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 Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???

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Newbie adventurer
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 6:15 pm

Kind of like Lea with Crisis in a sense but more developed... I've seen some friendly relationships with humans and predators, but nothing really extensive or with just one. Like a person who has somehow achieved the impossible of getting most of the preds to consider him as a "person" rather than "food" Curious if anyone has done something kind of like this already...? I've found things that come close... but seeing as there's so much maybe someone can guide me in the write direction... because everything is very mixed up Smile... Thanks in advance!
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Newbie adventurer
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 8:38 pm

vegasmazza3 wrote:
Kind of like Lea with Crisis in a sense but more developed... I've seen some friendly relationships with humans and predators, but nothing really extensive or with just one. Like a person who has somehow achieved the impossible of getting most of the preds to consider him as a "person" rather than "food" Curious if anyone has done something kind of like this already...? I've found things that come close... but seeing as there's so much maybe someone can guide me in the write direction... because everything is very mixed up Smile... Thanks in advance!

so far the Felarya Park joint story doesn't have any humans eaten in it so far...

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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 9:52 pm

well I think we know what's gonna happen there... bad for humans... hmm maybe the park has some investors for ETGI Evil laugh
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Newbie adventurer
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 10:51 pm

vegasmazza3 wrote:
well I think we know what's gonna happen there... bad for humans... hmm maybe the park has some investors for ETGI Evil laugh

LOL! that would be epic!... hmmm..... mind If I introduce it to the story world? o.,...,.o can give you credit for it =3
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 12:33 am

ahh no that's one of the few good ideas I've come up with!! don't take it!!!

introduce it to the story world Very Happy ... but just don't take the credit Smile ... after our RP I'm probably gonna make a character...
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French snack
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 1:11 am

Humans will undoubtedly be eaten in Felarya Park, yes.

I can't think of many humans who are widely accepted, except as being a particular predator's "special human". My character Elaya lives among a number of predators, who recognise her as a person, but she wouldn't stray beyond a certain area.
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 3:23 am

One of the main trends in Felarya is; Almost anything human-sized will be screwed over at every chance. Unfortunatly, that naturally includes humans who are not Lea.
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Temple scourge
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 6:22 am

D'etre hasn't been eaten, of course, she's the mate of one of the nastiest nagas around.

But yeah, most of the time humans are om nom nomed.
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 11:47 am

There are plenty of stories where a human and even multiple humans don't get eaten by giant predators for one reason or another.

But I do not think there is a human around who has made friends with "most" predators. That would be rather difficult, not to mention extraordinarily time consuming. You are talking about a world here - think for a moment about how many predators there are.

That said, I can picture someone like Bink, from Piers Anthony's first Xanth book, pulling it off. It would just take a very, very long time!
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Newbie adventurer
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 3:38 pm

I'm talking about in a certain vicinity... it's impossible to make friends with everyone... although that would make life very easy

Make friends with only a couple though and your chances of long term survival still skyrocket Very Happy
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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 4:53 pm

JaetteTroll's DA account has the Fenja and Grip series - Grip being a human and Fenja being a Jotun.

WOWandWAS's DA account has the Jungle Bowl series with Cypress (dryad) protecting humans rather than eating them.

GiantessFanX's DA account has several short stories with humans who are not considered food (or at least aren't eaten):
Elf Bath Time Fanfic, No Longer Lonely, Reversal

Dante8411's DA account has several stories with Ciel, a dridder who doesn't consider humans food, though she has a helluva time trying to catch one to have a chat with. Laughing

xenomorph1112 has several stories involving Evan (human) and Mayhem (naga). Mayhem does not eat humans.

Several of my stories have some major human characters who are not considered food (in the end):
All Is Not As It Seems - Slug girl (Marsha)
The Making Of A Queen - Slug girl (Marsha)
In The Belly Of The Beast - Naga (Galya)
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PostSubject: Re: Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???   Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten??? Icon_minitime

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Are there stories where the human doesn't get eaten???
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