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 Sora's Story Character Bios

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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Sora's Story Character Bios   Sora's Story Character Bios Icon_minitimeTue Jan 12, 2010 4:51 pm

Okay so recently I've been noodling around with a new character (and a story to go with him of course!) and after about like a few weeks I had created Sora (no he is in no way related to the Kingdom Hearts character). Here is some basic info on him (followed by more advanced info).

EDIT: I've finally redone Sora's bio. Little changes, but for the most part he remains the same.

EDIT II: I've decided to turn this into a collection of character bios for Sora's Story. Yes, that's the best name I could come up with, sue me. Anyways, if you're interested, read it here. I've also made a few tweaks to Sora's bio. More bios to come as they're ready.

Sora: Basic Info

Name: Sora
Age: 14
Species: Neko
Eye Color: Brown
Fur Color: Black
Home: Kinikro Town
Magical Alignment: Wind
Gender: Male


Generally Sora is laid back and calm. He doesn't like violence (possibly a result of the peaceful lifestyle he lives in Kinikro), and usually will try to find alternatives to getting out of situations without violence.

He is also very artistic, often drawing or sketching. He loves to draw and sketch and never leaves his house without a pencil and a supply of paper.

He is very fond of high places, and can frequently be seen sitting on a tree branch.

He is also very carefree, sometimes cracking jokes in serious situations. He is also very good at keeping his calm, but certain thing can manage to cause panicking.

He is witty and clever, often thinking up plans to avoid becoming lunch in a flash.

He also is very tenacious. IE you could break almost ever bone in his body and he would still perservere.

He is very selfless as well, taking blows for friends and sometimes helping out complete strangers.

Sora hates it when people eat sentient beings such as tinies and humans. The latter of which forming from having had human friends growing up as well and the former of which from the way in which he was raised to consider tinies as people instead of prey like other nekos.

He has a fear of being eaten in general, but what he fears most in the world is dridders, having been eaten alive by one as a child.

He also somewhat doubts himself somewhat from time to time, probably because of the fact that he is compared to his father so often since his father is not only the leader of the town, but also as a mage greater than most.

He is also very proud and tends not to take help from others.

Physical Traits

His eyes often resemble those of a human's greatly, however he has the ability to "change his eyes" to be more sensative to light, producing night vision. However, it hurts his eyes to do so, so he only uses it when absolutely necessary.

His claws are also very well developed and fully retractable. However he rarely uses these claws as weapons if ever. He prefers to use them more as tools such as for climbing, and for focusing his magic, although in desperate cases he will resort to using them as weapons.

Also unlike other nekos he is not particularly strong (in fact he's a bit weaker than the average human) but what he lacks in strength, he makes up for with his above average speed and agility as well as his incredible amounts of mana.


Unlike other nekos, Sora absolutely despises the idea of eating sentient beings such as tinies. He also generally prefers fruit over meat, but he does eat duiker and the like every so often.

Sora's Clan

Sora belongs to a clan of neko mages who protect Kiniko Town from predators. Since times long forgotten his clan has existed, and protected the area Kinikro Town is now at. Nobody knows why for sure, but the legends say that a guardian had entrusted them the land and told them to keep it a neutral ground for all races. While nobody knows for sure anymore if this legend has any credibility, they do not question the duties they believe to have been placed upon them.

At the age of 14, when their magical training is complete, members of Sora's clan go into the region around the Great Tree for what one would call a final exam. Their task: to survive for a full ten days in the forest. Sora is about to begin this final exam and though he won't admit it, is quite nervous about it. It is after this final exam that the clan considers a member to be an adult and carry out the duties of protecting Kinikro Town and keeping it neutral.

Sora's Skills

As stated above Sora is clever, fast, agile, and tenacious. However that isn't all he can do. Being part of a clan of neko mages, Sora is a mage himself and has an innate ability of duplication.

While most mages can only use duplication to the point of illusory copies, Sora can make full fledged matter copies of himself to do his bidding at the snap of his fingers, although he can whistle to create an army of them. He uses them in just about every way: confusion, progression, and in the very rare cases where it is absolutely required, battle.

He can use them as platforms (jumping from one to another all the way to a safe altitude), bridges, and to distract predators.

He is also a decent caster of lightning, and fire magic but rarely will he use these skills for anything more than survival (such as distracting predators and lighting camp fires) as he is unfamiliar with them. He also has innate ability for wind magic and is even aligned with it. He uses it to magnify his abilities and occasionally to distract predators among other things.

Unlike mages with proper more official training, Sora doesn't use magic words to activate his spells, instead he simply converts his raw mana into the element of his choice and uses that element in a variety of ways.

He also doesn't use the mana around him in order to perform magic, as he has never quite grasped the concept, but instead uses the mana that his body naturally generates in order to perform magic.


Sora is a fourteen year old neko born into a clan of neko mages who watch over Kinikro Town in western Felarya (on the eastern border of the Fairy Kingdom).

When Sora was merely five years old, the town was attacked by a dridder without many people even knowing it. She snuck in using magic to conceal herself and scooped him up and away from the town. After that she left, where she coccooned him and ate him, only to have her meal warped out of her belly by his father, a dimensional mage, and then warped far away.

When Sora was seven, his training as a mage began when he was taught by his father. His father saw in him the potential of a dimensional mage, and began to train him. However, Sora never could get past even the most basic of dimensional spells, and his training eventually ceased in lieu of other types of magic that he may potentially have learned, taking on different mentors for each element he tried until he eventually figured out that he was capable of lightning, fire, and wind magic.

When Sora was twelve, naga had attacked the town. In the panic to flee, Sora had been cornered by the hungry predator until his mother, an amazing healing mage, had attempted to save him and ultimately ended up sacrificing herself due to the fact that his father had accidentally left them behind in his haste to evacuate the town. However, in the nick of time, Sora was saved, but his mother was already dead by the time he had arrived. Sora had blamed himself for his mother's death, and eventually ran away from home in an attempt to exact revenge on the naga who had caused it. He was brought back to the village by his father and then punished for attempting to do such a foolish thing.

At the age of fourteen, his training in the magical arts was finally done and he set out into forest, via his Dad's dimensional magic, to test his skills. Little did he know that his life would be put on the line countless times only to come home to find a shocking and horrible sight...

Last edited by SuperPieGuy9 on Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:34 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Mara's snack

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Sora's Story Character Bios Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sora's Story Character Bios   Sora's Story Character Bios Icon_minitimeWed Jan 13, 2010 12:48 am

I thank you for making him weak actually. Of course normally, a 14 year old would be weak, in consideration to people that are in their 20s, but it's nice. So far i've only read the physical traits section, i'll read the rest when i have more time. The impression you gave me just from that section implies the thought you put into his creation.

Just remember, the younger the character, the weaker he/she is!
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Sora's Story Character Bios   Sora's Story Character Bios Icon_minitimeWed Jan 13, 2010 12:58 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
I thank you for making him weak actually. Of course normally, a 14 year old would be weak, in consideration to people that are in their 20s, but it's nice. So far i've only read the physical traits section, i'll read the rest when i have more time. The impression you gave me just from that section implies the thought you put into his creation.

Just remember, the younger the character, the weaker he/she is!

Well thanks for the compliments. I did put a lot of time into Sora's creation. Or at least a lot of time in comparison to other characters I've created. Also, expect to see him in a story soon.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Sora's Story Character Bios   Sora's Story Character Bios Icon_minitimeWed Jan 13, 2010 11:47 pm

well there's warnings in there too. I try not to put too much criticism in my reviews, because then it shys people away from creating things. of course sometimes i still critisize more than i should.
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