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 Castlevania in Felarya-Details

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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Castlevania in Felarya-Details   Castlevania in Felarya-Details Icon_minitimeMon Apr 28, 2008 12:34 am

I have no idea where this should go. This is just my explanation of Castlevania as it works in Felarya. In my opinion, Castlevania is like a seperate world from Felarya, meaning that most qualities of Felarya don't apply. For example, necromancy normally wouldn't work in Felarya, but once you are in Castlevania you can perform necromancy all damn day and night. However, creatures brought back through necromancy are bound to the castle and will slowly wither and die if they go outside into Felarya. Vampirism also doesn't work in Felarya but it does in Castlevania. Were-creatures in Felarya usually retain part of their human sanity when they transform. But, if they by any chance wander into Castlevania their sanity will immediately be erased. If they are not struck down, however, they will slowly grow obedient to Dracula and will serve him even after leaving the castle. What I'm saying is that once someone in Felarya enters Castlevania they will no longer be in Felarya until they leave the castle. Again, this is just to explain what Castlevania will be like in the coming chapters of "Ballad of Tears" (if I ever get to writing any stories with all this schoolwork I have to do).
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Castlevania in Felarya-Details   Castlevania in Felarya-Details Icon_minitimeMon Apr 28, 2008 12:48 am

Well, if I get what you've said right, it fits with what I know of Castlevania's canon.

Dracula's castle is its own pocket universe. Once you pass the drawbridge, or outer wall, you're no longer in the world you came from. In addition to the effects that you mentioned, this means Felaryan creatures would not be able to take advantage of their usual fast healing rates, as they're no longer in contact with Felaryan soil. It would also mean that they should be capable of dying of old age and subject to disease and infection while inside.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Castlevania in Felarya-Details   Castlevania in Felarya-Details Icon_minitimeMon Apr 28, 2008 11:47 am

From what I understand Felarya canon has no effect on cross-overed realms, and vice-versa.
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PostSubject: Re: Castlevania in Felarya-Details   Castlevania in Felarya-Details Icon_minitime

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