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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 28, 2011 8:31 pm

Hehe, you were a help at least in making it all much clearer. My original entry was long-winded and had lots of pointless things.

Now... some moar ideas.

Quiala Tribe

The Quiala are a tribe of elves that can be found in the Elifga Valley and, to a lesser degree, in the Direwind Hills and other areas of the Myrodia Coast. They are usually dark haired and their most noticeable feature is their striking violet eyes. The Quiala tribe comprises both human-sized and giant elves - the giant elves work as servants to the smaller ones, mostly in the form of protectors against larger predators. The Quiala are the descendants of elvish soldiers who maintained outposts and Garrisons on the further, more wild areas of the Elvish Empire, defending against threats from the North West like Jotun. Thus, they tend to be tougher and more militaristic than other groups. They build more defensive stonework and houses than other tribes as well. Another common trait amongst them is a predilection for being skilled at electrical magic. They use this to provide power to magical defenses in their communities or in direct attacks against their enemies, as well as more domestic uses. It has been suggested that this magical talent was specifically and perhaps artificially bred into the tribe, to help them defend against the predators in their area - most noticeably, Jotun are resistant to many attacks, but can be damaged by electricity. The Quiala live in self-reliant, scattered communities, having no central town - if one village is destroyed, the others are not affected. Though their defensive nature makes them wary of outsiders, the Quiala have begun to open to the idea of trade, encouraging caravans and merchants to ply their area with the promise of protection.

The Negav Baths

The Baths of Negav are housed in a large, tall building that straddles the Higher and Middle Tiers. It is noted for its beautiful stonework, on both the exterior and large interior chamber. Inside are a multitude of pools, of varying temperatures and sizes, where Negavians can pay to come to relax. Large windows and skylights give the place an open atmosphere. The most impressive part of the building is the Waterfall - it tumbles from the Upper Baths, where the wealthier Negavians frequent, down into the lower pools, making a jaw-dropping centerpiece.

Negav Legend - Airis

For many nekos, Negav has the lure of the big city, but fails to deliver on its promises of wealth. Many nekos cannot afford the prices there (and are often discriminated against by racist landlords) - they end up in the lesser areas of the city, or head to Nekomura with the hope of finding sympathy amidst their kind. Some nekos, bitter with Negav, turn to crime - their agile reflexes and natural dexterity and quiet makes them adept "cat burglars", as it was. Some are successful, but more often than not they get too cocky and the authorities, with the aid of magical security, (or species "Neko-Hunter" Inu tracker squads) manages to catch them. The life of the burglar usually ends in shame. But there is one exception to this. There is one burglar who makes all the others look like foolish children. Airis, the Great Neko Burglar, has plagued the city for years and has never been caught. And she is hardly a subtle thief - she delights in announcing what she will steal and no amount of security can stop her. Her robberies are rare - she steal not out of want, but for amusement and only the most delectable prizes can interest her. It is also said that any profit she does make from her crimes she distributes among the poorer nekos of the city - to them she is a folk hero of legendary proportions. No matter how many Investigators go after her, no matter what magical securities are invented, no matter how large a bounty is put on her head, the valuables she says will disappear always do, with only a snide note left in its place.

Blackgale Pass

Blackgale Pass is a large gap in the Tobol Mountains, between the Direwind Hills and the Evernight Forest. It is a steep gap and very difficult to traverse - the winds from the Direwind Hills blast down here to shake the trees of the Evernight. The winds here are strong enough to toss any small being trying to ascend back into the forest below and even larger creatures have trouble climbing up. What is most interesting here is the series of watchtowers - though they are very weathered they seem to be holding firm in spite of the wind. Historians who have glimpsed them identify them as similar to the architecture of the Tenebra Maze. Each tower houses a peculiar crystal that glows brightly in the night. Inside, they provide a rare safe haven, if one can reach them.

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 28, 2011 9:16 pm

My vision of Negav is definately changing. I had always imagined a crime ridden city with soldiers patroling the streets in place of cops. Nice.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2011 10:48 am

Ah yes, all of your ideas have really livened up Negav and have given me a much better idea of what to expect when I write there again o: And a literal cat-burglar O:

And the bathouses, are they mixed gender, or do men and women bathe separately?
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2011 2:32 pm

haha when I read the bath idea I immediately though of Telekline ^^
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2011 2:50 pm

If I had to guess I'd say the central baths are mixed gender. I doubt Negavians have the American terror of nudity. D:

But if someone like Telekline were to go into a communal bath I'd guess he'd last about ten seconds before being kicked out.

There would likely be smaller private pools for those that could afford them.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 30, 2011 4:45 am

I added the hell chess, the neko's tail, the drunken chilotaur, the citroise smoothie stands and Pileuda's Fried Glouteux. Those are nice ideas, well described and that integrate well in Negav ^^ As always please tell me if you agree with the dislaimer ?
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 30, 2011 10:12 am

Hehe, sure.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2011 9:10 pm

Jaderoc Island

Jaderoc is a rocky, fairly small island out in the Topazial Sea. It is covered in deep green vegetation, which sits on top of the imposing cliffs that surround it. Around much of it sharp rocks jut out of the sea. There is one safe bay on the Island sheltered from storms. It is in this cove, surrounded by towering rocks, that lies Port Predation, the largest hive of pirates on Felarya, who shelter from predators here. Port Predation is a small, but densely populated town with no law, ruled by the strong. Besides its important strategic structure, Jaderoc Island is also important as the source of the rare Sea Jade - a mineral that releases vibrations when placed in water, which have an odd affect of placating the hunger and anger of the dangerous denizens of the deep. From Port Predation. various imfamous pirate crew go out to raid isolated coastal settlements and, if they're lucky, other hapless ships. Many pirates enter into deals with local predators - the predators leave them alone and scout for them and the pirates will attack ships normally too difficult for the predators to assail, the pirates taking the loot and forcing the crew they don't take as slaves overboard to the waiting predators.

Minor Race - Bovans (name?)

The Bovans are a humanoid Bovine species that originate from the west, beyond Lamina, being common in the city of Kelerm. They are marked by horns on their head, which are smaller in females, and cowlike tails and ears. Bovans have a unique dichotomy between their two sexes which in many ways define their culture.

Male Bovans, or "Bulls" are solitary, aggressive, grim, conservative and generally xenophobic. They are also thoroughly entrenched in ideas of honour. Duels between Male Bovans are common, the losers becoming slaves to the victors. Thus Male Bovan society is a constant battle to get a higher position. Male Bovans of lower ranks are forbidden from taking mates. Because they are so caught up in these struggles, and are not very interested in travel, Male Bovans are rarely seen in Central Felarya. If their homes are threatened, the Male Bovans will unite to combat the threat. Most are peerless warriosr, but have little interest outside of war, politics and labour.

Female Bovans, often called "Cowgirls" by other species, are very different. They are friendly, gregarious, curious and enjoy working with others and making friends. They are inventive and enjoy travel, wandering in groups, which are a common sight in the Ivokan Savannah, often braving even the Akaptor Desert to explore the Great Rocky Fields. Though the jungle is unfamiliar terrain to them, a few of the bravest, or most foolish, even attempt to explore that new frontier, some of the most skilled groups even reaching Negav. Female Bovans that do return to Kelerm and their homelands bring the knowledge and information they learned while abroad, using these to help develop and refine their homeland and culture through learned science, philosophy and art. Those that have become separated from their traveling group, however, often easily integrate themselves into different cultures.

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Wed May 25, 2011 1:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 11:05 pm

Huh, looks like those two were duds. Neutral

Old Negav

This area of the Negav Underground was recently discovered while digging a new section for housing. It is a large cavern located deep below Negav that is filled with many old structures, that date back before the Great Destruction. The buildings are made in the old Neko style and many old artifacts from the time of Neko-run Negav can be found there. Treasure hunters and curious nekos are already flocking here, while the Archeological Society desperately tries to get the area cordoned off so that they can do a proper investigation of it.

Legend - The Reflection

The Reflection is one of the oldest entities to haunt Felarya. It is said to be as old as the first Guardians, if not older. Some say it was a Guardian driven mad by the correctors. The Elves at least knew of it and tried to appease it. The Reflection lives in the spaces beyond mirrors. It takes the form of those watching it, acting as a perfect mirror image... until it begins to operate independently. And when it smiles it is quite clear it is in no way a mortal entity. But very few who have seen that have escaped to report upon it.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2011 6:16 am

*sniff sniff* Is that a Futurama reference that I am smelling? And the reflection sounds like good material to instill paranoia.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 12:45 am

The Civic Senate of Negav

Though the Magiocrats have total power in Negav, they are often not interested or too busy to deal with the actual laws and regulations of Negav. As well, even though the Magiocrats still have the vital card that is the Isolon Eye, Negavians do not take kindly to too much intrusion into their lives.

The Civic Senate was developed as a political body to handle matters of the city. The Senate is held in the Marble Hall, in the Higher Tier. Representatives of various groups and factions own various amounts of seats in the Senate and issues relating to the city are discussed and voted upon. The members who represent the groups are chosen by those groups themselves. The Magiocrats themselves though do have power over which groups have how many seats. The Vishmitals have the vast majority of the seats. Other groups, such as the Adventurer's Guild, the Merchant's Union, The Negav Police, etc. have varying number of seats. Less important groups have less - the Othemites have only managed to get one seat on the senate due to pressure by Othemite citizens and are constantly being threatened with having even that revoked if their representative doesn't stop calling other senate members heretics. There are also a few wealthy Negavians getting seats in exchange for large donations to the Magiocrats, though this is frowned upon. The Magiocrats themselves actually have fairly few seats and voting power, but their main representative does have the power to veto decisions that they feel are not beneficial. This veto is resented, but is often known as the "Isolon Vote" - a representation of the true power the Magiocrats wield due to the Eye. Thus, the Senate deals with minor issues itself and can raise larger issues to the Magiocrats, but is not guarenteed of having them addressed.

The Healer's Guild

The Healer's Guild is a fairly expansive faction within Negav. It arose in the aftermath of the Great Destruction, organized by the Magiocrats, as a way to force healers of all races to treat any patient of any race. Today it encompasses an eclectic mix of doctors, healers and medicine men. The Guild is unique in that it deals with ailments both mundane and magical at its various stations throughout Negav, and in its surrounding areas. The Guild is noted for its neutrality and trustworthiness, treating everyone equally. Today it gets most of its resources from charitable wealthy Negavians, and its charter as the official Healer's Guild from the Magiocrats.

Legend - Teskance's Fifty Daughters

In the last decades of the Dridder Empire, their science advanced at a prodigious rate. The most ingenious engineers were only beginning to discover the marvels that they could make possible. Teskance, however, was an inventor ahead of his time. Mixing magic, art and science he made many fabulous wonders, which even today few can understand how he made them work. His beautiful works were purchased for high prices by noble dridders and owning even one was a mark of extreme influence.

His greatest dream, however, was the creation of life. And, only a few years before the End of the Empire, he perfected his secret method. He created a construct with the appearance of a fair dridder maiden, with flawless porcelain features, an elegant brass body and a heart of magic and clockwerk. And she, astonishingly, seemed to have intelligence and wit. After this first one, came more - they were not allowed to be sold but all drafted by Queen Sineria to do various works based on their various designs - some for entertainment, others for work, others for fighting. It is said that the last "daughter" created was made on the very eve of Supprozad's Destruction. Teskance himself did not survive the destruction of his city and in the confusion, accounts of his daughters were lost. It is said that after he died, all the daughters lost the spark of life within them.

Since then, Teskance's Daughters have been the Holy Grails of archaeologists studying the Dridder Empire. Only four have made their ways to Negav. Three are owned by wealthy magiocrats as pretty statues, and the fourth is owned by the Felaryan Archeological Society who are attempting to crack its secrets and make it live again. Reports come in of dridders living in Supprozad owning a few. There is an account of a regressed, primitive dridder tribe worshiping one as an idol. Those who were outside of the city on military duty occasionally start their own rumours - an adventurers claims to have found one but lost it dragging it through the Great Marshes. The rest are assumed buried below Supprozad or scattered around Felarya, priceless treasures waiting to be found.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 9:28 am

Jætte_Troll wrote:

Legend - Teskance's Fifty Daughters

In the last decades of the Dridder Empire, their science advanced at a prodigious rate. The most ingenious engineers were only beginning to discover the marvels that they could make possible. Teskance, however, was an inventor ahead of his time. Mixing magic, art and science he made many fabulous wonders, which even today few can understand how he made them work. His beautiful works were purchased for high prices by noble dridders and owning even one was a mark of extreme influence.

His greatest dream, however, was the creation of life. And, only a few years before the End of the Empire, he perfected his secret method. He created a construct with the appearance of a fair dridder maiden, with flawless porcelain features, an elegant brass body and a heart of magic and clockwerk. And she, astonishingly, seemed to have intelligence and wit. After this first one, came more - they were not allowed to be sold but all drafted by Queen Sineria to do various works based on their various designs - some for entertainment, others for work, others for fighting. It is said that the last "daughter" created was made on the very eve of Supprozad's Destruction. Teskance himself did not survive the destruction of his city and in the confusion, accounts of his daughters were lost. It is said that after he died, all the daughters lost the spark of life within them.

Since then, Teskance's Daughters have been the Holy Grails of archaeologists studying the Dridder Empire. Only four have made their ways to Negav. Three are owned by wealthy magiocrats as pretty statues, and the fourth is owned by the Felaryan Archeological Society who are attempting to crack its secrets and make it live again. Reports come in of dridders living in Supprozad owning a few. There is an account of a regressed, primitive dridder tribe worshiping one as an idol. Those who were outside of the city on military duty occasionally start their own rumours - an adventurers claims to have found one but lost it dragging it through the Great Marshes. The rest are assumed buried below Supprozad or scattered around Felarya, priceless treasures waiting to be found.


Sounds pretty neat. I imagine the amount of work it must take to make a mechanical dridder be able to walk, let alone anything else, must be staggering O: Eight legs to animate... Eep

The other ideas sound pretty neat. I never would've thought of a Senate o: And the Healer's Guild sounds nice :3 Sounds like a Negavian who gets injured would have an easy way of getting medical care quickly and easily.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 9:47 am

I'm going to add the bath and also your description of the Arena, though I will change it quite a bit and merge it with my own if that' ok with you ?
As always do you agree with the disclaimer ?
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 9:51 am

Of course. The Arena idea was really stolen from you anyways. sweatdrop

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Black Aquila
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 11:06 am

...Why do I get the feeling that the Healers Guild is lead by a woman by the name of Retsu Unohana?
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 4:50 pm

Mepha Leeches

Mepha Leeches are a curious creature that can be found in ponds and lakes across Felarya. They resemble regular leeches, though do come in a wider variety of darker colours, general green, blue or purple. They tend to be much a bit larger than regular leeches as well. Mepha leeches attach themselves to larger animals to siphon blood, like regular leeches. What makes them unique is that they, strangely, also siphon any magical effects that are on the animal (or person) that they are attached to, beneficial or harmful. Even odder, while these creature could easily be killed by stepping on them, any direct magical attack has no effect on them - the Leeches absorb as much of the magic as they can and the rest seems to wash harmlessly over them. The leeches slowly break down whatever magic effect they take in, eventually expelling it in a pure magic form.

Neko healers have long learned that a good number of Mepha Leeches can help alleviate the worst effects of a negative magical effect on someone, and even remove minor curses and hexes. Mepha Leeches are surprisingly fairly easy to tame, being smarter than their appearance would suggest, but also being fairly docile. There are still today many "Leechwives" who specialize in aiding those afflicted with "bad magiks". A last, curious rumour about the leeches is that a leech can be coaxed into expelling a magical effect it "consumed" in a directed blast. It's whispered a few people have learned to use the leeches as a weapon in this way, absorbing magical effects and then redirecting them.

Deep Sprites

Deep Sprites are a subset of fairies that lives under the surface of Felarya, in caves, tunnels and even larger areas like the Luminous Hallows. Deep Sprites are similar to their above-ground cousins in many ways, but have some noticeable differences. They are very pale compared to other fairies and their eyes are always dark. They only have one pair of large wings, as opposed to the two pairs many fairies have. They have antennae that seem to provide an extra sense underground, as well as long, pointed ears. One major difference is that Deep Sprites are unable to grow above human size. (Which, living in smaller spaces, they likely wouldn't want to do anyways.) They still have the full range of fairy shrinking magic, however. They are omnivores and will eat nearly anything - very little is safe from them if they can shrink it. One common cultural trait is that Deep Sprites seem to enjoy singing - their songs are known for being beautiful, if a little haunting and creepy, especially underground. These songs echo in strange ways and it is difficult to tell where it is coming from - unless you are another Deep Sprite. Some think the songs are meant to confuse prey, or to throw off hunting predators. Others think that it is a way for Deep Sprites to keep in contact with each other over longer distances. Still others theorize that listening to the rebounding sounds can help the Deep Sprites better navigate underground. Besides whatever practical purpose(s) the singing has, it is also an important cultural marker for Deep Sprites. Many Deep Sprites live in small groups, or even alone, but when they encounter other groups, will often engage in a ritualized sharing of song, to share experiences and common tales. Deep Sprites generally have a decent, if not remarkable magical talent. A few, however, exhibit great skill in either Darkness or Earth elemental magic. Magically talented Deep Sprites often become leaders of a sort, attracting followers who want the protection of a powerful mage.

Location - Deeper Felarya - The Ruins of Restalen

Located in deeper Felarya, the city of Restalen was the Capital of the Elven Empire. The city was founded by conquering Elves from the Oloonde Lakeland. It was built in Deeper Felarya so the thick foliage would protect against Predators. Restalen was originally conceived and mostly built as a tree city - Elven Tree Changers turned the great trees here into living spaces and homes, some intertwining into massive buildings and palaces.

Since hte Elven Empire has been gone for millennia, all the trees from then have either died, or grown on without guidance and it is difficult to see where these majestic buildings once stood. However, later in the Elven Empire, some stonework was put into Restalen, mostly in the form of statues and religious shrines. These were placed throughout the city and many survive, crumbling and abandoned to this day. This makes the Ruins of Restalen a very strange place for those who do not know its history - it seems to be a section of Deeper Felarya where statues, obelisks and other stone monuments are just scattered and placed at random. The original beautiful tree city is gone, along with any meaning these statues played in the city as a whole. However, this place can be identified because many of the trees, at least those that survived, look a little strange - perhaps strangely misshapen or bent. This is the result of them having been shaped and then abandoned. All in all, with the random scattered statues and odd trees, this is an unsettling place. However, it is rumoured that a few very powerful Elven artifacts can be found scattered around the ground, locked away in the shrines, or even encased in the trees. The most popular rumour is of the Vault of Restalen - the story that right before the fall of Restalen, a few Elven scholars sealed away their most extensive tomes of knowledge and most important artifacts in an underground Vault in Restalen, hidden from the world. Many are unsure of its existence... but many dream of the power and riches that would go to whoever found it. Since it is in the dangerous Deeper Felarya and has no large noticeable ruins, Restalen is very difficult to find and most expeditions (those that survive Deeper Felarya anyways) are forced to return empty handed, never finding the lonely statues of Restalen. Those few who have found Restalen, nearly always recall finding it entirely by accident, suddenly stepping into a statue filled grove with slightly strange trees.

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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 11:00 am

That description of the Restalen ruins is really nice. It's a great idea to use the shaping as a way to have them trees grow uncontrollably . That makes for a pretty eerie and unique zone ^^
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