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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 10, 2008 3:57 pm


I've been what one has called a 'serious' roleplayer for six years. I don't LARP if that's what you're thinking... but I prefer these important aspects in a roleplay

1. LITERACY. If you tlk lyk dis or liketis and dont spce... YOU ARE NOT BEING LITERATE.
2. A sentence is not a post. A paragraph (up to four clear and intelligent sentences) is a post.
4. Being polite is a virtue... use it.

Some special rules though

b. Please do not just eat a person in one post. Make it atleast three? The suffering is fun. Evil laugh
c. Ask for consent before you eat someone's character.

EDIT: This wasn't clear, but you don't have to vore... haha. I TURNED VORE INTO A VERB! *nerd*



Last edited by L'Ryn on Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 10, 2008 4:04 pm


Age: Mentally about 25. Laughing
Race: Mitternacht Naga
Height: 92 feet, and he's still growing (albiet slowly)
Hair color/length: Black, and long enough to confuse people to his true gender (think Sadako length)
Eye Color: Golden Yellow (they glow in the darkness too)
Scales: Black with a gray underbelly

History: Raison was once a tiny thirty two centimeters long little Mitternacht naga that only just escaped being eaten by his two much larger brothers. He managed to slither his way to a small meadow where hundreds of noncarnivorous flowers grew. He both ate those and slept underneath their shade. He slowly grew bigger and larger, and by the time he was waist high out of the flowers, a dryad named Katti had moved near the meadow. The curious young Naga went out to meet her, and the dryad, despite the extreme size difference, spotted Raison and picked him up (very gently).
It didn't take long for Katti, who was very well known by the dryads in that zone as a motherly type, to start taking care of Raison, and she was well respected by many near the Jewel River where she had rooted herself. Katti was a extremely large and very old dryad, being able to reach herself out over the Jewel River to catch any unfortunate enough to be on a boat or just swimming there (for whatever reason).
Katti and Raison were just as close, if not closer, as a real mother and son would be. Whenever Raison was scared, lonely, or sad he would slither up into Katti's arms and be cradled. Raison also made friends with the mermaids of the Jewel River, learning how to swim thanks to them, and how to sing (although his singing is bizarre). Said mermaid friends liked to pull pranks on one another, and Raison was not exempt from that. One night, one of his friends decided to line his eyes with a black sort of ink that gave off the impression Raison was wearing make up.
Needless to say, Raison did not find it very funny at first, especially since it was permanent! But, after a length of time, he grew used to it and continued his friendship with the mermaids, even getting back at the one who did it by drawling a pattern on her left breast.

These days passed by in a blissfull way, but it all came to an end when Katti recieved warning from another dryad that a dridder seeking vengence on all Naga for the death of it's mate was coming towards the Jewel River with the sole intention of killing any Naga it comes across. Katti knew she would die if she defended Raison, but she was for all intents and purposes his mother, and it was a mother's job to defend their child. Katti asked Raison to go with his friends to hunt. Raison, not knowing what Katti was planning, waved good bye and said he'd bring some tasty humans for her when he returned.

When he returned with one of his friends, Celia, in tow there was very little left of the dryad that wasn't aflame or ash. Raison suffered a mental break down and collapsed into unconicousness. Celia and her three sisters tended to the comatose naga for half a year until he woke up, and when he did, he slithered away, crying and distraught. Celia and her sisters could do nothing but watch their friend disappear from them.

While it was thought Raison had died by the inhabitants of the Jewel River, he was in fact very much alive, just extremely depressed. He settled in a large tree besides a path frequented by merchants, caravans, and adventurers. Only occasionally would he pick up a few humans to munch on, as to not deplete his sources and having to move. Eventually, he picked up a very odd and abused girl named D'etre who was only seven years old at the time. Raison at first thought about eating her, but then had a change of heart. Katti's upbringing had resurfaced somewhat, and a small little crack opened in his heart.

D'etre became his 'pet', and lived in the hole in the tree that Raison lived on. Since Raison enjoyed wood carving, he carved up beds, tables, chairs, wardrobes, and (somehow) even a little bathtub for her! As the two spent time together, the apathetic Raison slowly died away to reveal a newer Raison, one more like the old Raison who lived with Katti. Even stranger, as D'etre grew, Raison found himself thinking her less of a pet and something much more..

Nowadays, Raison is as voracious as most predators on Felarya and D'etre has been in his mouth more often then one would believe (but he would never eat her). However, Raison likes to 'play' with his prey, and thanks to his now more playful personality... if you know what one means by 'play'.

Abilities: Raison is very proficient with nature magics, mostly those involving plants and trees, and one of the more bizarre attacks he has involves vines detaching from his flesh and reaching out to grab the attacker. He dislikes using his magic though, so it is rather hard to make him use it. Besides his magic, Raison is incredibly fast in the trees and very strong despite his slim figure, and knows how to use his knife. He uses his fists, teeth, and tail in battle normally. Raison is also very good at swimming, so just because you're in the water doesn't mean your safe from him.

Full Appearance: Raison would have made an extremely attractive woman... were he one. Unfortunatly, this Naga is all male, no matter what the seemingly eyeliner like markings around his eyes and faint blueish tint to his eyelids say. His long hair brushes a little past his human half and mostly covers his chest. His chest itself is very slim, one would swear he had hips. He has deep yellow eyes that pierce even darkness, and any time one even says 'dridder', the eyes take on a more orange color. He also, like many other Mitternacht Naga, has a longer tongue then most other giant Naga... and is quite well versed in how to use it.

Age: 17
Race: Human
Height: 5'3 (160 cm)
Hair Color/Length: A light brown that touches her shoulders
Eye Color: Gray

History: D'etre was born to a wife and husband who didn't really seem to like children, since she was their eighth child. In reality, the family had been told that their eighth child, if a boy, would bring prosperity, while a girl would only bring despair. The poor girl spent a long seven years suffering abuse along with her brothers and sisters, before the fateful day when her parents decided to try and actually kill the girl by tossing her out into the wild to be eaten.
D'etre met Raison, who at first planned to eat her, but apparently had a change of heart and decided to keep her as a pet. It didn't take very long for D'etre to absorb herself into the role of being a pet, and refers to Raison as 'Master'. D'etre often found herself picking debris from underneath Raison's scales, or getting that itch he just couldn't reach. She also gladly used herself as bait for Raison's prey, since many could not resist helping a helpless little girl. Around the time she turned ten, D'etre spent a week in her bed, having felt as though something was burning and searing into her flesh. She hardly ate, she only gulped down water, and that could not relieve her pain. When it had finished, she had no idea what exactly happened, but she felt super charged. She didn't get super strength or super speed or anything, but on very rare occasions she has released bursts of energy from her flesh that act like invisible blades, and they seem to originate from strange tattoos that only appear then...
Life continued on as normal, with her in her nice home inside of the tree and cleaning out Raison's scales. They grew closer and closer, however, blurring the line of Master and Pet. D'etre often found herself laying on top of Raison somewhere (once even on his face!), and was perfectly content with him putting her in his mouth. There had been a few times D'etre nearly landed in a predator's belly, but she keeps silent about these and will often avoid the subject.

When she was fifteen, she helped a dragon from the world of Iris get back on her feet... er... paws... after landing in Felarya. The dragon, Imma, was awfully confused and upset over being taken from her homeworld, but she and D'etre quickly hooked up a friendship that held them tightly together (Raison has kept silent on whether he approves or not). D'etre and Imma go on many adventures together, and Raison would tag along sometimes.

Abilities: Not many besides the above mentioned, she's very good at climbing trees and going from vine to vine, and she's brilliant at hiding herself from predators. She also has a weapon, a long lance about twice her size, but she doesn't have any known skill in it. However, one thing she can do with certainty is ride on the back of a dragon from Iris, who are notorious for flying at speeds far exceeding two hundred miles per hour, making her survival quite a feat. Then again... when you get her angry... let's just say it's not the prettiest of sights.

Personality: You need a shoulder to cry on? Here it is. You need someone to go shopping with? Here she is. You need someone to just talk to? Here she is. D'etre is a sweet and loving person, and very submissive to just about anyone's wishes. It's hard to get her angry or sad, and she seems to always have a little smile on her face. However, don't expect her to save you when Imma or Raison is eating you!

Appearance: D'etre is a little bit chubby, not TERRIBLY chubby, just chubby in that cute little way. She has a full and rather childish face, and there are still a few scars that even Felarya's magial soil could not heal on her, or maybe she just doesn't want these scars to heal. They are located in places only Raison and Imma know!

Name: Trav
Age: Somewhere between 25 and 30
Gender: male
Species: human
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Height: 6 feet, 3 inches
Weight: On the lean side.
Description: Trav is a tall, lean man with short, scruffy brown hair. His face is rather narrow, and he has a beaklike nose, bushy eyebrows, and a little bit of whiskers on his chin. He constantly wears a worn straw hat, an equally worn green tunic and trousers. He also has a leather belt that has a pouch and waterskin on one side and a sword and scabbard on the other. The scabbard is very plain and crude, but the sword is surprisingly well made. He constantly carries a strange recorder made out of some sort of clear crystal.

Abilities: Overall, Trav seems to be a plain and ordinary man. He is skilled at climbing, running, music, and fishing, but not to any superhuman degree. He has managed to befriend predators in the past, but has absolutely no skill in influencing minds (outside of his quaint speech, polite attitude, and rather clumsy antics). He carries a sword, but he has yet to use it on another living creature. He can play his recorder beautifully, but there is nothing enchanting about it. He is knowledgeable about Felarya and it’s inhabitants, but not clairvoyant. He has no skill in magic.

All in all, it’s a wonder that he is still alive. It’s a wonder to Trav himself, as he recalls being in some very dangerous situations, but can’t quite seem to remember how he got out of them (or if he did at all). When pressed, the most he will say is that he “somehow still…continues,” before words and memory fail him.

Personality: Trav is optimistic, cheerful, and curious, and has a positive outlook on life. He is rather talkative, and can spend a long time chatting with anyone he meets. On more than one occasion, his pleasant attitude and quaint speech has saved his life when facing a predator looking for a quick meal. Also, he is quick to give others the benefit of the doubt, and is quite forgiving, even to the point of doffing his hat to a naga or harpy that just tried to eat him moments ago.

Lastly, he is rather timid and cowardly, and will try to run away or hide before getting into a fight. After all, he doesn’t possess any great strength, or skill with his sword. However, on rare occasions he breaks from this pattern and can show great courage, particularly if the life of a friend is on the line.

History: Trav grew up in a small, extremely well hidden village. He is tight lipped about his childhood, fearing that he might give away the hiding spot about his hometown. However, it can be gathered that he had a rather uneventful childhood, a testimony to his hometown’s skill at concealing itself. Even though he left long ago, he still occasionally visits, or at least sends word of his well-being.

As Trav grew, a wanderlust developed in him. He became fascinated with the world outside of the village, dangerous though it was. His childhood was spent learning all he could about other places in Felarya. When he finally came of age, he packed a few belongings, bid farewell to his family and fellow villager, and set out to explore Felarya. (One interesting note is that he did not have his crystalline recorder at the time. He does not recall how he got it.)

Ever since that day, Trav has been following his feet wherever they may tread. In his journeys, he has encountered many predators, (and has managed to befriend a few) and has seen many wondrous sights. However, his wanderlust drives him to keep going further and farther, and even death itself seems unable to stop him.

The Joker
Name: Baras McSteven
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Height: 5' 3"
Hair: Dark blond
Eyes: Brown

Description: Baras is just an ordinary guy. Well, that's what he wants people to believe anyway. In actuality, he's a scientific and mechanical genius who can do anything he puts his mind too.

Baras is about middle height, and his hair length usually short, but he lets it grow out when he doesn't feel like. He usually wears a green shirt and blue jeans, and wears a bronze gauntlet that he created which takes up most of his upper arm.He was teleported to Felarya due to an accident he had while attempting to use faulty prototype time/space technology that he installed into his gauntlet. Needless to say, he hasn't used it ever since.

Abilities: While Baras isn't anything special on his own, the weapon that he mostly he relies on is his gauntlet, which holds two main functions. One of these functions is that he can take just about any object, breaks it down into energy that be manipulated, and stores it inside the gauntlet. When Baras needs a particular item later on, the gauntlet takes the energy that was stored earlier and restructures it into the item he needs.

Another function the gauntlet has is that he can teleport anywhere within a 2000-foot radius. The only problem with this is that every time he uses it, some of the manipulative energy that he had stored earlier will be drained, so Baras has to be careful about how he uses them.


Baras is usually off to himself sometimes, and isn't a very social person. That's not to say that he won't talk to people, he just won't start off a conversation very often. If you bring up a subject that he's interested in, however, he'll jump right into the conversation.

Baras has a compassionate side to him, which usually shows when either he sees someone in pain, or someone's in trouble. If there's someone about to get eaten by a predator, he will immediately come to their aid, and not hesitate to get them out of harm's way.

He also has a humongous sense of humor, and one thing that Baras absolutely LOVES to do is pull practical jokes on people, especially predators that he comes across. He usually pulls these off by using random things he materializes from his guantlet. If it seems like a joke is too cruel, however, he'll apologize and try to make up for what he just did and attempt to remedy the situation.

Last edited by L'Ryn on Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:57 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Lunchtime... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 10, 2008 4:19 pm

Raison lazed in his tree top home, picking at his nails lazily with a purely bored expression adorning his face. His long tail swished back and forth, the very tip of it curling inward and outward. Raison eventually sighed deeply, heaving himself off his branch and moving to another. He briefly peeked inside the little home D'etre lived, and was relieved to find her still asleep. Unhinging his jaw briefly to work the muscles, Raison re-aligned the bones in his mouth before beginning to slither off his perch, down the many branches of his tree. The worn path, even more worn thanks to his traversing of it, spat up some dust clouds as he allowed himself to just plop onto it.

"I think I'll try and get some neko today." He sighed to himself, feeling his mouth already beginning to water, how long had it been since he had tasted a sweet neko? A couple months, if he counted right. He continued down the path in his usual slow pace, before going up another large tree and slithering through the branches, eventually coming to stop upon a large branch that reached clearly over a much rougher looking path. He settled himself on the branch, making sure to keep his coils well out of view. "Now, let's see who is going to join me... for lunchtime?" He chuckled ominiously, letting his long hair fall over, the black locks passing as vegetation in the dense forest.
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeWed Nov 12, 2008 7:30 pm

(((Any particular preference on prey?)))
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeWed Nov 12, 2008 7:42 pm

Tuc135 wrote:
(((Any particular preference on prey?)))

((Nope! Raison does like Nekos more though, but he'll eat just about anyone if they are tasty looking! ^^))
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeWed Nov 12, 2008 8:22 pm

High up in the treetops, near the canopy of the forest, a man named Trav casually walked along a branch. Despite the dizzying height, he moved with a sure but quiet step. When the branch he was walking on became too narrow to support his weight, he leapt to another branch, or swung on a vine to it. When he came to a tree trunk, he deftly climbed around it, climbing with the agility and sureness of a lizard. He found this method of traveling much safer than walking along the ground.

Walking to the end of one branch, Trav stopped. A glint of light below caught his attention. Holding onto a vine to steady himself, Trav looked over the branch’s edge to see what it was. The glint came from the scale of a naga. He was loitering on a branch overhanging the path, apparently waiting for prey. While the naga concealed himself from being seen from below, Trav could spot him from above.

Silently, Trav backed up, moving out of line of sight of the naga. Stealth was his best defense, and Trav moved as silently as he could back the way he came. He moved so the trunk of a tree was between himself and the naga. This naga was hunting, there’d be little chance Trav could reason with him.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeWed Nov 12, 2008 8:39 pm

Raison stuck his tongue out, tasting the air. He could taste a few disgusting jaykay birds flying just a little ways off, and he could have sworn to have detected a noghdohg lingering somewhere nearby. It wasn't often that jaykay birds left Chidokai, so Raison guessed they must have been juveniles. Then, another taste came onto his tongue, tantalizing his taste buds. Human. He began to uncoil himself from the branch, his dark scales sliding over one another and making a low 'shhhhhhhh' noise. He rose upwards, not yet moving off the branch until he got a good handle on where his quarry was. "Mmm.."

The Naga was not stupid, and he knew that the fact that a human was out, on their own, in a forest should have been suspicious. He had been caught by surprise by naga-hunters in the past before, and despite having grown vastly in size since then, it was always somewhat frightening on going up against something that at one time, could have squashed you beneath it's boot.

Raison slithered off his branch and around his tree, scanning the foliage for a human. Was it male or female? He couldn't tell, and the suddenly loud rumbling of his stomach told him he should not care. He hadn't eaten much yesterday, and going on another day on little food was not appealing to him. Raison noticed one tree trunk in front of him, and he brought himself upwards, putting his hands onto one of the branches that stuck from it. "Are you hidiiing?" He said, his convincingly feminine voice tinkling in delight. Raison liked a good hunt.
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 10:43 am

Trav froze, the branch he was on had vibrated slightly. The naga had reached the tree. Moments later he heard the naga’s voice, which sounded decidedly sinister to Trav. He (or was it a she?) was aware of him. But how? Trav was fairly certain that he wasn’t seen, and the noise of his footsteps shouldn’t have stood out in the ambient sounds of the forest. It was scent, probably. If that was so, sneaking and hiding wouldn’t avail him.

But trickery just might. If the naga was tracking him by scent, then the trail Trav had left coming to that branch might throw off the naga. Trav ran to the end of the branch, retracing his steps, and jumped to the next branch. Rather than running along this one, as he did when he had come to this point, Trav jumped again. He leapt to the side, grabbing a vine and swinging to a third branch and ran into a cluster of foliage. He glanced back momentarily to see what the naga was doing, to see if it would follow the wrong scent trail.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 3:16 pm

Raison took a moment to pull himself onto the branch entirely. The tip of his tail smashed impatiently against one small branch, shattering it into a hundred splinters. "Oops." He sighed, looking at the damage. It wouldn't seriously harm the tree. He turned around, then moved quickly around the tree's trunk...

His prey was gone.

Raison's tongue darted out of his mouth, as he tried to get ahold of the taste again. His tongue caught the taste, but then his ears picked up the sound of a swooshing vine. While normal predators would probably ignore such an insignifigant noise, Raison's close connection to plants and trees told him something had been on that vine, and the rustling of foliage as though something ran through it also alerted him to the trick. He hissed in discontent. Try to lead him on a false trail, eh? Well then, Raison decided it was time to stop playing. His stomach agreed with a groan, telling the Naga to hurry up and catch the juicy lunch.

Raison moved upwards, enough so that he would be above the prey somewhat. He slithered through and over the branches expertly, before looking downwards and spotting his prey, a young man. His mouth watered, and before he could stop it, some drool had rolled off his chin and downwards to the young man. Slowly, he began to reach downwards as silently as he could, hoping that the man would just think the drool was some random dew from above.
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 4:50 pm

Looking back, Trav saw no one. He sighed, but stayed hidden in the foliage, waiting for the naga to get a little farther away. It wouldn’t do to remain here once the naga discovered his trick. He crouched among the leaves and waited silently. However, he didn’t relax. Something was beginning to strike him as amiss.

What looked like a raindrop fell and hit the branch. Trav looked up.

Trav gasped, seeing the looming hand. He bolted like a rabbit, dashing as fast as he could along the branch. Trav’s heart was racing, and his breathing rapid. Sweat started beading on his brow. As he ran, he made for an area where the branches were thinner. The smaller branches shook with each of his footsteps, yet he maintained his balance. Hopefully, the small branches would be too weak to support the weight of the immense naga.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 5:09 pm

Raison's gold eyes sparkled for a moment, watching the young man take off from him. He slowly grinned, pulling his hand back up. He ran his hand through his hair, leaning back against the tree. He put his hands against it, then pushed off, adding momentum to his body as he took off, moving through the trees easily, twisting himself around trunks and under and above branches. When the branches became too thin for him, he simply began winding himself around the trunks, still moving at impressive speeds. Raison wondered for the briefest moment if the man had even realized that he was a arboreal naga.

"You can't escape." He said in a mocking tone, getting closer towards the young man. "Don't worry, I can just pop off your head and eat you like that." Raison teased, of course, he had no intention of doing that, he wanted to feel the man struggle to the very end inside of him. Using two closely placed trunks, he pushed off from them again, his hands out and reaching out to grab the prey, Raison's eyes glowing with excitement.
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 5:31 pm

Trav kept running, yet despite his efforts, the sounds of the pursuing naga seemed to keep getting closer and closer. Still, he wasn’t ready to give up just yet. As he ran, Trav drew his sword, seeing a cluster of vines he could use. Or he might need to use it on the pursuing naga.

Trav heard the naga’s mocking voice, seeming to come from close behind him. He briefly glanced over his shoulder, and shuddered to his pursuer reaching for him again. That moment proved to be disasterous. As Trav’s head was turned for just a bare second, he failed to notice a jutting knot on the branch he ran on. Gasping as his foot hit the knot, Trav was sent tumbling over the side of the branch.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 5:48 pm

((Hope you don't mind this, Tuc!))

"No!" Raison hissed, lunging even further. After such a chase, he would not let gravity claim his prize! His hand shot out, wrapping quickly around the human as Raison's other arm twisted around a branch. He glared down at Trav, anger and hunger burning in his eyes. "Why did you run, you puny little human? I almost had to use magic to get you! Do you know how much I hate using magic?" The naga ranted, seething for a moment before regaining his compsure.

"So, a question. Are you brave, or just plain stupid for wandering around on your own?" Raison asked, slowly pulling the human up to his face, but at a distance so as to keep any weapon he may have had away. The chase had left leaves and torn twigs in his long hair, and Raison was visibly not happy about that at all, with his free hand attempting to rip a paticularly large branch from a knot in the black silk.
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 6:58 pm

(((S'alright. I was kinda hoping you would do that.)))

Trav reached out with his free hand, hoping to grab a passing vine or branch as he fell. However, a second later, he felt the naga’s giant hand wrap around his chest. The air was forced from his lungs as he hit the huge fingers. (Despite his impact, he managed to keep hold of his sword). Trav could do little but gasp for breath as the naga brought him up to his eye level. The naga was ranting bout something concerning magic, and sounded none too pleased. He heard him ask if he was brave or foolish to wander around on his own.

“Mayhap some o’ both,” Trav answered. He swung his sword into the hand of the naga, striking near the base of the thumb. However, Trav’s strength was nothing to brag about, even by human standards, and hand little hope of causing any significant damage. He hoped only to cause the hand to spasm, loosening its grip enough to let him slip out.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 7:10 pm

"Damn toy." Raison growled, watching a drop of blood drip from the little wound that was made, it didn't make his hand spasm, rather, it made him clench a little harder. "Don't do that." He warned, vines rising out of the wound and grasping to the sword, as though to pry it from Trav's fingers and thrust it away. "You should know that little thing can't do much to a Mitternacht Naga. Good thing I'm not a Saku, you know, or else you wouldn't have arms to be waving that toy around." He stuck his long tongue out, cleaning the blood off . He then places his tongue against his prey, taking in it's true taste.

"Mmm, full and robust." He commented, grinning and showing his row of gleaming teeth. "Not as sweet as D'etre. More like... like...like wine." Raison said as a form of a 'compliment', fully well knowing most sane people did not like to be compared to food. His tongue came out again, trying to wrap around Trav. This was Raison's favorite part, next to feeling them run around in his stomach, pulling the prey into his mouth. It was so fun when they squirmed for their lives! It was also fun to have D'etre in his mouth too, mostly because she was so sweet tasting and lovely to hold. He found himself slightly blushing at the thought. He went back to focusing on Trav, a sadistic grin forming on his face.
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 7:39 pm

Trav struggled to keep hold of his sword, gripping the hilt tightly with both hands. However, the far greater strength of the vines quickly overpowered him and wrenched the sword from his grasp. Trav could only watch as the vines threw the sword aside. He stared as the sword plummeted to the ground far below and embedded its blade into a stump.

The naga’s tongue interrupted Trav’s staring. He averted his face from the fleshy, damp appendage and tried to push it away with his hands. To his surprise it backed off, as the naga began to speak again. The tongue came again within moments, trying to coil around Trav like a boa constrictor. Trav fought back, trying to brace his arms out against the tongue and keep it from wrapping tightly around himself.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 8:08 pm

Raison felt the struggles of his prey trying to keep his tongue away. It made him giggle a little. "Mmmm..." His tongue stopped assaulting Trav, instead, it just stuck straight out, not moving. Raison then slowly began to lift his hand, and Trav with it, above his tongue. He then let go of Trav, his tongue going upwards slightly to meet Trav on his descent. Another giggling noise rippled from Raison as his smile grew wider. His eyes grew alight as his hunger pains grew worse, tearing at him from the inside out.

The Naga's wet tongue began to wrap around Trav's body, to start bringing it to the now wide maw that was Raison's mouth. There were threads of saliva between his teeth, and his throat was a black hole just waiting to greet Trav's delicious form.
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 8:38 pm

The moment Trav landed on the tongue, he tried to leap off of it. However, the second he pushed off with his feet, the tongue coiled around his legs. Trav found himself dangling upsidedown, the only thing keeping him from plummeting was the coiled tongue around his shins. Instinctively, Trav put a hand to his head to keep his hat from falling off.

Trav tried to reach up and attempt to free his legs somehow, but it was difficult and tiring bending up to his feet above himself. Once he did reach it, there was little he could do. The slick, slippery tongue offered his hands no firm grips. The pressure around his legs was too great for him to squirm out, though he struggled to do so.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 8:53 pm

Raison wagged his tongue a little, just to see his prey shake. The growling of his stomach stopped him though. With that, he brought his tongue into his mouth, prey and all. However, he did not swallow, not yet, instead, his tongue still moving over Trav's figure, trying to coat it in his saliva. His mouth was still open though, so Trav could see the light of the world he would soon be denied. Raison wanted to make a smart ass comment, but kept it to himself lest his prey escape his maw.

Away from all of that though, D'etre herself began to stir awake. Her eyes slowly opened and her body's muscles stiffened briefly and then relaxed as she stretched upwards. She crawled out of her nice wooden bed and over to the hole's opening. Where was Raison? Probably hunting, most likely. D'etre looked over the edge of her home. "Err... how am I supposed to get down again?" She wondered aloud.
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 8:54 pm

Baras was out on his usual stroll through Felarya that day. Usually, this wasn't a good idea for someone his size, but Baras wouldn't be out like this if he wasn't prepared. 'Hmm...did I put enough manipulative energy in my gauntlet?' he thought to himself as he checked the status screen on his guantlet. Needless to say, he did. 'Thank goodness. Last thing I need's to get caught unprepared by a predator...speak of the devil.' he thought as he saw a naga toying with a human. Seeing as the human was about to be eaten, Baras thought to aid the fellow.

"HEY YOU!!" he yelled at the naga. "Don't you have anything BETTER to do than to pick on humans?! Why don't you pick on someone your OWN size?!" Baras then positioned himself in a fighting stance and started to jump around and moving his fists while yelling "PUT 'EM HERE!!!"

Last edited by The Joker on Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 9:08 pm

That was it then, within the damp confines of the naga’s mouth, there seemed to be little he could do. Once within the jaws, not even the strongest man could hope to force a naga’s mouth open. There seemed little left to do except make peace with his maker. Trav wondered though. He had been in this situation before, how did he get out of it then? He wracked his brain, yet he could remember nothing, except being swallowed.

He heard a voice shouting outside. Through a gap inbetween two of the naga’s huge teeth, Trav saw another human challenging the naga.

“Run, yeh daft mmmph mmph!” Trav struggled fiercely to get the wet tongue out of his face. He climbed his way over the coil that had muffled him. “Flee! Don’ jus’ stand there!”
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 9:12 pm

"Oh, come on, man, do you HONESTLY think I'm just gonna stand by and let you get devoured and then digested by this snake person?! I don't think so!!! Besides, do you REALLY think I came unprepared?!" Baras then materialized two silver spheres from his gauntlet and held them in his hands. "Drop the human and find something else to eat, or I'll throw these at you." he said to the giant naga.

Last edited by The Joker on Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 9:16 pm

Raison looked down at the challenger, cocking an eyebrow as he swished his tongue a bit more, savoring the taste. He shook his head, then tipped his head back and through the muscle contractions brought Trav to the back of his mouth and at his throat. His tongue folded back, trying to push Trav down through. Meanwhile, his hand went to the side of the tree, as though he were leaning against it, challenging the little man.
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 9:21 pm

Baras then sighed deeply, and looked the naga in the eye and said in a 'I told you so' tone, "I warned you." He then threw the spheres towards the naga, which exploded upon impact with the naga's skin. Of course, Baras knew that a regular explosion wouldn't even hurt a naga at that size. That's why those bombs had a 'special' ingrediant...itching powder.
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PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime...   Lunchtime... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 13, 2008 9:28 pm

“Don’ worry about mph,” Trav tried to say, only to have the swishing tongue get in his face again. He felt himself half pushed, half slid to the back of the giant mouth. His feet slipped into the naga’s esophagus. Exhausted as he was from trying to escape earlier, his weakened struggles did nothing to slow his movement. Within moments, he was sliding down the fleshy, darkened tunnel.

Trav wasn’t concerned for himself, though. He had gotten out of worse situations, even if he couldn’t recollect how. He only wished that the man out there wouldn’t get himself killed trying to come to his rescue.
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