin counts as human, making him non-pred.

"A human and a neko, travelling together. What was this world coming to?" (lettin you introduce your characters before the attack. This is a slavers party, so you are all either slavers or slaves. attack comes after everyone has had a chance to post.)
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 9:57 am

Made Jason a slave rather than a slaver, seems more like him. The only thing that's changed now is that he no longer has his survival knapsack - just some lightweight essentials sewn into the lining of his jacket.


Stumbling over a hidden root in the immutable march onwards, Jason struggled to keep his balance with his hands bound behind his back. It had been a long day's walking already and a cloying sweat was beginning to stick his shirt to his back. It was only the reassuring weight of the survival essentials he had stitched into the lining of his jacket that kept his spirits up. After all, when you have been betrayed by an acquaintance and ended up marshalled into a party of slaves you take what hope you can get.

The snap of a twig to his right make his head whip round, his heart racing. To his relief he was greeted with the sight of an Eliocanthe flying away from its perch. Jason slowly turned his head back to focus on the path ahead. True, he was being too jumpy, but something still felt off.

Something was wrong.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 10:48 am

Roxanne wrote:
1 character per person, please (though if Gavin dies, you can bring in Damon.) And no, gavin counts as human, making him non-pred.

"A human and a neko, travelling together. What was this world coming to?" (lettin you introduce your characters before the attack. This is a slavers party, so you are all either slavers or slaves. attack comes after everyone has had a chance to post.)
(I don't like the idea of having my poor Nyaha be a slave or a slaver. I don't like that you have to group them all together like that. >:[ )
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 12:20 pm

Damon's deity hadn't yet given him orders so wandered about as he pleased. He made a decent profit, and the slaves usually had something of value. Damon chuckled as he looked at the jumpy one, completely unprepared, he thought. This guy has no place in Felarya, and probably shouldn't have come. then again, maybe he was just reacting to the feeling in the air. Damon's magic field was having small fluctuations, but nothing to be concerned about. he was probably naturally jumpy, nothing would happen, and if something did, he would run, he had no loyalties to this band. There might even be some loot left behind, yes that would do nicely, some of the slavers might drop a weapon, or coin purse, and if they didn't he would still get it sooner, or later.He looked back at the slave, almost feeling sorry, almost...
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 2:24 pm

Quote :
(I don't like the idea of having my poor Nyaha be a slave or a slaver. I don't like that you have to group them all together like that. >:[ )

If you can think of a reason that Nyha is traveling with the party, even if it because he has just barely been captured, or maybe is just traveling with them, that would be acceptable. I assure you, no one will end up a slave after this.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 12:38 pm

(Okay, I got it! ^.^)

Naharou - or Nyaha as most of his friends called him, except for his mermaid friend who called him "Nyanha" and his best friend who usually calls him "Nyah" - looked around. He was walking along at the rear of the convoy. He had let himself be captured as a sort of dare with his friend, but now he wasn't so sure this was a good idea. Luckily, he'd used his oversized shirt sleeves to trick the slavers into thinking his fists were his wrists, so he'd be able to escape the shackles on his arms easily at any time. He also had shackles on his legs, after all, being a neko, any slaver would be stupid not to shackle his legs to prevent him from using his speed to escape. But they'd come off easy after he got his arms free. The thing Nyaha wasn't sure about was the feeling of being followed. A feeling he shouldn't be having considering he was at the back of the convoy. He contemplated making a preemptive move and escaping before anything went down, but his curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to stay and see what fun thing would happen today. He started getting excited at the idea of possibly making a new friend today, but suddenly a twig snapped nearby and Nyaha was startled by the reaction of the man beside him. Nyaha then smiled to himself. He know something's going down, too, he thought. Maybe this dare'll be more worthwhile than I thought!
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 1:52 am

Roxanne observedthe party for a little while longer. "that Neko isn't tied up properly," she thought to herself, mildly amused. "And he seems way too calm. I beleive this will be fun."

Her belly rumbled, and she giggled.

"Humans, if you take another steap, your death will be quick and decisive. Halt!" she said, in a threatening, yet playful voice.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 10:52 am

" Does that mean me, too?" Nyaha said quizzically. "I'm a neko, not a human." In reality, he was just saying the silliest thing he could come up with at the time. He wanted to start some shenanigans.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 2:33 pm

Damon whipped around and placed his hand on his dirk. he glanced quickly left and right, there were plenty of escape routes and hiding places as long as the naga didn't cut them off. "impudent wretch" The deities voice sounded in his head "Who does she think she is?!"
"At the moment she is the top predator, and a threat." Damon thought back.
"I could change your form if you kill one of the others" The Deity suggested
"The side effects are too extreme to warrant such a move in a situation such as this" Damon replied " I can probably talk my way out of this one"
"The way that neko is?"
"No, the neko is asking for trouble, especially in his bound state, i will be less mocking in my methods."
Damon kept his hand on his dirk, but straightened out of his defensive position, and put in a more friendly face. He also kept an eye on that tail to be sure it didn't cut off his escape.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 3:13 pm

Jason was frozen still, petrified. The resonance of that voice, the timbre, the pitch! There was no denying it - that sound must have come from a creature far far bigger than they were. He could almost feel the sound waves wash over him in their vibration and power. Moreover, that teasing, mocking tone to the voice painted terrifying pictures in his mind of a creature sentient enough to know right and wrong, but cruel enough to ignore them.

Pushing the worst case scenario-type thoughts from his mind, Jason cast his gaze around wildly for the nearest slaver. His eyes briefly alighted on a neko standing with a curiously bemused look on his face and a man clutching a small dagger before he found him: he was standing looking fretfully at his boss, unsure of what to do. Jason had mentally earmarked that slaver early on in the march - he carried the keys for his shackles, hanging tantalisingly from his belt. Quietly, Jason started to take a step towards the slaver, but stopped himself sharply, almost overbalancing. That voice said not to take a step. It may just have been a figure of speech, but Jason wasn't one to take chances.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 9:27 pm

Roxanne watched, amused. "Let's see, 1 2 3 4 5..." she did a quick head count. She wore a somewhat revealing tank-top, showing her stomach but coverind her upper body. "Fifteen humans and a neko. Perfect." As she said that, she began to move closer, her very long tail encircling the party, trapping them. It was then she heard the neko speak. "If you value your life, nekoling, you will follow my instructions to a T." she giggled. She liked this guy already. As delicious as nekos were, she would save him for later.

Suddenly she saw something that caught her off guard A human, a slave too, move one step then freeze. "this is not red-light green-light, human." she smiled, winking at him. "but since you seem intent on moving, come forward. Oh, and bring that slaver too. The one you were following." she put her hands on her hips, expectantly.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 11:23 am

Nyaha thought for a moment. The value of his own life wasn't something he often thought about. "My life is valued by how much I make others happy," he said, thinking aloud. I could make the naga happy by letting her eat me...but that'd make my other friends sad. I can let that happen. This was Nyaha's thought process. He weighed most of his choices and made decisions in this manner, going with whichever choice would make more people, or those most important to him, happy. He then opened his hands, letting the shackles on his arms simply slide off his slender hands. He then shook the sleeves to get them out of the shackles. Their size made them get caught a little, but he eventually got them off.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 1:41 pm

Damn, she cut off my escape Damon thought now I have to talk my way out of this, unless...No too risky, what if there is nothing in the immediate area of any use, the best hope I have is to turn into a neko, and that is pointless, besides, the others are doing a fine job of distracting her, I still have time to think. The neko just shrugged off his shackles! Perhaps he would divert the naga's attention just long enough, no he had to change, before its too late. Damon gripped his dirk handle, twirling it back and forth as though playing with it, and slowly edged toward another slaver, grinning under his hood.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 2:12 pm

Oh, crap.

Oh crap.

As the eyes of the crowd swung slowly to rest on Jason, he gulped painfully as his paranoid twitch started jerking his head down to the right. He locked eyes with the slaver he had nearly made a beeline for earlier and found the same sense of overwhelming fear in that man's eyes that he currently felt. The slaver turned and started babbling to his boss in an unfamilar language with a pleading, high pitched whine. After what looked like a choice few heated words had been exchanged the slaver turned back to Jason and, with an anxious air of trepidation about him, strode forwards and grabbed Jason by the arm, leading him forward.

The jostling caused the back of Jason's jacket to slap against his back, reminding him of his survival essentials hidden there. He ran through the contents in his mind, highlighting what might he might be in dire need of in the immediate future - the sachet of cogamosia powder perhaps? Or, more morbidly, the salvalophytha sachet...

Eyes flitting around for potential escape routes and potential heroic comrades, Jason stopped, a little behind the slaver - both of them acutely aware of the terrifying predator looming over them.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 5:38 pm

Roxanne noticed the neko escape, but paid it no heed, she was going to release the prisoners anyway.

"I told you to bring him here, not the other way round." she laughed.

She looked down at the duo. "Why so glum, friends? What kind of girl do you think I am?" she smiled seductively. "Now, slaver," she pointed to him. "We are not so different, you and I. I eat people because I need to to survive. You sell people to make profit. I take people's lives to extend my own. You take people's lives to extend your wealth. But there is one major difference between the two of us..." as she said this, she reached down and picked him up. "I must do what I do. You do it only because you are a greedy, slimy, no-good, selfish pig! Do you deny this?" she said, her tone becoming more angry, and her left hand taking the keys off his belt. "And we all agree, people like you deserve to die."

With that, she smiled wickedly for a brief and terrifying moment down, showing the onlookers her fangs. She then tilted her head back, and ignoring his pleas for mercy, raised him above her mouth and dropped him in.

A moment seemed like an eternity in to the people watching. Her mouth closed into a broad smile, and she looked back down, holding the keys in her left hand.

"Now for you. Here are the keys for your freedom from those chains. These will grant you freedom from these pigs. Oh, but I have them." She laughed.

"So, the question is, do you trust me?" As she said that, she set her hand down in front of him, gesturing him to step on. Her other hands held the keys to his freedom...
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PostSubject: Re: Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules)   Be quick or be dead (open, but please read rules) Icon_minitime

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