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 Tep's Book of Characters

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Tep's Book of Characters Empty
PostSubject: Tep's Book of Characters   Tep's Book of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 2:50 pm

I will be storing all my characters here. For the person reading this, congrats! You can comment and nicely criticize the characters that are here.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Tep's Book of Characters   Tep's Book of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 3:17 pm

Name: Noah
Species: Human
Height: 4 foot 11 inches
Appearance: Light green eyes, Dark brown hair, he wears a long brown leather robe, tied with an engraved leather belt at the waist.
Personality: This man is the priest of all priests, he loves to preach his very own religion out to the world, and as of now it doesn't have any followers.
Origin: Birth in Felarya
Age: 27
Backstory: Noah had a normal childhood for an orphan, seeing as how his parents were eaten whole when he was the age of 10. But as he was growing up, he began to think why the giant hadn't eaten him. He finally came to the conclusion that it was destiny, and that these giants and giantesses were gods, powerful ones. He wrote a sort of book, this book included all rules of the religion and several stories. He wrote this book from the time he was 12, to the time he was 25, and he's still adding to it. Noah now spends his time wandering the streets and the forests surrounding Negav preaching.
Powers: Noah has no other powers other than the power of the PREACH Razz

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Tep's Book of Characters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tep's Book of Characters   Tep's Book of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 3:28 pm

how comes he never wanted to meet those gods (and become part of them) if he worships the giants so much? ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Tep's Book of Characters   Tep's Book of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 3:47 pm

Amaroq wrote:
how comes he never wanted to meet those gods (and become part of them) if he worships the giants so much? ^^
I suppose it'd be because it's like most religions, you want the gods to come to you in their own time, and to be honest I based this off the priests in Attack on Titan.
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Felarya cartographer
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Tep's Book of Characters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tep's Book of Characters   Tep's Book of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 6:48 pm

Tepman6 wrote:
Name: Noah
Species: Human
Height: 4 foot 11 inches
Appearance: Light green eyes, Dark brown hair, he wears a long brown leather robe, tied with an engraved leather belt at the waist.
Personality: This man is the priest of all priests, he loves to preach his very own religion out to the world, and as of now it doesn't have any followers.
Origin: Birth in Felarya
Age: 27
Backstory: Noah had a normal childhood for an orphan, seeing as how his parents were eaten whole when he was the age of 10. But as he was growing up, he began to think why the giant hadn't eaten him. He finally came to the conclusion that it was destiny, and that these giants and giantesses were gods, powerful ones. He wrote a sort of book, this book included all rules of the religion and several stories. He wrote this book from the time he was 12, to the time he was 25, and he's still adding to it. Noah now spends his time wandering the streets and the forests surrounding Negav preaching.
Powers: Noah has no other powers other than the power of the PREACH Razz

Hmm not bad but a bit small and I hope he doesn't go beyond the Chimokai Commons if he has no powers or gear. ^^; Even a shepard's staff would help. Seems a bit green and fresh. Was that because you don't know his story or don't want to tell it all? I can teach you a technique I use for preventing too much info if you like.
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Newbie adventurer
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Tep's Book of Characters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tep's Book of Characters   Tep's Book of Characters Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 7:40 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
Tepman6 wrote:
Name: Noah
Species: Human
Height: 4 foot 11 inches
Appearance: Light green eyes, Dark brown hair, he wears a long brown leather robe, tied with an engraved leather belt at the waist.
Personality: This man is the priest of all priests, he loves to preach his very own religion out to the world, and as of now it doesn't have any followers.
Origin: Birth in Felarya
Age: 27
Backstory: Noah had a normal childhood for an orphan, seeing as how his parents were eaten whole when he was the age of 10. But as he was growing up, he began to think why the giant hadn't eaten him. He finally came to the conclusion that it was destiny, and that these giants and giantesses were gods, powerful ones. He wrote a sort of book, this book included all rules of the religion and several stories. He wrote this book from the time he was 12, to the time he was 25, and he's still adding to it. Noah now spends his time wandering the streets and the forests surrounding Negav preaching.
Powers: Noah has no other powers other than the power of the PREACH Razz

Hmm not bad but a bit small and I hope he doesn't go beyond the Chimokai Commons if he has no powers or gear. ^^; Even a shepard's staff would help. Seems a bit green and fresh. Was that because you don't know his story or don't want to tell it all? I can teach you a technique I use for preventing too much info if you like.

Well, It's mostly because I don't know his complete story, still formulating one in my head, y'know?
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