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 What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?

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What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Empty
PostSubject: What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?    What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Icon_minitimeSun Apr 03, 2016 2:23 pm

So, one fun idea I have been playing around in me head is this, what if your school/house/workplace/bus got teleported with others in it, to Felarya?(AKA being on a Vanishing Land) Would you tell the others where you were? What would be your plan of survival? Would you split up, or stay together? (For this, I am assuming that you get teleported to the jungle area somewhat close to Negav, like you could see it in the distance, making it a few miles away and it is midday in Felarya)

If it was me, I would tell everyone that there are giant monsters here, but inform them of the safety of Negav, while not telling them about the vore aspect. I would take everyone and make a dash for Negav, and try not to attract attention or make noise. After they were all safely in Negav, I would venture out a few days later, to look for Crisis and try to talk with her. Since she has connections to the faries, they may know how to get us home; and if they ate me, well, that would have happened anyway. Although even if a way home was discovered, I would still stay in Felarya. Partly to visit the succubi in Hell, but partly to protect Felarya from the human invasion. Because if the others got home successfully and told their story, there would be a huge rush (Probably by the US) to exploit Felarya for bio weapons and medical research and profit. Sure the natural fauna would be happy to deal with the human invaders, but I would be sure that they never got very far of they made it past. I would continue having adventures in Felarya until I inevitably got eaten, hopefully by a good pred.

So, what would you do if this happened to you? Considering the effects that it would have on everyone? Would you live comfortably in Negav (If you even got to it) or go be adventurous with some preds? I am quite interested in discussing this, as I think about it when bored.
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Newbie adventurer
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What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?    What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Icon_minitimeSun Apr 03, 2016 10:44 pm

Vanishing lands usually snap back within a few hours as most, and predators are wary of entering them out of fear of being stranded by the snap-back. There has been only one case of a vanishing land being permanent, and I'm not even sure that's canon anymore. Just don't go into the jungle and wait it out and you'll be fine. Alternatively, venture forth knowing that it will likely be a one-way trip even if you don't get eaten... I'd probably stay.

I know you were wanting ideas of quick-term survival strategies, but I'm more intrigued by what the long-term consequences of such an event for us would be. The fallout of knowing that Felarya was a real place that people could go to would be huge. After the vanishing land snaps back to normal, people would be studying the phenomenon, and it's likely a more controlled way in would be discovered, one that won't close up behind you. This would herald a great deal of official exploration of Felarya by governments and researchers, with ramifications to our understanding of, well, everything that would be too much to fit in a thousand encyclopedias, much less a forum post.
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Roaming thug
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What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?    What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 7:46 am

Hold on now Xion, i heard they were quasi permanent.  They come and go but most the ones you seen right now are more stable to stay, however some do get exchanged as seen in this link.

However if you are too lazy to click or TL;DR then here's a spoiler of the specific part of that page that you both are curious about.

Connection to other worlds:
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PostSubject: Re: What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?    What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 9:50 am

In the comic, Crisis and Lea happen across a vanishing land, and specifically decide not to go in because it could snap back at any moment, taking them with it. The only example we know of a permanent exchange is the Jungle Bowl, and that may not be canon anymore.
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What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?    What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 2:37 pm

Take reference pictures. I'm sure Karbo could use those; the way he draws Crisis looks nothing like she does in real life! laugh alone

Or rather, sit down and wait.
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Roaming thug
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What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?    What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 3:12 pm

Xion wrote:
In the comic, Crisis and Lea happen across a vanishing land, and specifically decide not to go in because it could snap back at any moment, taking them with it. The only example we know of a permanent exchange is the Jungle Bowl, and that may not be canon anymore.

SO an example from the comic of vanishing lands saids that, but the wiki states that there could be some other instances, i'm going with the wiki on this one unless you think it needs fine tuning.
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What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?    What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 6:14 pm

XionGaTaosenai wrote:
Vanishing lands usually snap back within a few hours as most, and predators are wary of entering them out of fear of being stranded by the snap-back. There has been only one case of a vanishing land being permanent, and I'm not even sure that's canon anymore. Just don't go into the jungle and wait it out and you'll be fine. Alternatively, venture forth knowing that it will likely be a one-way trip even if you don't get eaten... I'd probably stay.

I know you were wanting ideas of quick-term survival strategies, but I'm more intrigued by what the long-term consequences of such an event for us would be. The fallout of knowing that Felarya was a real place that people could go to would be huge. After the vanishing land snaps back to normal, people would be studying the phenomenon, and it's likely a more controlled way in would be discovered, one that won't close up behind you. This would herald a great deal of official exploration of Felarya by governments and researchers, with ramifications to our understanding of, well, everything that would be too much to fit in a thousand encyclopedias, much less a forum post.


Yeah, the discovery of such a place as Felarya would create a new wave of reaserch and technology! Everything from soil exports, to bio weapons, to using Negav's tech would be fair game. As well as some predators who would like to come to Earth to eat people, or just to hang out (especially faries!) So, humans would need to change their defenses as some would try to be friends with the new creatures.

Or even more likely, the Felaryans would break into Earth en masse, and launch a full scale invasion that would result in humanity being a slave/food species. Essentially turning us into livestalk similar to chickens and pigs. (Fun fact, I actually simulated out a attack like this using modeling software. The time until the Felaryans dominate would be about 8 minuites. If nukes were launched indiscriminately of collateral damage, 18 minuites). Although, given the current state of the world, I would much rather have this happen! I just hope that I would end up in the stomach of a good pred!
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What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?    What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 10:23 pm

I think you need to get better modeling software, or at least double-check and make sure you checked the box next to "Felaryans" and not "Combine". Felaryan giants are far from invincible; we're not talking a mass invasion of Godzillas here. An anti-tank rifle would be perfectly capable of doing serious damage to them, to say nothing of actual tanks. In Felarya itself, Ur-Sagol waged war with the Dridders, twice, and fought them to a standstill both times. They had magic, but you know what they say about sufficiently advanced technology. Even if Felaryan giants could effortlessly plow through our best armies, they still have to travel from city to city taking each one over. They're not going to be able to cover the whole planet in the time it takes you to eat a hamburger and fries.

But the biggest issue is that there is no surviving faction in Felarya that would want to invade Earth. Random wild predators are not going to invade en mass: assuming a worst case scenario of a portal big enough for predators to get through and completely unmonitored, the worst you'd get is an opportunistic individual wanting a change of scenery every once in a while. If there's going to be an invasion, it would be an organized invasion, and the only group of predators with enough structure to pull of such an invasion would be the Fairy Kingdom, which has historically never seen a war since the Correctors and are perfectly happy in their own land thank you very much. The Dridder Empire, back when it was around, might have invaded Earth if given the opportunity, and honestly they could have given us a rough time, but conquering the entire planet, even in a best case scenario for the Dridders, would take at least 8 years, not 8 minutes. And given how proto-Negav got along just fine as a protectorate under them, the slave/food fate you describe just, wouldn't happen. At all.
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PostSubject: Re: What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?    What would you do if you were on a Vanishing Land?  Icon_minitime

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