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 Dog Demon creatures or Race

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4 posters

Does this sound like a likable idea?
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 40% [ 2 ]
Possible but you need to put more detail!
Dog Demon creatures or Race Vote_lcap40%Dog Demon creatures or Race Vote_rcap
 40% [ 2 ]
Nah... sounds to powerful or godlike...
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I like it <3... dog girls
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I don't think it's acceptable Why powerful Dog like creatures but super weak Nekos?
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Total Votes : 5

Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Dog Demon creatures or Race   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 6:07 am

I was starting to think of a Dog like creature, that are similar to their brethern (whom are mostly all monsters)

Canino: A 54 to 130 size race... whom are mostly black/grey on their lower body and back with a tail (possible more than one) with two Giant Dog heads on their shoulders with a beautiful face even if their mouth is more shaped as a dog snout. Their eye colors are mostly dark as their fur with expections.

They're creatures of Nature(or rock) with a side of Fire element Cerbius races. These creatures have the power to summon dogs to their bidding (which for many humans become a very bad thing if they have any type of dog beside them) and even strong mosters as the Cerbuis themselves.

Their personilties Vary but truthfully they're all bitter- narrowed minded people, whom love feeding on the nekos! Caninos also have a side of professionale Shape shifter skill but only if they're willing to study it (which around 12% of all Caninos study it) and when they do change size to a normal 6-8 foot heigh person, they can make theselves seem human (but only for a certain amount of time... give or say a week of time... since the magic is very strong in Felarya)

Caninos Are a race from a completely different world and perfer to live where there is the most sun but despise the desert, since they do not like to much heat. They only Arrived in Felarya for the last 111 years but are mostly unknown for their despisement towards the other races. Caninos can be see to be uneffected by the Warth Madiens, simple because these Creatures/Race feel the same way as the Warth Madiens.

Caninos will eat anything... which make it hard for any race to be spared but only canine creatures they will let go but if in Beserk mode they will destroy anything in their path.

Caninos have many females and males and tend to only be a hetrusexual races despite being in such an open world such a Felarya... their are rumors however; that if a Caninos turned towards it own Gender in love or lust they will be most likely killed by the clan, since such things aren't accepted in their race, so even if they are possible other than Hetrosexual it's completely unknown

Despite of eating everything... their are many species of the Caninos... (which will go under construction) which aren't all that bitter or dark colored....

PS: please tell me if this is any good... XD why only nekos and no Dogs?
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Dog Demon creatures or Race   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 6:39 am

It's a possibility, but a few things:

1) I think Karbo stated a while back that he prefers a bit more humanoid faces with his 'smart' Predators.
2) Right now, they seem like they had a good deal of stuff crammed into them. They're a Nature / Fire Shapeshifter Beings with absolute dominance over other dogs of all sizes [as it's currently worded] who are relatively unknown despite their large appetites and notable skills who also seemingly have a berserk mode [where I assume they're massive damage sponges and are even greater in strength?]. Perhaps you could take off some of the things, tone down the powers, etc. The instant and absolute control over canines is a big one that needs to be changed (They're only around for a short time, yet have a mastery over all canines that they've barely even gotten to meet?) so that it's not so excessive.
3) While an OK name, I feel we can do better than Canino.

EDIT: Oh, and welcome to the forum.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Changes to be made!!!:study:   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 7:40 am

Maybe i can make it that only the Leader can control all types of dogs...

I don't mind making the Caninos (I don't mind the names in ITalian "Cane" means "Dog") with a human face...

But I'm not saying Caninos are all like these super power beings but they are mix in different races.

But the shape shifting tenichally takes alot of time to study only genuis (of these races) succede less that of 45 years which beraly happens. It mostly takes a very powerful mage to do it more than a week but much of Caninos tend to be able to pull of a week in Felarya respecting in their world where they could only pull of 2 days.

^^; i only said are unknown because they're not a real races... I will changed the stuff but Caninos in my opinione can get along with it's cousin the Dogs and other creatures and have a much strong mind than most of their "lower race"(or monster or pets in better words)

It will go under constructions >.<
Evil laugh

But those of the family of Cerbuis
would have the power of fire (a rare pack indeed that with with Deeper Felarya and Warth Madiens) but at lest one of the Cerbuis will go into the explored part of Felarya to watch over one of the clans (if not them all)

The Godlen retirver family:: The weaker spieces much more kinder and stuff (hieght only reaching at lest 45-70 (much smaller than a Harpy) tend to be friendly to humans but despite being weak of power they are great at spell casting

The Hound dog family: The fasts and tallest but tend to be lacking in the magical apartment and have semi-straghnt(my spelling sucks >.<) but it's enough to fight of big prey (but not them all).

As for the Shape shifting it's not any race in particulair but their race is very small in Felarya and when i said 12% of them i meant some-waht of 2-5% of them all actaully do it.

>.< They only go Berserk when been hurt too much or greatly angried... they will kill many things but they're not invincible...help

*sigh* >.< i'm happy you think it's possible.... I'll try my best to make it realistic!!! or as realistic as Felarya can make it be
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Dog Demon creatures or Race   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 7:52 am

I pretty much agree with Malahite's suggestions.

In particular, though, pay close attention to #2; you don't want to just cram a bunch of extra stuff into these creatures. It will quickly make them seem overpowered and generic.

You said:
Quote :
But I'm not saying Caninos are all like these super power beings but they are mix in different races.

If that is the case, I would highly recommend limiting your focus, and designing them individually one at a time, rather than trying to mention them all in one go. Figure out exactly what it is that you want each sub-species to do, and then keep a strict focus on that- don't throw in anything extra that isn't part of the concept, just for the sake of 'hey, this would be a cool idea!'.

That being said, I'm not too fond of the idea of a humanoid Cerberus offshoot race; maybe I'll warm up to the idea later if you are able to pull it off well, but... You may want to read the entries for 'Cerberus' and 'Ancient Cerberus' on the Felarya Wiki, they're not exactly your run-of-the-mill canine beast.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Dog Demon creatures or Race   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 8:07 am

just a little remark Caninos is the french name of the Pokemon Growlithe.

If you don't believe me you should visit this link: http://pokedex.p-pokemon.com/pkmn-58-Caninos.html
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: OK   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 8:15 am

I've read them ^^'' It's just i've got a thousand of races and crearures crammed in my mind... I was just thinking about it... I will go throught it throughly sub-races and all

The Caninos is the main name(/Race) though which are mostly dark furred and stuff...

But i was thinking that the human Caninos(sub-race Cerbuis) was a recarnation of their kind of cerburis and only adapted... Maybe i could make it that Caninos and Cerberuis could be thought as equals but Two out of whole Caninos clan (most likely the huminode Ceruberuis) is able to mind control them... which may cause problems in the near future of this race (since they are still new in Felarya).

I'm still new to this whole vore thing as well (knwoing everything less than a week if not almost) >.< but i'm trying I'll post the newest Caninos post with more detailing and explaination within the next month or two!!

But thank you for your help (I need it V-V) or critcit...

But can i ask you something? Other than fearing godmode and stuff like that... what is the thing i must NOT do? (so i'm completely sure and don't screw up)

EDITED: o.0? Really Growlith... D; I can simple change it into "Canenos" or if you've got better ideas
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Dog Demon creatures or Race   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 8:41 am

GodTiger wrote:
But i was thinking that the human Caninos(sub-race Cerbuis) was a recarnation of their kind of cerburis and only adapted... Maybe i could make it that Caninos and Cerberuis could be thought as equals but Two out of whole Caninos clan (most likely the huminode Ceruberuis) is able to mind control them... which may cause problems in the near future of this race (since they are still new in Felarya).

I am even less fond of this idea; being able to mind control a Cerberus is something that not even the typical Demon Lord who keep them can accomplish. A part-demon canine-like mortal race who can control them, just because they're both creatures that resemble canines? Ehhhhhhh... Suspect

It might be helpful to remember that the type of Cerberus one might encounter on Felarya or in Hell are not just wild, animalistic creatures; they have a sort of intelligence and cunning of their own, and Ancient Cerberus are sentient, powerful beings.

"Thus when engaging a cerberus, you can expect to fight many monstruosities coming from the bowel of Hell as well. Most of them are little more than canon fodder, but some of them are actually dangerous. The cerberus itself is a powerful and clever foe and they are quite capable of fighting off many threats either by devouring them, or by using their powerful mastery of fire spells to blast or melt them into oblivion. Cerberus are definitely not a monster to be taken lightly." (Quoted from the wiki)

You can expect to face several minions during an encounter with even a 'normal' Cerberus, let alone one of the Ancient variety; even if these Caninos could somehow control one (extremely unlikely, for any significant period of time), that accomplishment would be all the more difficult and short-lived when they're being swarmed by demonic hordes that the Cerberus called forth.

Again, I'm not really fond of this whole "control over canine-like creatures" ability, particularly without major drawbacks/weaknesses. No

GodTiger wrote:
I'm still new to this whole vore thing as well (knwoing everything less than a week if not almost) >.< but i'm trying I'll post the newest Caninos post with more detailing and explaination within the next month or two!!

Not a problem; I haven't been around for very long myself, and I'm sure there's plenty of people who wish I would just shut up already. Laughing

GodTiger wrote:
But thank you for your help (I need it V-V) or critcit...

You're welcome. Smile

GodTiger wrote:
But can i ask you something? Other than fearing godmode and stuff like that... what is the thing i must NOT do? (so i'm completely sure and don't screw up)

You may want to give this page on the wiki a thorough reading over. It relates to the first point that Malahite made; Karbo prefers a more human-like face and mouth for intelligent races than having them resemble beasts.

GodTiger wrote:
EDITED: o.0? Really Growlith... D; I can simple change it into "Canenos" or if you've got better ideas

You may want to start considering names further outside the 'Caninos'/'Canenos' theme; it just looks awkward and is a bit blatant. Yes, it makes the theme you are going for clear, but it's already fairly obvious since the creatures look canine in appearance- their name doesn't have to be canine-based as well. Smile
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Hmmm   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 8:55 am

Quote :
GodTiger wrote:
But i was thinking that the human Caninos(sub-race Cerbuis) was a recarnation of their kind of cerburis and only adapted... Maybe i could make it that Caninos and Cerberuis could be thought as equals but Two out of whole Caninos clan (most likely the huminode Ceruberuis) is able to mind control them... which may cause problems in the near future of this race (since they are still new in Felarya).

I am even less fond of this idea; being able to mind control a Cerberus is something that not even the typical Demon Lord who keep them can accomplish. A part-demon canine-like mortal race who can control them, just because they're both creatures that resemble canines? Ehhhhhhh... Suspect

It might be helpful to remember that the type of Cerberus one might encounter on Felarya or in Hell are not just wild, animalistic creatures; they have a sort of intelligence and cunning of their own, and Ancient Cerberus are sentient, powerful beings.

"Thus when engaging a cerberus, you can expect to fight many monstruosities coming from the bowel of Hell as well. Most of them are little more than canon fodder, but some of them are actually dangerous. The cerberus itself is a powerful and clever foe and they are quite capable of fighting off many threats either by devouring them, or by using their powerful mastery of fire spells to blast or melt them into oblivion. Cerberus are definitely not a monster to be taken lightly." (Quoted from the wiki)

You can expect to face several minions during an encounter with even a 'normal' Cerberus, let alone one of the Ancient variety; even if these Caninos could somehow control one (extremely unlikely, for any significant period of time), that accomplishment would be all the more difficult and short-lived when they're being swarmed by demonic hordes that the Cerberus called forth.

Again, I'm not really fond of this whole "control over canine-like creatures" ability, particularly without major drawbacks/weaknesses. No

>.< without no weakness or draw backs? hmm... Major weakness of mine is making such thing >8D but i shall find one! D; but not anytime soon... (I HATE SUMMER HOMEWORK D8>)

Quote :
GodTiger wrote:
But can i ask you something? Other than fearing godmode and stuff like that... what is the thing i must NOT do? (so i'm completely sure and don't screw up)

You may want to give this page on the wiki a thorough reading over. It relates to the first point that Malahite made; Karbo prefers a more human-like face and mouth for intelligent races than having them resemble beasts.

I was already going to change that since it was pointed out before...

Quote :
GodTiger wrote:
EDITED: o.0? Really Growlith... D; I can simple change it into "Canenos" or if you've got better ideas

You may want to start considering names further outside the 'Caninos'/'Canenos' theme; it just looks awkward and is a bit blatant. Yes, it makes the theme you are going for clear, but it's already fairly obvious since the creatures look canine in appearance- their name doesn't have to be canine-based as well. Smile

Well... idk not alot of people know italian(which is my second langueged and yesh as an my mother langue i suck ass spelling T.T) and since I'm going to change some parts anyway...

XD I like Cane-nos Canenos

I should explain it's said like Spanish or Italian Not "Cannenos" but said like this "Can-y-no-s"... ^^; which is slightly stupid but all fun. but i could try another languege XD

PS: are you trying for Karbo's contest? I am^^! I hope i do good for my first try (but sadly i feel that the "Feel" of the world may... not be super strong or good... since my times is lacking and homework is stalking me D;

PSS: How long have you've been on anyway?
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Dog Demon creatures or Race   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 9:19 am

GodTiger wrote:
>.< without no weakness or draw backs? hmm... Major weakness of mine is making such thing >8D but i shall find one! D; but not anytime soon... (I HATE SUMMER HOMEWORK D8>)

Well, I'm not fond of the ability to control Cerberi at all, but a significant weakness that makes doing so even more dangerous than not controlling them would greatly help to balance it. I still wouldn't really be thrilled about the idea, but it would be more acceptable from a "not quite godmodding" view. Smile

GodTiger wrote:
XD I like Cane-nos Canenos

I should explain it's said like Spanish or Italian Not "Cannenos" but said like this "Can-y-no-s"... ^^; which is slightly stupid but all fun. but i could try another languege XD

*nod* Yeah, that's how I figured it was pronounced. If you really like it for a name, go with it. I just think it might be better to have their name be more of an indirect reference to canines, rather than an obvious one. You don't have to know what they're called to know they're based on canines; just taking a look at one would make it obvious to anyone who wasn't blind. Smile

GodTiger wrote:
PS: are you trying for Karbo's contest? I am^^! I hope i do good for my first try (but sadly i feel that the "Feel" of the world may... not be super strong or good... since my times is lacking and homework is stalking me D;

Nope, I'm not (at least, not for this one). Smile I thought about it, but I'm not comfortable rushing out a story to meet a deadline; I would make a horrible writer if I did it for a living. Very Happy

I have been playing around with the idea for a short story based on a somewhat similar theme as the contest; it's being written now, and I'll probably release it shortly after the contest winner is announced. But it's not going to be an entry into the contest, more something I'm doing for fun. Smile

GodTiger wrote:
PSS: How long have you've been on anyway?

Not even two months since I joined (as in, registered and started taking part in the forums). I was lurking around for a while before then, though. ^^
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: ah... oh well   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 9:30 am

Quote :
GodTiger wrote:
PS: are you trying for Karbo's contest? I am^^! I hope i do good for my first try (but sadly i feel that the "Feel" of the world may... not be super strong or good... since my times is lacking and homework is stalking me D;

Nope, I'm not (at least, not for this one). Smile I thought about it, but I'm not comfortable rushing out a story to meet a deadline; I would make a horrible writer if I did it for a living. Very Happy

I have been playing around with the idea for a short story based on a somewhat similar theme as the contest; it's being written now, and I'll probably release it shortly after the contest winner is announced. But it's not going to be an entry into the contest, more something I'm doing for fun. Smile

ah that's sad Very Happy but yeah i simple want to do it but i know the possibilities end with a big fat 0% of working on my side XD I really want some-one to draw my characters or something XD

XD I want to be a writter one day (which isn't going to happen very soon) but i think if i worked here.. i could actaully improve of making real-life and 3 deminsaion(sp?) characters one day... XD Because Fanfiction you really have to be good at knowing the character and making OCs are out of the questions since they do tend to become Mary-sues and stuff(But i've heard of famous Ocs once in a while... but i just don't read that kind of stuff)

But IF i joined this, not only can i do the exstream but i also try to become part of the habitat XD and stuff... i'm strange D;

Once i'm finish will you read it? I wanna see if it at lest "Something-okish..."

DX But the saddest thing is... GRAMMER BITES ME sobsob sobsob sobsob sobsob Hopefully i'd detect any grammer mistakes since i don't want to screw up this time study ... hopefully

so will you read it Cool ? for me cat ?
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PostSubject: Re: Dog Demon creatures or Race   Dog Demon creatures or Race Icon_minitime

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