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 i made my first char^^

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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 7:23 am


Race: Giant naga.
Size: 80 feet from ground to the top of her head.
Hair color: reddish brown.
Hair lenght: down to the start of the snake part.
Eye color: firey red.
Scale color: pitch black with, a blood red cone, down the back.
Underbelly color: dark grey.
Age: 56


Verira is very kind and forgiving towards anyone, sometimes too forgiving, she can even forgive people who has tried to kill her, if they survive her killing rampage that is, which might cause her some trouble in the future. Verira loves animals more than anything else, she even takes them as pets sometimes, she has a bad habit, of eating them in her sleep though, and when she wakes up and can't find them, she thinks they ran away and than she gets depressed, but just until she sees another animal that she think is cute, which usally happens pretty quick.


Verira is very kind to anything, that can’t fit in her mouth but she has a very short fuse and can easily turn really mad. Her appetite is not that great, she can only fit 4-5 human sized creatures in her stomach, before she feels full, but her digesting is very rapid, she digest about 3 times faster than normal, so she eats very often instead of alot at a time. Verira has no actual home, she is wandering from place to place once every second week or so. The wandering comes from her past. Verira blacks out and goes into a senseless rampage of killing whenever she get’s scared, feels great pain or get angry enough, during the rampage she will attack anything that makes a sound, now matter who or what it is. This comes partly from her past and partly from her lineage. Verira's lineage is born, with fifteen times the amount of adrenaline, any normal being would have, the adrenaline also increases her strenght to extreme hights. The difference from verira and other's from the same lineage, is that the other's have had training in controlling the adrenaline inside them, but since verira doesn't know why it happens she has no way to train it and because of that she can't do it when she want to, it'll just happen when she is scared or badly hurt. After Verira tunes out of her rampage mode, her brain is a bit unstable, thanks to some lefterover adrenaline in her system, so her mood can be just about anything, she can start crying her eyes out, get scared and very confused or even angry and start hitting tree's or find some humans or nekos that she can punish. Verira is a very adept hunter, even though she's bad at using the 6. sense, she's also good making traps this is because she was trained by a very skilled human hunter for a year and 3 months, this hunter was also the last owner she had before running away


Verira was caught by slavers a few days after hatching, as she grew she would start eating alot more. Because of this she was sold over and over since she was too expensive to have, this is why she doesn’t stay in one place for very long. At the age of 14, she broke free from an owner, that had kept her for about a year and 3 three months, not because she didn’t like it there, but because of her need to wander. After she had broken free, she couldn’t find a new owner, she just made people scared since she had grown so big. The more she tried the more desperate she would get and scare people even more. In the end she got chased out of the town and into the forest. Inside the forrest she got cornered and wounded, she suddenly fainted, and when she woke up, there were blood and severed human limps everywhere. Verira was kinda scared of humans at this point in time, so she stayed within a certain distance of them. The first other naga Verira ever saw was crisis, though it was from quite a distance. at this point in time Verira didn't know that she was a naga, she thought more of herself as a human, since she grew up with them. It wasn't until Verira was around 21 years old she began too think that something about her was very different from humans, she was a lot taller than humans, and she had her tail. At the age of 23 Verira talked to another naga for the first time, telling her story and getting to know about nagas. Since then she has lived in the jungle as a normal naga.

Last edited by Reptillian on Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:28 pm; edited 15 times in total (Reason for editing : changed name from Katrina to Verira. put in a personality. ok added some more to her history)
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Master cartographer
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 7:36 am

It's a good beginning but you should change her name it's too close to Katrika
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 7:38 am

i kinda based the name on the typhoon katrina because of the rampage thing

but if you could give me some name ideas, i would be in your dept(i suck at name^^)
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 7:52 am

I'm sorry Embarassed
I just think the name can make people think she is a kind of copy of Katrika.
For the name I don't have any idea but I repost this link I see in another topic http://www.rinkworks.com/namegen/
maybe it will help you Wink
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PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 7:54 am

thanks man you rule
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PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 3:17 pm

could the people that reads this, please tell me what i did wrong so i can improve, bad spelling correction is higly apriciated
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 3:51 pm

you should replace all the Katrina by "Veira"
And I think you should develop her background a bit more to give her more depht.
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PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 4:05 pm

If I may make a suggestion--

Maybe a bit more detail on her personality. A few character traits.
I find it helps to make a character more interesting.
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 9:08 pm

I like her.
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2008 3:03 am

i love your advices and i try my best to follow them^^

by the way am i allowed to put other characters into the backstory?
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PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2008 8:32 am

yeah Very Happy
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2008 9:26 am

Reptillian wrote:
i love your advices and i try my best to follow them^^

by the way am i allowed to put other characters into the backstory?

That's a great idea
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2008 11:04 am

thanks guys you rule
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2008 4:17 pm

ok made some changees and some extra
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeMon Dec 22, 2008 1:40 pm

I would be forever gratefull, if someone could draw her, so that i could really see her, instead of just inside my head lol!
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2009 12:37 pm

Ok i made alot of changes and put alot of extra on it.
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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2009 1:07 pm

The fact she eats her pets is interesting Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2009 1:10 pm

well she doesn't mean too^^ she just can't help it.
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PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2009 6:34 pm

Her pas is very interesting Very Happy
I think you should write a story about her to see her in action Razz
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PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeWed Jan 28, 2009 3:53 am

story's aren't my specialty, last story i wrote got just above failing grade
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Helpless prey

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i made my first char^^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 11:42 am

she sounds very facinating indeed.

mate... your essay's always low grades ;b
(yeah, i do know him real life... feel sorry for me!)

ps. i'm not british Very Happy lol.
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PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 1:23 pm

Gave Verira a little rampage mode aftermath.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: i made my first char^^   i made my first char^^ Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 1:32 pm

Great idea, think it fits her personality indeed.
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i made my first char^^
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