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 Assassin of Felarya

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Posts : 1171
Join date : 2008-01-09
Age : 33
Location : Spy checking

Assassin of Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Assassin of Felarya   Assassin of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 3:07 pm

((this is sort of like "you in felarya," but the story is based off of me arriving in Felarya a few years back, or rather, a fictional me.))

Rules: no god-moding, do not kill RPers without consent from the RPer that you want to kill/digest, have fun.

My name is Michael Imparato. I had arrived to the strange world of Felarya only a few years ago, three to be exact. I am now 18 years old. I am an assassin. When I first arrived in Negav, I met a man who made many amazing things. He was an inventor. He helped re-create my ancestor's assassin equipment, including the two hidden blades, modifications to one of the blade gauntlets, and the same outfit that he wore back in Italy during the 1500's. His name was Miguel Lucio Imparato. During the three years I have spent in Negav, I have assassinated different people: People who were crooked, corrupt, and evil. I have never assassinated an innocent, as that is part of the antient Creed that the assassins have always followed.

Assassin of Felarya Assassins-creed-2

Michael walked down the street in Negav, blending in with the crowd. He was stalking his target, who was a thug leader who was localy called "the Bloody Bandit." Michael made his way into the market, and there he found his target. A heavily armed bodygaurd was on his right side. Michael slowly made his way toward the bodyguard, and as he passed him, he quickly slid his hidden poison blade (a modification of the hidden blade) into the bodyguard's back, and continued to walk unnoticed. Suddenly, the bodygaurd seemed dizzy, and was swatting invisible things from his face. Within moments, he unsheathed his sword, and started to swing it wildly. The blade sliced into John's neck, making John fall to the ground violently as blood seeped from the large gash in his throat. If he wasn't dead already, he would soon die of blood loss. The bodygaurd dropped his weapon and fell face first onto the ground, dying as well. The many civilians were shocked, unable to comprehend what they had seen. Michael, however, was long gone, resting on a high rooftop.

Last edited by mikeimp on Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Join date : 2009-11-20

Assassin of Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassin of Felarya   Assassin of Felarya Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 11:11 am

Name: Karian
Age: 8
Sex: Female
Species: Neko
Height: 5ft

Karian has short hair that is bright red and is easily noticable, she wears a white shirt, ontop of that there is a blue jacket with a couple of pockets and black buttons that fasten her jacket. She wears blue trousers and a pair of red and white trainers, beneath those a pair of white socks. Around her neck is a rope, atached on the end is a whistle. Placed right upon her head, is a pair of goggles.

Karian wondered the streets of Negav alone she now carried a bakpack on her back filled with all sorts of medical items she smiled humming happily to herself as she took an apple from a stand as she passed it.
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Join date : 2008-01-09
Age : 33
Location : Spy checking

Assassin of Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassin of Felarya   Assassin of Felarya Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 2:46 pm

Michael was now tracking down his next target. He passd the guards at the gate, and walked into the forest. The target knew that Michael was after him, and that's why he fled into the forest in hopes that Michael would die in the Felaryan wilderness. After fifteen minutes of quietly making his way through the giant fauna, Michael stopped to take a rest.
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PostSubject: Re: Assassin of Felarya   Assassin of Felarya Icon_minitime

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