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 Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-

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Veteran knight
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 11:32 am

This is just some random ideas for small critters of felarya~^^; Someone in the chat thing on the forum said sea star and I just started getting ideas.. xD Ideas? Thoughts?

Sea Star-Flora-
A star shaped critter that swims around the top parts of water. They live off of solar energy, minerals in the water, and water. They are bad swimmers and if caught have a taste mixed between seaweed and water. They look jelly like in coloration and texture of the skin, and come in many colors. There are even ones with multiple colors! They can feel from the currents where things are, but if the water is still then they can't tell what is where until the bump in to it.

Sky Star-Flora-
Evolved from the sea star. It's star shaped and has a semi translucent body. It's skin is like bark, and might very well be bark. They come in all sorts of colors, and when they are in season to seed they grow tiny flowers all over. They use some sort of wind magic for basic movement, flying around trees, mountains, or anything in the sky. They only rest when they need water, floating on top of water until it has what it needs. They have been known to violently run in to things when flying, and they use the winds movements to have a vague understanding where everything is. They taste like tomato and spicy pepper together, with a semi thick texture. The more you cook them the more spicy their flavor gets. They get their energy from the water they drink, solar energy, and the wind.

Soil Star-Flora-
Evolved from the sea star. They look covered in bark in forest areas. In mountains they have a rock like skin. In snowy areas they have a white soft bark like texture that resembles snow. Their color they are usually taken from the area they sprouted in, same with their outer covers texture. They come from seeds and grow from the ground. When they mature in to adults they brake from their roots. No longer having roots they start to slowly crawl around. They can crawl on nearly every surface in any direction- even crawl on the bottom side of a rock on a cliff! Their flavoring is different for each area they are in though usually the flavor resembles a thickened berry flavor of sort, besides the ones seeded in to swamps that have a flavor resembling the sea stars they evolved from. Seeds are made by them breaking off a piece of one of their limbs. It changes in to a seed that can one day grow in to a soil star itself.

Last edited by nightgolem on Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 10:39 pm

I dunno, I don't really see where this fits, sorry. ^^;

It seems strange to me that the Sea Star Flora suddenly tastes like beef when cooked, that's generally not how cooking something works.

How do the Sky Star Flora get their energy? You didn't mention leaves or anything.

The Soil Star Flora also seems kinda weird to me. Why would it be poorly camouflaged in a tropical environment (looking like a jelly), but in other climates look like their surroundings (and thus be well camouflaged). And why do they taste like berries? It was a nice touch though, to make the soil stars that live in swamps tasted like the sea stars.

To be honest, it seems to me that these creatures serve no other purpose than to fly around and be tasty; floating flavor creatures for things to catch and add to their diets.
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Veteran knight
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 10:47 pm

Aahh, I just thought they where a cute idea and the thought of running in to a cute moving star was.. cute XD

The sky star gets its energy from the sun, and probably the wind too.

Good point about the soil star. Any suggestions for how it should look in a tropical climate?

And honestly their point is to move about, crawl, swim, or fly in to people, be cute, and edible. I just thought it was a cute idea and it was something to add to a felaryan diet that wasn't sentient.

Well flavor can change a lot when you cook something but your right it wouldn't be that drastic, though I just thought seaweed didn't sound that yummy xD
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 3:34 pm

nightgolem wrote:
Good point about the soil star. Any suggestions for how it should look in a tropical climate?

Probably depends on where in the tropical climate they live. If they live on jungle floors, I would expect them to look like leafy detritus (IE: dead leaves).

nightgolem wrote:
...I just thought seaweed didn't sound that yummy xD
You should go to the local international market and try some of the various seaweed products there, some are quite good.
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 3:50 pm

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
To be honest, it seems to me that these creatures serve no other purpose than to fly around and be tasty; floating flavor creatures for things to catch and add to their diets.
Take out the "fly" and "floating" and replace with "run" and "bipedal" and you'd describe humans in many stories. Laughing
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Veteran knight
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 5:50 pm

Oldman- made a few small changes to them~

Timing- That's just amusing XD
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 5:53 pm

I thought Sea Stars were animals, hence them being fauna instead of flora, unless there's a line I skipped x.x
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Veteran knight
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 5:59 pm

Stea stars where always labeled as flora ^^;
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 6:02 pm

Ah, my apologies, I thought they were like Starfish. They do seem rather animallike though
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Veteran knight
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 6:35 pm

Some flora are animal like in felarya anyway so its not that much of a change XD

Though no, they aren't starfish~
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 6:37 pm

Alright, sorry for putting my foot in my mouth x.x
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Veteran knight
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 8:32 pm

its all good x3
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Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star-   Random flora ideas? sea star, sky star, soil star- Icon_minitime

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