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 Crawdalies (crayfish people)

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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 6:56 pm

Ah yes, another half-breed that Felarya seems to be littered with, from massive nagas to miniscule little dridders and nekos. Well, time to add another to the list! (not sure if this would be considered Merfolk due to their underwater status, or Dridder in nature due to it being an arachnid.)


I get kind of descriptive in the physiology thing, but it's just so you guys can get an idea of why I put why I put. You have been warned. (things such as genetalia sizes, depths, and actually how they reproduce)




Again, I hope this isn't too descriptive or anything like that. it's just something I came up with today while hunting crawfish at my family reunion.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 7:06 pm

Nice description of the physiology, and a nice job at creating a mostly-original species [I think Crab People were thought of a while back, but ne'er really given attention]. Can't wait to see you move on to describe their lives more.
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 7:16 pm

i'll try to work on it soon, but I start work tomorrow and i've gotta get to bed soon...(gotta be up at like... three)

and for now I just hope I dont get yelled at. While this forum dose include vore, I dont believe "The Nasty" is covered by that....
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 1:28 am

Crayfish are Crustaceans not Arachnids. Just a minor point made gently. Smile
There is a healthy population of Crab-girls in Bulvon Wood in the freshwater creeks. (As covered in my stories on DA)
The clear streams would be great habitat for Crayfish-people!
They are most welcome!

(We have freshwater Crayfish here in New Zealand. They're really great animals! Nice idea you have for a new race!)
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 12:04 pm

These are some really nice creatures. We never get enough oceanic and sea life. I just hope they get along with electric crabs, or they might be in for a shock!

*ba dum bish!*
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 1:29 pm

Pendragon wrote:
These are some really nice creatures. We never get enough oceanic and sea life. I just hope they get along with electric crabs, or they might be in for a shock!

/Fish/, Zoekin, gwadahunter2222, and myself are working on something that should make anyone who feels this way pretty darn happy. But that's all I'm saying about it... for now. Laughing
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 1:37 pm

TheQuantumMechanic wrote:
/Fish/, Zoekin, gwadahunter2222, and myself are working on something that should make anyone who feels this way pretty darn happy. But that's all I'm saying about it... for now. Laughing

Deep Horrors?
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 1:54 pm

Malahite wrote:
TheQuantumMechanic wrote:
/Fish/, Zoekin, gwadahunter2222, and myself are working on something that should make anyone who feels this way pretty darn happy. But that's all I'm saying about it... for now. Laughing

Deep Horrors?

I told you I wasn't going to say anything more about it. Smile

I will leave you with a few words written by someone other than me, though. That may or may not have anything to do with it. Laughing

"I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that may at this very moment be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed, worshipping their ancient stone idols and carving their own detestable likenesses on submarine obelisks of water-soaked granite. I dream of a day when they may rise above the billows to drag down in their reeking talons the remnants of puny, war-exhausted mankind -- of a day when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor shall ascend amidst universal pandemonium." - Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Dagon, 1917.
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 3:47 pm

I honestly didn't think that these guys would get much attention... I mean, they aren't even done. I've still gotta touch into courtship rituals and family life, and other things such as this. However, I have been working on a few other aquatic species such as:

Anglea (NOT angel fish. they're anglers, light-bulbs and all)
Tentoras (octupi/squids, reminicent of dridders in a sence...)
Eelias (electric eel girls, if this already hasn't been done)
Felarays (Sting rays, not to be confused with the Femobuas(sp?) of previous entry here, and exclusive to Felarya only, as the name implies xD)

and, as odd as it may seem, I've already got concepts of six "Warlords of the Sea" of several of these.

(yes, these are just sub-human versions of the baraaki bionicle sets... hey! Robots kinda suck. they need to get fleshed out!)

Mantax: Felaray
Carapar: Crab girl/whatever they're called
Kalmah: Tentora
Ehlek: Eelia
Pridak: Shark Girl/Mershark
Takadox: Anglea (hey, tak' glows, they glow, that's all the logic I needed)

While they arent truely "warlords" here, they still hold high power under the seas and are kinda like... the mafia of sorts. Hey, even felarya has to have an underground of some kind.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 5:32 pm

Haru Takami wrote:
However, I have been working on a few other aquatic species such as:

Tentoras (octupi/squids, reminicent of dridders in a sence...)

Carapar: Crab girl/whatever they're called
Kalmah: Tentora
Pridak: Shark Girl/Mershark

There are actually already Giant Predator races based on crabs, cephalopods (squids and octopi), and sharks. Crabgirls, Squid-Girls, Sharkmaidens or Shark-Girls (forget what they're called exactly), respectively. Smile
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 7:57 pm

I knew there had been the crab and shark girls, as I had seen them mentioned before on different topics, so that's what started all that up. The squid-girls I wasnt quite sure about, so I just came up with something. Also, there is a difference between squid and octupi. A squid's body is conical and usually has atleast some cartliage to keep it that way, while an octopus' body is rubbery and sperical, and usually drifts behind the 'face' when jetting about the ocean's floor, so technically there could be two different species, ne?

I'll just need someone to like... PM me the basics of what the crab girls and sharkmaidens look like and how big they are, after I get those I can start making descriptions for the six lovely ladies. (yes, I see the barraki as women, mainly because...well... this place is feministicly dominant, and honestly, who wants a 80 foot long angler dude eating them? I'd rather it be a woman.)
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 8:08 pm

Haru Takami wrote:
I knew there had been the crab and shark girls, as I had seen them mentioned before on different topics, so that's what started all that up. The squid-girls I wasnt quite sure about, so I just came up with something. Also, there is a difference between squid and octupi. A squid's body is conical and usually has atleast some cartliage to keep it that way, while an octopus' body is rubbery and sperical, and usually drifts behind the 'face' when jetting about the ocean's floor, so technically there could be two different species, ne?

Yes, I'm aware of the differences between Octopi and Squid (not saying that with any sarcasm intended). Smile There are already some plans that have been in the works for a while involving them (both of them), hence the cloak and dagger nonsense of my earlier posting. Razz Laughing

Unfortunately, I'm not really at liberty to go into details just yet Suspect , but I'll repeat what I said earlier:

Quote :
/Fish/, Zoekin, gwadahunter2222, and myself are working on something that should make anyone who feels this way pretty darn happy. Laughing

Haru Takami wrote:
I'll just need someone to like... PM me the basics of what the crab girls and sharkmaidens look like and how big they are, after I get those I can start making descriptions for the six lovely ladies. (yes, I see the barraki as women, mainly because...well... this place is feministicly dominant, and honestly, who wants a 80 foot long angler dude eating them? I'd rather it be a woman.)

This, I can't help you with. I believe Zoekin may know more about the crab girls at least? I think I remember at least a passing reference to them in a chapter of Katrika's Diary.

The Sharkmaidens, I don't really know about either. I know they exist, because I remember people briefly mentioning them a few times. As far as details... No

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Neutral
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 8:12 pm

Crab People. Crab People. Crab People. Crab People. Crab People. Crab People. Crab People.

Crawdalies (crayfish people) CrabPeople

Yes, I watch a lot of South Park. Razz

...I could really go for some shrimp right about now.
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 8:25 pm

to mech: Thanks, I really need all the help I can get... maybe there's something on the wiki that can help me....

To S-guy: o...key.... south park aside....
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 8:40 pm

Haru Takami wrote:
to mech: Thanks, I really need all the help I can get... maybe there's something on the wiki that can help me....

Just searched the wiki and the forums, but I haven't found anything about them. This is really annoying, I know I didn't imagine it. Razz

Edit: Ah, here we go, a reference here. Smile

/Fish/ wrote:
I've seen a few incarnations of sharkmaids, or the half-human, half-shark taurs. Here's my rendition of these fearsome hunter's ancestor:

Megalomaid- based off of Megalodon.
Species: Procarcharodon Sapien
Size: 275-350'
Habitat: Ancient oceans/ Akaptor Desert
Danger Level: Very High

The ancestor of modern sharkmaids and their cousins, the now (probably) extinct megalomaid was a taurian predator large enough to single-handedly take on the biggest prey of the ancient oceans. Absolutely enormous, these sharkmaid ancestors resembled anthropomorphic sharks just as much as they look like today’s counterparts- there is very little distinction between their human torso and their grey shark hide. Their whole body is covered in rough shark skin; their faces are somewhat distorted into a snout. Their eyes are huge black globes, seemingly animalistic in nature, hiding their intelligence. Their sentience was outweighed, however, by their raw primal instinct to kill and feed. They have long fin blades on their forearms that help with swiftly killing prey. Their fingers end in wicked claws, used for grasping. However, their most terrifying aspect is their mouth- their jaws can swing apart at nearly a 180 degree angle, allowing even greater biting potential- with their multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth, insatiable appetite and unbridled ferocity, these were the apex predators in a long epoch of Felarya’s nautical history.

From fish to giant mermaids, these hunted anything they could catch. It didn’t matter to them if it was a fellow megalomaid- they saw everything as potential food. As such, they were lone hunters and produced asexually. They would even hunt furies, the harpy ancestors, rising out of the water like an erupting tower and clamping down on their flying prey with deadly accuracy.

Some say that there is at least one living in Felarya’s oceans in the present and is blamed for a number of unexplainable attacks, especially those in which ships have been torn asunder or immense shadows being seen beneath the water just before the attack. Most of these attacks are definitely works of modern-day sharkmaids, however, and not their awesome ancestor. Most.

There is a theory that leviathan mermaids were nearly hunted to extinction by these great predators in the past, which would help explain their near-legendary rarity at the present. Others disagree, saying that despite their size, megalomaids would still have a very difficult time taking one down, especially since they were lone hunters.

The only way you’re going to meet this blast from the past is if you touch a part of the Akaptor Desert that was once part of an ancient ocean, but then you’d have to worry more about drowning than being a speck of food for these terrifying behemoths. Alternately, you could follow the fishermen's tales and search the oceans for this cryptic carnivore. Who knows- maybe the biggest fish in the sea isn't the most dangerous, but the second largest is. Wink


Seriously, sharkmaids are extremely underrated predators, and I imagine that their ancestors were exponentially dangerous. Razz

Looks like /Fish/ might be the one to ask. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 9:16 am

^ Moony did up a more human race of shark-girls in one of the mermaid threads. Try looking there.

EDIT: Here we go.

Quote :

length: 70-80ft long
Shark mermaid half, two sets of teeth. Normal set of teeth in the front that are most often seen when they're not hunting and then behind those are layers of razor sharp teeth used for ripping and tearing.

Sharkgirls are vicious and voracious predators of Felaryas oceans. They're most known for their feeding frenzy's, they gather in packs of 3-4 members then stalk human ships, people near the water and on rare occasions they are known to feed like real sharks on the more docile mermaids and other water dwellers. Once they start feeding though it's near impossible to stop, they have a one track mind when it comes to feeding.
Another thing to note is they often can even catch harpys mid air, small or large. they wait under the water until they see one passing above, their eyesight is excellent. When the harpy is about to pass over them they swim up at high speeds, lantch themselves out of the water and either swallow the prey whole right then if it's a human sized one or if it's a larger one they latch on and drag it into the water with them where the rest of her pack helps keep it down.

Personality wise they are withdrawn from any other speices beside their own, not out of haterd but if they get hungry then their newfound friend would often just be eaten in a most painful manner. With each other how ever is a whole other story, they're loud, hyperactive and playful, sometimes they get alittle out of hand though and often break out in small qwarls, resulting in scars, unlike with other speices the smell of their own kinds blood doesn't send them into a feeding frenzy as it would with other creatures.

Another odd ability is that they can live in MUCH colder climites then most other mermaids and many are said to live far north in the colder part of the sea, no one knows exactly how but they just decide not to find out and avoid the areas the shark girls are in.
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 12:32 pm

alright. with this in mind, i'll get to work writing up Pridak's pred sheet. Although, since she's not from felarya(directly) she'll have a few changes to her physiology.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 1:07 pm

Haru Takami wrote:
alright. with this in mind, i'll get to work writing up Pridak's pred sheet. Although, since she's not from felarya(directly) she'll have a few changes to her physiology.

Well, that's one way of getting all of these characters you wanted done, without worrying about contradictions with pre-existing races. Smile Just make them visiting species from outside Felarya. Very Happy
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 1:20 pm

it's not just that. I needed a base-structure for the creation of them. In the matoran universe (the planet has yet to be named) almost everything is Autonomous, very few, ancient creatures are organic, aside from those who were exposed to odd conditions (such as the lightning from the red star that created the organic masks for the inika, or the waters of the pit that mutated the Barraki)

The barraki, while in the matoran universe, were semi-organic creatures. Mostly machines with some organics, such as organs and a few articles of flesh. Their skeletal structure was completely mechanical. While they were previously completely mechanic, when the pit was submerged they were exposed to the minerals and other impurities in the water and were mutated over time into their semi-organic forms. Each took on the persona of a certain creature of the deep: Shark, ray, crab, eel, angler, and octopus.

Upon their defeat at Mahri Nui, and their loss of the mask of life(hereby reffered to as kanohi Ignika, or just ignika) which was needed to return them to their previous forms, tthey fled, hoping to track down the ignika again and steal it to return their powers. unfortunatly their resources were all but shot, so they abandoned the quest for ignika and moved to untamed waters to try and do just that. tame them and make them their own. However, they 'accidentally' were transported to felarya. The odd minerals and bacterium in the water, from the soil at the oecan's floor, mutated them further. Making them 100% organic, and giantess-sized to fit their new environment. It also helped to calm their anger at the world and override their natural instincts. However, to do this they needed time. so they slept for three years, letting their bodies take in samples of Felaryan races that matched their current forms.

Sharkmaidens for pridak
Crab girls for carapar
Eeliea for ehlek
Felarays for mantax
octopus/squid women for Kalmah (most likely octopus)
and Anglers for takadox. (if you want me to clear this up, I will, as takadox, in appearance, resembles an angler as much as a chevy resembles a cheeseburger.)
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 6:07 pm

Haru Takami wrote:
I honestly didn't think that these guys would get much attention... I mean, they aren't even done. I've still gotta touch into courtship rituals and family life, and other things such as this. However, I have been working on a few other aquatic species such as:

Anglea (NOT angel fish. they're anglers, light-bulbs and all)
Tentoras (octupi/squids, reminicent of dridders in a sence...)
Eelias (electric eel girls, if this already hasn't been done)
Felarays (Sting rays, not to be confused with the Femobuas(sp?) of previous entry here, and exclusive to Felarya only, as the name implies xD)

In case you are interested, I wrote about an Electric Eel Girl as my entry for Karbo's contest. It's called "Rei Goes Hunting"
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2008 2:41 am

sweet. that would be very helpful xD
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PostSubject: Re: Crawdalies (crayfish people)   Crawdalies (crayfish people) Icon_minitime

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