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 A new Dragon Ball Z character

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PostSubject: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2009 6:34 am

I have been dealing with the issue of having trouble creating a Dragon Ball-based character. He's already in an IMVU DBZ RP group and he can transform into a Super Siyan 9, and I want him to become a part of Felarya....I'm thinking of just allowing him to become a Super Sayain 3 in Felarya, which is just enough to defeat a 100 foot tall predator in Felarya, and in a drastic situaton he can become a Super Saiyan 4, which is STILL not alot of power compared to Felarya perspectives in my opinion...Then again, it's just my opinion.

I decided to bring his power level down that much just for Felarya, because as soon as he enters, the Gaurdians reduce his power level that drastically for the reason that my character is originally extremely powerfull. Here is his Biography:

Name: Mordal (yes, it is a favorite name of mine)
Age: 17
Race: Half Saiyan
Looks: Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, muscular build, brown Saiyan tail.
Clothing: Black fingerless gloves, Red sleeveless over shirt, black undershirt, grey pants, black boots.
Transformations: Oozaru (when the moon is full or when Mordal creates a moon sphere in drastic situations), Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Siayan 4 (in drastic situations)
Biography: Mordal is a descendant of Goku. He loves to make new friends, he is a friendly person, and isn't easily angered. He will only fight when he needs to, just as he will only transform when he needs to.
Oozaru size: 50 feet tall
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeTue Jan 13, 2009 4:23 am

Super Saiyan 9? I still prefer 4 as the limit. My character (not used because everyone seems to forget about the crossover threads) can get up to level 2 and isn't toned down from the show (SS1 physical strength similar to giant naga).
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeTue Jan 13, 2009 6:19 am

vegeta002 wrote:
Super Saiyan 9? I still prefer 4 as the limit. My character (not used because everyone seems to forget about the crossover threads) can get up to level 2 and isn't toned down from the show (SS1 physical strength similar to giant naga).

As I stated, he is only able to become a Super Saiyan 4 because of the Guardians.

Here is the process of Mordal's transformations: He doesn't immediately become a Super Saiyan while first fighting a giant predator. When he realises that he can't beat the giant predator in his normal state, he will transform into a Super Saiyan. If the situation becomes worse, he will go into his Super Saiyan 2 state. He only saves his Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan 4 forms for situations that require those forms, such as fighting a group of predators.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeFri Feb 06, 2009 3:14 pm

super sayian9!!!!!!!! or 3or 4!
this is not supposd to be turning into dragonball!
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeFri Feb 06, 2009 4:08 pm

11cookeaw1 wrote:
super sayian9!!!!!!!! or 3or 4!
this is not supposd to be turning into dragonball!

Turning into Dragonball? Whoever said it was?
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 12:30 pm

mikeimp wrote:
I have been dealing with the issue of having trouble creating a Dragon Ball-based character. He's already in an IMVU DBZ RP group and he can transform into a Super Siyan 9, and I want him to become a part of Felarya....I'm thinking of just allowing him to become a Super Sayain 3 in Felarya, which is just enough to defeat a 100 foot tall predator in Felarya, and in a drastic situaton he can become a Super Saiyan 4, which is STILL not alot of power compared to Felarya perspectives in my opinion...Then again, it's just my opinion.

I decided to bring his power level down that much just for Felarya, because as soon as he enters, the Gaurdians reduce his power level that drastically for the reason that my character is originally extremely powerfull. Here is his Biography:

Name: Mordal (yes, it is a favorite name of mine)
Age: 17
Race: Half Saiyan
Looks: Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, muscular build, brown Saiyan tail.
Clothing: Black fingerless gloves, Red sleeveless over shirt, black undershirt, grey pants, black boots.
Transformations: Oozaru (when the moon is full or when Mordal creates a moon sphere in drastic situations), Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Siayan 4 (in drastic situations)
Biography: Mordal is a descendant of Goku. He loves to make new friends, he is a friendly person, and isn't easily angered. He will only fight when he needs to, just as he will only transform when he needs to.
Oozaru size: 50 feet tall

DUDE!!! SS4 could wipe out a guardian! Let alone what a big bang ka-me-ha-me-ha could do
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 1:22 pm

Dude, forget about adding him to the universe. A level 1 Super Saiyan is overpowered as is, let alone SS9. Did you forget about the thread concerning crossovers? Karbo doesn't exactly want crossovers to other copyrighted franchises (much like DBZ).
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 1:40 pm

alliance wrote:
mikeimp wrote:
I have been dealing with the issue of having trouble creating a Dragon Ball-based character. He's already in an IMVU DBZ RP group and he can transform into a Super Siyan 9, and I want him to become a part of Felarya....I'm thinking of just allowing him to become a Super Sayain 3 in Felarya, which is just enough to defeat a 100 foot tall predator in Felarya, and in a drastic situaton he can become a Super Saiyan 4, which is STILL not alot of power compared to Felarya perspectives in my opinion...Then again, it's just my opinion.

I decided to bring his power level down that much just for Felarya, because as soon as he enters, the Gaurdians reduce his power level that drastically for the reason that my character is originally extremely powerfull. Here is his Biography:

Name: Mordal (yes, it is a favorite name of mine)
Age: 17
Race: Half Saiyan
Looks: Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, muscular build, brown Saiyan tail.
Clothing: Black fingerless gloves, Red sleeveless over shirt, black undershirt, grey pants, black boots.
Transformations: Oozaru (when the moon is full or when Mordal creates a moon sphere in drastic situations), Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Siayan 4 (in drastic situations)
Biography: Mordal is a descendant of Goku. He loves to make new friends, he is a friendly person, and isn't easily angered. He will only fight when he needs to, just as he will only transform when he needs to.
Oozaru size: 50 feet tall

DUDE!!! SS4 could wipe out a guardian! Let alone what a big bang ka-me-ha-me-ha could do

A new Dragon Ball Z character Threadnecro
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 3:04 pm

alliance wrote:

DUDE!!! SS4 could wipe out a guardian! Let alone what a big bang ka-me-ha-me-ha could do
No. a super sayan at level 4 could not wipe out a Guardian.
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 3:36 pm

just throwin it out there. but Vegito's Final Kamehameha is still one of the sickest moves out there.
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 5:05 pm

If you dropped the Z you might be able to make it work. Super saiyans didn't exist in Dragonball and the strongest people were like, the perv and Ox King. :V
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 6:18 pm

Why didn't you stop at SSJ2? Seriously, 9 is overkill beyond overkill.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 5:19 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
alliance wrote:

DUDE!!! SS4 could wipe out a guardian! Let alone what a big bang ka-me-ha-me-ha could do
No. a super sayan at level 4 could not wipe out a Guardian.

Alright, im gonna prove my point.. look how BAD ASS even "weaker" characters were, like Raditz. DID YOU SEE THE DOUBLE SUNDAY WIPE OUT THAT MOUNTAIN!? Think of what that could do to any normal thread. And I think that SS4 Gogeta could proably take on all the guardians, but he and they would most likely not have problems, bothe vegeta and goku being warriors for good.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 8:32 am

shouldn't this be moved to off topic?
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 8:53 am

Archmage_Bael wrote:
shouldn't this be moved to off topic?

Fine, you start it Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 1:13 pm

Actually it belongs in Character Discussion.

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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 1:20 pm

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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 3:05 pm

i love DBZ as much as the next guy. hell its one of my biggest inspirations, but i could have sworn that Felarya was tryin to keep these characters out. Otherwise i'd have made a ton of these stories.
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 8:02 pm

VenomX3000 wrote:
i love DBZ as much as the next guy. hell its one of my biggest inspirations, but I could have sworn that Felarya was tryin to keep these characters out. Otherwise I'd have made a ton of these stories.
Someone with sense here. You're right; Felarya does not want DBZ.

To alliance: Guardians > any dbz character. Nemyra in her palace is completely. absolutely and totally undefeatable.
Notys is... Notys. She could probably create an inescapable pocket dimension and transport you there.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 9:24 pm

I'm sure some of the dbz characters could slice open dimensions with brute force. I wouldn't honestly be surprised. Lots of crazy things have happened between DB, DBZ, DBGT.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 5:29 am

Archmage_Bael wrote:
I'm sure some of the dbz characters could slice open dimensions with brute force. I wouldn't honestly be surprised. Lots of crazy things have happened between DB, DBZ, DBGT.
And omega shenron would be an absolute nightmare.
And isnt ki far superior to magic? Magic cant destroy entire galaxies.
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 8:31 am

alliance wrote:
Archmage_Bael wrote:
I'm sure some of the dbz characters could slice open dimensions with brute force. I wouldn't honestly be surprised. Lots of crazy things have happened between DB, DBZ, DBGT.
And omega shenron would be an absolute nightmare.
And isnt ki far superior to magic? Magic cant destroy entire galaxies.

And then it goes and fails to destroy Goku. I've tried to codify a form of ki so that we can all start enjoying it in Felarya, but the thing's that ki seems pretty good at blowing up things but really poor at actually killing people. I've tried to come up with some BS for that, but it's pretty difficult.

My best guess is that the ki was originally developed as a lumbering tool, thus is nearly harmless to humans by design, and that DBZ characters have been using it wrong all the time. That's why martial arts are actually a tool for peace.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 9:01 am

Stabs wrote:
alliance wrote:
Archmage_Bael wrote:
I'm sure some of the dbz characters could slice open dimensions with brute force. I wouldn't honestly be surprised. Lots of crazy things have happened between DB, DBZ, DBGT.
And omega shenron would be an absolute nightmare.
And isnt ki far superior to magic? Magic cant destroy entire galaxies.

And then it goes and fails to destroy Goku. I've tried to codify a form of ki so that we can all start enjoying it in Felarya, but the thing's that ki seems pretty good at blowing up things but really poor at actually killing people. I've tried to come up with some BS for that, but it's pretty difficult.

My best guess is that the ki was originally developed as a lumbering tool, thus is nearly harmless to humans by design, and that DBZ characters have been using it wrong all the time. That's why martial arts are actually a tool for peace.
But didnt Frieza wipe out nearly all saiyans with his death ball? (which is a ki attack)
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 11:29 am

alliance wrote:
But didnt Frieza wipe out nearly all saiyans with his death ball? (which is a ki attack)
Ki might not be good at killing people, but enough of it would eventually get there.
Like cheese is normally okay to eat, but too much of it would kill someone with enough of it. It would be a terribly inefficient way, but it would manage it.
Too much of anything can prove fatal. And I have no idea why I used cheese as an example XD.

Regarding Ki being hard to kill with, isn't the fact that Ki is life-force telling that it won't be all that good as a killing technique, no matter how much damage it does to non living entities. Does that help Stabs?

I will have to side with the others. No DBZ would be able to defeat any of the Guardians. Besides from the fact that the mechanics and laws of physics between the two different worlds may vary, most of the characters (correct me if I'm wrong, has been a long time since I watched any Dragon Ball) are still mortal despite their powers. The Guardians are beings far above that of any mortal, Felarya or not.

I personally think that Goku (Or any other DBZ character) could no more gain the attention of Notys than some street thug with brass knuckles trying to knock out Cthulhu with a punch to the face.

Both would be highly amusing to watch someone try, but would be ultimately pointless endeavours.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: A new Dragon Ball Z character   A new Dragon Ball Z character Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 12:20 pm

DeviantDiscordian wrote:
alliance wrote:
But didnt Frieza wipe out nearly all saiyans with his death ball? (which is a ki attack)
Ki might not be good at killing people, but enough of it would eventually get there.
Like cheese is normally okay to eat, but too much of it would kill someone with enough of it. It would be a terribly inefficient way, but it would manage it.
Too much of anything can prove fatal. And I have no idea why I used cheese as an example XD.

Regarding Ki being hard to kill with, isn't the fact that Ki is life-force telling that it won't be all that good as a killing technique, no matter how much damage it does to non living entities. Does that help Stabs?

I will have to side with the others. No DBZ would be able to defeat any of the Guardians. Besides from the fact that the mechanics and laws of physics between the two different worlds may vary, most of the characters (correct me if I'm wrong, has been a long time since I watched any Dragon Ball) are still mortal despite their powers. The Guardians are beings far above that of any mortal, Felarya or not.

I personally think that Goku (Or any other DBZ character) could no more gain the attention of Notys than some street thug with brass knuckles trying to knock out Cthulhu with a punch to the face.

Both would be highly amusing to watch someone try, but would be ultimately pointless endeavours.
Fine...Broly has enough physical power to just send a guardian for a few miles. Despite the size difference.
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