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 Non-human species in heaven/hell?

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French snack
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Non-human species in heaven/hell? Empty
PostSubject: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 7:06 pm

This has kind of been bugging me lately. What exactly would happen to a non-human species that dies in Felarya? Would it go to a seperate afterlife as humans, or the same one? And if it was the same afterlife, how would the inevitable problems be dealt with?

I have an idea about what happens:

Basically, predators that end up in heaven will find themselves unable to eat those that they would eat normally due to lack of physical form. As a result, they will simply pass through each other harmlessly. Over time, any predatory urges will dissipate and members of each species will be allowed to coexist.

In hell, however, these urges are intensified, creating a state of perpetual hunger. The degree to which these urges are intensified depends on the wieght of the sins carried by the predator. Naturally, hunting humans or nekos doen't count as a sin as far as predators are concerned.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 11:09 am

Hmmm, no one's responded?

It doesn't really matter, I guess, but I'd kind of like some feedback.
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 12:34 pm

that's an interesting question... Silent Eric has brought up a thread here : https://felarya.forumotion.com/angels-and-succubi-f11/deities-and-devils-of-felarya-t1634.htm speaking about possible heavens and hells.
I imagine those of preators function in a bit the same way than those of humans.
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 1:24 pm

Spoke to Tegan my Shinigami about this and she tells me Predators have seperate afterlives to humans and nekos. Although the nagas keep breaking into them.
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Non-human species in heaven/hell? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 7:07 pm

Karbo wrote:
that's an interesting question... Silent Eric has brought up a thread here : https://felarya.forumotion.com/angels-and-succubi-f11/deities-and-devils-of-felarya-t1634.htm speaking about possible heavens and hells.
I imagine those of preators function in a bit the same way than those of humans.

Talbeln Veridimus wrote:
Both Angels and Demons are strangely fascinated by souls. In fact, they model large parts of their societies after mortal cultures and mythologies, which is why the realms of Heaven and Hell are so familiar to people from different cultures. Angels and Demons "collect" the souls of the dead (it could even be called stealing) and bring them to their native realms. The primary reason for this is due to their fascination with mortal cultures, but also because when mortal souls resonate in a particular fashion, they give off energy that is very pleasant to Angels and Demons, and contributes to the overall stability of their realms.

Because they style themselves after elements from mortal cultures, it is possible to find a wide variety of familiar places and personalities in both Heaven and Hell; there is a Valhalla in Heaven, for example. In fact, you can even meet "Thor" there; however, it is not the actual Norse God Thor, but a powerful warrior angel who styles himself after the mythlogical figure. Hell is full of demons, both minor and major, who take on the roles of gods of the Underworld and Darkness. The most powerful of them carve out niches among the nobility of Hell, and create their own sub-regions that they rule over... beneath the watchful eyes of the true rulers of Hell, of course. Sometimes, a demon pretending to be a "Dark God" is destroyed, and another demon will take the identity for themselves; this can lead to some fierce rivalries, when inheriting a cult of worship. There have been several Hecates, for example, leading to much infighting both in Hell and among sects of mortal followers.
Eric states that there are deities that model themselves after neko & other race's culture,
I imagine that the deities try to keep their 'heavens' separate though.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 09, 2009 2:37 pm

I personally think that having separate sections of heaven for different species is okay, but I want to know if it's possible to travel between them.

I like the idea of having the lack of corporeal bodies making it impossible to be eaten, as I personally think it wouldn't really be an ideal heaven unless there was a way for different peoples and even species to coexist.
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French snack
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Non-human species in heaven/hell? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 2:50 am

itsmeyouidiot wrote:
I personally think that having separate sections of heaven for different species is okay, but I want to know if it's possible to travel between them.

I like the idea of having the lack of corporeal bodies making it impossible to be eaten, as I personally think it wouldn't really be an ideal heaven unless there was a way for different peoples and even species to coexist.

I don't think friends from different species would be seperated after death. Presumably, species co-exist, but can't harm one another in heaven.
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 5:49 am

French snack wrote:
itsmeyouidiot wrote:
I personally think that having separate sections of heaven for different species is okay, but I want to know if it's possible to travel between them.

I like the idea of having the lack of corporeal bodies making it impossible to be eaten, as I personally think it wouldn't really be an ideal heaven unless there was a way for different peoples and even species to coexist.

I don't think friends from different species would be seperated after death. Presumably, species co-exist, but can't harm one another in heaven.

No no no. You are making one large assumption. I said that it depends on the culture. So while different races normally have different religions, that's not always the case. In other words, it's not divided by species, it's by religion. So if two friends have different religions, yes they'd be separated. And yes, you can harm others in heaven. But since everyone has whatever their religion promises they'd have in the after life thanks to the angels catering to them and modeling the region after their religion's version of heaven, they hardly ever complain. Of course, if a human's soul wanted to go to the predator trinity region, don't know why since he'd be eaten and die, he'd have to get an angel to carry him to the other region.

So in conclusion, traveling is possible if you have an angel to take you. Yes, you can die a second time, the last time, in heaven. No, the souls are corporeal in heaven and hell.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Non-human species in heaven/hell? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 1:09 pm

Silent_eric wrote:
French snack wrote:
itsmeyouidiot wrote:
I personally think that having separate sections of heaven for different species is okay, but I want to know if it's possible to travel between them.

I like the idea of having the lack of corporeal bodies making it impossible to be eaten, as I personally think it wouldn't really be an ideal heaven unless there was a way for different peoples and even species to coexist.

I don't think friends from different species would be seperated after death. Presumably, species co-exist, but can't harm one another in heaven.

No no no. You are making one large assumption. I said that it depends on the culture. So while different races normally have different religions, that's not always the case. In other words, it's not divided by species, it's by religion. So if two friends have different religions, yes they'd be separated. And yes, you can harm others in heaven. But since everyone has whatever their religion promises they'd have in the after life thanks to the angels catering to them and modeling the region after their religion's version of heaven, they hardly ever complain. Of course, if a human's soul wanted to go to the predator trinity region, don't know why since he'd be eaten and die, he'd have to get an angel to carry him to the other region.

So in conclusion, traveling is possible if you have an angel to take you. Yes, you can die a second time, the last time, in heaven. No, the souls are corporeal in heaven and hell.

That's only if you believe that, of course. Laughing

But really, your vision of heaven really, really bothers me. I don't think there should be anything indicating you can die in the afterlife time without your body and soul reforming.
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Temple scourge
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Non-human species in heaven/hell? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 1:24 pm

itsmeyouidiot wrote:

That's only if you believe that, of course. Laughing

But really, your vision of heaven really, really bothers me. I don't think there should be anything indicating you can die in the afterlife time without your body and soul reforming.

Why? I say it's an intresting twist I mean hell is the same way, least one of the felaryan ones like menyssan who eats souls, they're dying again technicaly butthis time they just cease to being. It's a disturbing though cause it isn't supposed to be a happy one.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 5:54 pm

I thought Felarya Heaven / Hell were basically where people who didn't have their own relgion's heaven / hell go to? And that, if from another realm with your own religions / pantheon, you went to their afterlife should you die? Or has that since been retconned?
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 11:45 pm

Ugh. Why is this so hard to understand. I must not be explaining it right.

itsmeyouidiot wrote:

That's only if you believe that, of course. Laughing

Well no. That's only if you believe my interpretation of what is actually in the wiki. That's right. It's in the wiki. Not directly, but it's there. And I've been tasked with writing up the new article on this subject for the wiki, so no, it's not only if I believe that. It's canon. Or soon to be anyway.

itsmeyouidiot wrote:

But really, your vision of heaven really, really bothers me. I don't think there should be anything indicating you can die in the afterlife time without your body and soul reforming.

Hmmmm... It seems like you are confusing my ideas for the fictional afterlife of Felarya with any sort of idea for how things actually may possibly work. Please don't do that. I am referring to my ideas for a unique fantasy mythology.

And in any case, how would you explain the massive number of people going to heaven and hell. People tend to die in Felarya a lot. Like in droves. So unless there was a way for the afterlife to drop some people, it would get full fast. That's the point of Menyssan isn't it? She, and others like her are hell's trash compacter. They get rid of old souls that can't give up as much emotion any more.

Moonlight-pendent wrote:
Why? I say it's an intresting twist I mean hell is the same way, least one of the felaryan ones like menyssan who eats souls, they're dying again technicaly butthis time they just cease to being. It's a disturbing though cause it isn't supposed to be a happy one.

Quite right Moony. Of course, there is only one Felaryan hell, it's just divided up into many sub-domains. But you're essentially right. It has a background of grimdark, just like Felarya.

Speaking of grimdark,
Malahite wrote:
I thought Felarya Heaven / Hell were basically where people who didn't have their own relgion's heaven / hell go to? And that, if from another realm with your own religions / pantheon, you went to their afterlife should you die? Or has that since been retconned?

No no. Felarya Heaven / Hell is where you go when you die on Felarya. If you are on the Miratan homeworld, or any other dimension, who knows where you go? But on Felarya, you go to Felaryan Heaven / Hell regardless of your religion. Of course, you must be taken there by a angel or demon psychopomp or else you are trapped on Felarya as a ghost / spirit. But if you are taken by an angel or demon, you are taken to a region of heaven / hell set aside to look like your religion's version of the afterlife. Understand?

Any more questions? I need to have this down myself so I don't want any plot holes.
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Cog in the Machine
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Non-human species in heaven/hell? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 8:59 am

Silent_eric wrote:
But if you are taken by an angel or demon, you are taken to a region of heaven / hell set aside to look like your religion's version of the afterlife. Understand?
Ah, I get it. It's basically an afterlife illusion. Do they keep the people unaware that they're in the wrong afterlife? For instance, if a Great Hero of Legend(tm) was taken from his home realm to Felarya while he was unconscious and dying, and he still keeled over, would he realize "Hey, this isn't the afterlife I was promised!", or would he think "Huh, I would have thought [x] would be here? Ah well, TO THE MEAD HALL!"?

Quote :
Any more questions? I need to have this down myself so I don't want any plot holes.
Since the Angels / Demons can tell which afterlife you'd normally belong to, does this mean they're partially telepathic and read the minds of those who recently died?
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 7:25 pm

This is just me thinking out loud. Take what you will.

If the souls are permanently destroyed when eaten, where do new souls come from? Of course this is only if the law of equality throughout the universe or, in this case, maybe Felarya.

My assumption that is when a soul is "eaten" it is broken up but then reformed into a new soul which can be used for a new being. (Sans memory, of course.) This of course doesn't account for growing populations...

Perhaps that is the reason why the souls are eaten in hell instead of just recycled. Maybe it is the only way to "divide" a soul into multiple new ones...

It is also interesting that an afterlife with "death" is in Felarya of all places.

My personal idea, is that there are never any new souls created from scratch in Felarya. It's laws require that souls be broken up, or need to be eaten to be "trapped" in the Felaryan cycle of life. Thus, in a strange way, the entire world of Felarya is a predator - a predator of souls, who hunts by attracting people with its wonders and immortal soil and feeding through all the many, many people who die.

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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 8:02 pm

Malahite wrote:
Silent_eric wrote:
But if you are taken by an angel or demon, you are taken to a region of heaven / hell set aside to look like your religion's version of the afterlife. Understand?
Ah, I get it. It's basically an afterlife illusion. Do they keep the people unaware that they're in the wrong afterlife? For instance, if a Great Hero of Legend(tm) was taken from his home realm to Felarya while he was unconscious and dying, and he still keeled over, would he realize "Hey, this isn't the afterlife I was promised!", or would he think "Huh, I would have thought [x] would be here? Ah well, TO THE MEAD HALL!"?

Quote :
Any more questions? I need to have this down myself so I don't want any plot holes.
Since the Angels / Demons can tell which afterlife you'd normally belong to, does this mean they're partially telepathic and read the minds of those who recently died?

Well, yeah. To be cynical, this view of Felaryan afterlife means that all the religions are untrue. Or, if they are true at least, Felaryan Heaven and Hell have nothing to do with it. But angels in Heaven can become powerful to the point that they take the names of gods from the mortals religions. And those angels can reshape their domains in Heaven to be the exact replica of those religion's afterlife. So the afore mentioned Great Hero of Legend (tm) who died in Felarya and who was picked up by an angel would arrive in an exact replica of his afterlife. So he would have no real doubts. So yes, this does mean that Angels/demons are adept in mind reading, as well as being able to see whether they are 'positive' or 'negative.' And they are masters of illusion as well. So divination and illusion are their domains they excel at.
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 8:09 pm

Jætte_Troll wrote:
This is just me thinking out loud. Take what you will.

If the souls are permanently destroyed when eaten, where do new souls come from? Of course this is only if the law of equality throughout the universe or, in this case, maybe Felarya.

My assumption that is when a soul is "eaten" it is broken up but then reformed into a new soul which can be used for a new being. (Sans memory, of course.) This of course doesn't account for growing populations...

Perhaps that is the reason why the souls are eaten in hell instead of just recycled. Maybe it is the only way to "divide" a soul into multiple new ones...

It is also interesting that an afterlife with "death" is in Felarya of all places.

My personal idea, is that there are never any new souls created from scratch in Felarya. It's laws require that souls be broken up, or need to be eaten to be "trapped" in the Felaryan cycle of life. Thus, in a strange way, the entire world of Felarya is a predator - a predator of souls, who hunts by attracting people with its wonders and immortal soil and feeding through all the many, many people who die.


Interesting idea. Now, you do bring up a good point. And this goes into just what a soul is. Now, I don't know, and I don't want to try to define it. But essentially, I guess I am saying that souls aren't immortal. I'm not really sure about that. I don't know about that 'soul division thing.'
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 10:42 pm

I'm working on a hypothesis for what a soul is. It's not finished (or else it would be posted), I'm about 25% done.
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PostSubject: Re: Non-human species in heaven/hell?   Non-human species in heaven/hell? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 15, 2009 9:29 pm

I've always been somewhat fond of the idea of "souls" that is similar to the one described in the "Ender's Game" series.

Basically, all souls are composed of numerous indivisible particles ("soul atoms" , if you would). Just one of these particles controls the whole group (in the books, via sub-structures), this is "the person". A soul can gain power by gathering these "soul atoms", even taking them from another soul, but they are indivisible, so "the person" cannot be killed, though they could easily be rendered powerless(or maybe even inert) by simply removing all of the "soul atoms" that they control.
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