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 Where would you go in Felarya if you only had a few days?

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Join date : 2014-10-30

Where would you go in Felarya if you only had a few days? Empty
PostSubject: Where would you go in Felarya if you only had a few days?   Where would you go in Felarya if you only had a few days? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 17, 2017 1:01 pm

If you were given a choice to go to Felarya, at any point on the map and be given a charm that would keep you 100% safe from predators (but not from non-vore deaths like falls, drowning, fights exc) where would you go and what would you do? Assuming of course that the charm lasts 3 days and you teleport back to Earth after that time. Obviously 3 days is not enough time to explore the entirety of Felarya, but you could see a city or some jungle or temples. The charm in question, makes you taste absolutely nasty, a bitter, fowl overpowering flavor would make any predator, sentient or not, spit you out unharmed! (Of course, you could break it if you chose to should you have a deathwish.)

So, given those 3 days of safety from predators, where would you go and what would you do on your Felarya vacation?
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Newbie adventurer
Newbie adventurer

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Join date : 2016-12-14
Age : 29
Location : Hidden Library

Where would you go in Felarya if you only had a few days? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where would you go in Felarya if you only had a few days?   Where would you go in Felarya if you only had a few days? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 18, 2017 2:34 am

If I could go anywhere in Felarya without fear of being nommed on where would I go? That is indeed a very fun question Dragon. Honestly I would probably make an attempt to explore the Tenebra maze, or as far into the depths of the Muroyo Library in the Fairy Kingdom. As one who has a passion for tales of old, the chance to see if demecherelle truly lies slumbering somewhere inside would be too good an opportunity to pass up. Is she truly evil as the tales that are told, or is there more to her than meets the eye. Otherwise, going as far as possible into the archives seems like a good way to spend three days. The mysterious depths of the place of knowledge may be to tempting to resist, who knows what sort of tomes lay deep within.
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Where would you go in Felarya if you only had a few days?
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