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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 1:29 pm

I noticed the first one was getting REALLY filled up so I don't think Gregole will mind me making a second one, cause I think alot of people won't join an rpg once it is right in the middle of something or well on page 42 XD

Okay you in Felarya is about what would happen if there was a sudden dimenstional rip and you found yourself in Felarya? Walking to school, waking up in the morning, laying down at night then suddenly you find yourself in a jungle, the jungle of Felarya.
Make sure to not just have one sentence replys, least try to make it detailed unless you absolutly can't. No god modding, No killing off people or making them do something EI "Punchs so and so in the face and there head falls off" something like that. Be kind to others please, least to the best of your ability, have fun and don't make fun of my bad grammar.

PS: All out of character OCC communacation please use (( )) or ~ ~ when doing that thank you, have fun!
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 2:02 pm

ill join this one}}}}}}
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 2:52 pm

MMichael was typing in the forums of the Felarya website. Suddenly, a portal opened up beneath him, and he screamed as he fell through. He landed hard on the ground. Michael was a little dissoriented. He stood up, and whiped off the dirt from his pants and shirt. "Am I in Felarya?"
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 3:08 pm

Cliff (me, not the Cliff from my story) began to slowly wake up. There was blood tripping from a spot on his forehead and as he looked down, he saw a rock with a small bloodstain on it. "Shit...I must have fallen and knocked myself out cold" He got up and noticed that he wasn't on his college campus anymore...

The last thing he could remember was walking across campus to his last class of the day. There had been a gust of wind, a flash of light. He remembered falling foward, then blackness...

He saw the massive trees and lush forest all around him. "Well...I am definately not in Mississppi any more..." He looks around some more, observing his surroundings. "Lets see...Im in some kind of jungle, there are massive trees everywhere and there doesn't seem to be any sign of people...I must be in South America somewhere. How the Hell did I get to South America?!? Well, as long as I watch out for jaguars, I should be fine..." He begins to walk aimlessly through the forest...
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 4:13 pm

(((Would this be me personally (the guy looking at the computer monitor now) or a fictional character I'd like to be (and would stand a halfway decent chance of surviving more than an hour)?)))
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 4:23 pm

(((I think they mean you, as in the person that is looking at the forum now. You got sucked into Felarya somehow)))
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 5:26 pm

Michael started to panic. "Shit, shit, shit!" What am I gonna do?" He sighed. "Ah well, it's not like Crisis is going to find me!"
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 5:40 pm

Cliff had been walking through the forest for almost half an hour. "Hmm, this jungle really doesn't look tropical enough to be in South America, and that still doesn't answer the question of how I got here. Oh well, its just a jungle. There's nothing that can hurt me too bad as long as I don't go around causing trouble. Hopefully Im not allergic to anything around here" He continues to walk aimlessly through the trees.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 8:08 pm

((Yet again, Copy-Pasta))

Near the very far end of the Tavern, satisfying himself with a simple tankard of water, was a young man no more than the age of 17. From the steady quivering of his hands, state of his clothes, and almost complete bankruptcy, it was quite obvious that he had seen the more... unpleasant side of Felarya, along with the fact that he wasn't a native to the land.

"So," muttered another at the table, quivering just as much and in almost as poor a shape as the youngest table member, "What's your story?"

The whole table was made up of unlucky sods who had ended up on Felarya at random. In one corner was a painfully gaunt boy who's pupils seemed to be much too large; some sod from a Night World. Another at the table was the oppossite, pudgy and obese in almost every sense; obviously from some well-off family. A girl along the end bore several scars along her body; a past slave from some planet. Another, the oldest of the group, sat with a stump where his left arm should have been; obviously a warrior of some sort.

Of course, the 'boy' wasn't paying attention to any of this. He was too busy staring at his tankard and quivering. The nearest table member, the pudgy boy from some Nobility, gave him a slight justle. He looked up long enough to hear the question again, "What's your story?"

"M-my story?" He eeked out after a few seconds. All the group had been through rough times, some more recently than others. The girl shared his silience, having arrived only two days prior. The poor gaunt lad was even newer than the young 'man', and was ignored out of decency to at least let the slightly older arrival to give his tale first.

"Aye, yours. Where are you from? How'd you get here? Your name?"

The young man just sat there a few minutes in silience, before he finally started to speak out.

"I'm from the US, er, United States. It is, or was, or I don't know, a Country from a planet called Earth. Terra. Gaia.

I got here by complete accident." A this, a slight chuckle arrived from the older members at the table. None had come here by their own free will. "I was walking around the library, a book renting place, and this, this, power outage. It came from no-where. When the lights came back on, or, actually, came through the window, I wasn't home anymore. We were in the middle of the jungle, a lake wasn't that far away.

Most of us just freaked. I freaked. For several hours, none of us left the place. We just sat in there, pretended it was a bad dream. Then a... 'thing', came in. It was as long as a bus, and looked like a mutated wolf. It drove us out of the building, or the ones that weren't dead already." The young man shuddered again, and a few of the table members nodded.

"Aye, a Kensha beast. Nasty buggers. Want to take a break?"

"N-no, thanks, I'll be fine. Well, we got out of the place, the thing seemed too busy with those inside to follow us. Now we were really messed up. None of us had any weapons, we were all alone, we had no supplies, no guide, nothing.

I remembered something I read at home. It was a... hard thing to describe. A fast way to talk with lots of people at once. There was this 'planet', you see. A nasty planet. Seemed almost like this one, 'cept it wasn't all pretty like it was shown to be online. It was bad. The things didn't stop to chat or anything, they just acted, and one would vanish.

Some of the group wandered towards the river. I was too out of it to say anything. Only a few of us stayed back, most went to the river to splash themselves. Wake themselves up, I think. Then, a, a hand lashed out of the water. Two were snatched up instantly, and a moment later another was snatched. They went into the water, and weren't seen again." A slight, awkward laugh left the young man, "None went back to the river after that. Smartened up."

Almost the whole table was listening now. Only the gaunt man wasn't paying attention, mimicing how the young man was just a few moments earlier.

"We ran through the jungles, ran away from the river. I remembered a few things I read about this place. A town where predators couldn't come. A 'safe' spot. Of course, I was still too chilled to do anything but siliently follow the group, as if in a trance. We wandered through the woods, and lots of us just 'vanished'. The ones who didn't knew the truth, it wasn't a simple vanishing act.

We were almost half-gone when we reached the edge of a swamp. A big swamp." The boy looked to the older man. "What was the swamps name again?"

"The Great Marshes. Hey, if you want to stop, just say somethin', al'ight?"

"Thanks, thank you, but I'm fine.

We got to the swa- er, Great Marshes, and then these things attacked. Looked like large Crocodiles, but with human legs and arms. They came out of nowhere. Just showed up. Half of the half were killed, another third captured. The few who weren't, which was somehow including me, had run at the first sign of trouble.

By now, another in the group mentioned something. Seemed she had known about the planet too, was too ashamed to admit it. Can't say I blame her. She helped us in the right direction, the half dozen or so left. She urged us through the woods, towards where the town, this town, was. She helped me up at least once.

I have no idea how long we trekked earlier, but it was night and we were almost at the town. We could see the clearing up ahead. For some reason no other predators showed up. Think we filled up everything before in our path.

And then a Dridder came. One went down instantly, another two grabbed in each arm. The thing stared at me as the others ran, stared at me. God, Throne, whatever the hell is out there, it looked at me for what seemed an eternity."

"And what happened?"

"It did nothing. I think it saw that I was no sport, and it just left me be for the others. Three already, another two on the run, what was one last person? It just... left me. For an hour, I think, I just stood there. Then I managed to get some motor function back. I ran, ran like I never ran before. Found a body with a sword or something. Picked it up and ran. Don't even know who's body it was, or whats.

I kept running, until I came to the town's outskirts. Then I fell, and slept. I stayed there all morning, and would likely have stayed all evening if the people hadn't woke me. Helped me up, payed some gold for the sword. I think it was magic, or something. Told me to head here, that I'd find "others like me". Damn, I didn't know what was happening.

Only just realized how thirsty I was when I got here, and I'm still not feeling hungry. Muhammed knows just how long I was out there, or what I can't remember. Not until I saw this table and started to drink that I felt 'normal' again. Alive. Not that any of us can call this normal."

For a moment of respect, the rest of the table fell silent. Then, after what he felt was long enough, the oldest one turned to the gaunt lad. "Hey, boy, got a story of your own?"

This went on for hours, with old members eventually being replaced with new members. Eventually, only the young man and the oldest, probably some guy trying to get the others back to shape, were left from the old 'guard'. Tavern would be closed soon, and the rest of them would be gone and out into the world. Maybe they'd sit again at the bar some day, or maybe they'd never see the others again after this moment.

Finally, it was only the young man from the old group. He just sat there, another tank of water drained, another trip to the 'bathroom' done. Before he himself left, for a place to sleep, a job, who knew what, one of the lads asked him something. As he turned, he heard the question again. "Who are you?"

The young man seemed to ponder a moment, a confused look on his face, before he gave his answer. "I, I use to go by Wes. Now, I don't know what I'll use."

And with that, he walked out the door.

((What? There isn't much else I can do without wanking myself, doing something so OOC it isn't funny, weakening some factor of Felarya, etc.))
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 05, 2008 12:54 pm

(what do you mean i thought it was a character you create yourself ,that was my asumsion at least )
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 05, 2008 12:59 pm

Well in all my stories Gibby's stories goes like this: Him and his family were on a plane and then a trans-dimensional rift opened in the form of a violent lightning storm. This is what transported Gibby to Felarya. (note everyone else on the plane is dead as far as Gibby knows)
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 05, 2008 1:01 pm

sephi wrote:
(what do you mean i thought it was a character you create yourself ,that was my asumsion at least )

((For this one it's yourself, and the other one had us meeting our characters. That's what I bellieve it was.))
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 05, 2008 1:25 pm

Michael kept walking aimlessly through Felarya, trying to find a place to make shelter. He prayed to God that he wanted to be safe.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 06, 2008 10:01 pm

sephi wrote:
(what do you mean i thought it was a character you create yourself ,that was my asumsion at least )

No no no it's YOU yourself not some character but yourself being teleported into Felarya, I thought I made that clear X_x darnit
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 2:37 pm

poor MP -sama ^^'''
I'll just go and copy my first three posts into one mega-entry post!!! XD
Tony had run away from home; he was sick of his parents, his school, evreything; It felt like the world was out to get him.
For some reason, Tony had been dumb enough to go into the woods, instead of hitchhiking. Maybe it ws just because he needed to calm down. "I can't do it," Tony said, sitting against a tree. "I'd never be able to take care of myself out here, I don't even have the money...." He stood up, and turned in the general direction of his house. "I'll just go back, and tell them I went out for soem resh air," he said to himself, and began to walk back home
Tony wsa lost; he was sure fo it. mostly because he had never seen the wildlife around him before in the woods on the other side of the road. "Yep," he said to himself, "We aren't in Kansas anymore, that's for sure..."
Nto one to give up to easily when he thought his life depended on it, he kept venturing.
Who knows? maybe he'd find some kind of house, or even a town; kjust someone to lend him a hand...
Tony was sitting at the base of a tree he was sure wasn't a dryad-- he had climbed up it to test the texture of the bark halfway up, something he normally wouldn't do-- and sighed; he figured he was in Felarya, due to the fact of the sze of the trees... and that he had seen some Nekos walk by a few minutes ago. He was excited, yet abdsolutely terrified for his life
I don't wanna be eaten! he thought.... well, he wouldn't mind being eaten, just being digested.... Tony shuddred. "Okay," he said, standing up form his short break, "First thing's firt; gotta find soem better shelter... and maybe sacrifices......"
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 3:32 pm

Michael jogged through the forest for a few minuiotes. He surprisingly found another kid. "Hey! Can you believe this?" He said once he walked up to Tony. "We're in Felarya!"
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 3:47 pm

Kyle sat on his bed.He haad on a scottish t-shirt,jeans,white and black tennis shoes,a pair of headphones,and a irish pub hat.Suddenly a bright yellow light apperead."AAAAHHH WHAT THE HELL"he screamed.He awoke on grass.he sat up and looked around."No fucking way"he said
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 5:32 pm

((I've never actually truly participated in one of these, but eh, seems fun.))
Davis was out riding his bike due to the nice weather. He was currently going down hill, so he was going much faster than under normal conditions, and didn't even have to petal. He was on a sidewalk next to the street on the left side of the road (from where he was facing) so he had to look back when a passing car honked to get his attention. A couple of former classmates had just passed by and waved out the passanger windows, Davis waved back before returning his attention to where he was going.

The ground had suddenly leveled off, not only that but it wasn't even sidewalk anymore! In fact the surroundings had completely changed from a street in a town to a forest! Just as Davis was comprehending this development, he noticed he was speeding towards a couple of kids. Just barely turning in time, Davis had avoided hitting both of them only to have turned too sharply and fell off his bike slamming into a nearby tree.
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 5:35 pm

Micael flinched as the bike was about to hit him, but he let out a sgh of relief when t didnt. He hurried over to the boy who fell off of his bike, and helped him up. "You do realize where we are, right?"
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 5:59 pm

Kyle picked his glasses off the ground."How in the hell did i land in Felarya"he said as he walked to a bunfh of kids
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 6:43 pm

Davis got up with the help of one of the kids, "What do you mean?" he asked in response. Taking a look around and thinking back to what just happened Davis realized that this incident was similar to something he had read about, and written about. "You have got to be kidding me," he looked to the kid next to him, "Please tell me you have some form of weapon on you," thinking it was kind of rude without it he then added, "Oh, my name's Davis by the way."
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 6:44 pm

"Michael." Michael replied. "A.K.A. Mikeimp on the Felarya forums. Actually, I don't have a weapon."
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 6:58 pm

"Well, we're screwed." Davis said taking a look around, "It's quiet, and pardon the cliché but, too quiet. After all there are supposed to be lots of various things living in this place, why is it so quiet?" Davis pulled down a pair of headphones that he had on so that they were around his neck and tried to listen for anything. "Hey, do you hear a sort of dragging noise, like of something big and heavy?"
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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 7:10 pm

Kyle walked up to the two."Hi im Kyle AKA Googlememan on DA and Felarya forum"said Kyle.

Then the rekization of where he was came in.

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PostSubject: Re: You in Felarya post 2   You in Felarya post 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 7:54 pm

"Wait!" Michael exclaimed. He quickly pulled out a pen and paper. "This is a fictional world, right? So, if we write someething down ABOUT Felarya, it happens!" He quickly wrote:

Michael and the others became indigestable and immune to the pain of stomach acid.

"There. That should do it."
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