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 New guardian: Cor

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Crash Override
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Crash Override
Tasty morsel
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PostSubject: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2008 12:29 am

I had this idea for a guardian for Felarya please have a look.
I thought that having the human guardian’s threat level only at moderate was a little strange and having the power divided between two siblings, which if there powers were possessed by one guardian would give that guardian a threat level of extreme, seemed to be a good way to balance the scales. I hope you like my idea and add it to your Felarya wiki.


Race: Human
Threat: Moderate

A normal looking young man (18 - 22) whose appearance is as standard as one can be, brown hair, average height and an athletic build the only thing unique about his looks is his blue eyes which gleam with an insight and intelligence beyond that of human understanding.
He stays clear of most human cities, preferring to roam the forests of Felarya living in various cottages, tree houses, bunkers, ruins and the occasional dungeon scattered across the land.
His sister is Mercreti, who is unaware of his existence, which he believes to be dead.
He is invulnerable and immortal yet unlike his sister he is has no magic, COR is also very dimensionally stable, unlike Felarya (Which is dimensionally unstable) and the majority of other worlds and beings (Which are dimensionally neutral). This dimensional stability has resulted in the ability to rip a 2 way portal through to other dimensions at will, and while in a dimensionally unstable world like Felarya this ability is also able to open portals within the same dimension. If the entrance to a portal is of a different size to the exit then what ever passes through scales in size accordingly. ( e.g. if the entrance is 2 meters tall and the exit is 20 meters tall whatever passes through gets 10 time larger). Due to the same dimensional stability, when passing through any portal, that portal is instantly pulled closed upon exiting. (like a stitch of thread closing a rip in the fabric of space).
Occasionally he will use these abilities to take up a job as a courier or messenger in order pay for something and will work for any race be they Humans or Harpies, Nekos or Nagas, Sphinxes or Succubi, centaurs or mermaids.

I went into a lot of detail describing his “Dimensional Stability” but I wanted to be clear what I meant and the consequences of being dimensionally stable.
Just to reiterate
Neutral means you go with the flow like humans.
Stable means, depending on how stable you are you, can control dimensional travel naturally like a Dimensional dragon.
Unstable means you shift randomly like Felarya.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2008 2:37 am

Wow... but uh, Karbo doesn't really want any of the Guardians really delved into. They kinda aren't really characters but reasons as to why Felarya is still wild and free...

but I don't know what I'm talking about TT-TT *hides in cornor*
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PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2008 4:23 am

So, next to being able to travel freely through dimensions and being immortal, does he have any other abilities? Is he dangerous in any way? And why is he a "guardian"?
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Crash Override
Tasty morsel
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PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2008 6:32 am

L'Ryn wrote:
Wow... but uh, Karbo doesn't really want any of the Guardians really delved into. They kinda aren't really characters but reasons as to why Felarya is still wild and free...

but I don't know what I'm talking about TT-TT *hides in cornor*

I didnt really add any more information than Karbo watch:

Attribute: "Mercreti info" , "Cor info"

Gender and Apparent Age: "A normal looking young girl (10 - 12)" , "A normal looking young man (18 - 22)"

Powers and Abilitys: "whose magic can obliterate entire worlds." , "He is invulnerable and immortal yet unlike his sister he is has no magic, COR is also very dimensionally stable,"

Apperance: "She can change her appearance at will " , "whose appearance is as standard as one can be, brown hair, average height and an athletic build "

Home Location: "and is believed to have often walked anonymously in some of the human cities on Felarya" , "He stays clear of most human cities, preferring to roam the forests of Felarya living in various cottages, tree houses, bunkers, ruins and the occasional dungeon scattered across the land."

Occupational Tendances: "and even had jobs there" , "Occasionally he will use these abilities to take up a job as a courier or messenger in order pay for something and will work for any race"

Telling Feature: "The only thing that never changes, which can reveal her true nature, is her eyes. No matter what she looks like, she has the eyes of a very, very ancient being. " , "the only thing unique about his looks is his blue eyes which gleam with an insight and intelligence beyond that of human understanding."

The Reason it looks So long is because of 3 things:
1. I'm long winded. For instance i didd't need that bit at the end "be they Humans or Harpies, Nekos or"ect I also didn't need the simily "like a stitch of thread closing a rip in the fabric of space"
2. Dimentionally stable. We all know felarya is dimentionally unstable but nothing has ever been described as very dimentionally stable before and i wanted to make clear what this means and what abilitys it results in.
3. brother of Mercreti. I added that bit about being her brother for the sake of the balence of power because despite being able to destroy thing with magic and living forever she is still under powered in comparison to the other gaurdians. the idea was that if ther was only one human gaurdian he or she would have ended up with both Mercreti's and Cor's powers but because there are two the power and abilities are divided between the two.

Without these things it could look like:


Race: Human
Threat: Moderate

His apperence is that of A normal looking young man (18 - 22) with brown hair, an average height and athletic build the only thing unique about his looks is his blue eyes which gleam with an insight and intelligence beyond that of human understanding. He stays clear of most human cities, preferring to roam the forests of Felarya living in various dwellings across the land. He is invulnerable and immortal. COR is also very dimensionally stable,Letting him open 2-way portls at will. Occasionally he will use these abilities to take up a job as a courier or messenger in order pay for something and will work for any race.
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Crash Override
Tasty morsel
Crash Override

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PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2008 6:49 am

0332288 wrote:
So, next to being able to travel freely through dimensions and being immortal, does he have any other abilities? Is he dangerous in any way? And why is he a "guardian"?

It's all about being creative with the portals here are just some things he could do with them:

1. make a portal with a larger exit than the entrance and increase his size to that of 8 times crisis.
2. Make a portal between 100 ft over a city and deep within an active volcano flooding the city with lava.
3. Make a Portal that covers the target area and open the other end close to the surface of a sun. It would be like an ant under a magnifing glass.
4. open a portal into the vacume of space, because the portals are 2 way the entire atmosphe of the planet would be sucked through the portal ending almost all life on whatever world the portal was created on.

see where i'm going with this, the applications are endless.
also The ability to seal any portal by simply stepping through it would be invaluable in preventing an invasion from another dimension.

why dont you see if you can come up with some interesting ways to use portals as a weapon?
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PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2008 3:00 am

.... if he can do that then he's no guardian he's a GOD!!!!
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New guardian: Cor Empty
PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2008 7:53 am

Isn't there already one based on dimensional effects-which I presume includes portals (Notys)?
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PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2008 12:40 pm

A little strong but the basic power remains the same. Although Felraya doesn't have a space. Dimensional Stability is something that would counter that. However like always the Anna avatar should be pulled here before any and all things.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2008 1:04 pm

I once had the idea for a new Guardian and Karbo told me he did not wanted to have any more Guardians. The purpose of the Guardians is to give a vague explanation as to why Felarya wasn't conquered, altered, or anything.
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Crash Override
Tasty morsel
Crash Override

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PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2008 4:43 pm

The funny thing is that this was originally just a charicter who was very dimensionally stable (and could use the forementiond portals because of this) and didn't grow old for a reason he didn't know(there was a whole background story explaining the origins of this power but that takes up entire pages and is in my head)
he used the portals to escape preditors and be a courier or messenger making easy money. but that was before i figured out just how dangerous my portals could be, and suddenly this charicter whose only abilitys were to naturally create portsls, and not grow old. became as dangerous as a Guardian.
so to allow him to still fit into felarya i made him one. But being a guardian means living for thousands of years at least, so i made him not just ageless but immortal and invunrible. But there cant be two human gardians so i had to make him the brother of Mercreti with there powers split between them.

so there you have it thats how my beloved charicter, who had to use non magical portals in creative and ingenious ways in order to suvive, mutated into a gaurdian. Sigh... why did i ever have to figure out that my portals could be used as a weapon.
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PostSubject: Re: New guardian: Cor   New guardian: Cor Icon_minitime

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