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 Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya

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Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2015 1:51 pm

Observing the posts over these past few months has really made me question something. Simply put "Are we taking this analyzing and reconstruction project too far?"

Yes I agree the Wiki and some aspects need redone to add content and link to the stories that may be of use and easier access to those who do not have the time to comb through DA to find them. But I really think we are getting to a point of saturation. For example, one of my previous topic questions was relating to Succubus digestion and how it affected the body/soul in certain places and situations. But now in more recent topics we are discussing the nitty-gritty pixelated details of Felarya. As a amateur writer and a huge fan of Felarya, this is kinda killing the mood and sucking out the fun for me. I fear that soon we will start analizing the physics of bullets and such and Effectiveness against preds. Humanoids are almost always (Unless they escape) food of the preds. Yes it would be possible to escape from such a situation, and possibly turn it to your advantage such as friendship; but to actually kill a pred would be extremely hard.

Let me give you an example. When reading a book for fun, you tend to enjoy it and relish it. Everything in it comes alive almost as if it was a delightful movie, following an intricate plot and theme. However, if a Teacher/professor asks you to read a book and analyze everything about it, then write it in a 10 page essay, you enjoy that book much less. Sure, analyzing Felarya is fine if you are curious about a topic or need to ask a question for a story, but I think trying to break down every little thing is a little much. I have even received negative feedback about my questions as being stupid and idiotic. We can't have a double standard here.

Think of it as a game like Five Nights at Freddies. (Or MLP or GoT or Dr. Who) Sure talking to others and discussing theories and posing questions is great, but if you do it to much and overanalize or go into too much detail all the time, you may turn people away.

Look, I have extreme respect for karbo, Mods and everyone else here, But I think we are on the cusp of taking this thing a bit too far. There have been some good Ideas posed that I like, but I think changing the face of Felarya entirely is a bit much. As I have said before, the comedy, action, lore, adventure, mystery, and vore are what really make it stand out (Hell, If there was less vore you could pitch it as a great video game world).

In closing, I am concerned about the risk we run as a fandom and community of overanalizing. I respect all here, but I simply feel it was needed to voice my concerns about the recent shifts.

Thank you all for reading. Please comment below any questions, concerns or thoughts about what I have to say. I welcome debates in the interest of making Felarya better and keeping it safe.
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Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2015 5:35 pm

Dragon, you clearly haven't been here for long.

This is far from the first time we've discussed ballistics; more like the eighth. We don't write a ten-page essay because we have to, but because we want to. We like the nitty-gritty of it, and most often, we go the extra mile before backpedaling to get some perspective. The discussion itself doesn't lead to any reconstruction; we do the reconstruction AFTER the discussion, when we've decided what matters and what doesn't. And even then, Karbo gets to veto by default.

If we're killing the mood for you, remember that you don't need to read all pages, everywhere. Stick to the RPing section if you please; we won't think any less of you for it.

Have a little faith in us, please. We've been doing this for ages.
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PostSubject: Re: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2015 6:48 pm

You might be right on that. As you can see by my join date, I came in at the end of October last year.

I mean no offence, It's just that this all has been worrying me a bit. They didn't cover this in the intro video! (LOL). But its not /that/ bad. I can still read the wiki for general information. And in all honesty, I really don't have too much intrest debating over some extremely specific questions.

Well at least I can put my worries to rest. Mostly
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2015 11:33 pm

Shhh, here's a secret. We don't write out what kills preds because it's an open secret that preds are already not that invincible without plot armor. And we don't like that. Preds should be the alpha predators, not the humans with their guns. The goal is to write that all these super weapons have been there for centuries now, yet preds are still coming out on top. After all, humans are not contesting with preds alone, but the jungle itself. Moisture, parasites, ambushes, toxic pollen, reduced visibility, the noise of the jungle masking a sneaking pred, etc. All of these reduce the effectiveness of guns, or even prevent them from being used in the first place.

My latest topic is about preds collecting the guns from their prey because they are shiny. Laughing In other words, keep heart, Dragon. Felarya keeps going.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2015 12:33 am

The site was always for fun. Try not to take it too seriously. At least that's how I always viewed it. Whenever I took it too seriously, I had a bad time.
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Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2015 3:09 am

Don't worry too much Dragon. As Stabs said, we do this every so often, and it's to help keep Felarya alive and vibrant. Think of it like pruning a garden so to speak. We want to help make things easier for new comers like you and others to have as many questions as possible answered, while keeping it all within the setting. Good worlds like this require a bit of upkeep now and then, or else they become a twisted mess.

That said, feel free to join in if you feel like you have any input. ^_^ And don't worry if you don't feel like you do. I've been here since 2012, and this is the first time I've really felt like I've had the time or the experience to have add something...though I still feel like it might be better if I stay silent until I have more to add...but that's just my own nature. X3 You can join in whenever you like.

*pokes Scry* You and I have very different oppinions on what preds should be. Razz I like that preds are killable. It adds something to them. Just picture a giant naga who's torn up because they lost family or friends to humans. OwO Many more possibilities with that. They shouldn't be easy to kill...but they should be kill-able.
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Great warrior
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Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2015 6:57 am

If you think this is bad, consider yourself lucky you werent here 5-6 years ago. Personally I am Happy about all the discussion going on and to be able to bring in my own thoughts... Because back then, that was barely possible. If you ask me, we're in one of Felaryas better times right now, so you should embrace the opportunity to interact with and maybe even change some of the environment, hopefully for the better. You have the CHOICE to participate, and unlike back then, you can choose whether to take the chance or not.

About the "overthinking" part, I dont think thats the case. Sure, some things are weird and unecessary, even to me, but i just ignore those topics and take care of others. For most, theorycrafting and developing is the mayor upside of this setting, otherwise things would become very stale AND very quiet very quickly.
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Bandur Khan
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Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2015 8:31 am

A lively Discussion about some Details from Time to Time is proof that this Forum is living and evolving. So in Fact it increases the Fun. There always will be some Things to talk about - and isn´t it a good Thing trying to come to a commonly respected Solution?

As I mentioned some Time before for Example: Guns are existent - but they mostly are rare - as their Ammo is. Someone who really wants this Stuff, will certainly have to struggle a bit - but it is not an unreachable Goal. A propos Jungle: The Amazonas really is pretty hard Terrain - didn´t stop the first spanish and portuguese Soldiers from taking Guns, Armour (!) and even Cannons with them. If some Jungle would happen to be even harder, no average Human could survive more than a few Days in it - so carrying Guns would be a minor Problem anyway. And yes - a Thing, that easily can blast a Hole through a Brick Wall (like most Rifles and Pistols today), certainly can penetrate a Stomach - this still is a living Organ and no hollow Steelcave. And a Hole still is a Hole - it doesn´t matter, how tiny it may be - at least it hurts. Especially if it suddenly appears violently, where it isn´t supposed to be. 

So finally a Discussion is a Sign of People working together to have Fun in the Future here, too. Cool
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2015 8:39 am

Darth_Nergal wrote:

*pokes Scry* You and I have very different oppinions on what preds should be. Razz I like that preds are killable. It adds something to them. Just picture a giant naga who's torn up because they lost family or friends to humans. OwO Many more possibilities with that. They shouldn't be easy to kill...but they should be kill-able.

What I didn't mention is that the idea behind preds collecting guns is specifically so that they can be looted after the pred is killed. (^v^)
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PostSubject: Re: Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya   Are we taking this too far and taking the fun out of Felarya Icon_minitime

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