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 Freeform in Felarya

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PostSubject: Freeform in Felarya   Freeform in Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 1:01 am

Ok... as the title says, this is basically more of a RP first, storyline as we go RP. In other words, the perfect place to get to know your characters. It could end up funny, dark, dead, or with your character singing the amerocanned national anthem as Felarya becomes the fifty-first state of the USB under dictator Tree.

Yes... this could get weird, but thats part of what freeform RP is about. Anyways, I will be using my newly-written Naga, Silvia

History: Silvia was born in a much more volcanically active area of Felarya than the jungle she lives in today. The lava made it much easier for her body to survive off of heat than oxygen, which fire burns through quite quickly. Her early history is quite unremarkable, as it mostly involved eating, sleeping, growing, eating more.

At a young age, Silvia encountered a band of human slavers hiding out in the mountains. Instead of simply eating them like any less-curious Naga would do, she simply observed them, wonderign why so many of them were in little metal chains. As the weeks went by and the slave caravan came and went, her curiousity only grew until one day, after following them for weeks, she appraoched the caravan, taking the chained slaves in her hand and slurping them down one by one until they explained to ehr exactly what was going on. Roughly three slaves later, she got her answer and pulled the slaves trapped in ehr throat out, keeping them for herself in the same way as they were meant to be kept. The slavers themselves, on the other hand, suffered a much tastier fate, being bound head to toe by the Naga and her newfound pets and swallowed one by one.

The use of the humans and their tiny hands proved itself again and again, from attracting other humans to eat to creating odd gadgets to decorate her den with, such as little houses, little carvings, and even much larger things that most Naga have never had, like a bed (A stone slab with harpie down and silk blankets, with the humans having made the blankets).

These days, Silvia's den has grown into its own version of a human city, and her status among her pets has become much more similar to that of a cult goddess. It has also developed itsw own code of law, with the only punishment being death by Vore.
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PostSubject: Re: Freeform in Felarya   Freeform in Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 9:19 am

I think I'll use David on this one. Is this alright?

File: Centauri Terraforming Station Personnel: David Thorne
Galactic Citizen #73,503,956,712,203

WARNING: This file has been deemed Owned and Protected

This file is the property of the Centauri Terraforming Project. Unauthorized access will be punished to the fullest extent permitted under the Data Ownership Act, made law by the Galactic Senate in year 2419; latest revision: year 2720.

Begin text readout…

David Thorne, an inhabitant of the world Centauri III (see Alpha Centauri binary system), was hired as a comsat specialist in year 2803 to the Centauri Terraforming Station (a planetary base dedicated to altering the global environment of Centauri IV). His official duties include ship detection and scanning operations, off-base team monitoring, and climate monitoring. However, given the limited personnel at the CTS, he often was asked to fulfill numerous other duties.

He was selected for the job because of not only his skill in handling numerous different types of detection equipment, but also because of his wide range of expertise. He has had experience in atmospheric vehicle piloting, electrical repair and maintenance, atmospheric vehicle repair and maintenance, weapon expertise, search and rescue operations, and wilderness survival. He also is familiar with artic environments, and so the constant ice of Centauri IV is not much of a change for him.

He has had military training in the past, but was critically injured in a ground-speeder crash. He eventually recovered with the aid of extensive cybernetic augmentation and organ replacement. His right arm and right leg are both completely artificial. His right eye, right lung, spleen, and 1/3 of his gastrointestinal tract are synthetic. Additionally his existing muscles had to be augmented to be able to support the weight of the artificial components. Other alterations were made out of necessity as well (see supplemental). Despite his treatment, he was no longer fit for duty, and received an honorable discharge. Not wanting to stay idle, he applied for a position at the CTS, where his experience is most welcome.

So far, we at Centauri Terraforming Project have not regretted our decision to hire him. He has proved himself to be resourceful and hard working, and generally well liked by the base personnel. Despite his service in the military, he tends to be somewhat relaxed concerning issues of protocol.

Unfortunately, he, along with 876 other sentients of various types, were stranded in an alternate dimension due to the Centauri Rift on 2826 AD, Earth date: January 24. His condition is currently unknown, believed to be deceased. His death is a loss for us.

End File.

On Felarya, he will have a small, unarmed atmospheric vehicle with a flight ceiling of a few kilometers, and capable of going faster that mach 3. He also is accompanied by a sentient robot called SCARAB 17 (Salvage, construction, and repair automated being, model 17).
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Freeform in Felarya   Freeform in Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 9:24 am

Trying to find the source of it, but I remember something bringing up the whole 'only punishment is death' and the slight flaw in the system. Namely that if you've done something wrong, the punishment can't get worse so there's no incentive for you to not do anything worse. Guess you could have it as different types of vore depending on the severity (theft leads to a KO and 'peaceful' death, child raping and murder leads to some very hard vore), though the fact still remains that you might want to have a sort of increasing system.

Very nice character though, and for my own (put some minor changes from the Prey Roster):

Name: Cjal Rial
Race: Halfling
Age: 63 years
Measurements: 36", 62lbs
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Curly, Golden Brown
Eye: Light Blue
Description: Before his arrival on Felarya, Cjal was a wandering Halfling. Needless to say, he was perceived as quite the oddball in his home realm by his kinsmen and rarely spent much time at the traditional villages. For a short while he wandered with a small party before being sucked into Felarya through what he can only assume was a horribly miscasted spell.

It was two days after his arrival to Felarya that he came across some of the natives - or, more accurately, the native's found him. Luckily for Cjal it was a village of Nekos and none of the more famous inhabitants, and with some quick diplomacy he began to learn some of the basics of the world he was brought to.

The acceptance in the village was run thin within a week though, as he was found to be consuming supplies of food comparable to the largest adults. The discovery of his thieving practices broke the camels back when he 'liberated' and swapped out a pair of fancy [And, it just so happened, enchanted] boots that nearly cost the best hunter in the village her life. Luckily for Cjal, the village was attacked by a pair of Nagas that evening before judgement could be delivered and gave him enough time to escape carrying nearly his weight in supplies. By the time the Nagas were 'driven off' / satiated, Cjal was long since gone with his trail cold.

Having procured a map from the village before his departure, Cjal quickly made his way along the less traveled paths that offered the most cover from the Predators he had both heard of and seen in action. It was here that his small size came to his aid, as many times he forced himself into hiding places too small for others to use for cover or could 'convince' the sentient wandering Predators to leave him be by pointing quickly in the direction of a village and pointing out that small hairy halflings were not the best of meals.

The closest attempt on his life involved him being hounded up a tree for two days as a pack of Kensha Beasts tried to find an easy meal. He still tells others that if it were not for the tree he climbed bearing a fruit of great nutrition, he would have starved long before the things found a more vulnerable source of food.

After a fortnight of travel, Cjal finally found himself at the gates of Negav. Having no form of currency to pay for his entry and stay, he was forced to pay almost thrice the costs value in equipment before being allowed into the city. His remaining supplies managed to buy him a small place for some nights as he worked / thieved himself a living. Having such a rich work / target environment, as well as learning how easily such seemingly small objects could be missed there, Cjal was up to what he felt as a 'tolerable' life style by the end of his second month on the planet.

Just as with his old home on a world long since unreachable, Cjal could not keep himself stuck in the same place for long in Negav. Within the course of a year he had moved well over a dozen times and had a mental map in his head of almost the entire city when it came to the 'Old' rim (having not the faith in his skills to enter the 'new' environment with higher tech and surveillance). By the end of his second year, he had wandered with a score of parties and gone as far out as the edges of the Grove of Carnivorous Plants and the Dridder Forest. Most of his acquaintances had now long since become fertilizer or settled down in the safety of Negav, yet he still held a desire to travel within him if not in person than at least in knowledge.

Since then Cjal has teamed up with over a hundred separate parties and visited many of the settlements between Negav and the Jewel River. He has lived a charmed life and escaped many negative encounters through either wit or skill or luck. The loss of so many allies doesn't seem to have put off his opinion of the place as just one great big 'adventure' where anything can happen. He occasionally will work alongside Jacob / Slyte and their bunch either in or outside Negav, but his wandering nature means it rare for him to stay for long unless they are on the move or working on something he has yet to do since his arrival (A list that is rapidly shrinking).
authors notes: Cjal is a Fighter-Thief who by now has a good deal of minorly enchanted equipment and has his own experience with the land and its denizens. He is more relaxed than many of the bunch he is often seen with, and as such often works best for keeping relations high in diplomacy.
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PostSubject: Re: Freeform in Felarya   Freeform in Felarya Icon_minitime

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