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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 11:02 am

Long time no see. Even though I haven't read stories in a while, I can't help but notice the lack of non human aliens, be they preys or preds. I don't have anything against hybrids, but I think that as a crossroad between dimensions (which to me translates as the hub of the omniverse), Felarya has to have its fair share of non human alien races.

I thought of a few right now, but I prefer developing them in my own stories than put it on paper before everyone, as I want to avoid spoilers for my own stories. If you have idea for non human aliens, then post it here.

One thing of note: by aliens here, I mean sapient races, which means they can think and make their own decisions like human. Please give us a brief overview of their homeworlds, and all that.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 4:26 pm

The species from the Ascendancy game could really fit. You know... they have things like large single-cell beings, cute bastard rodents, large territorial beetles, mammooth-like creatures...

I could post some things about them, but none of them could be considered of gigantic scale though. But for preys and same-size perils, they're fine. Razz

Also, my idea about the sentient fungi comes from one of that game's species, the Frutmaka.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 6:43 pm

For a pre-existing example: Puppeteers from Ringworld. A picture of them can be found here.

For our own unique: While I have a species, and I intend to have them (maybe) crossover in the future, I do not intend for them to be a permanent / major thing, so I will need to take some time to come up with something. Some ideas however:

1) The species need not be land based. If Amphibious or Aquatic (Marine or Fresh), they may be found through portal transportation. However, in this example the later is unlikely to be skilled in any sort of metallurgy, so tech is going to likely be limited unless it's magic-infused. A good one for flying would be something similar to a Netch (from Morrowind) / Engineer (Halo series) / blimp - flies via gasses created or swelling sacks instead of wings. A floating cephalopod is pretty inhuman as well.

2) Biology is your friend here. If you know some basic facts about evolution, the animal kingdom, etc. - use it! Just as the original basis is fine (No need to be realistic), but it can help greatly in making a species that's unique.

3) Smart Worms are cliche. To be exact, Giant Smart Worms are cliche. Something similar to a Hunter (Halo series) or the Leeches (Resident Evil 0) is relatively unique however and could work excellently.

4) Antagonistic Hive Minds are cliche as well. Benevolent Hive Minds are relatively uncommon, though, so can be quite interesting to portray.

5) Lastly, remember copy-writes! Don't write something too close to another's works, or you may bring Karbo (provided he accepts the concept) into some legal feth-storm by mistake as a company goes "Hey, they're just like ours!" This is not to say you can't get away with mimicking a common species fitting the above (Sload from D&D), but if it's relatively unique (Puppeteer, Dune-worm, etc) problems start.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 6:50 pm

Dude, I like this idea. Non-human aliens can be fun to use in stories and plotlines!
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 7:05 pm

Fun thing one could do: Predator / Humans (Either or) are being attacked by a Hive Minded species. The other side of the equation comes along, is persuaded by the other side to aid them [Predator reason: They intend to kill you all to starve us! Human reason: They intend to kill us all to starve you! / You're next!]. Cue a shift in the battle with the Hive Minded thing being driven back to the portal and beyond... and it being found out by the recently joining side they were duped. Turns out the Hive Minded species was protecting itself [sealing the Portal, for instance], and now they have just allowed Humans / Nekos to lay Pillage / Predators to feast to their hearts content on another world [assuming they could survive elsewhere, such as Narlyxian Dridders or some other species that migrated to Felarya instead of evolving there].

Both sides win! One side gets portrayed as hostile, the other side gets portrayed as idiots / "Great Job Breaking It" heroes.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 1:35 am

Hehe...i smell chance for Vex invasion...
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 5:47 am

Well that's clearly a nice idea I think. I'll be loking forward to where this thread go Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 7:56 am

Do Species 8472 class as human or non-human type?

Non human aliens 8472_species8472
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 8:08 am

vegeta002 wrote:
Do Species 8472 class as human or non-human type?

Non human aliens 8472_species8472

Complicated. They're Humanoid but lack the features of other humans. Still, i shall wait for either whoever's running the thread or Karb to decide what makes a non humanoid alien.
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Technicolor Shamrock
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 10:42 am

Would a species of creatures that are themselves hives work? They wouldn't have to look humanistic, and may even be shape-changers bacause they're just made up of hundreds of other living things. I don't really have any examples, but I was just thinking about that the other day. Maybe the idea's already been implemented, I don't know.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 10:45 am

Technicolor Shamrock wrote:
Would a species of creatures that are themselves hives work? They wouldn't have to look humanistic, and may even be shape-changers bacause they're just made up of hundreds of other living things. I don't really have any examples, but I was just thinking about that the other day. Maybe the idea's already been implemented, I don't know.

Creatures that are themselves Hives? Possibly, if your talking about the following:


I think the main requirement for "non humanoid" (Correct me if i' wrong) is a race that doesn't look too human. They can be bipedal, with 2 arms and legs, but the closer to human they appear, the further away they are from the 'non human' line.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 11:08 am

Alright, here's one of mine.

Name: Feeche
Size: Usually around 2 feet tall, but Alpha Feeches can reach up to 10 feet in height.


Feeches are a race of aliens most commonly found in jungles and forests. They come from a jungle infested world where they are the dominant specie. They live in colonies, or hives, and usually travel in swarms.


Feeches appears as black spider like creature with only six legs. The frontal ones are huge and shaped like scythes. Their body is hairless, instead more meaty, with some chitinous plates covering their body. They have only two eyes, which are yellow and glowing, and have a circular like mouth with sharp, triangular teeth. Their spider abdomen can open up to pull out a scorpion like tail.


Feeches, at first, may appear as chaotic and violent, but are surprisingly intelligent. Many believe they are wild, but in reality, they are sapient creatures like humans. They are territorial and always looking to expand their hives. Feeches in Felarya are capable of speaking english, but most prefer to stick with their own tongue, which is incomprehensible for most humans. Feeches are the absolute bane of vegetation. They infect trees and giant plants like parasites by burrowing in it with their scythe like claws, and feed on it. Particularly large trees becomes the hive of feeches. Naturally, they are the nightmare of Dryads, next to fire and frost. Feeches are immune to the digestive acid of Dryads, and often infect them, slowly devouring the Dryad from the inside. Other times, female feeches lays its eggs inside the dryad for the youngs to devour when they'll hatch. Aside plants, feeches also feed on other living beings. They also burrows inside the organism, and keeps secreting a numbing substance behind them as to kill the pain. They also feed on each other without remorse. Feeches are vulnerable to fire and frost, just like dryads. Personality among feeches vary widely.
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Darkfire destiny
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 11:17 am

vegeta002 wrote:
Do Species 8472 class as human or non-human type?

Non human aliens 8472_species8472

I'd say it depend's on the definition. I believe the definition of humanoid is Two arms two legs and a head. So a cat girl or an elf is humanoid and a centaur is not. These seem to have four leg's so I'd say non human.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 11:26 am

Darkfire destiny wrote:
vegeta002 wrote:
Do Species 8472 class as human or non-human type?

Non human aliens 8472_species8472

I'd say it depend's on the definition. I believe the definition of humanoid is Two arms two legs and a head. So a cat girl or an elf is humanoid and a centaur is not. These seem to have four leg's so I'd say non human.

Butit has 2 arms and a head (which reminds me of Genestealers with Feeder Tendrils).
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 11:29 am

When this thread said "non-humanoid" aliens, I think what it meant to say was "Aliens 80% of us wouldn't wanna screw". That is to say, greys, xenomorphs, hork bajir and all "sortof humanoid" aliens still fall under this category.
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Technicolor Shamrock
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 11:30 am

Quote :
Creatures that are themselves Hives? Possibly, if your talking about the following:

Like I said, I've never seen any idea's, and didn't know there were any. I guess I was wrong, though, and that takes away the origionality aspect I was going for.

Quote :

I think the main requirement for "non humanoid" (Correct me if i' wrong) is a race that doesn't look too human. They can be bipedal, with 2 arms and legs, but the closer to human they appear, the further away they are from the 'non human' line.
That's what I thought, but wasn't sure.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 11:31 am

GREGOLE wrote:
When this thread said "non-humanoid" aliens, I think what it meant to say was "Aliens 80% of us wouldn't wanna screw". That is to say, greys, xenomorphs, hork bajir and all "sortof humanoid" aliens still fall under this category.
Yes they do. They can still be humanoid, but are vastly different than us humans.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 11:36 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
GREGOLE wrote:
When this thread said "non-humanoid" aliens, I think what it meant to say was "Aliens 80% of us wouldn't wanna screw". That is to say, greys, xenomorphs, hork bajir and all "sortof humanoid" aliens still fall under this category.
Yes they do. They can still be humanoid, but are vastly different than us humans.

That nicely cleans things up. Give me a few days, and i'll work on importing a ld creation of mine, name over page...
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 11:39 am

I don't have any non humanoid races, but well I think it would be a good idea to make some for Felarya.
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 9:14 pm

Does this include origional ideas? If not, Zebesian space pirates.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2008 12:48 am

FalconJudge wrote:
Does this include origional ideas? If not, Zebesian space pirates.

I guess it includes - or likey must be - original ideas.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2008 9:53 am

FalconJudge wrote:
Does this include origional ideas? If not, Zebesian space pirates.
By preferance, something of your own creation, and nothing ripped from other medias. This is a place for original work, not blatant rip-off.
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PostSubject: Re: Non human aliens   Non human aliens Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2008 9:32 pm

Well, then I came up with a race called the Nerodites. They were some bizzarre humanoids with pointed heads and based around thier speed. Then again, they pretty much killed themselves off entirely a while ago by mixing thier Dna with that of humans, driving the offspring nearly insane. They outcompeted the purebloods, took over thier homeworld, and started civil wars that ended up killing off all but a few of the entire race. So thier whole thing is pretty much irrelavent. So why did I just waste that five minutes of my life writing this?

Dang. Sorry.
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