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 Regis Dridders

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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
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PostSubject: Regis Dridders   Regis Dridders Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2008 1:22 pm


Regis Dridders are as tall as usual dridders. At first glance, they look like ordinary Dridders. However, they have a subtle distinguishing feature. Their hair, eyes and spider abdomen are all the same color, but they are all a different tone. One is a light tone, one is a neutral tone, and one is a dark tone. It isn't specific to the specie. Some of them have dark eyes, light abdomen and neutral hair; others may have light eyes, dark hair, and neutral abdomen, and so on. Also, their spider and human half coincide with each other. This mean a lanky Regis Dridder will have a lanky human and spider body. Furthermore, most Regis Dridders wears clothes made from their own silk, but not all of them.


A Regis Dridder possesses two stomachs, one in both halves. The one in the spider half is bigger, but it's only for storage purpose. It can't produce acid, but it does produce oxygen, and some edible silk. When a dridder swallows its prey, it can choose to send it to whichever stomach he/she feels like to, as neither of them is connected. This means, however, that they must regurgitate their stored prey and swallow it again to digest it. Some even found a peculiar trick with their second stomach: they send lots of seasoning in it, then its real meal to give it a flavor; thereafter they will swallow it again with its new taste. The second stomach is stretchy to keep a steady supply of food.

The silk they produce is interesting. It seems to share a bond with the Dridder's mind. When they launch it, they can control it like it was remote controlled, and this with outstanding accuracy. This means that if they missed its target, they can make it U-turn and pursue the target. Other use is simply to tie or wrap someone up. This also comes with the ability to alter the silk's composition. They can make it soft, tough, sticky or even as hard as steel, being a potent weapon. In *almost* unrelated to fighting or catching their prey applications, they can give their silk a color, a smell, and even a taste. The silk is entirely edible, but it has no trace of meat, it's more like whole-wheat pasta and it's very rich in fibers and water. They can also turn their silk into a dummy puppet of something or someone. It copies the appearance perfectly, but it's only a marionette, it can't feel, see, hear, smell or taste anything, and the dridder can't see through their "eyes." They can cut their bond with the silk produced, leaving it in its current state permanently. They can't re-establish a cut off bond, and can only keep one at a time.

Regis Dridders also possess special venom that adapts to the surrounding they explore. Every dridders possess only shrinking venom at birth, for feeding purpose. It doesn't work if the "target" is too big. They also possess corresponding anti-venom that nullifies the effect of its corresponding venom. It can only nullify the dridder's own venom. Venom and anti-venom are injected from the spider legs, and it’s as natural for a dridder to switch between venom and anti-venom as breathing. In order to inject the venom, they sharpen their leg until it's basically a needle. Normally, a regis dridder's leg is ten times the sensibility of a feather, making even non-ticklish people laugh. When they reach a certain height, they lose their shrinking venom as they no longer require it for feeding. The kind of venom they develop is related to their environment, and they develop the corresponding anti-venom at the same time. They "switch" between each kind of venom they develop with a lot of ease. The types of venom they can develop are:

The effect of their venom includes: poison, sleep, paralysis, burn, numb, petrifaction, dizziness, nerve interference (moving your arm move your leg for example), and much more.

The only type of venom they can't develop is liquefying venom. They can't turn their preys into silk like jelly or something. In fact, they can't swallow this type of jelly.


Regis Dridders were thought to be extinct, but quite a few live specimens were found alive. They are numerous enough to be considered endangered specie, even though their number isn't going downhill. They used to be the dominant specie of dridders, after Sineria of course. Regis Dridders used their silk abilities to forge weapons and armors for their cousins. After Sineria's death at the end of the Naga/Dridder war, Regis Dridders were hunted to extinction. Some survived, but only one male among all the females was still alive. This limited their reproduction. During that time, they went into hiding, and began regretting their participation in the war. They decided to no longer use their abilities to create weapons and armors, opting more for peaceful options like clothing. They are still burdened by the actions of their late queen, and keep hiding from the other races. They especially avoid nagas, for fear they (the dridders) would spark another war. Nowadays, they are still considered extinct to the public, but the real "biologists" knows they aren't.


Most Regis Dridders are introverted and reclusive, but emotional. They avoid all giant races, regretting their past in order to prevent another war. They avoid their war like cousins, but are very open with Bolas Dridders and Gerridies. In case they encounter a naga, they will turn tail and flee, often screaming they are sorry and they regret the war. They are very peaceful, not preying on other predatory races due to their past, and are very caring for each other.

Hunting Habits

Regis Dridders usually use their silk skills to lay traps and catch their preys. They always swallow their prey whole and alive, sometime wrapped in their silk. They don't prey on giant races, for fear to be hunted again. Sometimes, they feel sorry or threatened by their prey and will let it go while fleeing, regretting the past. This is sometime confusing, but if you know them, you will understand.


Most Regis Dridders are reclusive, hiding from other races for shame. They are very caring toward each other. Some who managed to come out of hiding make clothes for predators, or humans. For the predators, it's mostly because of pockets than anything else.


While having no real predators per see, their most dreaded enemy is their past. Some can lose their mind how much they regret it.


They mate just like ordinary dridders and lay eggs. The hatchlings are very small, and are entirely dependant on their parents. They make use of their shrinking venom to feed, until they are big enough to eat normal sized humans.

My last specie I'm returning to the table. Brainstorm here please.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Regis Dridders   Regis Dridders Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 8:14 am

Hrm. Some interesting ideas here, but the way they are all together doesn't feel quite as cohesive as it could.

I think it could stand to lose a few miscellaneous points, and have its stronger points shored up and detailed a bit more.

In particular, I have to make the same comment I did on the Eco/Uaika Dryads; they have a lot of unusual abilities compared to the common species of their kind, and not all of them do much to improve the concept. It makes sense, if these are earlier ideas that you had, and haven't developed much sense then, though. Smile

In particular, I would highly recommend reducing the power of the venom, or even losing it altogether. A Dridder species without venom would be a lot more unique than a Dridder species that has a dozen different kinds of venom. In the real world, there are only two families (and one suborder) of spiders known in the entire world that lack venom glands entirely.

I think not having venom would add more distinction to these Dridders than having leg-fangs and several varieties of venom. Smile

The two stomachs idea is interesting, but also seems a bit extraneous at first. However, then I read the bit about the trick with the seasoning, and it seemed pretty funny and also enough to make me consider the possibilities. So, I've warmed up some to that idea. I do suggest removing the "produces oxygen" bit, and just saying that when a Dridder breathes, some oxygen gets down into that stomach. It will still allow people stuck in there to survive, without being too blatantly bizarre- the stomach isn't used for digestion, so it already barely even qualifies as a stomach, if it produces oxygen as well...

Their mastery over their silk is something that should be elaborated on further, and be the primary focus of the species; compared to all the neat things they can do with their silk, most people aren't even going to be thinking about their venom at all. I know if I was going to write a story about them, it would probably be the last thing to cross my mind.

I would recommend elaborating on exactly how it is they can control their silk in ways other Dridders can not, instead of just "it seems to share a bond with their mind". Perhaps when they produce the silk, particles of their own magical energy are imbued into it as well, allowing them to control it and alter its properties? That's just one possible suggest, there could be several more.

Their history is somewhat interesting, but a bit too mopey for me... and somewhat unlikely. I can't imagine the entire species behaving in the same way; it seems more likely that for every Regis Dridder who geniunely regrets what they've done, there is an old school hard-line Dridder who clings to memories of past glories, and wishes Siniera would return so they could have another go at the Nagas.

In addition, the "While having no real predators per see" should be removed; this is Felarya, after all. It doesn't matter who you are or how well you hide, somewhere on the planet, there is something that wants to eat you. Smile

That's it for now, may provide further feedback later, if I think up something I missed.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Regis Dridders   Regis Dridders Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 8:23 am

Well, I still want the young Regis Dridders to possess shrinking venom, but loses it after reaching a certain maturity. This was one of my earliest species, and it definitely seems botched.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Regis Dridders   Regis Dridders Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 9:16 am


Regis Dridders are as tall as usual dridders. At first glance, they look like ordinary Dridders. However, they have a subtle distinguishing feature. Their hair, eyes and spider abdomen are all the same color, but they are all a different tone. One is a light tone, one is a neutral tone, and one is a dark tone. It isn't specific to the specie. Some of them have dark eyes, light abdomen and neutral hair; others may have light eyes, dark hair, and neutral abdomen, and so on. Also, their spider and human half coincide with each other. This mean a lanky Regis Dridder will have a lanky human and spider body. Furthermore, most Regis Dridders wears clothes made from their own silk, but not all of them.


A Regis Dridder possesses two stomachs, one in both halves. The one in the spider half is bigger, but it's only for storage purpose. It can't produce acid, but whenever a Regis Dridder take a breath, oxygen oxygen is pumped to that storage "stomach." When a dridder swallows its prey, it can choose to send it to whichever stomach he/she feels like to, as neither of them is connected. This means, however, that they must regurgitate their stored prey and swallow it again to digest it. Some even found a peculiar trick with their second stomach: they send lots of seasoning in it, then its real meal to give it a flavor; thereafter they will swallow it again with its new taste. The second "stomach" is very stretchy to keep a steady supply of food.

The silk they produce is interesting. It seems to contain either magic energy, or mental energy. When they launch it, they can control it like it was remote controlled, and this with outstanding accuracy. This means that if they missed its target, they can make it U-turn and pursue the target. Other use is simply to tie or wrap someone up. This also comes with the ability to alter the silk's composition. They can make it soft, tough, sticky or even as hard as steel, being a potent weapon. In *almost* unrelated to fighting or catching their prey applications, they can give their silk a color, a smell, and even a taste. The silk is entirely edible, but it has no trace of meat, it's more like whole-wheat pasta and it's very rich in fibers and water. They can also turn their silk into a dummy puppet of something or someone. It copies the appearance perfectly, but it's only a marionette, it can't feel, see, hear, smell or taste anything, and the dridder can't see through their "eyes." They can cut their bond with the silk produced, leaving it in its current state permanently. They can't re-establish a cut off bond, and can only keep one at a time.

Regis Dridders possess no venom at all, rarity among dridders. Every dridders possess only shrinking venom at birth, for feeding purpose, but it is only temporary. It doesn't work if the "target" is too big. They also possess corresponding anti-venom that nullifies the effect of its corresponding venom. It can only nullify the dridder's own venom. Venom and anti-venom are injected from the fangs; it's natural for a dridder to switch between venom and anti-venom as breathing. Normally, a regis dridder's leg is ten times the sensibility of a feather, making even non-ticklish people laugh. When they reach a certain height, they lose their shrinking venom as they no longer require it for feeding.


Regis Dridders were thought to be extinct, but quite a few live specimens were found alive. They are numerous enough to be considered endangered specie, even though their number isn't going downhill. They used to be the dominant specie of dridders, after Sineria of course. Regis Dridders used their silk abilities to forge weapons and armors for their cousins. After Sineria's death at the end of the Naga/Dridder war, Regis Dridders were hunted to extinction. Some survived, but only one male among all the females was still alive. This limited their reproduction. During that time, they went into hiding, and many, if not most began regretting their participation in the war. They decided to no longer use their abilities to create weapons and armors, opting more for peaceful options like clothing. Those are still burdened by the actions of their late queen, and keep hiding from the other races. Those especially avoid nagas, for fear they (the dridders) would spark another war. Nowadays, they are still considered extinct to the public, but the real "biologists" knows they aren't.


Most Regis Dridders are introverted and reclusive, but emotional. Introverted dridders avoid all giant races, regretting their past in order to prevent another war. Those avoid their war like cousins, but are very open with Bolas Dridders and Gerridies. In case they encounter a naga, they will turn tail and flee, often screaming they are sorry and they regret the war, but extroverted dridders will openly try to befriend them. They are very peaceful, most not preying on other predatory races due to their past, and are very caring for each other.

Hunting Habits

Regis Dridders usually use their silk skills to lay traps and catch their preys. They always swallow their prey whole and alive, sometime wrapped in their silk. They don't prey on giant races, for fear to be hunted again. Sometimes, the introverted ones feel sorry or for their prey and will let it go while fleeing, regretting the past. This is sometime confusing, but if you know them, you will understand.


Most Regis Dridders are reclusive, hiding from other races for shame. They are very caring toward each other. Some who managed to come out of hiding make clothes for predators, or humans. For the predators, it's mostly because of pockets than anything else.


Anything that preys on archnids.


They mate just like ordinary dridders and lay eggs. The hatchlings are very small, and are entirely dependant on their parents. They make use of their shrinking venom to feed, until they are big enough to eat normal sized humans.

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Regis Dridders   Regis Dridders Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 6:29 pm

*nod* Yeah, it it is. Is it shrinking venom in particular you want them to have, or just shrinking capabilities? If that's the case, maybe it would be easier just to say that they're capable of shrinking a victim that they can completely encase in their (magical) silk. You already mentioned that they often wrap them up in silk before swallowing them, so it could work.

And the fact that they have to be able to completely wrap the victim up means that the size of what they can affect is limited by the time and the amount of silk they need to wrap them up. Smile

Just a suggestion, though. Not sure exactly how important the shrinking thing is, or why.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Regis Dridders   Regis Dridders Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 6:04 am

TheQuantumMechanic wrote:
*nod* Yeah, it it is. Is it shrinking venom in particular you want them to have, or just shrinking capabilities? If that's the case, maybe it would be easier just to say that they're capable of shrinking a victim that they can completely encase in their (magical) silk. You already mentioned that they often wrap them up in silk before swallowing them, so it could work.

And the fact that they have to be able to completely wrap the victim up means that the size of what they can affect is limited by the time and the amount of silk they need to wrap them up. Smile

Just a suggestion, though. Not sure exactly how important the shrinking thing is, or why.
So they can vore when young. I have a baby Regis Dridder character, a cute, adorable baby character.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Regis Dridders   Regis Dridders Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 7:06 am

Ah, okay. That makes sense, then.
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Shady Knight
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Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Regis Dridders   Regis Dridders Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 11:13 am

Anyone else care to give ideas?
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PostSubject: Re: Regis Dridders   Regis Dridders Icon_minitime

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