04/03/08:So the conflict is finally over, but what will the group of five do now that their troubles are over (for the time being)? Where is Hale going to take them, and will they live together or will they go their separate ways now that Vide is getting strong enough to defend herself? Also, what did Lucy mean when she told Jen that Brant would pay for his sins? All these questions are answered in this closing chapter. As mentioned in the last time-stamp, Menyssan appears during a majority of this chapter alongside Lucy, where some interesting things happen...
03/30/08:After finding Tyler's trench coat, the crew finds Jen's recording, and decides to play it. As Jen's dying message is revealed, something extraordinary happens. Following through with getting things fixed, the group makes contact with Dobeniria, getting a response from a somewhat familiar person. The main story ends here, but what will happen to Brant's soul? What will become of Dobeniria? What happened to the AWOL soldiers? (The Epilogue will follow this chapter, in which Karbo's Menyssan will make a special appearance ^^!)
03/27/08:What was that question for? Jen, feeling weak and losing her grasp on vitality due to her condition, decides to make a decision before Séna can configure a less radical measure, knowing that their time is limited and something has to be done fast. Séna obeys Jennifer's requests, fleeing to safety as Jen prepares to do the unthinkable. Time is up! Now what?
03/23/08:What happens when you have one global catastrophe, one dridder, one neko, two nagas, and eight humans, and decide to mix them all together? You have the Eighteenth Chapter of my story, "The Last Supper" ^^! Jen and her neko friend are fiercely interrogated, and after the Portal Sages get their information and make it clear that they don't trust them, the party ends (or perhaps, the party gets started). Séna thinks of a plan to dismantle the portal without the massive damage, but Jennifer's past actions render them impossible - until Jen explains the power behind her explosive. Time is running out! What will they do?
03/18/08:Chapter Seventeen, "Dispelled," has been uploaded. A majority of the chapter describes Dobeniria's preparation before the plan with Felarya began, and the fate of Brant's original crew. As Brant has this brief flashback, he nears his own death.
03/16/08:The eventful Sixteenth Chapter, "Unwilling Martyrdom," has been uploaded! Brant and Jen have a monumental confrontation, and a brief battle ensues. Hale, Vide, and Nyla fend for themselves against Brant's less-than powerful soldiers, until something strange happens. Rachel's true name and identity is exposed, and the Portal's real purpose is explained. Will Brant really have the last laugh? Is all hope lost for Felarya?
Expect Chapter 17 by about Tuesday.
03/14/08:Chapter Fifteen had been uploaded onto DA and is entitled "Desperation." Things really speed up after Rachel kicks off the enchantment, and more of her identity is revealed. Nyla and Vide become trapped in a fight against Brant's minions, and Hale and Vide make their way towards Brant to figure out what he's planning, which happens to be far worse than initially anticipated.
03/10/08:Chapter Fourteen : Memories Revisited has been uploaded onto DA
. Rachel keeps quiet around her company and waits anxiously to make her move (whatever that move may be). Hale closes in on her target, and Nyla and Vide find a very massive structure bordering Vide's father's grave. What is Brant really planning?
03/06/08:The Thirteenth chapter has been uploaded onto DeviantArt ^^! In this chapter, we get to see what's going on back at the actual Dobenirian HQ, where the Portal Sages are preparing for the trip ahead of them. Hints here and there are made, so watch out for suspense and cliffhangers
! The chapter title wavered from my predictions, and has been named "Cold and Lonesome." Look out for Chapter XIV (fourteen) around March 10th or so =p.
03/02/08:Chapter Twelve has been uploaded for the public to view! I had written the chapter with suspense driving me; a lot of monumental events and revelations are within this chapter! Remember the first Act in the Prologue? Hmm! (Expect Chapter Thirteen by around Thursday =p )
02/29/08:Chapter Eleven is uploaded and ready for your eyes to observe! There are three vore scenes and one very intense encounter, so be prepared! The next chapter is going to be just as intense, so brace yourselves for some very shocking revelations (or maybe you foreshadowed this and it won't be). Chapter Twelve will be ready for upload by Monday or Tuesday. Yay for Leap-years!(?)
02/26/08:The Tenth Chapter has been uploaded! The sub-title is "Artificial Disaster," and I warn you: CLIFFHANGER OF DOOM AT THE END!
I've also managed to make myself a nifty text-logo for my story, though I'm not sure what exactly I could do with it. In addition, I created a Table Of Contents for my story on a previous DA journal of mine. I'm sure most are thinking, "Umm, OK, annnd?" Well, the Table Of Contents has proposed names for the future chapters. I already know how exactly everything will unfold in the storyline; it's all a matter of getting it writ, now. Of course, the names and amount of chapters are subject to drastic change. They're not
too revealing, but one with a very complex or creative mind could foreshadow something ethical, I suppose.
Chapter XI :
Chapter XII : The Crisis (?)
Chapter XIII : They're Just Pawns (?)
Chapter XIV : Memories Revisited (?)
Chapter XV : Desperation (?)
Chapter XVI : Unwilling Martyrdom (?)
Chapter XVII : Dispelled (?)
Chapter XVIII : All Or Nothing (?)
Chapter XIX : Rebellion (?)
Chapter XX : Our Promise, My Purpose (?)
Epilogue : Sloth Is A Sin 02/21/08:Chapter Nine has been put on the web. I thank those who have read and followed the story, and I hope you find this chapter as suspenseful and interesting as the past chapters
. Vide is in a sticky situation, and she tries everything she can to survive the ambush. Hale, Jen, and Matt are stunned when they find something very familiar cluttering the forests near the Byotim Grove. What does it all mean?
02/19/08:The Eighth chapter of my story has been uploaded, and I hope all who decide to read it enjoys it ^^. The introduction is pretty gruesome, as one would expect after reading the last part of the story. The group has to deal with a grieving loss - what will their next idea be? Is there anything else they CAN do?
02/16/08:Remember that cliff from the last chapter? Yeah, watch out for more ^^. The Seventh chapter of my story has been uploaded to my Dev-Art. The exposition comes to a climax of sorts in this chapter as Vide and her friends make their way through North-eastern Felarya to the Byotim Grove/Rainforest. What would become of Vide and her friends if a crisis were to occur? Well...
02/12/08:Aside from today being my brother's birthday (If you must ask, his name is Abraham Lincoln (Not Really (But it is his birthday))), I've used this day to upload the Sixth suspenseful chapter of my story. Lately, I've been discouraged to write for personal reasons, but I'm still progressing. I lost sight on why I really wrote this story: to see if I had any potential in writing. I've never written anything before, but with the responses and results I've been seeing, I'm surprised that my first would get some attention. Anyway, this chapter is all about suspense. There is a Vore scene in this chapter. Don't fall off the cliff at the end!
02/09/08:Over the past couple days, I've been mapping out big events which will happen later in the story to predict how long it will be before it ends. I think a good guess would be that the story will last about 15-20 chapters, with the main antagonist surfacing at around chapter 9-14. This chapter features a new creature to Felarya. Hale and Nyla have at it, and Jen gets picked on. Vide's begins to have extreme recollections of her immediate past through her dreams. There is a brief Vore scene. Enjoy ^^
02/07/08:Well I'm back into the swing of things, which I'm both happy and irritated over (Never leave school for over a month). I've finally posted the next chapter of my story, which is the first chapter thus far to contain a Vore scene. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll think "This is much better than looking for a job." I think it's safe to say this chapter will have you wanting to slap each of the characters at least once and saying "Poor Nyla." The next chapter should be up in a bit, and things will fluctuate in regards to friendship. Hope you enjoy what I've conjured this time.
12/28/07:This took a lot less time than I had first predicted, probably because I couldn't stop writing the chapter once I started
. I revised it twice, but after doing it a third time after posting it on my DA, I found two errors (one of which was kinda embarrassing
). In this eventful chapter, the dridder's strange acts of trying to convince her opponents to flee from her for safety are explained. Also, some of Vide's true power is revealed, but at the same time, the results of the Amirora continue to plague her (which after reading, you can decide if that's a good or bad thing) . The next chapter will be focused on Vide's recovery and some further bondage within the group. Chapter Four may not be released for several more days/weeks, as my spinal surgery is coming up in five days
. Hope you all enjoy what I've written so far.
12/23/07: It took longer than I expected, but Chapter Two is now uploaded. I revised it three times to make sure that it was spic-and-span, and hopefully I did just that. I also corrected any leftover mistakes in my previous chapters. In this chapter, Jen and Hale find Alfa in desperate need of assistance, and they venture to find one of Jennifer's friends for help. But in doing this, they uncover some puzzling information and a new (and very strange) enemy. The plot thickens! Enjoy, and happy holidays!
12/17/07: I finally finished revising Chapter One and I've decided to leave you all with a cliff-hanger at the end of the chapter. Originally, the chapter would have included a bit more (700 words) after the cliff-hanger, but I've decided to save it until Chapter Two. This is a much more suitable place to end the chapter.
12/13/07: After some planning last night and this afternoon, I decided to finish up the Prologue. The name I used for the main character is Vide, by the way
. I hope yall enjoy. Feel free to comment about foreshadowing, predictions, criticism, questions, etc. I'd be glad to answer.