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 RP bantering update

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 8:26 am

Dr. Mack- Thanks for the directions guys. Well sounds like my friend needs me. See ya later!

As Mack turned to leave, his foot got snaged by a vine. Mack reached down to remove it, but it quickly raped itself around is ankle.

Dr. Mack- Oh no.

The vine violently pulled itself upword, causing Mack to drop his Suitcase when he went with it. As Mack reached the top of his ride, the vine let go and he droped onto a hand. He looked up, seeing a face of a Dryad.

Dryad- Hello Lunch.

Dr. Mack- Oh Crap.

Dr. Mack doomed level: 7

Mack went for his suitcase, he had just the thing for this situation. Much to his shock it wasn't there. He looked down, seeing the Case way at the bottom.
Dr. Mack doomed level: 9.5

This officially qualified as the seventh worst day of his life.

The Dryad grabbed the doctor by his coat and opened her mouth, revealing her dripping maw. Mack went into panic mode. His last dich move was almost ineffective on dryads. He called down to the people on the ground.

Dr. Mack- Someone! Quickly throw up my case! Even if she swallows me, i can get out if i have it! Quickly! Hurry!


Mabon looked at Clawdy with curiosity.

Mabon *thinking*- What is this boy? Hmmm.

Mabon made his way to the bed in the room and sat down.

Mabon- Ok start talking kid. If i hear anything i dont like, I'll turn you into iceicals, or worse.
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Raetsu Lord Pichu

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 10:16 am

"Bwah! Holy- What in Chuck Norris' name is that!" Usshu said as he pointed to the Dryad

"It's a Dryad, a plant-like being, but I didn't know they got THIS big" Tasha replied

"Who cares what it is,if we don't do somethin it's gonna eat that guy!" Dizzy said as she grabbed Dr.Mack's case as he instructed and lobbing it to him as hard as she could throw "Comin at ya!"

"What's he gonna do with a suitcase?" Danny questioned, as he prepares to fight the Dryad if need be

"We'ren't you litsening, he'll use it in case the Dryad eats him" Dizzy replied, before her eyes widened in shock to see another vine coming for Danny from behind "Danny, Behind you!"

"Eh?" as soon as he turned around the vine whipped at him, Danny quickly somursaulted backwards barely dogding the vines reach "Oh you wanna fight huh, well let's go ya sumbitch!" he charges at the plant tendril and starts wrestling with it, as if it was an alligator of some sort
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 10:33 am

The group hadn't been more than a few moments, if that, away from the clearing when a large explosion was both heard and felt from the clearing they had just fled.

The clearing with the Vox-Equipment.

"Holy throne," muttered Tanc, "things just got real bad, didn't they?"

"Quiet, damnit!" Hissed back both Hawke and Kred. The whole of the group knew what he meant. It had been night, things were mostly 'safe' up until a few moments ago. Not much was awake at this time of 'day' normally, so the group could likely have even risked Comm-Bead usage to connect with the others.

That had just been mucked up, though. Now, anything within quite a large radius would have just been awoken from whatever they dreamt of (Assuming they even dreamt), likely be pissed off, and look for something to either put the blame on, snack themselves on until finding the perpetrators, or both.

Things didn't get much better when, a few moments later, a loud ENGINE was heard overhead, while something was crashed quite heavily through the foilage. Did something have a grudge against them or something?

~ ~ ~

Far far away, not even in the same universe, a specific Eldar Farseer broke down into a spontaneous laughter for a reason that only he could comprehend. Needless to say, his aids quickly started to back away.

~ ~ ~

Back in Felarya, the group exercised complete noise and travel discipline. Mud was rubbed over the bodies in an attempt to hide any smell they might have worked during the scuffle. Camouflage was adjusted to further decrease the risk of detection. Except to refresh the current coat, muddy ground was avoided to prevent any sort of tracks to be followed. Foilage was carefully moved as to not bend or snap in their way.

Many other techniques were utilized along with these, to throw off anyone who either might be following them OR might stumble across them.

What had been an at least somewhat productive monitering of a foreign device no more than maybe ten minutes ago had now turned into a full rout into the terrain.

Funny how quickly things could go awry.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 11:22 am

As the dryad prepared to eat the doctor (fortunately, since he now had the suitcase), A loud crash could be heard in the forest.

IT WAS ALEX! His mech boosted as fast as possible, but could not navigate through the heavy canopy with ease. Behind him the naga and dridder pursued him with vengeance, making sure not to lose him.

"Come on. Where are you, Doctor Mack? My sensor says you are here..."

Alex continued forward until he spotted a group of humanoid lifeforms ahead, along with the doctor. Unfortunately he was in the hand of a dryad.

"Oh crap. This can't get any worse."

Just then, the naga and dridder crashed into the area, now caught up with the group. They continued looking at them all with an evil and hungry smirk. Alex looked at them, then back at the dryad.

"This is getting ridiculous. DOES ALL OF FELARYA NEED TO BE ON US?!"

At that point, Alex couldn't take it anymore.

"That's it. I've had enough of being nice."

He opened up all of his weapons, from his rifles and missiles to any other crap he had on there.

"Alright Doctor Mack. I say we give em hell. What say you?"


Back in Negav, Clawdy and Mabon looked at eachother, each offering a powerful and paralzyzing stare.

"Look, Mr. Robes. I'll explain everything. But just to warn you; I don't need threats flying toward me. Okay? Unless you'd rather be disemboweled and dismembered."

The two stood at equal grounds, but then sat down to talk.

*ten minutes later*

"Okay. Mabon, was it? Well, if I may explain things; you see, this girl right here, aptly named 'Xiao', became very weak from our last venture. She was sapped of her strength while we were evading harpies and nagas and giant penguins. So me and Alex, a good friend of mine, brought her to Negav. Of course, we were saved alot of trouble finding this place, thanks to a weird man named Dr. Mack. Do you know him by any chance? We became sort of buddies during our stay here... but anyway, now she's under my supervision."
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 12:21 pm

Dr. Mack was trying to comprehend all that just happened in the last two minites. He was in a dryads hand, hovering above her mouth. his suitcase was in his hand, ready to do whatever. Alex had just bersted into the area, with guns ready. He also brought compony with him. Alex had asked him if was ready to go all out.

Thankfuly the dryad was still trying to figure it out to. Mack saw his chase. He pulled out a long pole and jabed her in the eye. With a yelp the dryad lost her grip and Mack was in freefall again. Mack pulled himself into the case, but this time he didn't even bother to lock it. It boused on the ground again, and landed open side up.

The first thing to come out of the case were vereous weapons. Flamethrowers, hevey guns, rocket lanchers, exc. The next thing was Mack, oddly dressed in some kind of power suit. In one of his hands was his .75cal rifle, in the other was a Flamethrower with a white flame at the end.

Dr. Mack- I'm with ya Alex. Lets finish this quickly. The sooner we get back to Negav the sooner i can sleep for a week.

He turned to the other people standing close by, also being attacked by the Dryad.

Dr. Mack- If you can pick up those wepons you are free to use them. Just help or run i dont care.

Mack then looked strate at the Driddler, and with a battle cry, open fire.


Mabon sat there lissoning to Clawdy. Everything he said checked out with him.

Mabon- So Mack will come back here. *chuckles* Thats so like him to help people that he doesn't know. Oh well, he has to come back here some time. *Walks to the door* Oh and one more thing kid, don't make therets that you cant keep. Your about two hundred years to young to be fighting me. *Walks down the hall* I'm going down to the bar, want a beer? I'm buying.


((Oh man these RP's are geting action packed. I'm thinking about starting up a Tournament RP useing OC's. If you think this is a good idea tell me.))

Last edited by on Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Raetsu Lord Pichu

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 12:25 pm

"There just doesn't seem to be a dull moment 'round here" Jermod stated as he sighted the giant mech above him and his group

"I'm guessin that's the giant robot, our friend here's been lookin for" Usshu said as he tries cutting the vine tendril with a combat knife "And good lord look at it's artillery! Is he gonna blow the dryad up or the whole damn area!"

"There's something else coming..." Tasha stated obvious fear in her voice, though being a nocturnal demon by nature it's obvious her eyesight was halved by it's usual power, but she was still capable of seeing farther away than her comrades were "It's a naga and a spider like creatrure...and both are about the size as that Dryad"

"NYA! you gotta be kidding!" Trisha said her attention now back on the situation due to her losing the ball of yarn...

"Whatever I'm all for blowin a hole in these sumbitches" Usshu says as he picks up a rocket launcher, his favorite type of weapon actually "We'll take care of this Dryad here, you 3 try and help with those other 2"

"Gotcha" Dizzy acknowledged as she acquired a Gatling Gun, though she had to strain a bit being they were a bit heavy, and with a grunt she fired upon the Naga

"Fine with me" Jermod says as he grabs a weapon and open fires on the oncoming assaliants

"O-okay" Tasha replied meekly, though she wasn't much of a fighter she still had to give it a shot, she spied an Assualt Rifle of some sort and upon thinking that 'it looked deadly enough' she picked ut up and shot at the Driddler

And with that the group sprang into action, Trisha chucked a few throwing knives right into her eyes "KYaa!" the plant girl screeched as the sharp utensils stuck into the vulnerable sockets

"Suck it!" Usshu launched a Rocket at the face of the injured Dryad

"Energy Palm!" Danny called out as he launched a beam of blue chi at the Dryad

Last edited by on Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 12:42 pm

"Heh... and so it begins..."

Alex started off with a massive missile salvo, straight into the naga and dridder's path, causing enough of an explosion to send them both flying back. The dridder shot her webbing at Alex, only to have it blown to pieces by several missiles. He shot a branch above the dridder, causing it to fall and conk her on the head.

The dryad tried wrapping it's vines around the mech's legs, but Alex turned on the boosters and flew back to a safe position, burning the roots in the process. He turned at one point and saw the doctor , kicking more Felaryan butt than hed had ever seen. He was literally all over the place. His weapons were truly dumbfounding in power.

"Whoa. The doctor is in!"

By surprise the naga snuck up behind him and grabbed him by the core. To escape, Alex threw it into Overboost again and burned the naga's stomach from the ignition flames.

Of course, the dridder recovered and rejoined the action.

That's when it got interesting....


Clawdy went up to Xiao's bed as Mabon offered him a drink at the pub.

"I'd love to take you up on that offer, but I'd rather take it easy for a bit. I'ts been tough over the past few days,and Xiao still needs her rest. I hope that won't be a problem."

AS the man stood in the hallway, ready to leave, Clawdy mumbled to himself.

"Pfft. 200 years too young. Yeah, right. I've mastered the Sith arts. I've decimated entire armies. I've done crap they could never even imagine."

Suddenly, from behind him, he heard a faint voice.

"Oh, Clawdy... you were always... so... full of yourself."

He turned around to see that Xiao had woken up. Clawdy felt relieved and stuck by her side, even though she was still a bit drowsy.

"Where's Alex? Did he leave?"

"I'll tell you later... for now, you rest."

(ps. It's a great idea, Manga.)
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 5:07 pm

Mack Fired his rifle at the driddler, smileing as he did so. Mack wasn't a sadist or anything, but he haden't had a good fight with buddys of his in a long time, so it was quite fun. In the cornor of his eye he saw Alex's Mech being duble teamed by the naga and the Driddler. Mack opened up on the Naga, cataching her attanchen and gereraly pissing her off. Mack continued to fire at her, but stoped when his rifle ran out of ammo.

The Naga looked down at him, very pissed off.

Naga (sorry i cant find her name)- Now you humans will die.

Mack chuckled when he hurred this. He removed gloves and rubed his bare hands together.

Dr. Mack *Mimicing the G-man from the opening seen from Half-life 2 ep 1*- We'll just see about that.

Mack's Hands crackled with a powerful surge of electrisity. With a yell he fired a blast of electrisity at the Naga. The naga screamed with pain as the electisity corsed therw her. She then clapsed, unconshous but still alive.

Mack fell on his hand and knees, compleatly exosted.

Dr. mack- *Pant* Maybe I shouldent have pulled all that electristiy from My nervous system. *Forced laugh* I'm so tired.

Before mack could fall unconchous his suit glowed red and delivered a powerful shock. Mack grunted as it did so. He would'nt be able to do that again, if he did he would fall unconchous and would be vonerable. Mack just shouck the thought off and picked up another weapon. It was time to fight now, Woring about the consequenses would come later.


Mabon sat at the bar, thinking about the conversation he just had with Clawdy.

Mabon *thinking*- Hmmm that Clawdy kid was telling the truth, i can tell that. But theres something else about that kid that i cant put my finger on. There is a sense of darkness that just feals odd. Stronger and darker than most humans. Its woreing but...INTERESING. I wonder how the kid could fare in a fight. Oh well, i gess i'll never know.

By a chanse of luck, a small peice of paper blew near his drink. Out of cureosity he read it.

Dear Residents of Felarya,

Need to prove that your the strongest in the land? Hate Nagas or other Preds. Then Join the National Battle leage. Fight your way to the top and earn a fantastic prize!


Mabon Smiled when he read it. This was his chanse to see how good that kid was.


((Ok people. If i'm going to make this Tournament, I need some help. I need judges for the matches and the leage itself. Pen, Pichu, are you interested? PM me if you are or just wright it here.))
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 7:15 pm

Alex continued shooting rifle shots at the dridder, which caused her pain, despite the shots barely penetrating her abdomen.

When he turned around, he saw the dryad raise it's hand up to crush Doctor Mack, who was still a bit immobilized from the earlier shock. The dryad sent her hand down with extreme force, ready to crush the doctor. However, the hand was stopped by a cannon shot to her forearm, delivered in time by Alex's mech.

"Doctor! Are you okay?"

He looked at the doctor, still tired from his sudden energy loss and gain. Fortunately, he snapped back into action and flew on the offensive. The humanoids who were helping out continued their attack as Alex motioned towards them.

"I better help them out."

The dryad, recovering from her arm, which was kinda on fire now, commanded her roots up into full force as they surrounded the group and grew higher and higher, making a wall around them.

The naga and dridder, still hurt, approached the now trapped group with evil smirks. Alex began to sweat, knowing things just got worse.

"Well, this is getting more and more interesting. I hope I don't have to break out my best weapon. ..."


Clawdy looked at Xiao as she got up from her sleep.

"I've been sleeping for too long. I need to get up."

Her cat ears twitched and she shook her head and tail as she got up.

"Clawdy... Alex went out again, didn't he? I keep telling him it's too dangerous."

"Well, Xiao, he's the only person among us without cat ears. If we venture out there too much, we'll basically be walking entrees. Nekos are somehow inferior in this world, and we both fear for your safety. Okay?"

She nodded innocently.

"I guess that's reasonable.... but anyway, please tell me what happened earlier."

"Okay. You may wish to sit down. Between the thugs and the robed man, this may take awhile..."


(oh, and manga, I'm interested in that offer, just so you know)
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Raetsu Lord Pichu

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 8:40 pm

((I game for dat, dood))

"This doesn't look good" Usshu remarked under his breathe as the roots surrounded them and the Naga and Driddler closed in. He knew he that if they were to get through things would surely go to hell, so he dug in his bag and pulled out a pellet gun of his own "Lets see how they like these apples" he said as he aimed to the areas she was shot at by Alex's rifle and shot off several lead marbles that sped to the Driddler

"What? is that the best you can come with pelle-" The marbles hit the Driddler only to detonate and explode adding insult to her injuries "Heh,that's my patented Bomu Shot(lie)* how do ya like it" he turned to Trisha "How're you holdin up"

"Nya, pretty good I just stuck knives in her ey-" just as Trisha said these words a vine snatched her up "Waaah!"

"Oh no you don't, Blazin' Soul!" Danny shouted as he called upon his latent strength causing a red aura to surround him, this would give most of his attacks a 'Fire property' to them "This should do it..." he clasped his hands together gathering chi from all around, soon enough a red hot ball of energy manifested itself between his palms growing larger and larger by the minute "Take this ya jolly green sumabitch, Mera Energy Palm!!" and with that he launched the Fiery ball of chi at the Dryads chest, the ball of highly concentrated heat dug into her seering her green skin before finally exploding from the friction. The vine released Trisha from it's grasp and she fell back to earth and landed on her feet (as all cats do). "Nya thanks Danny-kun" the catgirl mewled as she went to aid Dizzy and Tasha by throwing poisoned knives at the Driddler's eyes

However the Naga reached into the root cage to see if she could catch one of the demons "Get back Dynamo Cancel!" Jermod shouted as he grabbed her hand and relesed a high voltage discharge, she shreiked as another wave of pure lightning was sent charging through the her body once more which caused her to recoil and twitch from the numbness the lightning had given her, buying the others some time. Jermod began to twitch from this attack as his body began to feel numb, it was a common side effect from using it, which specifically why he never uses it, but it was the only thing he could think of using "Geeze...I need to stop b-being so impulsive..." he said as he fought to stay standing from the surges of extra electricity pulsing through his body

*Ussop uses an attack similar to this...so it's techincally not HIS patented move...
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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 9:07 pm

((My character is Masurao Ketsuiki, a Naruto character I made. Is it alright if I join in?))

As the Ryuuka no jutsu's flames headed for masurao, a flash of light blinded him. He held his arms in front of his eyes, squinting, to try to block the light. Suddenly, it vanished. Masurao looked around. He was surrounded by lush jungle. "Where the hell am I?" The sound of battle caught his attention. Suddenly, a giant hand grabbed him. "What the--" Masurao was picked up, and he saw what captured him. It was a 100 ft. half woman, half snake. Masurao was afraid. "I gotta do something..." He said softly. The Naga smiled wide. "I'm hungry." She said. "Do you mind if I eat you?" Masurao was taken abck by this.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 12:27 pm

The group didn't dare move now.

In the past few minutes, things just got even worse. Every few seconds, a predator of some sort would zip past them into the deeper forest. A fight was going on deep with the forest, and many of the inhabitants were trying to find out just what had woke them up so late in the evening.

At one point a pack of Wolf-Like beasts, though almost the size of a Schola Transport each, ripped apart the undergrowth beside the group. At least four more Nagas passed the same way, at least two of which were green haired. An injured Slug Beast even passed at one point, Osti's smirk hidden as he realized it was the one he hurt earlier.

Whatever was going on in the deeper forest, the group was glad they were 'secure' several miles away. Now, if only they could find a way to get out from the intersection of beasties...
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 1:05 pm

Dr. Mack stugeled to stay on his feet. Almost all the bones in his arms were cracked from the recoles from the guns he was fireing, His lower half was numb from all the running that he was doing. And finally, he was extremly fagteaged from the Electric blast that he had fired at the naga.

Then things when from bad to HOE (Hell on Earth)

Mack could make out the silhouettes of more preds that no dout were woken up from the fighting that the group was doing there. Mack let out a large grown.

Dr. Mack- Alex, i hate to say it, and I really hate to say it, But were FUBAR here. Its time to Fall back to Negav. The people we came to save can hold out till tomorow.

He turned his head to the others.

Dr. Mack- Come on were getting out of here! I can previde shelter for the night, but we need to get out of Here!


Mabon smiled as he began his plan. He would see how good that kid was yet. He folded the paper with the directions to the Pre fights and tossed it into the room where they were. Mabon whent to the bar and gave a note and another set of directions to the bartender, telling him to give it to mack when he got back.

Mabon then left Negav, smileing as he went back to his mounten. He needed to prepare. After he did he would head to Ur-Sagol. This was going to be big.


((Ok people the preparations are almost done here. We will most likely have open entry's by tomorrow or wendsday. Till then, Mabon wont be here.))
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 2:10 pm

"Curses. I hate to retreat, but the doc is right."

Alex went into the middle of the group and began unleashing titanic loads of missiles, which flew across the field and sent the predators back several feet.

"EVERYONE! Get onto my mech! NOW!"

He continued firing rifle shots into the trees, causing their branches to fall down and impeding the naga and dridder from coming closer. One branch came falling upon the dryad's head, causing her to lose sight of her prey temporarily.

"We don't have any time left. Climb on and we'll get back to Negav."

(as soon as everyone is aboard, we leave)


Xiao looked out the window, hoping to see Alex return.

"So... Alex and Doctor Mack went out to help somebody?"

"Of course. I think they'll be safe."

Just then, he saw a note fly from under the door. Clawdy went over and picked up the note, reading it's contents to himself rather loudly.

"Hmm... big fight tournament. Prove your power versus the best of Felarya's warriors. Tournament courtesy of... MABON?!"

Clawdy gripped the note, becoming filled with vigor.

"He's running it, huh? Heh heh heh. I guess I can finally prove to him and everyone that I'm worthy of the title of 'Master of the Sith'."

Behind him Xiao expressed her concerns.

"Clawdy... you're not going to enter, are you?"

"Well, Xiao. This is something I need to prove. But I can't go until Alex returns. I'm not leaving you in harm's way. Hopefully he's alright, and not surrounded by predators or something."
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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 5:11 pm

The Naga heard the battle. "Damn." She said as she looked in its direction. She looked back at Masurao. "Well," She said, "I geuss I'll have to eat you later." She put Masurao down gently on a tree branch. "Now don't move." The Naga said as she slithered off toward the battle. Masurao smirked. "Fat chance." He said under his breath. With that, he ran after the Naga stealthily to follow her to the battle, activating his Sharingan eyes.
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Raetsu Lord Pichu

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 7:48 pm

"You heard the man! Let's move!" Jermod shouted to his comrades who all acknowledged and ran over to the mech, grabbing hold of each part, though Jermod was a bit slow getting there being the electricity was still in his body, with a little force though he managed to get moving, albeit a wobbly one. He latched onto the mech and looked back to see if Dr.Mack was on his way
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 8:04 pm

As the Mech landed In Negav, Mack felt the pain of the battle sink in. His body was completely exosted from fighting all day. He saw all the people go ahead of him as he limped toward the Succubus' Stoumick. When he finally Made it, he smiled.

Dr. Mack- Finally a brake from all the violence.

Before he could open the door, Clawdy burst through it, sending Mack flying toward a near by billdings wall. Clawdy didn't even stop to say hi, he ran out of his sight quickly, and probably out of Negav as well. Dr. Mack, still on the ground sighed.

Dr. Mack- I cant win today... sobsob

Mack got back up and went inside of the Bar. Mack went straght for the door to his room, but was stoped by the bartender.

Paul- Umm Mr. Mack, Mabon left this for ya.
Dr. Mack *stopped*- Hmmm Mabon?

Mack rushed over and read the letter.

Dear Mack,

How ya been Mack! Its been a while since you last went up the Mounten to see me, so i decided to pop in and see you for a change. You wernt there,but some thugs were tarring up some of your rooms really bad. Killed off most of them (buy the way, you might want to clean up there bodys before they though out and bleed all over the place) but this guy, I think his name was Crywdy or something, Kill the last one. Id be wachful of that one, he has a very dark aura around him, far stronger then most humans and hell some elementals! Luckly i found a message for a league called the NBL (National Battle League) and may have possibly sleaped it to him. So if your interested in fighting like the old days, come to the address on the other paper.

Kicking your @$$ soon,


Mack looked over both papers, and noticed that were it said who made the NBL hade been blacked out and replaced with "Mabon". He wiped it off, revealing the name "The Judges".

As curreous as he was about the NBL, he was too pooped to care. He quickly said good night to his guess', then climed into bed himself. He would worry about the NBL later. Mabon could take care of himself.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 9:20 pm

As Alex parked his mech, he heard someone whiz past him. When he turned around, he saw that it was Clawdy, running out of Negav and towards the mountains. He zoomed out of sight in mere seconds.

"Clawdy? Hmm... I wonder where he's going..."

He stepped inside the Succubus' Stomach, only to find the people from before going into their rooms, avoiding chunks of some odd frozen substance on the floor. Alex did not want to find out what had happened here.

When he stepped into his room, Xiao tackled him full force.

"Ow... ugh. I see you missed me?"

"He he. Of course I did, Alex."

As he sat down on the bed near Xiao, he took a few breaths of relief.

"I'm sorry I left without telling you, but it was really dangerous out there. There were nagas, dridders, dryads, demons and etcetera. It was a veritable who's who of Felarya."

"Don't worry, Alex. Clawdy told me everything, so I wasn't worried."

He suddenly remembered what happened just an hour earlier.

"That's right. I've been meaning to ask. Where did Clawdy head off to?"

Xiao got up and picked up a piece of papaer on the desk. She brought it to Alex and showed him what was on it.

"Well, Alex. Once Clawdy saw you pull in, he told me he was off for this 'tournament' in the mountains. He wanted to prove something."

Alex placed his palm upon his face in expected disappointment.

"*Sigh* I shoulda known... Well, at least he kept you company. Don't worry, though. This time, you'll be with me from now on."

"That sounds wonderful."

"Well, I guess we should get some rest until tomorrow. Then we can figure out what we're going to do. Until then, you have a good night,"

He kissed her goodnight as she kissed him back and they went to their seperate beds. (because they're not that serious yet. Wink )


The mountains drew closer, just as the directions had indicated. Clawdy ventured forward at top speed, racing towards this "tournament" as indicated on the paper. He knew that Alex and Xiao would be safe, but more importantly, he would get the chance to show what he's made of. With his lightsabers, partial mastery of the force, and power of the proud race of nekojins (nekos basically), he felt confident in his abilities.

Though it was finally his chance to prove his worth, he somehow felt uneasy. His thoughts raced as fast as he did.

"Surely I'll show them... but what if 'he' is in the tourney as well? That Mabon character?"

He remembered back to the thugs that Mabon disposed of so easy. Those techniques might have only been the tip of the iceberg, and he knew it.

"I guess a fight with Mabon would be kind of interesting.... I can only hope...."
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2008 10:33 am

Jermod's lil group was within the 'Succubus' Stomach', Jermod questioning the name of the Inn more than once, having a little down time from their ordeal in the jungle earlier...

"So...now what...we stay here, Nya?" Trisha asked

"Well, yeah, I don't think it would be wise to go back out in the open...not after what attacked us earlier >_>" Tasha pointed out

"Well, we're gonna get ourselves a room, no use just sittin around" Usshu said getting up

"Wait, we're gonna share a room?" Dizzy said "I don't think that's such a good idea, I can't trust you guys the last time we shared a room"

"Hey! I had nothin to do with that, it was all Usshu's doin!" Jermod exclaimed in his own defense

"Oh please, you walk around here with those loose fittin cargo pants on all the time, I can practically see you panties every time you take a step, you were practically askin for it" Usshu retorted

Danny however was more interested in a certain piece of paper he found. Though upon closer inspection it was more than just a mere slip of paper, better yet it was a flyer for a 'Tournament' of some kind, and being the Impulsive brawler Danny was he instatnt;y became interested in this. "Hey Danny Boy, what're you doin over there?" Usshu asked the Ox Demon.

"Uh, Do you guys mind if I go outside fer a bit, I gotta...check out somethin real quick" he answered in an anxious tone

"Nya!? you wanna go back out there? even after we were nearly eaten before" Trisha exclaimed

"D-don't worry bout me, I'll be fine, I'm just gonna, y'know take a walk and come straight back, I promise" he said as he walked out of the door. however Tasha wasn't so sure of Danny's words or reassurance "Shouldn't we go after him" she asked

"Nah, he'll be fine, Danny can take care of himself" Jermod said as he stretched


Meanwhile, Danny was already nearing the mountains, his powerful legs being put to good use as he sprinted through the wilderness towards this tournament. Equipped with his speed, agility, super human strenght as well as his 2nd to none skills in the martial art 'Ushioni-ken' he knew he had what it took to come out on top...
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RP bantering update - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP bantering update   RP bantering update - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2008 12:10 pm

Masurao lost sight of the Naga as he jumped upward into the trees. Once at the highest point, he continued forward untill he reached a clearing. Masurao stopped on a tree branch. "What the...?" He whispered once he witnessed the different Predators and the barracade of roots surrounding a group.
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