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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2015 6:32 pm

((Hey everyone, and welcome to Tiny Time! This Rp is about a group of tinys in a jar, who are viciously teased and tormented by their giant (Normal size people) captors. Think of it as a jar under the bed of some girl's room. As this Rp is open to new people, anyone can take the side of the tinys or normal humans/nekos. I won't guide the story too much and have it develop on its own, so hopefully we can get a good Rp going.

Current characters:

Tiny side: Tyler (me) A tiny all my life, i have trained to escape predators but one day got caught and sold on the black market. Now I sit in a tube, bought by a sadistic girl. There may be additional tinys in the tube she buys, if anyone chooses to play as a tiny.

(Add more if you wish to play as a tiny)

Normal girl/neko side: Jor the Neko girl who bought me. I belong to her, but look for any chance to escape to freedom and of course, alert Negav police. Jor also has friends she may invite over.

(Add more if you wish to be a normal human/neko (But giant to us tinys))

I really appreciate any additions and I can't wait to see where this goes! Lets start!

Our story will begin with me moving around in the darkness of the container, looking for an escape route, but finding none. Then I hear footsteps coming closer.
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2015 12:48 pm

((Yo anyone interested? Open to literally anyone))
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2015 4:29 pm

((Ok guys. I know a few people would be interested. I've been pretty bored as of late (Besides my mom nagging like anything). So anyone at all interested?))
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2015 4:51 pm

((Well, I can't say this sort of thing is exactly my cup of tea... but I'll see if I can get a human-scale character together.))
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2015 6:52 pm

((Scratch that, looks like I'll be adding one apiece. For the record, Tinesia's pretty much cannon-fodder.))

Yuka followed Jor along, toward her 'pet/snack storage' that she'd mentioned. The neko girl was about the same age as her friend, though she had light grey fur and hair. Said hair was pretty long, going all the way down to her waist, and fairly straight. Two large cat-like ears poked out of the grey mass, twitching slightly and moving around almost of their own volition as Yuka listened to the various sounds in her friend's house. She adjusted her dark grey jacket, glancing down at her short black skirt, and black-and-grey striped stockings which covered most of her body, barring a small area around her neck and her upper thighs. A dark grey purse was casually slung over one shoulder, and bounced off of her thigh rhythmically as she went deeper into Jor's abode.

On that note, Yuka was... well, fairly shapely. Not that she was one to brag about her figure, or go out of her way to show it off. Her odd, yellow-tinted grey eyes reflected a meek sort of innocence as they took in her surroundings, and her friend who walked along with her. Her tail, covered in fur the same color as her ears and hair, moved in a slightly nervous fashion.

The thing was, Yuka wasn't really a man-eater. Or tiny-eater, rather. She hadn't really had any dealings with neeras or tomthumbs or anything, and hadn't ever planned to. She had the feeling that if she tried eating one, she'd just get embarrassed or scared or something... and then her friends would call her out and laugh at her. Today, though... she bit her lip, rather uncertain. If I screw up... m-maybe I should just go...

Before she could open her mouth to tell Jor that maybe this wasn't such a great idea, though, they suddenly reached the room.


Tinesia moaned, quietly, as she slowly sat up. Her head ached like crazy... she weakly scratched one of her small, mouse-like ears in a vague effort to comfort it. Needless to say, it didn't work. Taking a look around at her surroundings didn't help the neera girl at all, either. In fact, seeing herself inside some kind of tube, or cage, or... something didn't help her health or emotions, as well. It made her feel slightly sick when she saw she was in a giant room.

Judging by the light scattering of cat hair, it... was a neko's room.

Tinesia, usually fairly tan, grew rather pale at the thought of what she'd gotten herself into, now. She brushed some of her long, blonde hair out of her face, nervously, and her emerald green eyes darted around, looking for some way out. While her naked, equally tan tail swished in agitation, she finally saw she wasn't alone. There was someone else - her size - that was trapped with her.

Adjusted her ragged clothes, which looked like a few pieces of tissue paper had been poorly rendered into a short dress, Tinesia approached the other tiny, who seemed to be as panicked and willing to escape as she was. "H-hello...?" The neera said, in a quiet, timid voice. "W-who are you? Where are we...?"

Before she could get an answer, she saw the immense forms of two nekos fill the doorway.
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2015 9:46 pm

((I'm not sure Jor is still interested, she's been distant for some reason, but we can still continue))

*I look at the other Neera in the jar* Hey their girl! Im Tyler, and right now, those big, mean Nekos are hungry for us! We have got to escape! But...the walls are too slippery to climb up, so we will unfortunately have to go along with any games they choose! IM sorry!
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 1:59 pm

Tinesia blinked, slowly going pale. "N-nekos..." She mumbled, weakly, ignoring Tyler for a moment, before glancing back at him. "H-huh? Oh..." She bit her lip, looking around. "...W-wait, games?" The neera asked, nervously.


Yuka blinked at the two tinies in the jar, and her stomach grumbled, especially when she saw the neera girl. She surreptitiously licked her lips, glancing at Jor. "So... how long have you had these two?" She asked, trying to sound conversational as she meekly hugged her tail, stepping into the room and trying not to stare at the two tasty-looking tinies. I should have eaten lunch, first...
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Great warrior
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 11:16 pm

(Sorry guys. Had finals and then lost internet. I'm back on track now.)

Jor's autumn colored tail swished as she led her friend down to her secret abode, where she hid all her tasty snacks. Though the tan skinned neko was silent on the way over, she was grinning. It was the first time that she had brought a friend to her hangout. Reaching the door, she pushed it open to reveal a simple if well kept room, if you didn't count the cat hairs all over the place. She waited till her friend had stepped through before closing it. Jor's cat like ears perked up at Yuka's stomach growling. "Hungry?" she asked teasingly. Then continued. "I'm sure our friends will delight to help." When asked how long she had had the tinies in the jar, Jor thought for a moment and said. "I think a few days. How are you doing by the way, Yuka? I haven't seen you in a while." Jor said, as she, amused by Yuka's reaction, placed the jar of tinies in question on the table near them.
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri May 22, 2015 9:22 am

*I see the Nekos enter, they look hungry and their stomachs growl. I know what that means for us Neeras, a death sentience*

Hey Nekos! You know, there are other things here to eat! We taste bad and will give you gas, you know!
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri May 22, 2015 2:58 pm

((Oh, didn't realize you were playing the other neko... I assumed that was Dragon's character XD ))

Yuka blushed at Jor's question, after her stomach grumbled. "M-maybe a little..." She admitted, eyeing Tinesia hungrily. She was slowly starting to see the neeras as mice, rather than the tiny people they really were. Tasty, wriggly, edible mice...

She was pulled out of her thoughts by Jor's answer to how long the tinies had been kept there.

"...Only a couple of days?" Yuka asked, before realizing something. "I guess there were more when you first got them..." She added, glancing at Jor's belly. She wondered just how much tinies suffered when they got sent down there...

"U-uh, I-I've been doing good!" She said, roused from her drifting thoughts yet again. "Just... busy..." She added, sheepishly.


Tinesia was shaking uncontrollably as the jar was lifted up, and as she heard the growling of hungry, gigantic stomachs. N-no... it can't end like this! N-not like [i]this!

When Tyler spoke up, though, saying that neeras tasted bad and gave nekos gas, the neera girl nodded quickly in assent. "U-uh, y-yeah!" Gods, please let this work...


Yuka looked uncertain at that, biting her lip. "...Do they?" She asked Jor, glancing at her uncertainly. She'd probably eaten neeras before, and knew how they tasted... and what they did to nekos when they were all gone.
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeSun May 24, 2015 5:59 pm

So Nekos? Who are you? Let me guess, your going to do something nasty to us? Well I can assure you that I'm quite the fighter! Even with these tiny hands! You bullies don't scare me!
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 12:11 am

((Uh, don't mean to be impolite, or bug you or anything, but... you do know I'm waiting on your post, right, Jor? Juuust wanna make that clear ^^; ))
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Great warrior
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 4:05 am

(Thanks for the reminder.)

Jor giggled as Yuka blushed and said. "Don't you worry. We'll fill that hungry belly of yours." When Yuka commented that there must have been more in the jar, Jor shrugged. "Sometimes. When I manage to catch these tasty little snacks, to the jar they go." When Yuka asked her if the neeras tasted bad and gave her gas, Jor shrugged again, whispering in Yuka's ear "Depends on the neera and who eats them. Most of them taste amazing though, and you can feel them wriggling ever so deliciously in your tummy." She finished, patting Yuka's belly for emphasis.
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 8:02 am

*gets slightly aroused at the belly patting* Who are you girls anyway? Why can't we be friends? We Neeras are more than a simple snack! We have friends! And hopes! and Dreams! Just like you Nekos do!
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 2:58 pm

Jor leaned close to reassure Yuka as one of the neeras kept rambling on. He ranged from threats to begging, calling them bullies and promising a fight, before asking if they could be friends. Yuka felt rather hurt by that, and it didn't help that she occasionally suffered from bullying, herself. But unlike those bigger guys, this one could just... well, slide right down her throat. Struggle for a little bit, feel good to her, and then poof. All gone. The neko girl couldn't help but grin at the thought, her tail swaying a little faster in excitement.

"I think I'd like to try one, then..." She said, with growing certainty, as she approached the jar.


While at first emboldened by Tyler's ranting, Tinesia slowly realized he was gaining the nekos' attention in a very bad way. She swallowed hard, backing away as one of the nekos got very close, and decided aloud to try eating one of them. T-this is i, i-isn't it...?
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 8:04 pm

*I notice that one of the Nekos is coming to the jar as well as my fellow Neera looking afraid. My fears were realized that I hadn't changed their minds on us. I then froze in horror when one said that she wanted to try one of us. I notice that the fellow Neera is shaking in fear*

Stop shaking! Unless you'd like to be caught easily. But at this time, its best to choose a Neko, unless they play with us first, then we might have a slim chance to escape!

((Man, I'm really enjoying this RP! Hopefully we can update often Very Happy ))
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Great warrior
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2015 6:26 am

Jor grinned as she noticed Yuka's tail swaying faster, betraying her thoughts. As Yuka said aloud, "I think I'd like to try one, then..." Jor replied with "Be my guest." and motioned to the jar. She stepped back, as her friend approached, watching what was to occur.
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2015 8:17 am

*I move away from the huge feline hand* No! Bad Kitty! I don't want to be cat food! I-I taste awful and will give you gas and stuff! You should have your friend there eat me!
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 12:38 am

Tinesia backed away from Yuka's hand as well as the neko girl carefully opened the jar, looking extremely sheepish. She glanced at Jor, as if about to ask if she was sure it was okay, but one look at her friend was enough. Jor really wanted her to be like the rest of their friends. Real nekos. Ones who weren't embarrassed about their nature. Yuka glanced inside the jar, gulping nervously as she eyed the two neeras. They were both totally terrified of her... more scared than she was, even. That gave her a slight morale boost, and she reached her hand into the jar...

Tinesia stuck close to Tyler as they backed away from Yuka's hand, and as he kept trying to convince her to not eat them. However, the neko girl simply closed her eyes at that, aiming to grab him to shut the neera up. Her comparatively huge fingers closed around one of the squirming tinies and pulled it away from the other, right out of the jar. Keeping her eyes closed, Yuka dangled Tinesia over her maw, trying not to listen to her screams and pleas for mercy. Thus, she thought she was about to devour Tyler instead.

Yuka let Tinesia dangle for a moment. She was shaking a little, trying to urge herself to take the next step... and consume her prey.
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 8:11 am

*I try to look away from the pretty little Neera about to be eaten, but I can't. The only way to save her would be to offer myself, however the other one seems to be looking at me. So its either stomach or stomach for me!*

Im sorry Tinesia, just relax and try to jump if you can. I can;t save you. Im so sorry!
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeMon Jun 15, 2015 8:27 pm

(Could you guys skip me this round? Jor will be looking hungrily at Tyler in the jar for now, waiting for her friend to devour Tinesia.)
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeMon Jun 15, 2015 10:25 pm

((Oh, alrighty. Though technically you could make a post about that Razz ))

"R-relax?! J-jump?! Are you- AAAAAAH!"

Tinesia screamed as Yoku finally let go, letting the tiny neera plummet into her maw. The neko's jaws closed hungrily behind her, and her eyes closed as she felt Tinesia slide down her tongue, struggling to find a foothold. She tasted so good! Before the neera could simply slide all the way into Yoku's through, the neko pinned the tiny up against the roof of her mouth, purring with pleasure. Tinesia protested loudly as she was soaked to the bone in warm, sticky salvia, but Yoku zoned her cries out. Not to mention that her voice was muffled heavily by the neko's mouth, so Tyler and Jor could only hear indistinct, panicked noises.

Finally, the neko lowered her tongue, letting Tinesia slide back as Yoku looked up toward the roof, shutting her eyes... and swallowed. Both the other neera and Jor could see a small, squirming lump slide down the neko's throat and finally vanish between her breasts. Yoku belched quietly, looking extremely pleased; if a tad embarrassed. A blush colored her cheeks slightly as she glanced at Jor after she burped. "Sorry..." She apologized, sheepishly.
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeTue Jun 16, 2015 7:45 am

*I watch the horrible act of my fellow Neera being thrown into the mouth of the Neko. I see her swish my friend around her mouth and hear the noises of panic. I feel awful, and sit down sad, but I know there is nothing more I can do for her. Then, I tear up as I see my friend being swallowed down her throat and burp with no respect for my friend. This sends my rage over the edge, I get up and yell.*

You monster! How can you do that? She had friends and family! Hopes and dreams! just like you! You've gotta let her out of your stomach! Or I will make you!
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Great warrior
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 2:14 pm

Jor chuckles a bit, amused. "Alrighty then, let's see what you'll do. I'm sure Yuka meant to eat you anyway." Jor then turns to her friend and asks. "Isn't that right? Well, are you hungry for more?" She shakes the jar meaningly in the direction of Yuka's belly, before lifting it up above the girl's mouth. If yes, Jor would tilt the jar so that Tyler fell into Yuka's mouth. If no, well, she had some hunger to quench too and would put the jar to her mouth instead.
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 2:21 pm

"I'm no one's food! You hear me? How can you say it's perfectly fine to eat things just because they are smaller than you? We die horrible, agonizing and painful deaths because of your damn stomach acids!" I punch the jar. "I bet you (Pointing to Jor) are too scared of me! A Neera who fights back!"
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Tiny Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiny Time   Tiny Time Icon_minitime

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