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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 2:30 am

The wiki says that if the target is too big, a fairy cannot change it's size. Does anyone know an average for that 'no change' size?
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 6:04 am

Karbo said beyond 12 ft the fairy had difficulty to change the size of the creature.
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 6:18 am

Beyond 12ft? Would that put a 100ft creature in the 'cannot shrink' area?
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 7:03 am

Yep. It would put most older predators (with the exception of Fairies who are <12' at the time of casting) immune to the shrinking capability, as well as a good deal of Fauna (such as the Kensha beast). It works most effectively against Demi-Humanoids.

However, in that regard such targets better hope to be magic resistant.
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 8:07 am

vegeta002 wrote:
Beyond 12ft? Would that put a 100ft creature in the 'cannot shrink' area?
No, as Mala said there is the magi resistance which play an important factors.
A fairy doesn't alter her size as she alter the size of the other creatures, in general the shrinking effect is temporary because she doesn't maintain it.
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 11:17 am

i thought, that fairies could shrink naga's and eat them???
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 11:19 am

yhea a rare few, and they are supposedly rare can shrink 80ft+ critters.
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 12:26 pm

asaenvolk wrote:
yhea a rare few, and they are supposedly rare can shrink 80ft+ critters.
If what are you saying was true a group of fairies like that would be able to shrink an entire village into doll house

I quote Karbo from the thread My view on fairies it's the page 1 you can find here https://felarya.forumotion.com/dryads-and-fairies-f12/my-view-on-fairies-t582.htm

Karbo wrote:
Very interesting issues raised here ^_^

I never thought about the size-changing being a sort of dimensional magic but this is a great idea ! Smile

Fairies also have the ability to enlarge other creatures but past a point it become difficult. For the same reasons that they can't shrink a too large target.
It also must be mentionned that fairies don't possess more magic by being big than by being small.

GREGOLE wrote:
Another issue is what exactly counts as "too big"? At what point can a fairy not shrink a victim/opponent?

This varies a lot... Nemyra would have no problem to reduce Crisis to human size of course, but most fairies's magic don't work very well if the target is 12 feet or more.

This issue had been raised long time ago guys, but I think a clarifications is needed.
But if you read the wiki there is an explanation about the size shifting abilities of the fairies here: http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Magic

Please, read the wiki
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 1:35 pm

It sort of seems like a combination of magic power of the fairy and magic resistance of the target then.
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 2:06 pm

Jætte_Troll wrote:
It sort of seems like a combination of magic power of the fairy and magic resistance of the target then.

As it's said in the main definition of Fairies in the wiki I quote:

Quote :
Almost all fairies also have the innate ability to temporarily alter the size of another creatures, though it depends a lot on the original size of the target and its magic resistance. For example, if the target is too big to start with the fairy will be unable to change its size at all. Felaryan fairies are voracious and love to snack on adventurers, usually after shrinking them.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 8:17 pm

Have read it, more than once, and was takeing it from examples. But yes, its temorary, and who knows how meny they can keep shrunk, but by one story at least 2 willing targets.


and just because its cute Karbo's pic of Rin

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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 9:03 pm

asaenvolk wrote:
Have read it, more than once, and was takeing it from examples. But yes, its temorary, and who knows how meny they can keep shrunk, but by one story at least 2 willing targets.

The numbers of target will depend on how skilled the fairy is but how many things a fairy can shrink it can not be beyond 12 ft, I don't invent it, it's what Karbo himself said a things is considered as "too big" for a fairy when it's beyond 12 ft

I read this chapter too and as I knew this point, Randomdude678 seems to write his story as he wants so he can follow or not what it can be said in the wiki because the story has started before the creation of the wiki. And the fact Kiki can shrink Rin can be explained by the fact her abilities have been boosted since the incident with the magical crystal.

asaenvolk wrote:

and just because its cute Karbo's pic of Rin


In this picture it's a giant size Rin and her Human friend Caïdence. Rin has never been shrunk in this picture.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 8:40 pm

So, all I said here was a pic of Rin, never said anything beyond that. And how knows, all I said was that its happened and so what Kiki did it, maby because of the crystals maby because she supper excels at shrinking. I'm not arguing that most fairies should be able to shrink things larger than 12', hell even I admit in many ways fairies are over powered but, please we all read the darn wiki, its not a bible, stop thumping it.
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 2:33 am

asaenvolk wrote:
So, all I said here was a pic of Rin, never said anything beyond that. And how knows, all I said was that its happened and so what Kiki did it, maby because of the crystals maby because she supper excels at shrinking. I'm not arguing that most fairies should be able to shrink things larger than 12', hell even I admit in many ways fairies are over powered but, please we all read the darn wiki, its not a bible, stop thumping it.
The reasons why I do that it's to avoid people consider canon verities where nothing state these.

Edit: I should thank you because after read the whole thread and the wiki again I see where people misunderstand the shrinking ability of the fairies.

I quote the first post to illustrate my point of view:
vegeta002 wrote:
The wiki says that if the target is too big, a fairy cannot change it's size. Does anyone know an average for that 'no change' size?

First all it's not what it's said in the wiki but this:
wiki wrote:
Almost all fairies also have the innate ability to temporarily alter the size of another creatures, though it depends a lot on the original size of the target and its magic resistance. For example, if the target is too big to start with the fairy will be unable to change its size at all. Felaryan fairies are voracious and love to snack on adventurers, usually after shrinking them.

I quote to highlight the important points many people overlook when they read this sentence, what people keep in just mind is this sentence if the target is too big to start with the fairy will be unable to change its size at all. except if you base yourself only on this sentence you will never understand how the ability works.

First all the fairy can alter temporarily on the original size and the magic resistance of the target, what does it mean ?
The target need to be relatively small and have a lesser magic resistance, because the bigger the target or the more important is magic resistance of the target the more difficult the fairies will be able to change its size. So a fairy can easily alter the size of a young naga or human specie but cannot for the giant ones why it's too big

The too big in the example doesn't refer to what a fairy consider as too big but the original size of the thing she want to alter, it's true a fairy can alter the size of giant weapon or object but the problem the magic resistance of objects and artefact doesn't work in the same way of the living being. Telling a fairies are overpowered by saying shrink any giant predators to human size is simply a misinterpretation of the original definition because the even if the fairy can be extremely powerful or skilled the factors which affected the quality of the shrinking spell are exteriors and independent to her ability and another point as any spell it can be countered or dispelled.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 9:42 am

I just have to throw something: If a fairy shrinks or enlarges something is temporary, how long does it last exactly? My theorist senses tell me that too has something to do with original size and magic resistance.

As a side note: I found a way to go around the whole too big and magic resistance. How? Simple, I just use their size-changing rarely. I can see why it's powerful that a fairy can change the size of a human to a mouse, but most people I've seen use it all the time. I do assume fairies don't answer all of their problems by changing stuff. But everyone see this as their only relevent magic.
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 10:27 am

I prefer to see it as "lasts for as long as the plot demands", which is usually a combination of "as long as you're in contact with the fairy", and "as long as she doesn't forget about you". No fairy's ever been known to have said "I... can't... keep it small... any longer! AAGH!"
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 8:19 pm

true, it could be that fairies' ability to size shift, and due to the weird relationship they have with the dimension and their visible size, it could actually vaguely warp the area around them as they fly. but this warp "aura" would influence their spells as well, causing them to have their spells react to their emotions or desires depending on the fairy.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeFri Oct 14, 2011 8:59 pm

Well, this seemed like the best place to put this.

I got an idea the other night that could help with fairy balance some, and I don't believe it is something that has been specifically stated yet.

We know that fairies have an upper limit on what they can shrink, but I think there needs to be a lower limit on how much they can shrink it.

For example, a fairy that is flying around at 4 inches tall should not be able to shrink a human down to a few milimeters to eat him. The smallest size a human should be able to be shrunken to should be around 3 inches in height. This would mean that, even after sneaking up on a human to shrink him, the fairy would NEED to enlarge herself to human size to actually eat him or make off with him.

I think this would go a long way towards making fairies more reasonable to deal with. If she shrinks a group of hunters, but misses one guy who was hiding off to the side, he would have a chance to kill her when she goes human-sized, or at least cripple her wings, for example.

I just felt this would help balance out some of the threat of a small fairy, since without a lower limit, they are pretty much unstoppable.

Of course, people already in a fairy's stomach change size with the fairy. So if she shrinks down to 4 inches, the people in her will keep to scale.

Anyway, just a thought I felt was interesting.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeTue Jul 17, 2012 12:57 pm

rcs619 wrote:

We know that fairies have an upper limit on what they can shrink, but I think there needs to be a lower limit on how much they can shrink it.

For example, a fairy that is flying around at 4 inches tall should not be able to shrink a human down to a few milimeters to eat him. The smallest size a human should be able to be shrunken to should be around 3 inches in height. This would mean that, even after sneaking up on a human to shrink him, the fairy would NEED to enlarge herself to human size to actually eat him or make off with him.

In most stories I read the fairys would also tend to enlarge themselves to human size directly confronting the human(s) before shrinking them (cause range also plays an important role for casting their magic as we all know Wink ) so it seems that the authors really took care to include that aspects.

On the other hand isn't it true that a fairys magic doesn't increase/decrease when she grows/shrinks herself as (according to the Wiki) the term size is non-existent to them confused ???

Keeping in mind that for example humans are still rather small in comparisson since most fairys can go up to the height of a 100 feet I don't see why it would be impossible for them to shrink their prey further then 3 inches when just 4 inches tall Surprised .

Changing the size of another gigantic species is a different story though since they are (almost) equally as tall as them (as the growing limit of a fairy adds up to about 30 metres cat ) .

I hope you understand where I want to get to since it's a bit complicated for me to explain sweatdrop freak out .

Also we really need to talk more about the rare kinds of fairys that are an exception to the rule (e.g. the ones who are even able to shrink the giant predators terminator like !!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER
SPOILER !!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Oldman40k2003 on Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Hiding a spoiler within an actual spoiler tag.)
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeTue Jul 17, 2012 8:31 pm

Quote :
On the other hand isn't it true that a fairys magic doesn't increase/decrease when she grows/shrinks herself as (according to the Wiki) the term size is non-existent to them confused ???

Keeping in mind that for example humans are still rather small in comparisson since most fairys can go up to the height of a 100 feet I don't see why it would be impossible for them to shrink their prey further then 3 inches when just 4 inches tall

Well, because humans and other things do have a set size. Fairies have quite a bit of freedom when it comes to growing and shrinking themselves, but when it comes to other living things, they can really only enlarge or shrink them within a certain range. I imagine that the amount of energy needed increases greatly as you enlarge or shrink someone, and there's a point where you just hit a wall and can't go any further. Fairy magic doesn't get "stronger" or "weaker" with size, so that limit is always there. Whether a fairy is 100ft tall, or 3 inches tall, she'd still have the same limits on how much she could make a human bigger or smaller.

Quote :
Also we really need to talk more about the rare kinds of fairys that are an exception to the rule (e.g. the ones who are even able to shrink the giant predators terminator like !!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER

Keep in mind, there are only two fairies known to have that kind of skill. One is basically a god among fairies, and the other is an infamous and legendary sorceress that most other fariies of the time feared. Both of them are on a whole other league than your average fariy.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 6:06 am

rcs619 wrote:

Keep in mind, there are only two fairies known to have that kind of skill. One is basically a god among fairies, and the other is an infamous and legendary sorceress that most other fariies of the time feared. Both of them are on a whole other league than your average fariy.

You sure there's only 1 (not counting Nemyra in because of her special status study ) . Didn't Karbo say that fairys of that kind do exist but are pretty rare in Felarya confused ? Also I think he never told us an exact number of how many there really are No .
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PostSubject: Re: Size changing limit   Size changing limit Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 7:49 am

JohnboyX wrote:
rcs619 wrote:

Keep in mind, there are only two fairies known to have that kind of skill. One is basically a god among fairies, and the other is an infamous and legendary sorceress that most other fariies of the time feared. Both of them are on a whole other league than your average fariy.

You sure there's only 1 (not counting Nemyra in because of her special status study ) . Didn't Karbo say that fairys of that kind do exist but are pretty rare in Felarya confused ? Also I think he never told us an exact number of how many there really are No .
Cliff said there were only two known. Known, not in total. Still, if they are pretty rare, they would most likely not exceed five COUNTING Nemyra.
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