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 Characters that are neither Predator nor prey

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PostSubject: Characters that are neither Predator nor prey   Characters that are neither Predator nor prey Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 12:29 am

I have a Naga character that has a Human-style diet, so cannot be a predator and since Naga's usually aren't exactly prey, I don't know where to put him. This is for characters that are neither.

Ha'dara's profile

Last edited by vegeta002 on Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:52 am; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : word editing)
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PostSubject: Re: Characters that are neither Predator nor prey   Characters that are neither Predator nor prey Icon_minitimeThu Aug 14, 2008 8:25 am

(The world this one originates from comes from an interactive vore story on writing.com)

Name: Tyler Chambers
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair: Dark brown, scruffy
Eyes: Blue
Diet: Vegeterian
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: Unknown
Status: Single
Description: Average skin tone, not very muscular
Hobbies: Sleeping, reading, playing games
Personal Quote: "Nothing new about vore"

Powers: In his world (an alternate Earth) vore is a standard ability used by many. He is unique in that he is among the few males that are capable of it. Perfect control of muscles and stomach acid, enhanced strength and can swollow things much bigger than himself. A trait he has that is rare is his world is a complete immunity to acid of any kind.

Personality: Quiet and usually in the background. He doesn't like vore much, though as all females from his world are capable of learning it his is far from being alien to it. He is not inclined to take part in vore, but if someone does something irredeamable (in his terms) he is not above leading them to a predator.

History: He was born into an ordinary family that refused to take part in the vore-based civilisation and often protested against it. At the age of 3, he was almost hit in the face by a football but instinctivly swallowed it, showing a nack for vore that males rarely display. His family then began teaching him the value of lives, but when he was 5 an assasin (specializing in vore-based death) killed his family before being eaten by the kid she ignored. Since then he has avoided vore completly. Now since the age of 16, he has become a teaching assistant at a school for vore, dealing with morals. Needless to say, the number of vore-related deaths in the area has dropped in recent years.

Best Friend: Meagan (a vore from his own world)
Girlfriend: None known
Felarya Friends:

  • None

Main: A khaki-colored shirt with the blueprints of an american tank on the front. Green military camouflage jeans. Black trainers.
Misc: A green watch.

As a Predator: He will not eat any other living thing, unless they are evil (child-molesters, murderers, ect).
As Prey: Good luck. He is immune to any acid and is skilled at escape.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Characters that are neither Predator nor prey   Characters that are neither Predator nor prey Icon_minitimeThu Aug 14, 2008 10:17 am

I suppose my character could be considered neither predator nor prey.

Name: Alris Skyslayer
Race: Alorian

Race description: Alorians are Dragon people. They normally take on the form of humans or humans with dragon wings, but when extremely angry will take on their dragon forms.
Age: 2200 ((1 human year is 100 Alorian Years))
Faction: Bounty Hunters
Height: 6 feet even in human form, over 50 stories in Dragon form
Weight: 200 lbs - Human, 1000 lbs - Dragon, 400 lbs - Biomech Armor
Appearance: BioMech Armor, Normal, Dragon form
Special Abilities:
Force-Attuned, so he's able to use a great many abilities with the Force
BioMech armor: Capable of limited self-regeneration and flight.
Combat Abilities: Enhanced Strength and speed due to life on a high-gravity world and BioMech Armor, can transform into a dragon
Personal Quote: "Don't toy with me."
Human and BioMech Armor Weapons:

Stouker concussion rifle

Lightsaber: Blade color: Black, Hilt style: Jinsu Razor, Combat Style:Form V: Shien/Djem So

Baradium-Core Thermal Detonators

Dark Trooper Assault Cannon

Packered Mortar Gun

Trihexalon vials (Can be fired from the Packered Mortar Gun)

DC-17 Repeating Blaster Pistol (Uses as a sidearm)

The Force

DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle

Dragon Form Weapons:

Divine Cannon - mounted over left shoulder in Dragon Form, charges and fires a massive beam

Divine Machinegun - Mounted in chest, multiple flaps open up and release a huge flurry of energy shots

Claws, Tail, Wings, and Teeth


Breath weapon - element varies depending on time of day.

Quick back story: One of the last remaining Alorians, Alris wishes to bring his race back to its former glory.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Characters that are neither Predator nor prey   Characters that are neither Predator nor prey Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 1:12 am

Name: Oblivion Wyvern (Oblivion for Short)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Hommo draconis sapiens sapiens
Hair:Ash grey
Eyes: Fire Red or green (depend of the element)
Scales: Bright red or light green (depend of the element)
Diet: Omnivorous
Height : 7’
Weight: 71 kg.
Status: Single
Element: Fire and Wind
Description: Look my Avatar... n_n
Hobbies: smoke, fly and climb trees
Personal Quote: "... Yep, I was right, you realy want to become a Crispy..."
Powers: Fire and wind, he cannot use them together, because he need to change, but one first, then the second and ... Presto, you have a barbacue.
Personality: Easy going, but hates those who abuse of their already poor preys.

History: He was born as human in another world, but during a car accident, he managed to survive, with a change in his body, since then he start to move alone and away from society searching for an explanation of what happend to him. two months later he found himself in the midle of a jungle, looking a huge half girl , half snake eat , what it loked as a human, and then he torched her... the rest, well let just say than he just feel better in this place...

Clothes : just a pair of old rag pants
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Characters that are neither Predator nor prey   Characters that are neither Predator nor prey Icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 6:00 pm

Name: Mica
Race: Neko
Height: 6'7"
Skin: White with a light tan
Hair/Fur: Black
Eyes: Green

Personality: Mica is a neko living with the Scorching Claws Tribe. She is generally a nice person, but when she is hunting she is very serious about catching her prey, no matter what. She has an excellent sense of direction, which led to her being a very good hunter, adept at scouting through the Misty Glade east of her home. When she sees her prey, she will usually try to get to a point where they won't spot her, then pounce and tie up their hands so they cannot fight back. If this fails, she carries a fire-stave with her all the time, as a precaution for any predator attacks. Mica is not very trusting of harpies, as she believes that if one were to catch a neko far from the Scorching Claws village, they would break their truce without anyone finding out. Mica enjoys chasing after humans, but she hates the way they always try to reason with or threaten her to let them go. This has led her to stereotype humans as talkative, annoying creatures that will do anything just for a few more minutes of freedom before inevitably getting snatched up by another predator.

Abilities: Mica is very fast, and she has trained herself to be very quiet when she is hunting, so she can quickly grab her prey before they even know what hit them. Mica is also very good at jumping, so she can travel through trees or over other obstacles that would block an average adventurer. Since Mica does most of her hunting in the Misty Glade, she has a special trick for getting across the Great Rocky Fields faster than most creatures. She will use her stave as a tool to climb on top of the rocks, rather than navigate the canyons below. This also helps her avoid encounters with ground-based predators in the fields; unfortunately, this also makes her an easy target for flying predators in the region, so she has to stay cautious at all times.

Clothing: Mica wears a wrap of bandages from her stomach up to around her upper arms, (not from injury, of course) paired with a worn scavenger shirt and worn scavenger pants, along with a pair of sandals. She is sometimes seen wearing a simple necklace with a curious jewel of unknown origin tied to the end.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Characters that are neither Predator nor prey   Characters that are neither Predator nor prey Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2008 5:09 am

Ok, Verpertilio Canor isn't created by me, it is a boss monster in the game The World Ends With You, and designed by Square Enix, but i always dreamed of him living in Felarya, so here's a profile:
Characters that are neither Predator nor prey 0001bq5
Characters that are neither Predator nor prey W1554
Name:Verpertilio Canor
Size:About as big as a truck
Special Abilities: Invincible in darkness
Can use wings to slice through enemies
Focus sonar on enemy, stuns and can even cause permanent deafness
Can generate giant boomerangs (as seen in picture)
Description:Generally peaceful, only eats fruits and other plants. Only strikes when endangered. Lives in caves.

As said, he's a vegetarian, and is so powerful no sane creature will try to attack it, so I think he's neither predator nor prey.
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