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 These Dead and Broken Memories

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Tasty morsel

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Join date : 2008-07-17
Location : Capital of Australia

These Dead and Broken Memories Empty
PostSubject: These Dead and Broken Memories   These Dead and Broken Memories Icon_minitimeTue Sep 16, 2008 10:47 am

I finally finished the sceond story in the Phoenix saga
My first story can be found on my DA acount. phoenixdeath888.deviantart.com

<> = Intercom
Italics indicate tranlation from Ancient to English
Phoenix and his race/culture belong to me.

These Dead and Broken Memories

Flames... Explosions... Death... Slaughter... Massacre... Genocide. It was all he could he see, hear, feel. The attack had come so suddenly, like a swath of shadow through light. Now here he was fighting for his race, for the ones he swore to protect. The Ancient Race of the Flaming Wings, the Phoenix’s.

Another explosion rocked the ship as more projectiles were hurtled at it. The fires on the star cruisers were intense enough to overwhelm the fires of his race. Though a Phoenix was said to be immortal, it was not the case, every time one of his race was killed a certain amount of their life energy was removed. Eventually the energy runs out.

“Dara-skau Kerastye Imperistor” He heard, his title was being called further on down the deck of the ship. Others of his race, soldiers holding back the attackers, they had seen him and called for the aid of the Dark Guardian of the Empress. And he answered their call with a flash of his weapons, ‘The Sword of Her Protection’ and ‘The Fire of Flight’.

The attackers were a blur; he could not see them through the smoke nor could he sense what they were. <”Sir, please, we must protect her.”> One of the soldiers cried at him. An explosion hit the rubble they were taking cover in. He could not see, nothing but black surrounded him, then a voice. <All soldiers prepare to give yourself in her name>. Why was he here? He was in the hangar, how? What had happened to the other soldiers he had been with.

<All Forces, ATTACK!> Next thing he saw was one of the assault ships of the attackers crash into the hangar next to the one he was in. Red, Blood, it was all he could see, his race dead, murdered, slaughtered, something inside him took over and was released unto his foes, Schy-licri-tranai.

Darkness took him again, only to view to a scene of horror when he awoke. The fleet of his glorious race was gone, crashed into the planet’s surface, all around him. Smoke and flame covered the planet. The water was boiling and all the natural life was dead. What had happened?
Turning his head to the side quickly, he saw what had really attacked them, Daemons, creatures from the darkest depths of the blackest parts of the universe. They were defiling his race, ripping apart the dead bodies of his fallen comrades. Rage, that was all he felt as he saw the leader, commander, Angel of Death, tear apart another guardian, slashing through the mounds of dead bodies, claiming its right as the one who caused the destruction before him.

Darkness surrounded him once more, no, this was different, there were golden horizontal streaks ploughing through the darkness. A chant, no a spell, his own voice. <”I am that which lives in the darkness beyond the dark, I am that which shines brighter than the brightest light. I bring death and I bring hope. I am Daemon and Godly, I strike with the power of MY race behind me, I am a PHOENIX>. The streaks of gold were overwhelmed with flames, both deep red and gold that shot through and pierced the dark. A bright covered his eyes.

Opening his eyes Phoenix sighed. “Always the same dream. Why exactly do I dream those things? What really happened whenever I blanked out? What really happened all that time ago? Sitting up he saw that he was still in the glade he had returned to after the fiasco with Anna and not in a stomach. Phoenix noticed something outside his tent. Getting up and opening the flap he was intrigued with what he found. A young baby girl. “What in the name of the Empresses Fucking Arse is with this forest?” Until he had found out why there was a baby sleeping next to his tent, Phoenix’s memories and dream would remain dead inside his mind.

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