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 Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!

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Temple scourge
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 6:55 pm

I'll lead off with... Superman!!!

8 am, Day 1: Superman arrives in Negav City. Many humans know of him as The Man of Steel and greet him with a ticker tape parade.

Immediately after, Supes is confronted with a thousand reports of giant man-eating predators that everyone wants to see him take out ASAP.

12 pm, Day 1: Supes puts a few harpies on a diet of gravel and dirt upon catching them trying to chase down and eat humans.

Day 2: All of humanity celebrates the impending doom of all Giant Preds around the world. Hundreds of proud, brave humans and nekos go prancing by Anna, Crisis, Dryala, etc. going "naaa na na boo boo" as Superman flies overhead threatening imminent smack-downage.

Crisis waves and smiles and even hands out cotton candy to the humans. Cigar afficionados camp out around Anna and light up just to laugh while she grins and hands out free lighters.

About high noon on day 2, right while Menyssan is there helping to light all the barbecues....

Iridan shows up.

Superman lasts about 28 hours on Felarya: the time needed for Crisis to
a) convince Menyssan to accept her challenge for an eating contest re-match;
b) to get a silver succubus to show up; and
c) for thousands of humans to be lured out of their safe cities to gather all in one place to see Supes get eaten.
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Temple scourge
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 7:07 pm

Oh and I forgot... please, no God mods. That includes Saiyans who could probably tear through anyone in their path. They're unreal even for imaginary things. Superman is kinda a godmod but seeing him utterly checkmated by the odd and really super rare silver succubi is just too funny. (Imagine him bouncing around at supersonic speeds inside her trying to get out, lol!)
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 7:11 pm

No God-Mod? Feth, there goes Shrike, GEoM, Horus, Apex Twins, Bhaalspawn, Nerevarine, Kassad, Deciever...

Doom Guy: Goes on a quest for a bigger gun, likely winds up at a Miratan base. Oh, and there'll be one-liners and monologues a plenty (The LEGIONS OF HELL didn't stop him before).

Brave Fencer Musashiden: Begins his quest to find a portal, confuses some Predator when he lifts them off the ground and tosses it away from himself.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 7:19 pm

Nerevarine? Really? Are you sure?

I could think of a few preds who could take him. For that matter, dang, Crisis and Menyssan do Morrowind & Cyrodiil. I've got one word for that: URRRP!!!

Yeah, the Doom Guy could make it to the Miratan base. Pity if he had to cross the Jungle Bowl first, though. Hmmm. Doom Guy vs the Jungle Bowl with Cypress pledging not to interfere. That ought to be good.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 7:22 pm

Raveolution wrote:
Nerevarine? Really? Are you sure?
If he has his Alchemy set, he could likely take down a Succubi with his bare hands. He can make absurd potions. He also is in possession of two Items intended to take the Power of Gods, has a ring that kills anyone beyond the Nerevarine who touches it, is a very accomplished Wizard or Thief in most instances, etc.

[quote=""]I could think of a few preds who could take him. For that matter, dang, Crisis and Menyssan do Morrowind & Cyrodiil.[/qupte] Perhaps not, considering that the Aedra / Daedra can carry cities into the abyss of space, and there's at least one instance of an army being covered in a Water Breathing spell as part of a siege. Magic is used competently in Morrowind and Cyrodiil compared to realms like Faerun.
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Roaming thug
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 7:40 pm

Batman will win with no (sentient) fatalities. Not even eating him would stop him. In one Justice League comic, the whole group has to go to Apokalips for some reason, and Batman is swallowed whole by a giant Hell hound. A minute later the Hell hound stops, keels over, and Batman emerges unharmed, and not even fazed by the experience.

Spiderman would also survive quite a while, with his spider sense being the equivalent of a predator radar. The Driders would freak him out, though.

Wolverine would be in heaven. Lots of monsters to fight, and no one to tell him to stop.

Ranma would have a heart attack when Akane falls into the spring of drowned Naga.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 8:03 pm

Malahite wrote:
Raveolution wrote:
Nerevarine? Really? Are you sure?
If he has his Alchemy set, he could likely take down a Succubi with his bare hands. He can make absurd potions. He also is in possession of two Items intended to take the Power of Gods, has a ring that kills anyone beyond the Nerevarine who touches it, is a very accomplished Wizard or Thief in most instances, etc.
Yeah, that part is true. He can always teleport, too - especially before he winds up in a pred's belly.

Malahite wrote:
Raveolution wrote:
I could think of a few preds who could take him. For that matter, dang, Crisis and Menyssan do Morrowind & Cyrodiil.
Perhaps not, considering that the Aedra / Daedra can carry cities into the abyss of space, and there's at least one instance of an army being covered in a Water Breathing spell as part of a siege. Magic is used competently in Morrowind and Cyrodiil compared to realms like Faerun.
Mostly true. Crisis and Menyssan could scoop up quite a few before being run off, though.

Speaking of Faerun, isn't that where the Underdark is? That's where driders were originated! Aw man, it's spider people vs Crisis's stomach!!! Gurglicious!!!
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 8:07 pm

Raveolution wrote:
isn't that where the Underdark is?
Yes, and one of the few Competent militaries on Faerun. They use large numbers of Mages / Clerics, everything is armed with magic weapons and armor, etc.

That's where driders were originated! Aw man, it's spider people vs Crisis's stomach!!! Gurglicious!!!
If the Nagas can fit in the tunnels.

Though on the assault, Drow would fail utterly in an assault.
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Temple scourge
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 8:11 pm

Captain Planet!!! Captain planet, he's a hero, gonna cut pollution down to - *gulp!!!* Oh, the irony, eaten by the things he's out to save hahah!
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Temple scourge
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 8:22 pm

Malahite wrote:
Raveolution wrote:
isn't that where the Underdark is?
Yes, and one of the few Competent militaries on Faerun. They use large numbers of Mages / Clerics, everything is armed with magic weapons and armor, etc.
Yup, and the whole (un)holy magic brings a whole new set of challenges, being divine-based. A diamond naga would be fun to see going against them, though.

Malahite wrote:
Raveolution wrote:
That's where driders were originated! Aw man, it's spider people vs Crisis's stomach!!! Gurglicious!!!
If the Nagas can fit in the tunnels.

Though on the assault, Drow would fail utterly in an assault.
An assault on Felarya by Faerun Driders would end in a lot of happy, sated Nagas.

Drow elves? I'd love to see them start out invading the Crimson woods. Best fight ever - even if short lived...
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Felarya cartographer
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 8:22 pm

I gotta go with Lucy from the anime "Elfen Lied".

She can use her mind to cut, throw or rip to shreds just about anythng that gets within about 9 feet of her. If a pred reaches for her, they will probably be missing a few fingers when they pull thier hand back. She has also been known to be a little sadistic sometimes. She would probably do such horrible things to the first pred that tries to eat her, that all the others would just leave her alone. If she did ever get caught and swallowed, she could probably just cut her way out.

Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Elfenlied107hb
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 8:24 pm

Raveolution wrote:

Drow elves? I'd love to see them start out invading the Crimson woods. Best fight ever - even if short lived...
Myself I'd prefer a World-Eaters invasion. Red clashes Red. Better yet if Angron joined in the fun.

Though we digress, these are VILLAINS!
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Temple scourge
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 8:34 pm

Lets see, Soild Snake from MSG ^^.... XD yeah the preds would know he was under a box, poor snake, same trick doesn't always work, also he is no longer as his last game called him ^^ some who have not played metal gear soild may not get this XD
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Temple scourge
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 8:42 pm

Its All 19 wrote:
I gotta go with Lucy from the anime "Elfen Lied".

She can use her mind to cut, throw or rip to shreds just about anythng that gets within about 9 feet of her. If a pred reaches for her, they will probably be missing a few fingers when they pull thier hand back. She has also been known to be a little sadistic sometimes. She would probably do such horrible things to the first pred that tries to eat her, that all the others would just leave her alone. If she did ever get caught and swallowed, she could probably just cut her way out.
Oooh, I was thinking about her.

But hey, it would be interesting to see Lucy vs a storm sprite and its flash digestion. That's a good test for her.
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Seasoned adventurer
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 10:06 pm

Goku lol i think he needs no introduction.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 10:48 pm

Can I name a cartoon character? Because I think Speedy Gonzales would last quite a long while in Felarya. He can outrun the only preds than can see him, and his speed vibrates his molecules to the point where NO MAGIC can touch him.

He'll likely meet his end when somebody sets up tiny spikes or things of glue.(or a pred with a sticky tongue)
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valiant swordman
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 11:01 pm

The flood.

A parasitic organism with a central hive mind, that takes control of a living creature's mind and body, transforming it into not only an unholy killing machine, but in the long run, food as well. The only living beings they won't infect are those smaller than a human. Considering the rate at which they spread, even a single infection form, the size and shape of an average balloon, would probably attract the attention of the guardians by day's end. One would hope that any guardian wont ignore the swarm of little balloons, or everyone would be utterly Fuc***

Last edited by darkshot2600 on Sat May 10, 2008 5:51 am; edited 2 times in total
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Roaming thug
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 3:40 am

The Hulk: Snake thing make Hulk angry! Hulk smash snake thing!

Fantastic Four: Last quite a while, they are used to fighting giant monsters from the Mole Man

Aquaman: Anko eats him, nobody notices

Wonder woman: Vivian "Bondage, kinky!"
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 6:06 am

Claire wrote:
Goku lol i think he needs no introduction.
Yeah but he's the ULTIMATE god mod. His powers are ki-based (spirit, psionic), so it utterly ignores an anti-magic stomach. He can get in and out of anything and destroy anything...
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 10:36 am

He’s not a hero, but I was thinking Darth Vader. (The one from the old trilogy. In my opinion, that Vader was THE best of the dark jedi.)

First off, his force abilities would give him advanced warning of anything that would attack him. Secondly, if anything did try to eat him, his skills with the lightsaber would insure that anything trying to grab him would be sans fingers in a heartbeat. The weaker minded predators, he could dominate mentally and force them to serve him. If he needed to kill something, it would be easy to use the force to pinch shut a cardiac artery. I also imagine the force would be immune to anti-magic effects, so in a worst case senario, he could do this even if he were eaten.

In short, he could survive, and possibly become a warlord to be reckoned with if he wanted to. He’d be smart enough to fly under the radar though, so the Guardians wouldn’t know about him until it was too late.

On the other hand, if a naga managed to learn the force from him (if he were inclined to take on an apprentice), she’d be the deadliest hunter in Felarya.

“You will come out of the heavily fortified city.”

“I will come out of the heavily fortified city.”

“You will drop your weapons and climb into my mouth.”

“I will drop my weapons and climb into your mouth.”
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 12:18 pm

Tuc135 wrote:
First off, his force abilities would give him advanced warning of anything that would attack him.
Problem is that he's still relatively limited by Human Reaction times, even if he gets to react right before the attack is made. Many Anime Characters (Which is the type of character most beings are on anime) aren't limited by human reaction times.

The weaker minded predators, he could dominate mentally and force them to serve him.
Can you point out such a mind-control instance to me? I always saw Vader as more of a Brute-Force kind of guy.

Then again, depending on what you read and take as a source, there technically is nothing to stop him from popping blood cells in predator's brains.

If he needed to kill something, it would be easy to use the force to pinch shut a cardiac artery.
Or this.

I also imagine the force would be immune to anti-magic effects, so in a worst case senario, he could do this even if he were eaten.
If we go by this, however, then the force would give Vader no magical defenses either, so it'd be whoever shot first.

Now, for another Hero:

Eisenhorn. This will depend COMPLETELY on which version of him we use.

Book 1: Will likely die if he attempts anything outside a city, though inside he would be wonderful for upturning Demon Cults before they bring Succubi to Felarya. Basically, in city grows cultist enemies, outside likely to be killed.

Book 2: This is a version that MAY be able to handle an isolated Predator, though would do much better in a City environment than before. He has what amounts to slight combat precog, is most certainly above the average human's reaction (Likely around Jedi / Sith level, considering the whole "Twenty or more blows in the time to draw a breath" battle with Quixos, who himself fought as a "Speed distorted Demon"), and decent Psionic Powers. Plus, with the Malus Codicum, he may be capable of bounding or destroying some Succubi. He works much better in the anti-cult department, though.

Book 3: Among the most broken version. This Eisenhorn was quite capable of deflecting automatic fire from attackers who had the advantage of elevated position. Similarly, he was capable of creating a Warp-Vortex that obliterated everything within a 50m radius AFTER possessing a cadaver and making it walk in a humanlike function, after being ambushed on a train, which was after he was assaulted in his own home by a group of mercenaries. Worse, there's even less concerns for him using the Codicum, AND he may have a Daemonhost with him that was quite capable of throwing an Ogre-Sized being so high into the air that it took several minutes to land.

Short Stories after Book 3: Most broken. Said Daemonhost has much lesser restrictions on it, though this form of Eisenhorn(Along with Book 3) is much less mobile than in Book 2, thanks to a little incident with a Bolt Pistol and some Knee Caps.
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 1:59 pm

I'm sure Sylar would have lots of fun lopping the tops of fairies heads off to gain their various abilities.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 2:04 pm

Ewin wrote:
I'm sure Sylar would have lots of fun lopping the tops of fairies heads off to gain their various abilities.

Which reminds me, I KNEW that the heal was going to occur in season 1 when he attempted to get Peter. That had such potential for a comedy spoof online.

Though Sylar wouldn't need to go for a Faerie, considering magic is magic and all that. Go for something more manageable.
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Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 2:12 pm

I think Doctor Strange would be kinda screwed by anyone with anti-magic abilities, though he's been shown to overcome anti-magic situations before, using either different tactics (martial arts, usually) or magic that's simply stronger than the anti-magic. Other than that, though, I doubt much could stop him.

Iron Man would last a while. Though some predators (such as Crisis) are able to digest almost anything, I doubt the armor would be too appetizing. Plus, Tony Stark could rig up an engine to run off of the ambient magical energy in Felarya in a day or two, easy. If all else fails, force-fields, repulsor rays, and flight abilities would make him an efficient fighter. Plus, he'd probably spread modern advancements among the few Felaryan cities, making the local humans a little bit deadlier.

Thor would do well. He'd probably call up a fierce storm as soon as he even walked into the jungle, making it hard for most preds to get him as he's flying around. Blue Sphinxes would be a big-ass problem, though... meh, maybe a few smacks with Mjolnir will teach 'em.

On anime, most Naruto-styled ninja would do pretty well, as long as they're Chuunin or above, especially ones from the Leaf, who're used to forests. Survival and combat training helps. Stealth, too.

In conclusion, I say this: Felarya is a world survivable only if one is supremely adaptable. With a huge variety of predators, only someone who's quick on their feet in both body and mind will survive for long. Or, they should travel in groups. Strong groups.

EDIT: All right, a couple of Heroes fans! You can tell I'm one (the avatar's a giveaway, and the sig is too).

Last edited by ZionAtriedes on Fri May 09, 2008 2:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances!   Name your superhero/anime character and judge their chances! Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 2:19 pm

ZionAtriedes wrote:

On anime, most Naruto-styled ninja would do pretty well, as long as they're Chuunin or above, especially ones from the Leaf, who're used to forests. Survival and combat training helps. Stealth, too.
Now, I'm not sure if it's from seeing too many RPers of such (Or fanfics, or fans), but doesn't Naruto stealth basically consist of 'wait in one spot in less bright clothes until target arrives'?

In conclusion, I say this: Felarya is a world survivable only if one is supremely adaptable. With a huge variety of predators, only someone who's quick on their feet in both body and mind will survive for long. Or, they should travel in groups. Strong groups.
One thing is that the people cannot get lax in ANYTHING. You may even be able to survive Felarya, but you could easily forget stuff on other worlds that's a big no-no. Sanitation, the power of Bacteria, what to do with a body, that kind of stuff.
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