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 iMessage Deleted all threads on my iPod touch! PLEASE HELP!

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Join date : 2014-10-30

iMessage Deleted all threads on my iPod touch! PLEASE HELP! Empty
PostSubject: iMessage Deleted all threads on my iPod touch! PLEASE HELP!   iMessage Deleted all threads on my iPod touch! PLEASE HELP! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 31, 2015 4:39 pm

My iPod touch has been acting strangely lately. I was checking my iMessages since it began, and my history was always there after signing in to my account. But today I checked and it was wiped clean! I fully turned it off and turned it on again, only to the same effect! It has been awhile since I used it, and my iPod is a few years old, but I need help from anyone! I'm freaking out here!
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Age : 34
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iMessage Deleted all threads on my iPod touch! PLEASE HELP! Empty
PostSubject: Re: iMessage Deleted all threads on my iPod touch! PLEASE HELP!   iMessage Deleted all threads on my iPod touch! PLEASE HELP! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2015 1:45 am

Are you sure the whole history was deleted? Normally, most devices just show the recent messages, and so, if it's been a week or some other determined amount of days since the last message, they don't show anything by default. Doesn't mean everything was deleted, though. How much has it been since you last used it, and how far could you go (in terms of days) in the message history before?
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iMessage Deleted all threads on my iPod touch! PLEASE HELP!
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