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 Nya the Tiny

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Helpless prey

Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-05-10

Nya the Tiny Empty
PostSubject: Nya the Tiny   Nya the Tiny Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 5:43 pm

Name: Nya
Species: Neeraa (Tinies)
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Height: 2.5 inches
Skin color: Tannish yellow
Hair color: White. Long and curly to the waist.
Eye color: Sky-blue
Other characteristics: She has small furry white mouse-like ears. Her eyes show her adamant desire for adventure and a sense for exploration. She doesn't have any sort of head gear but wears an aquamarine pendant with silver chains which might have magical properties (unknown at the moment). She has a small leather jerkin with a soft white wool shirt under the jerkin. Her pants is a strong grass-weaved skirt. She wears brown leather boots created to resist water and any other weather conditions.

Personality: She is a down-right honest girl who is adventurous and friendly. However, she is easily frightened by anything that looks like a threat. Whenever she is in danger, she forms herself into a feeble position and usually starts to cry. Overall, she just wants to look for friends and loves to hunt for treasure.

Bio: Born and raised by a supporting family, she was never really exposed to the outside world. Her parents gave her everything and made sure she lived a good life with a happy childhood. Soon enough, her parents decided it was time for her to learn about the outer world. So they gave her provisions and told her to visit back from time to time. They warned her of the many dangers out there including nekos and humans who will try to abduct her or eat her. They also gave her a tamed muris to travel around.

I'm still going to work on this but feedback is nice like grammatical errors or just how the character should be.
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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Nya the Tiny Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nya the Tiny   Nya the Tiny Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 7:29 pm

Well, compared to some of the character bios we get around here, this is pretty good. Though it can be expanded upon you at least have the basics down in a coherent form.

We get a good description of her. There's also a good taste of her personality, but there needs to be more there eventually. You should be able to reply to any question about your character - ask these things and work it into her personality. What does she like and dislike, love and hate? Does she have any grand dream? Does she have phobias or deep seated fears? What makes her mad? What would make her do something crazy?

I really, really like that this character is not OP in the slightest sense. However, every one has their own set of skills. What is she good at? Does she have hobbies? Is there a subject she knows a lot about? Conversely, what are her weaknesses - though you did well to touch upon this in her natural timidity.

Though, to be honest, in the Forests of Felarya going fetal and crying is likely to get her gobbled up instantly, unless found by a really, really sympathetic pred. And not all fauna are sentient and won't care what position she's in. What has she done that allows her to survive this long? Does she have something to defend herself or something that gives her the edge to escape? Or is she just naturally pretty stealthy?

The history is short but you could be wanting to have it that way. You did well sticking to the basics. History should be anything that defines who she is or changes her as a person. Often you can link it back up to personality.

Good luck continuing this. I'm interested to see where it goes.
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Helpless prey

Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-05-10

Nya the Tiny Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nya the Tiny   Nya the Tiny Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 9:37 pm

This is just the type of feedback I was looking for. After writing the backbone of my character, I really couldn't come up with questions that I could answer about her today. Writer's block? However, I think I can probably add a lot more by tomorrow. And for her feeble position whenever she is scared, I was planning on linking that with the pendant in some sort of way. Now that I think about it, I am probably going to explain the pendant more to give the reader a better understanding about her.

I love writing character bios on the more feeble and weak. I don't know why but I'm guessing it is just a personal interest. I also hate OP or the perfect character after RPing for a few years. It usually ends up being extremely arrogant people that role-play with Gary and Mary Sues. I plan to make a story about Nya after I finesse her bio a bit more to the point where I am confident I can make a good story out of her.

I thank you for your support. Come by tomorrow and you will probably see an improved bio.
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Nya the Tiny Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nya the Tiny   Nya the Tiny Icon_minitime

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