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 Well... the game, uh, holy shit?

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Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Empty
PostSubject: Well... the game, uh, holy shit?   Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 21, 2015 5:43 pm

Felarya is big. Too big. If I were to make a felarya "simulator" I'd need a company bigger than Bethesda. I was being irrational when I thought I could make a game as big as the world of Felarya on my own. I'd need animators, map designers, voice actors, art workers, coders, play testers, and most importantly, money. I am not a rich man. So i've come to tell you that I've put a stop to the game. I know it wasn't ever really a big deal, and I never really did much with it. Sorry guys.
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Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... the game, uh, holy shit?   Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 21, 2015 6:08 pm

No problem. I know you were starting small with just Negav, but it does take alot. Although, there are probably some things in Gmod that people could use to simulate Felarya, such as the Legend of Zelda maps.

Although, I would be willing to VA for stuff.
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Felarya cartographer
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Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... the game, uh, holy shit?   Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 21, 2015 7:24 pm

Tepman6 wrote:
Felarya is big. Too big. If I were to make a felarya "simulator" I'd need a company bigger than Bethesda. I was being irrational when I thought I could make a game as big as the world of Felarya on my own. I'd need animators, map designers, voice actors, art workers, coders, play testers, and most importantly, money. I am not a rich man. So i've come to tell you that I've put a stop to the game. I know it wasn't ever really a big deal, and I never really did much with it. Sorry guys.

Heh heh. I think I told you this. Actually it's not impossible to do but you need to understand the whole world couldn't be put into a game anymore than our world could. Too much data. Now what you need to do with Felarya is use a text adventure interface and put it out in small packets. One containing the Tolmeshal and surounding areas then add an exapansion pack to other areas nearby and put in new scenrios as you go. I mean the majority of Felarya interaction is through writing right? So why not put in some light RPG elements or even better a choice system with simple command branches? It's what I've always thought I'd do. Cause face it there's no way to do it otherwise.
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Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... the game, uh, holy shit?   Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2015 2:05 am

It's understandable. Still, this might come in handy.
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Lockheed X-17
valiant swordman
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Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... the game, uh, holy shit?   Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 11, 2016 12:04 am

Currently at version, Space Engine is a real time simulator that simulates the entire universe, from Earth to the distant corners of the unobservable universe. It has also EPIC graphics that look very realistic, and when compared to NASA's space pictures and this, it is hard to compare which is which. It also has a very complex light rendering technique that renders black hole gravitational lensing. And this game is programmed by one person, and when compared to modern video games, Space Engine looks more better and well funded. But it is crowdfunded and has yet achieved $37,970 over the $80,000 goal. It is also free.


The point here is that you can build a Felarya game. May it be 3D or 2D, but if you are going for 3D, you can crowdfund games, outsource 3D modelers (deviantART has many) and use the money from the crowdfunding to hire people and pay for licensed technology. This one guy just programmed a universe simulator, and he did it manually, without help, and he had to program the algorithm of the procedurally generated planets, effects, celestial objects, physics, etc.
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Newbie adventurer
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Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... the game, uh, holy shit?   Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2016 6:40 pm

Lockheed X-17 wrote:

Currently at version, Space Engine is a real time simulator that simulates the entire universe, from Earth to the distant corners of the unobservable universe. It has also EPIC graphics that look very realistic, and when compared to NASA's space pictures and this, it is hard to compare which is which. It also has a very complex light rendering technique that renders black hole gravitational lensing. And this game is programmed by one person, and when compared to modern video games, Space Engine looks more better and well funded. But it is crowdfunded and has yet achieved $37,970 over the $80,000 goal. It is also free.


The point here is that you can build a Felarya game. May it be 3D or 2D, but if you are going for 3D, you can crowdfund games, outsource 3D modelers (deviantART has many) and use the money from the crowdfunding to hire people and pay for licensed technology. This one guy just programmed a universe simulator, and he did it manually, without help, and he had to program the algorithm of the procedurally generated planets, effects, celestial objects, physics, etc.
Inspiring, but then again, I can guarantee Felarya does not have the money to crowdfund a game of the size I'm thinking. I'd love to do it, but I also have work and I'm continuing my education.
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PostSubject: Re: Well... the game, uh, holy shit?   Well... the game, uh, holy shit? Icon_minitime

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