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 My Theory on Felarya

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PostSubject: My Theory on Felarya   My Theory on Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2015 1:55 pm

Typically I'm secretive about this stuff but screw it, ill post it anyway.

Throughout my life, i've had this condition you could say, where if i get really into a game series or movie or book or something the events and storys and chracters come to life in some reguard. For example, last semester it was Equestria Girls where a team of girls get together and are friends to stop the evil one. Well it did happen as I got a group of girls to stop one of my "friends" from kicking me out of college. (There are many others I could post, but I'll keep it to a minimum).

This effect is also in my dreams, for example, dreaming and seeing things before they happen. I can also sense things (Like when something will go bang or someone comes into my room) a few moments before it actually happens. The death of my beloved girlfriend (and very likely wife) also relates to this. Looking back, there were numerous signs about it I regret I did not see.

These Signs are quite proment for me. And Felarya is one of the big ones (Other Major ones are Yugioh 5D's (My favorite show of all time. I also am pretty much Yusei Fudo) and MLP a little as well as half life, of which I haven't played actually). You all know the story of me and vore (If not see my Open letter to Felarya in the off topic section). But we all know Felarya is more than simple vore. And that's where my theory about Felarya in general comes in.

You see, for me I love adventure and Jungle and Beach noises, as well as wanting to go "Home" even if I am already in my house. (And as for adventure, like the extreme badass adventure like going on a quest to find a gem in a dark temple). Also my cousin who has a strange fear despite she is a women in her 30's is terrified of butterflies and shares many of these similarities with me. She also beleives in past lives.

In a nutshell, my theory is this; Me, my cousin, and a few select others all had past lives on Felarya (or something quite similar). My cousin probably got killed by a fairy, given her fear of butterflies. Since I have a quite irrational fear of heights, probably a harpy? My soul desires to return there. (And lets face it, Earth sucks).

Fairly recently, I have had dreams/visions of Vivian calling out to me, as if she needed my help. I have also had visions and dreams of the Succubi, namely Messian. She is actually the most active to me, usually in a antagonistic way, where Vivian seems to be more of an ally.

In addition, I have had visions of a destroyed world (and some of a world that strongly resembles Felarya YEARS BEFORE I KNEW ABOUT FELARYA). Also a Felarya invasion of Earth, starting from a portal in/around my college. This invasion would be worldwide and lead to all humans to be eaten and near the end, some are kept to breed then be eaten, similar to how we treat chickens. Said invasion will be headed by what I consider the Boss of Felarya Notys as the mastermind behind it. Dechmelle and Messian will also aid her.

The more and more i explore the Felarya wiki and IRL things, the more and more connections I find. It honestly terrifies me, as well as facinates me. (the classical definition of mystery by the way). Made more interesting by the fact that Karbo's vore peices were some of the first Vore peices I saw when i found out that vore was a thing and I wasn't a freak with some strange obsession to be eaten.

One thing to note is the use of time in all this, you see, I felt these connections to Felarya years before I actually knew of it. (But not pinpointing the characters such as Vivian and Messian until i did actually find it). Additionally, I have frequent episodes of deja vu in where it happens just as in my dream (usually something monotone and boring, such as correcting a paper).

Those I have talked to about this have encouraged me to look more into Felarya (Which I would have anyway). This is why I try to contact Karbo, bot only is he interesting, he probably has the last few critical peices of info I need. I have also learned much from you guys here as well.

A few last visions of Felarya that I found of perticular interest to share before i close this opening.

1. The Final battle for this will be where I am air turbo dueling Notys over Negav as it begins to crash into Earth (Probably Chernyobyl as Nuclear/radiation disasters are a major part of my visions as well). This is quite similar to the ending of 5D's. Also Vivian is cheering me on/with me in this (and probably Anna and Crisis too). Also during it, all the preds have stopped devouring humanoids and are watching, as this battle will effect their future.

2. Felarya Pinball: A pinball game in a bar somewhere (Negav). It has shots similar to (My favorite Pinball of all time and one of my favorite games anywhere) Attack from Mars alsong with some elements of Spiderman table by Stern. It is a Felarya and vore theme table with Crisis, Vivian, Anna, and likely Messian and probably a few other preds. Vivian/crisis are on the center target bank/left ramp. I dont know about the right ramp/side.

3. The idea that I have a lab and house there (quite similar to Apeture Science) on the coast of the Tozapal sea. It is quite a nice house that I can see vividly (However it is hard to describe). It also features a large underground area for experiments. I believe I have a lab assistant who is a friendly (to me) Nemisis who runs security and backup things.

4. The idea that I won't come back: Basically, this is a Biological containment thing. If I could get to Felarya, assuming I could find a safe portal home, I couldn't use it. For one, there may be unknown diseases on me that could kill many on Earth. Secondly, If I age too much, I may die instantly when coming to Earth. Lastly, with the world the way it is, I think people, given the choice, would rather go to Felarya than keep living here, as would I.

This is all that I feel comfortable posting for public view. Of course, those who know me off site as well as personally know a little more. However for their security as well as mine, only I know the full story in relation to all of this. So If I do dissapear one day with no trace, you will know that i have finally found a way to Felarya. Thanks for reading and I hope to have your respect in this.
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PostSubject: Re: My Theory on Felarya   My Theory on Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2015 2:46 pm

This is all very detailed, but have you thought about this from a psychological / existential sense?
In other words, it's possible that when you get "really into something" then "your mind makes it real" for you a la The Matrix. As a mild example, I and many others who have played unhealthy amounts of Minecraft have ended up dreaming about it.
So I'm not calling you a nutcase right off the bat here, but if you have considered that Felarya is just making you think these things, how are you sure that isn't the case, and that you actually used to live there and do have a soul yearning to return?
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PostSubject: Re: My Theory on Felarya   My Theory on Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2015 3:09 pm

I understand what you are trying to say. I tend to think of it as this, If you have a circle that you are able to make many powerful links to, but there are some ends that don't make sence yet. Then you find a centerpeice that puts it all together in the middle. Felarya is that centerpeice.

I have had some quite light experiences before, but Felarya is by far the strongest and makes the most sence. Just something about it. Its hard to describe. I hope that answers your question.
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PostSubject: Re: My Theory on Felarya   My Theory on Felarya Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2015 6:26 am

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PostSubject: Re: My Theory on Felarya   My Theory on Felarya Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 2:04 am


It is said that muses do not give new ideas, but simply show you glimpses of other worlds. Alternatively, and this is something that I experienced with MLP, is that it plays in on dormant genetic programming. Even now, humans are much more of animals with a group instinct than we would like to admit. Deep down, we're still just monkeys with a third brain part tacked on top of it.
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PostSubject: Re: My Theory on Felarya   My Theory on Felarya Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 3:36 pm

Thanks. Yeah, its pretty strange how people no longer consider themselves animals. And what you said Scry makes alot of sence. I've heard it before somewhere.
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PostSubject: Re: My Theory on Felarya   My Theory on Felarya Icon_minitime

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