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 New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin

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PostSubject: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeSat Jun 22, 2013 10:06 pm

i was reading contemplating the nature of the Correctors when an idea about their true origin and intentions flashed through my mind.
its an idea of HUGE effect lol like earth shattering even! and i dont want to push it too much, but i think its worth communicating.


The Correctors are far from being the keepers of the multiverse they claim to be. beneath those shadowy cloaks are the terrifiing forms of the outer ones! or at least only a shadow of their true selves, as without a rend in the barrier of Lydus they cannot draw forth the nedded essence of the other side to assume their full destructive power.

after the last breakthrough of the outer ones into the multiverse. A culmination of powerful beings and gods managed to push them back over the course of thousands of years. the conflict a massive exertion of every type of magic and power available to re-seal the broken Lydus barrier.

the resulting seal was an unfathomably complex intertwining of dimensional currents, it is this intertwining that holds shut the door to the outer darkness.

gradually as the seal stabilized it began to create a viable dimensional plane of its own that developed its own space-time medium that could support the translation of energy into matter and permit the flow of electromagnetic radiation.

 drawing on information and material present in other worlds, this new dimensional plane began to synthesize a life supporting environment with a gravitational pull conducive towards that goal.

the beings who had sealed back the barrier in lydus, through their intertwining of dimensional currents had unknowingly created a form of "brain" or intelligence who's system runs through exchanges of dimensional tides rather than electrical signals. And this intelligence was now assembling itself into a world of its own which would in the passage of time be known as Felarya.

however, even though the door to the other side had been sealed , there remained a few Outer ones  on this side of the barrier that shrunk dramatically in size and power when the rend was repaired. these individuals managed to conceal themselves from the knowledge of the inhabitants of the multiverse and wandered the shadows of space and worlds secretively looking for others of their kind. Soon enough these wanderers found ways of detecting each other in this reality and formed into a group and gradually managed to assume forms that could conceal their true forms from the beings of this reality. these Immerged from the shadows claiming to be on a mission of protection, calling themselves "Correctors".

 unfortunately the majority of beings in the multiverse had forgotten about felaryas connection to the great seal as by now millions of years had passed since the event. and only a handfull still knew the truth. the "Correctors" however knew exactly its origin and when they saw the Felaryan dimension Immerging they thought this to be an opportune time to attempt to inflict damage to the seal and possibly re-open it by attacking the physical manifestation of the seal. Thus resulting in the corrector war.

Other notes/ideas

-Felaryas extreme production of "magic" may be caused be the tension of the multiple currents flowing through it, or the fact that it acts a s sort of a dam between this reality and the other side, as it is connected to the lydus barrier. and just like a dam it stores up a massive amount of potential energy on one side, and perhaps this energy is released as "magic"

-Felaryas immergence from the great seal had been a slow one, those who had made the seal may not even be themselves aware that Felarya is a form of the seal itself.

-perhaps after the sealing the correctors on this side of the barrier went around to different worlds assassinating the gods, worlds and powerful beings that had worked together on the seal to erase the knowledge of its importance.

-the actual formation of the correctors may actually be linked to a much more ancient Barrier-Break event than the one that resulted in the creation of felarya and they may have just been able to bring over more forces from the other side during this event.

-but it remains a mystery, do the guardians know the truth about these events? are they simply protecting the life in Felarya or is there something more behind their motivations. and if they do know more about the past how did they aquire such knowlege. 
and how did they aquire such power?
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeSat Jun 22, 2013 11:39 pm

That is "earth-shattering", at least in a hyberbolic sense. I can't wait to hear what Karbo thinks.
So I guess this opens up the possibility for a story or two about the odd "fallen outer one" being discovered and having to be put down in some epic boss battle long ago.
Oh! And I just had a mini-idea of my own to tack on: Mayyybe that mysterious thing that Q'Tada'X'Silath is guarding is the opening to the sealed part of Lydus, or some other important component.
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeMon Jun 24, 2013 8:11 pm

yeh assuming this theory would certainly add some more intrigue to what lies in the deep parts of felarya. the bottom of the tonorion hive being one of them  prehaps the mind of felarya is an enterable spiritual maze of sorts with all sorts o information about the distant  past encoded in it , like an interconnected metaphysical underworld with my entrances, exits and secrets
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 8:08 am

Oh wow ! This is a very interesting idea here !
I didn't thought about that direction at all and it's fascinating Smile You even give a new meaning to correctors ^^
I have to explore and think about that, this is brilliant ! Razz
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeFri Jun 28, 2013 12:13 pm

thanks and your welcome!, i thought this idea might serve as a starting point to create a framework for all of felaryas strange phenomena. Smile and might start to tie things together.

im sure theres alot more directions that this idea could take.

iv been wondering as well..

prehaps theres more behind the giant tree than meets the eye since it seems to have an extreme connection to the felaryan gigantism effect and its been there so early in felaryas timeline . i wonder how far down its roots go, or if over time they have been growing deeper and deeper towards felaryas very base, or maybe its the top of an "onion" like structure and is growing something in its roots Razz 

lol i dont know just another random brainwave.

anyhow ill probably be looking more into the mysteries of felaryas past. i so do love pondering origins and mysteries Razz 

i kind of wish to keep alot of things a mystery though, the not knowing creates so much delightfull tension Razz
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2013 2:43 am

You know, I'm liking this idea more and more Smile 
I'm looking at my own version and it just looks less interesting, more bland with the correctors being keepers of the universe and so.
This one gives more spice to it and even open interesting explanations at the very nature of the world.

I'm going to go and say that, to me,  originally Felarya is what it is because of Notys. She is actually originally an outer one herself ( tadaa spoiler ! ) that escaped but who evolved, and her hunger radiates through the whole land, creating that "vore effect".

In your version however, the hunger could come from the outer ones themselves, trapped "underneath". And it makes my imagination run with other possibilities and questions, like Déméchrelle.

It's a very thought provoking idea indeed! Very Happy
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2013 4:50 am

Very intriguing idea indeed. i'd love to see stories elaborate into it sometime. The potential is nearly limitless.
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2013 12:32 pm

ohh interesting, Notys sure is the most mysterious of the guardians, if she can even be called a guardian Shocked since she seems more influential and offset from the others. Whether an outer one or what there's no doubt shes intertwined intimately with felarya's systems. i definatley wouldent put it past her to be an extremely important key to felaryas existence whatever she might be Razz`maybe shes even of more importance than just a stowaway outer one Smile

thats a really interesting idea that notys hunger as an outer one somehow is spread to all life in Felarya. Its like the microcosmic desire of the outer ones to to take the entire multiverse into themselves is played out in microcosmic form in the feeding patterns of Felaryas creatures. interesting! lol sort of lends ground to explore the psychic meanings of vore. There was a book i read last year by one of Carl Jung's students called The Great Mother. it was exploring the female essence of the earth being the womb but then also as tomb, and there was a considerable amount of vore in the ancient artworks depicting earth as the devouring grave. sort of like your fresco of hell Razz. . primarily theres the "unbirthing" aspect to vore, but I think vore by giant animal hybrid women might be getting at even more aspects to our current human psychology and our relationship to nature that might be suppressed in our sheltered modern cities.

Anyway! lol

yesterday i was re reading the first issue of your manga karbo, and it occured to me
that much of the life that lives in the depths of felarya (abyssal creatures) tend to grow extremly large.
like the abyssal life beneath dark claw reef as well as that abyssal tonorion that attacked Subbeta and Crisis and once again, the roots of the giant tree might be deep enough to get a real boost from it. not to mention there seems to be a threshold between small "human scale" and large trees "predator scale" , like once their roots reach a certain depth they have a massive growth spurt or something.

That corellation between depth and giantism sort of points toward the source of felaryas magical characteristics coming from beneath as well Razz.

iv been thinking about Déméchrelle`s nature as well but i havent been able to place her in the grand scheme of things just yet Razz

there so many interesting phenomena in felarya, some may seem random at times but i think everything is intertwined.
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2013 4:59 pm

I herd u liek mysteryps.

That was quite a clever interpretation of the state of matters, String-Fountain. It creates a whole new world of possibilities.

Now you wanna do the gigantism next? Well, while I'd agree that it can come from below, it can also happen on its own at random for those who come into Felarya (as is Jora's case). There's a little on Notys being at least partially responsible for the vore effect in the chronology, but you prolly knew that already- last time she went to sleep, the potatoes ate the carrots.

By this new interpretation, Notys wouldn't really be responsible for the vore effect, rather she'd be responsible for keeping it from happening so hard that we all eat our computers when we so much as read "Felarya".

Sure fun to ponder, hm?
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2013 8:16 pm

Dude, you and I really need to hang out.
Also, I just ate my computer, don't ask how I managed to make this post. xD
I'll be honest, I didn't think Karbo or anyone else would be keen on the idea of trying to explain away the vore compulsion in Felarya's predators, or I'd have tried it myself ^^; ...so I applaud you for just jumping in and addressing it. Kudos. So do you have any ideas about magic? In your mind, does Felarya's version of magic, at least, have some possible basis in ancient mysterious technology or hidden physical forces or something?

P.S. Post your stuff on DA so I can +fav it already!

P.P.S. You know what? Forgive me (and let me know) if I'm derailing the thread, but I just had an idea of my own:
I went downtown once where I saw an Omni Hotel, and it had a bridge connecting it with the building next to it, and on the other building near where the bridge connected it had a smaller "Omni Hotel" sign - as if the Omni Hotel were actually an infectious parasite that took over other buildings and gradually turned them all into Omni Hotels. So what if Felarya is a giant "Omni Hotel" but as a brane rather than a building? So it constantly tries to grow and absorb other universes into itself, and in order to feed its growth it eats their inhabitants by proxy via its giant predators. And perhaps Notys, or some other entity, has to keep it in check so it doesn't grow too fast and consume all possible realities...?
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string fountain
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeFri Jul 05, 2013 3:49 pm

I think that's a cool way of viewing Notys stabs! viewing her as a sort of mediator of the base energies and tendencies of Felarya. and it puts her more into a heroic role by preventing Felarya from coming under some sort of complete possession from the hunger of the outer ones, resulting vore beyond compare or reason! lol

Now its really starting to sound like shes in a class of her own, like almost god status, prehaps she actually could be the incarnation/ avatar of the mind of the great seal itself. that would sort of go in harmony with her intelligence being very foreign to the typical sense of sentience as the mind of the great seal was created through an almost accidental process.

These two ideas together would sort of explain how she could heal the entirety of Felarya during the age of mirages as well as the resulting munchies that infected everyone. Which i suppose could be caused because of the redirection of her power into repairing Felarya, neglecting the higher functions of maintaing an acceptable level of hunger from leaking through into Felaryas inhabitants.

and ya, being the mediator for Felaryas base natures of gigantism and hunger its no wonder that she could direct it onto any individual that she pleases like Jora. but shes probably got almost full god powers in pretty much all matters of felaryas phyisics, like rescuing Anna from crisis stomach and transforming her into a naga.

and in response to your concern about explaining the

parameciumkid wrote:
I'll be honest, I didn't think Karbo or anyone else would be keen on the idea of trying to explain away the vore compulsion in Felarya's predators

it was actually Karbo who got on the topic of the source of the hunger Razz.

Karbo wrote:
I'm going to go and say that, to me,  originally Felarya is what it is because of Notys. She is actually originally an outer one herself ( tadaa spoiler ! ) that escaped but who evolved, and her hunger radiates through the whole land, creating that "vore effect".

i actually just thought the giant humanoids and creatures were just doing their thing Razz

i was more just going after how Karbos work spoke in the greater context of our modern society and human nature in my little blurb about that book i read.

in regards to felaryas magic i tend to see everything as a whole (Science and magic as one) magic and the supernatural just being the science whos systems have not been entirely understood. So ya sort of like you were saying, magic being "hidden physical forces" in my own work i tend to lean more towards science fiction but i think the unexplainable "magic" aspects are important to creating a sense of wonder in a fiction and gives the viewer and opportunity to have that feeling of discovery.

and nice call bringing the term "brane" out, i had forgotten about that term from the time when i was researching string theory. which is strange since that concept is where i derived my username from lol. I think it relates to Felaryas nature well.

I didnt see felarya as exactly trying to consume other universes, rather just sort of reading their information and mimicking them, patching information from many universes together to create itself. If it was trying to devour other universes i think the "correctors" would then have a valid point in attempting to distroy it.

although It does seem that Felarya does have a tendancy to try and "devour" information from other universes. as people and sometimes entire lands are always getting plucked from their realities without warning and plunked into Felarya. If you take the "Digesting" aspect in its creative sense rather than its destructive sense. (As in "digesting" a books contents meaning taking its essence into yourself rather than reducing its existence entirely and then absorbing it, as is the case is if you're in a giant preds stomach Razz) then Felarya does seem to do alot of this integration type consuming, building itself off of other worlds resources.

I like your idea of the proxy with predators stomachs. Like all the digestion occurring all over Felarya feeds into one collective entity, whether it be the outer ones or whatever lol. and maybe the souls of sentient creatures are more valuable to this entity as well, which is why giant preds find small humans,nekos,elves etc. so tasty, i dunno Razz.

It makes me wonder if Crisis' unbelievably durable stomach is truly only thanks to super strong flesh or if it is some special power bestowed on her!?!

lol wow this stuff is really leading places i almost dont want to try and solve any more mysteries lol.. gotta shut off my brain!
i just want to be surprised to see where you take the world in your manga Karbo! .

lol and wish granted parameciumkid lol i just uploaded the two vurma charts Smile.
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 12:06 pm

Well I had some time during the vacations to think about it and I'd like to use that idea Razz 
I really like your approach on the nature of correctors better than mine. I find it simply more interesting as a whole ^^
I would rewrite slightly some elements of Felarya's history with it in mind. In the end it won't create drastic changes to how things are and have been established over the years ( correctors have always been a rather vague topic )
but I believe it will provide a more interesting basis for things to come :3
So please tell me if you agree with the disclaimer Smile
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2013 8:59 pm

i'm glad it could integrate well!

yeh and when i was thinking it up i tried to make it to integrate with the already existing historical records.

and yep Smile i accept the disclaimer, my only desire for this idea is that it would help further Felarya by adding both some interesting explanations as well as the potential for exploring more mysteries Smile.
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2013 9:03 am

alright Smile
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2013 10:43 pm

So I've been writing a story for some time now in Felarya, but I've been looking for a way to integrate it into the universe with a "canon" explanation for some of the events and people. Would it be ok for me to use the Collectors and the Outer Ones in a story? Or is it still too early?
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2013 11:02 pm

Welcome to Felarya ConstantLime! Make sure you drop by the "Introduce Yourself" thread so the rest of us can greet you.

As for your story, I don't actually have any input because I think string fountain should be the one to have the say on it. But I look forward to reading it if you do write one!
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PostSubject: Re: New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin   New Theory: Outer-Ones, Correctors and Felaryas origin Icon_minitimeThu Nov 21, 2013 6:48 am

hey! and welcome to the forum! maybe you could start out by maybe posting what you have so far to get the opinion of the others first, i'm still a relatively new member so i might be missing some of the other history behind felarya's past although ive tried to read as much as i could from the wiki. Since the correctors play a pretty big part in the foundations of the world its probably good to bounce your ideas off everyone so that its working well to help build felarya and work in harmony with some of the already canonized stuff, which it sounds like your trying pretty hard to to do Smile.
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