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PostSubject: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 2:17 am

Well, I don't want to keep making new topics over and over... this is for ideas currently being worked upon, with more being added later.

Malyra Fen Species and Fauna


Terrazans are believed to be an ancestral version of the Felaryan Harpy - many postulate that the Sledgewyvers are the "link" between the two species. Terrazans have a similar body structure to harpies, however they have a very different physiology. Whereas harpies have feathered wings resembling those of birds, Terrazans have large leathery wings. Terrazan wings are formed by membranes of skin and other tissues. These wings extend to a point, which is actually one of the Terrazans "fingers". They wings also attach down the sides of the Terrazans body to about the hip. This means they can fold up their wings to serve as cloaks. Their legs are reptilian as well, down to the scaly clawed feet. Terrazans are also known for having a variety of scale, skin and hair colours.

Terrazans are proud, individualistic creatures. While they do get along well with other Terrazans, they general prefer to live and hunt alone. However, couples or groups of Terrazans are not unheard of. Terrazans tend to be friendly, but can also be quick to anger. They are, as mentioned, quite proud and will not hesitate to attack someone they feel has threatened them. They are pragmatic hunters, eating anything to sustain themselves, including humans, but not enjoying toying with their prey. If needed, they will take down and eat larger prey.

Terrazans live mainly on the cliffs of the islands of the Malyra Fen. While they are an airborne creature, they are actually most closely attuned to the element of earth. After laying their eggs, they bury them in the ground - the "flapling" burrows it's way out of the ground on it's own. Terrazans are also able to "earth-meld" - A Terrazan could dive straight towards the ground, but instead of crashing, slip into and merge with the earth as easily as diving into water.

As a defensive measure, Terrazans can also turn their outer bodies to rock. During this stage, they regenerate quickly within their rocky shell. Many adventurers have been puzzled by running into intimidating looking "statues" perched in inaccessible locations.

Titan Hawks

Titan Hawks are a rare creature, but breathtakingly impressive. They are a massive bird that appears to be made of gleaming metals, chiseled marble and beauteous feathers. They are said to have been creatures of the ancient Titans, being designed by Alcazath himself to be defenders of Felarya. Most of them were killed during the Titan uprising, but, for whatever reason, they still exist over these forgotten lands. They soar majestically in seemingly meaningless routes, as if waiting for a command that will never arrive.

While very fearsome looking, they are fairly harmless. They would barely notice a human and seem not to mind predators as long as they don't get too close. Many predators like them, as their diet seems to consist mostly of a species of flying squid that lives over the Fen.

Bloodback Apes

A massive gorilla like creature, with six muscular arms and with black fur marked by a distinctive crimson splash down it's back. They are believed to perhaps be some sort of relative or originator to the bloodclaw apes. They are usually a good head taller than most predators and have sharp teeth and claws. They hunt alone are not rabid, swarming devourers, but cunning and bloodthirsty predators who can move disturbingly quietly for a creature of their size.

Imoreith Tundra Species and Fauna


-Rangitaurs are a subset of centaur that live in the cold frozen plains of the north. Their lower halves are like a deer's, but with thicker grey or brown fur better at insulating themselves. They also have a bit more evolved hooves than a regular centaur. The hooves can change their hardness, consistency and even shape to some degree. For traveling on wet tundra or loose snow they spread out to give better traction. When climbing on ice they harden and sharpen, allowing for a better grip.

The top, human half is similar to other predators, but generally paler. Rangitaurs also tend to have longer fairer hair and lighter coloured eyes. Both sexes of the species have antlers on their heads. Their bodies are adapted to the cold. They can go with no clothes but be comfortable.

-Rangitaurs are a nomadic species. They carry whatever tools or belongings they need to survive the cold with them across the frozen wastes. They tend to be peaceful unless provoked. They will eat humans, but are not as voracious as others, adapting to a diet with less humans in a place where not many humans dwell. They eat whatever plant or animal like they can find. They have developed tools that let them cut through the ice to reach bugs, fish and plants frozen beneath.

-Rangitaurs have an interesting affinity for air magic. They use this in a variety of ways. They often use it to blow up clouds of snow, to escape enemies or for confusing prey. They can also heat up amounts of air - in really cold temperature they can heat the air that they inhale, warming them from the inside.

Sorekonoms - (Maybe name change...)

Sorekonoms are often called the "mermaids of the north". Tell this to their faces and they will probably eat you. Sorekonoms appear to be mermaids in most respects except that their lower half in mammalians, not fish-like and scaled. Their lower half is usually white to light brown, sometimes with mottled brown spots. All Sorekonoms are easily distinguished by the spiraling horn on their foreheads, which is larger on males than on females.

The Sorekonoms are a proud, isolationist and warlike race who have adapted to harsh waters. Their diet includes pretty much anything they can get - so you're on the menu. Even if a Sorekonom is not hungry, you are not safe - it will likely just take you to a stash and save you for later, usually a cave on an isolated island or iceflow. Food is so scare in the north they will do anything to make sure that starvation is kept a remote possibility - no piece of food is wasted. You have to do something very remarkable to win any sort of friendship from this species. Even to their friends, they are quiet and reserved.

The North Seas are areas of horrific dangers. Many strange creatures live in the dark frigid waters, many that would drive someone insane just to sea them. The Sorekonoms tend to live in groups of about ten or so in the shallower waters, but are never truly safe from what lies below. Thus, they have become a race very adept at war. They fashion armour from particular hard shelled crabs and clams. They take the teeth of fearsome cold water sharks and use them to make spears. A group of armed Sorekonoms is not something to take lightly.

Although they are a danger to humans, many people have been inadvertently saved by one while traveling in the north. They believe it is their noble duty to keep the seas and shores cleared of the most dangerous beasts. Many a person has seen a fearsome creature advancing only to be impaled by a Sorekonom spear.

As a note, if you are suicidal, one surefire way to die is to call a Sorekonom a mermaid. They absolutely HATE being mistaken for fish. In fact, many smaller mermaids are part of the Sorekonom's diet.

One way you could possibly escape being a snack is, unlike with other predators, to play dead. Sorekonoms have a more than healthy respect for the dead - they only eat live prey, believing it to be terribly bad luck to eat dead prey. A Sorekonom will hunt a living prey with all their might, but may even place a stone as a marker to a dead one. They take even more care of their own dead, having elaborate funeral processions to appease the ghosts.

Woe Ravens

The Woe Ravens are a massive predatory bird that hunts over the Imoreith Tundra. They resemble a smaller bird known as a "Raven" which is common in the Elfiga Valley and Direwind Hills. The Woe Ravens, however, are much, much bigger, dwarfing even most predator species - for comparison, a predator like a giantess or Jotun could easily use one as a mount, if they can tame it.

The Woe Ravens are different from regular ravens in that they have no sight - their eyes are unnerving white orbs. They thus hunt using their voices - they can use echolocation like bats. However, their voice is also used to terrify prey - it's sound is incredibly chilling and haunting and can make even brave warriors freeze long enough for the Raven to grab them. The Woe Raven will even eat tiny humans, though it prefers larger prey - it is a scavenger and will really eat anything. For some reason, the raven's cry is unaffected by the strange sound phenomenon that affects the tundra - inversely, it makes absolutely no noise flying and can get very close before unleashing it's sonic attack.

The only people who seem able to withstand the cry of the Ravens are the Jotun - they claim they just have tougher eardrums, though they admit they find the cry very melancholy. The Jotun believe the Ravens are reincarnated souls of those who died with business unfinished and their call is one of frustration and loss. Jotun occasionally tame and ride a Woe Raven, but this is only done in times of dire need - the Jotuns prefer to give the birds room and respect.



"Amazons" is the laymans term for the "Sha'Letara", a cult of warrior women dedicated to eliminating predators across Felarya. Though a relatively small group, they are organized and effective and, contrary to their savage image, make good use of resources, including within Negav.

The "Amazon" tradition dates back to an ancient Elven city, located somewhere near the mouth of the Jewel River. This city was prosperous, but such prosperity attracted the attentions of predators. The king of this city took all the men to fight a crusade against the predators - although effective at first, this was doomed to failure. The vengeful predators descended upon the city, slaying any man remaining and imprisoning the women as punishment for the violence. This was until Letara, an exceptional warrior, led a group of the willing in an escape. What became of those left behind is unknown, but the group that left became known as the Sha'Letara. They swore an endless campaign of vengeance, one for every victim of predators.

The group still exists today as the Amazons, with members of all races. It is a small group, recruiting intermittently. Most new members are orphans of predator attacks in the wild or the poor and hopeless from Negav. All fighters are women, although men are allowed to work as support. (Or are often seduced and duped into giving aid.)

The Amazons prefer to hunt smart, in small squadrons. They make use of bolt action Amazon rifles, spears and magic but their most distinguished weapon is the bow - the mark of an Amazon is the Three Arrow Tattoo. Their tactics are whatever is necessary to win - often they will use others as bait to lure predators into traps. They often commandeer villages in the jungle for aid, which usually only riles up predators against the villages.

The group is subject to a number of conspiracy rumours, relating to their dealings with the upper levels of Negavian society. Some say that the Amazon leader is based in Negav. Others say the group will pay exorbitant sums if you bring them the wings of a fairy, the reason for this being unknown.

Areas and sub-areas

Carmine Canyon - (Sub-zone to Imoreith Tundra)

Carmine Canyon is a geographical feature located between Elifga Valley and the Direwind Hills, in which lies a river also named the Carmine. It flows from the mountains at the western edge of the Evernight Forest down to the Shimmering sea, running directly east to west. The Canyon and river are renowned for many things. Firstly, the Canyon is very deep, there being a massive drop from the top to bottom. The Canyon continues to get deeper as it runs, giving it a steep gradient. The river is also one of the fastest running in Felarya due to this slope and taking a boat on it, unless very well prepared, is considered suicidal. The Canyon itself is known for having a distinctive, deep red colour which is quite striking and beautiful, contrasting with the white foam and mist raised by the river and the blue sky seen above.

Carmine Canyon also happens to be a very rich ore deposit. Many minerals are buried deep in the area - the erosion from the river has left many of them accessible from the Canyon walls - in some places laying sparkling in plain sight! Adventurers sometimes head here to try and get some of this wealth.

However, few return. This is because the canyon is home to a loosely connected tribe of rock harpies, who are the main predator of the area and are known for their speed, stubbornness and keen eyes. It is nearly impossible to hide from them and even harder to escape once they spot you. These harpies pride themselves on speed - it is not uncommon for them to race each other down the canyon at breakneck speeds, laughing and taunting each other. It is also due to these harpies that no one has built a bridge across the canyon. The harpies eat anyone that has tried to do this. Some predator species, such as Jotun and elves, tried to build a bridge but the harpies refused to allow one in their home. The harpies live in caves carved into the sides of the canyons, often making intricate connected networks.

One more interesting part of the Canyon is the end - there is a small, sandy island located there, where the river flows into the sea. On it, there is what appears to be a town, though it is long abandoned. It bears similarity to human mining towns, leading many to believe that at some point a group attempted to mount a large expedition here. Who they were is unknown, as is how they managed to built a town and what caused their method of protection to fail.

Winterkissed Forest

Still working on this - the basic idea is a forest in the north that has trees and plants that look just like jungle flora; though all adapted to the cold and all icy blue, making a really weird contrast.

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:25 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : better title)
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 8:00 am

Ahh nice to see your own idea thread Razz
Just today I added the titan hawk. I like the idea of having thos large birds flying aimlessly, it add an air of mystery to the area Smile
As always, do you agree with the diclaimer ? ^_^
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 8:39 am

Of course I do. Smile I'll try to get more up here when I have some time.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 1:16 am


The Faere Coast

The Faere Coast lies to the north-west of the Fairy Kingdom, beyond the edge of the Chasm. It runs from the Direwind Hills in the east to the edge of the Akaptor Desert in the West. Though seperated from the main part of the Fairy Kingdom, and having an environment more similar to the other areas of Felarya, it is considered by many fairies to still be "their territory", similar to the Forest of Whispers.

The Coast itself is very pleasant, with weather that is mild and tempered by the sea. There is a large majority of Water Sprites here along with regular fairies, especially a subset known as Sea Sprites, who make their homes along the ocean. The ocean plays a large part in the lives of those living here and most fairies get their sustenance from it.

One notable thing about the Faere coast is its relative dimensional stability. Unlike many areas of Felarya, it is actually quite rare to have a connected portal to another world, and those that do appear only last for a short time. This, combined with the location of the coast beyond the Fairy Kingdom, has made this one of the most mysterious and unknown areas to people in central Felarya. It is one area in Felarya where there are no known settlements of the smaller species and humans, nekos and elves are actually quite rare here. Many of the inhabitants have, in fact, never seen a human before and it's said they don't automatically see one as food.

Despite this splendid isolation, there is a dark side to the Faere Coast and a reason it was initially separated from the Fairy Kingdom. Large clusters of eggsacs often float into the ocean far off the coast - their origin unknown. However, they hatch into an aquatic type of insect which, in its human sized adult stage, grows wings, an apparent intelligence - and an appetite. Every year, these "Sea Locusts" flock in from the ocean, causing devastation. The inhabitants have grown used to fighting and relying on strengths other than their magic to defend their home.

As a side not, the name "Faere" is a matter of some contention as no-one is quite sure of its origin. Many guess it is simply a mispronunciation of "Fae" or "Faerie" coast in reference to its inhabitants. Others believe it was originally "The Far Coast", referring to its location. Still others, after seeing its beauty, claim it was "The Fair Coast".

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Fri May 21, 2010 5:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 4:29 am

Jætte_Troll wrote:

The Faere Coast
Despite this splendid isolation, there is a dark side to the Faere Coast and a reason it was initially separated from the Fairy Kingdom. Large clusters of eggsacs often float into the ocean far off the coast - their origin unknown. However, they hatch into an aquatic type of insect which, in its adult stage, grows wings, an apparent intelligence - and an appetite. Every year, these "Sea Locusts" flock in from the ocean, causing devastation. The inhabitants have grown used to fighting and relying on strengths other than their magic to defend their home.


I like the whole idea a lot. I think these 'Sea Locusts' need to be fleshed out elsewhere - either in races or fauna (midge dust-clouds over Lake Victoria might be something to draw on, here). Additionally, if we're not looking to stretch Felarya beyond the map it might be better to have the whole life-cycle of the creature be in the Faera Coast and nearby sea (i.e. adult phase is the swarm, leading to pre-breeding gorging on land, then they release their egg-sacs into the ocean, then probably a larval stage in the ocean, then the adult phase again). We'd need to set some environmental trigger or periodicity to this cycle. Lunar? Given Felarya's many moons, that could have the right 'unpredictable but self-ordered system).

Also, you probably have a clear idea in your head, but it isn't specified in the text how big these insects are.


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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 5:10 am

Great work on this one ! I loved the description, as usual you make it really easy to visualize Smile
And the part about the origin of the name was fun lol!
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 7:42 am


Winterkissed Jungle

Believed to lie somewhere to the north, the Winterkissed Jungle is a strange and curious marvel of the environment. It is, like many areas up north, covered in a thick blanket of snow and a coat of frost. However, unlike other areas, there are large trees similar to those in central Felarya - in fact, just as in central Felarya, this area is a fertile jungle. Though the trunks of the trees and their leaves are shades of blue, they are strangely similar to the flora of the warmer areas of Felarya. While the cold usually stifles life, here, the flora and fauna seem to have adapted with unnatural perfection and this place is as teeming with life as any other location. Besides the large trees, the underbrush is filled with brush and frost coated flowers. There is also an abundance of fruit, which is pre-frozen and kept fresh.

Those who have been there and returned claim that there can be found more than a few frost succubi there - they apparently consider it a place to relax away from the responsibilities of Hell. Any hapless adventurer to be caught by one is likely to become part of one of their many games...


Jemma City

Back, long ago, the Elves built many great cities across Felarya. While they did not expand as the Sagolians did, they managed to often maintain these cities in the face of the dangers of the jungle. However, the larger they got, the more attention they drew from predators and this often resulted in all out war - today these wars have all but wiped out the great elven cities of old. One such city was Jemma City, a human sized elf city located on Jem Island, a large island near where the Jewel River flows into the sea. It was known as one of the most beautiful cities and as one of the foremost places for the study of magic. This, however, attracted many predators, mostly nagas and squamataurs, who organized to crack open this nut. All of the cities able men went to battle and all were slain. The predators then besieged the city, though those left held out as best they could. In one last, desperate attempt, the leader of the predators summoned something truly terrible in the middle of the city. Although a few brave elvish mages managed to bind it, the entire city was destroyed, the land around it turning to swamp, which it sank into with barely a trace, besides the top of the tallest tower. The remaining inhabitants were enslaved, aside from the few that fought back and left the island. The predators later took over all of the island - they eliminated the remaining male elves, forcing the inhabitants to make a pact of submission to allow them to continue as a race. Today, the remnants of Jemma city are now a few elven women living in a small stilt village around an old tower in a swamp. They hang on, though they are trapped by the predators of their island and many suffer from the old curse - the creature that destroyed their city is said to still lie sleeping at the bottom of the swamp, tainting the area.

However, there is a popular legend among these elves. They say there will come a time when one will arrive who can stand up to the united predators and they shall begin again anew as their city is risen from the swamp. Among most people, however, this legend is most interesting due to the fact that most of the elves magical artifacts are still buried with their city.

The Adventurers Guild

The Adventurers Guild is the foremost organization of its sort on Felarya. While there are many, many businesses in this field, the Adventurers Guild is known to be the most legitimate and reliable. They key to the guilds success is a simple one - experience. The leaders of the Guild, the Honoured Adventurers, are those that have survived the longest and are usually the most powerful or cunning. It is not uncommon to find members who are one, two or three hundred years old! It is this group of elites that really controls the Guild and keep it running - though the Magiocracts would love to own the resources of the Guild, even the most powerful of them are wary to get into open conflict with the Guild. To become an Honoured Adventurer, one must perform (and survive) an incredibly daring deed or quest.

As living legends, they tend to create a lot of their own stories and reputations. Some continue to adventure while others have settled into well earned retirement. The most famous of all is the Leader of the entire Guild - Guildmaster Raddick. He is an imposing figure, dark of skin and hair but with golden eyes and a large reputation. The stories on him are endless - he is said to have a bow that fires flaming arrows, has been said to have travelled to the summit of Mt. Vylkren to prove himself and even, most unbelievable of all, is said to be good friends with King Trazix! How much of this is true is unknown

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Sun May 23, 2010 2:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 10:39 am


You are posting these for comment, right? I like 'em all. You're clearly very talented at this stuff.

Jætte_Troll wrote:

Winterkissed Jungle

Believed to lie somewhere to the north, the Winterkissed Jungle is a strange and curious marvel of the environment. It is, like many areas up north, covered in a thick blanket of snow and a coat of frost. However, unlike other areas, there are large trees similar to those in central Felarya - in fact, just as in central Felarya, this area is a fertile jungle. Though the trunks of the trees and their leaves are shades of blue, they are strangely similar to the flora of the warmer areas of Felarya. While the cold usually stifles life, here, the flora and fauna seem to have adapted with unnatural perfection and this place is as teeming with life as any other location. Besides the large trees, the underbrush is filled with brush and frost coated flowers. There is also an abundance of fruit, which is pre-frozen and kept fresh.

Those who have been there and returned claim that there can be found more than a few frost succubi there - they apparently consider it a place to relax away from the responsibilities of Hell. Any hapless adventurer to be caught by one is likely to become part of one of their many games...

Looking at the map, this could sensibly fall somewhere east of the Imoreith Tundra.

Quote :


Jemma City

Back, long ago, the Elves built many great cities across Felarya. While they did not expand as the Sagolians did, they managed to often maintain these cities in the face of the dangers of the jungle. However, the larger they got, the more attention they drew from predators and this often resulted in all out war - today these wars have all but wiped out the great elven cities of old. One such city was Jemma City, located on Jem Island, a large island near where the Jewel River flows into the sea. It was known as one of the most beautiful cities and as one of the foremost places for the study of magic. This, however, attracted many predators, who organized to crack open this nut. All of the cities able men went to battle and all were slain. The predators then besieged the city, though those left held out as best they could. In one last, desperate attempt, the leader of the predators summoned something truly terrible in the middle of the city. Although a few brave elvish mages managed to bind it, the entire city was destroyed, the land around it turning to swamp, which it sank into with barely a trace, besides the top of the tallest tower. The remaining inhabitants were enslaved, aside from the few that fought back and left the island. The predators later took over all of the island - they eliminated the remaining male elves, forcing the inhabitants to make a pact of submission to allow them to continue as a race. Today, the remnants of Jemma city are now a few elven women living in a small stilt village around an old tower in a swamp. They hang on, though they are trapped by the predators of their island and many suffer from the old curse - the creature that destroyed their city is said to still lie sleeping at the bottom of the swamp, tainting the area.

However, there is a popular legend among these elves. They say there will come a time when one will arrive who can stand up to the united predators and they shall begin again anew as their city is risen from the swamp. Among most people, however, this legend is most interesting due to the fact that most of the elves magical artifacts are still buried with their city.

This feels like this should be a legend and a location. I've been wondering for awhile if 'Jewel River Estuary' shouldn't be a separate zone from 'Jewel River' and 'Torpaline Coast' - biologically speaking, they tend to be quite different environments, and from a size perspective both are large enough to have sufficient sub-zones to make a good-sized wiki entry. Anyway, this could be one of the sub-zones. Probably ought to be a cross-link into, well, the 'elves' entry doesn't have a 'tribes' section before it heads into sub-species, but it could.

Kind of feels like it has a 'bayou' kind of feel. Maybe it could be exempted from the 'no necromancy' rule. Lots of work done by zombies.

Also, no men at all doesn't work for a continuous population, unless they're interbreeding with the predators - regular sized swamp-nagas, maybe? - but I'm not sure its not better for there to be a few men.


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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 10:54 am

Ah, forgot to elaborate on that. The predators simply hold eligible males hostage, or kidnap them from other tribes. Jem island itself does have other tribes, though subjugated by the predators. This legend was just about Jemma City. If I do this up as a location I'd better explain such things, though this idea is under development.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 1:47 am

Some great ideas there ^_^

I especially loved the one about the adventurer guild. Somehow it gives a really nice insight into the working of that organisation Smile
The Gemma one is great too. but I feel you could give a bit more precisions on what type of predators besieged the city ( since having too much different species wouldn't probably go very well ) and more of the reasons. For example were those elves small or giant-sized ? etc .. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 2:21 am

Karbo wrote:
Some great ideas there ^_^

I especially loved the one about the adventurer guild. Somehow it gives a really nice insight into the working of that organisation Smile
The Gemma one is great too. but I feel you could give a bit more precisions on what type of predators besieged the city ( since having too much different species wouldn't probably go very well ) and more of the reasons. For example were those elves small or giant-sized ? etc .. Smile

I did some minor editing on that. I may eventually do a location write up on Jem Island and more will be explained and covered in that.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 1:56 am

Well, here's my offering for one place the wiki needs... at least, an attempt.

The Chanossa Mangrove

The Chidokai Forest ends at it's southern point, unbeknownst to many who venture there, in a rather steep and large cliff. Not many notice this because the entirety of the area past this drop has become flooded. Trees still grow here up from the bottom of the water - due to the deepness of the water, only the very tops of them emerge from the water, making it look like a regular mangrove with wide trees, though seemingly of normal height. If one were to be able to dive down - one would discover an entire underwater forest, or more accurately, an underwater maze. Navigating it would be similar to navigating the rest of the Chidokai forest - except underwater.

The upper part of this forest, the parts above the water, is an interesting and unique place as well. Firstly, the bark of the trees is noticeably paler, due to some minerals they have taken in from the water over the years. These minerals, or perhaps simply the Felaryan water, also has the strange effect of making the Mangrove one of the greatest fruit producing places on Felarya. Every tree seems to be fruit bearing and has much more fruit hanging from it's branches than in the other areas of Felarya. The fruit here is also said to taste sweeter and fresher than elsewhere - harvesting the fruit is a lucrative business - but a very dangerous one.

This is because adventurers are not the only ones drawn to this food source. The Chanossa Mangrove is home to a wide variety of birds of all sizes, who flock to the trees for sustenance and safe homes (Due to the flooding the usual tree-climbing predators that would eat their eggs are scare.) This also means it is a favourite place for harpies as well who not only get meals from the fruit, but also from diving for fish - and adventurers, of course.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 3:40 am

Jætte_Troll wrote:
Well, here's my offering for one place the wiki needs... at least, an attempt.

The Chanossa Mangrove

The Chidokai Forest ends at it's southern point, unbeknownst to many who venture there, in a rather steep and large cliff. Not many notice this because the entirety of the area past this drop has become flooded. Trees still grow here up from the bottom of the water - due to the deepness of the water, only the very tops of them emerge from the water, making it look like a regular mangrove with wide trees, though seemingly of normal height. If one were to be able to dive down - one would discover an entire underwater forest, or more accurately, an underwater maze. Navigating it would be similar to navigating the rest of the Chidokai forest - except underwater.

The upper part of this forest, the parts above the water, is an interesting and unique place as well. Firstly, the bark of the trees is noticeably paler, due to some minerals they have taken in from the water over the years. These minerals, or perhaps simply the Felaryan water, also has the strange effect of making the Mangrove one of the greatest fruit producing places on Felarya. Every tree seems to be fruit bearing and has much more fruit hanging from it's branches than in the other areas of Felarya. The fruit here is also said to taste sweeter and fresher than elsewhere - harvesting the fruit is a lucrative business - but a very dangerous one.

This is because adventurers are not the only ones drawn to this food source. The Chanossa Mangrove is home to a wide variety of birds of all sizes, who flock to the trees for sustenance and safe homes (Due to the flooding the usual tree-climbing predators that would eat their eggs are scare.) This also means it is a favourite place for harpies as well who not only get meals from the fruit, but also from diving for fish - and adventurers, of course.
I assume you mean mangrove forest here, as a 'mangrove' is a type(s) of tree/shrub. So do you mean a normal forest that has been submeregd or do you mean a forest of mangroves?
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 6:25 am

This is a great description, thanks a lot Wink

Anime-Junkie : Mhh the Chanossa Mangrove is supposed to be a submerged forest basically. I wasn't actually aware of the difference in english ^^;
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 6:34 pm

Mmm, at least to my knowledge. "Mangrove" itself is an acceptable word for an area populated mostly by mangrove trees. Wikipedia as well says it's one of the acceptable terms along with Mangrove Swamp, Mangrove Forest and Mangal.

I've just always heard the term used commonly.


Though, actually, it is a good point that the trees in this area might not be true mangroves since a true mangrove, to the best of my knowledge, grows in saline conditions near to the ocean. Though they also live in areas with just saltier water... so maybe this area has a lot of salt in the water... I dunno...
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 9:55 am

I attempt something major again. I hope this isn't too much like other areas...

Moyuk Hills

The Moyuk Hills is a hilly expanse located north of the Great Marshes and east of Frost Peak. It is generally a pleasant place due to it's lush vegetation, waters by the many river that flow down from the fresh Frost Mountain ice. It is one of the best places east of the Great Rocky Fields and Ivokan Savannah to find centaurs... if you wanted to find them. The open nature of the hills, while making it easier to see incoming predators, also makes it much easier to be seen. Also, navigating the Hills is very difficult due to a bizarre phenomenon unique to the area. Though no one can explain why, the Moyuk Hills are in a constant state of change - wether from geological or dimensional factors is unknown. This effect is slow enough that it is hard to notice it happening unless you sit down an examine the topography for awhile... but fast enough to have dire affects on adventurers. If you go to sleep in the Moyuk Hills, when you wake up, the landscape will be totally changed - the tree you marked out yesterday as your next destination may have shifted all the way behind you, the pattern of hills being totally rearranged! Plus, with Felarya's unstable skies... you can only pray that the stars aren't going to lie to you. The difficulty in traversing these hills does have one beneficial side effect - it keeps the Rosic Village to the east separated from the dangers to the west. The only creatures that don't seem to have a problem navigating are the centaur.

In local centaur legend, the Moyuk Hills are part of the "First Plains". In their myths, Felarya used to have no jungles or mountains, being an endless sea of grass and hills and the centaurs reigned supreme. Then, some unknown entity planted down the trees and placed down mountains - the Moyuk Hills was the only area left of this original grassland. The entity apparently took pity on the centaur, who had their range so reduced and caused the hills to always change, so the centaurs would always have a new land to explore.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSat May 29, 2010 9:28 am


I like this idea of a rolling, hilly grassland (though there could also be some forested valleys and so on, and rivers too). Deer-type centaurs, similar to Scotland which we have in Deerataurs fit in well.

I'm not sure about the thought of a re-arranging landscape, though I like the story hook/idea of it. People anyway easily get lost in forests, and in Lord of the Rings Sam and Frodo became lost in Emyn Muil (which was described as largely featureless). Maybe there's some disorientation magic, or magic affecting direction-finding devices - perhaps mineral deposits or a common grass/plant that is valuable for use in illusion/invisibility magic. Just something a bit subtler.

We could also think about some cave element. Very common in sedimentary rocks from mountain run-off, or there could be lava tunnels or something if this is igneous or metamorphic rock.


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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 7:28 am

I love a lot this interpretation of the zone !
The concept is orginal and I really like this idea of having another zone for centaurs and alike ^_^
Thank you again for helping filling the blank zones Razz
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 10:48 am

What an incredible idea, an ever changing landscape only the centaurs can navigate through, as well as a interesting origin tale. I support this idea.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 12:52 pm

ambrose-euanthe wrote:

I like this idea of a rolling, hilly grassland (though there could also be some forested valleys and so on, and rivers too). Deer-type centaurs, similar to Scotland which we have in Deerataurs fit in well.

I'm not sure about the thought of a re-arranging landscape, though I like the story hook/idea of it. People anyway easily get lost in forests, and in Lord of the Rings Sam and Frodo became lost in Emyn Muil (which was described as largely featureless). Maybe there's some disorientation magic, or magic affecting direction-finding devices - perhaps mineral deposits or a common grass/plant that is valuable for use in illusion/invisibility magic. Just something a bit subtler.

We could also think about some cave element. Very common in sedimentary rocks from mountain run-off, or there could be lava tunnels or something if this is igneous or metamorphic rock.



It's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure why it needs to be subtle on a world as soaked in magic and mystery as Felarya.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 1:43 pm


Lets say that its a personal preference for simple solutions, which have an inherent elegance. If its just a way for adventurers to lose their way, its less obvious (and therefore less scary from the point-of-view of an outside observer intending to come into the area) than the moving hills option. Also, the idea of tying into illusion magic gives adventurers a reason to go there (to collect materials, and there could be others. Perhaps some sub-location within?)

I don't know. 'Moving hills' just feels like a sledgehammer to crack the nut of 'getting people lost'. If there was some history as to why, and also some other effects that are interesting (and preferably some suggestion as to why a group of adventurers might go there), then the moving hills becomes much more attractive as a proposition.


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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 2:44 pm

I think we could explain that movement by the fact the basalt zones ( where there is even stronger geological anomalies ) are quite nearby.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 5:12 pm

Here's my attempt at the Tundra

Imoreith Tundra

The Imoreith Tundra is a vast expanse of snow and ice, located in the north west of the continent. It is at a very high elevation, which means it is much, much colder than the surrounding lands of Felarya. So far, the only way known to reach it is by taking dangerous passes up from the Elifga valley. The tundra is always covered in a thin layer of snow with a few small scrubs and grasses. Generally it is desolate and rocky, with the white patched ground stretching in all directions. There are a few low hills and sometimes mysterious piles of massive rocks, the purpose of which is unknown. The air seems thinner and more frigid here - as well as having a very strange feeling too it, which people have a hard time describing.

This is probably somehow connected to the strange sound phenomenon in this zone, what the Imoreith Tundra is most famous for. In general, every sound seem to resonate here, echoing across the snows - though in some areas there are no sounds at all. The distribution of these areas is entirely random - one could suddenly have conversations cut off or amplified to a painfully loud volume. Sometimes sound will carry only a short distance, other times it will literally drift across the entire zone! One has to learn to stop trusting their ears in this place

The creatures here often use the acoustic properties by suppressing the the noises they make when they hunt, creating confusing and misleading noises, or even using loud sounds as sonic attacks. Many predators here seem to have developed ways to pinpoint noises despite the large aural confusion, giving them an edge over any adventurers.

At night, the entire sky fills with strange, colourful, eerie lights not visible in other parts of Felarya, perhaps due to the altered atmosphere here. Some people claim that if you listen close enough, you can hear the bizarre music of this place in these dancing lights. Others claim the lights can show you the way through this zone - if they want to. It is believed that the Tundra leads to further lands of ice and snow, though very few have traversed the tundra and returned.
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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 7:50 pm

Here are some animal ideas for places that don't have that many recorded species.

The Elifga Valley

The Woolly Chalico

The Woolly Chalico is a large odd looking herbivore. Their body and head are similar to that of a horse, while they have long front arms and stout rear legs that give them the posture of gait of a gorilla. They are very large, usually reaching over 70 feet in height. They are covered in long thick shaggy fur that allows them to survive in their colder environment. They use their long front arms to reach and strip foliage from trees. Despite their seemingly awkward build and normal shambling movements, when they want to Chalico's can swing along the ground at a very impressive pace.

They are a generally peaceful creature unless provoked and make excellent pack animals for any larger species with the inclination to tame them. The Jotun of the Elifga valley often use Chalicos as pack mounts and even as hunting mounts, though they are notoriously hard to keep mounted upon due to their movements. Still, a good Chalico rider is an impressive sight.


Kabats are a very dangerous predator of the Elifga valley. One on its own can easily swallow a human whole and gobble up a group of adventurers with ease while a flock of them could prove trouble for even a Jotun. The Kabat resembles a large, carnivorous feline, black in colour and most closely resembling a Sabertooth Tiger. However, they have massive black bat like wings which can fold along their back or stretch out, allowing them to glide short distances. They are ambush predators and attack from cliffs or trees, swooping down on their prey with a frightening screech. Females are the only ones capable of flight - the less numerous males are larger (too large to fly) and their wings are only for show - the males generally are fed by their pack of females.


Bereffs are a major predator of the waterways and ponds of the Elifga valley. It is a strange looking creature, with the body of a large bear, while its head resembles most closely that of a frog, though furred like the rest of its body. The Bereff has breathing holes on top of its head and swims (or more usually, walks) through rivers keeping only the top of its head out of the water, waiting to attack prey and draw it in with its long sinuous tongue. If it can't subdue prey with this, it will smash them with its powerful front claws until they are unable to struggle.

The Imoreith Tundra


Taranels are herd herbivores that roam across the Tundra searching for patches of grass and shrubs to eat. They most closely resemble animals from the Cervidae family on Earth, like Elk and Caribou. However, they all have pure white coats of fur, eight legs and strange membranes attached between and amongst their antlers. For whatever reason, these membranes somehow generate a "field of silence" around the Taranel - this is a defense mechanism to prevent predators from easily locating the herd. A herd of Taranels, no matter how many animals are in it, will move with absolutely no noise! Some less alert adventurers have even reported suddenly being surrounded by the beasts as if they appeared out of thin air. The herds move fairly slowly in order to not miss any grass - smart adventurers will move within and with the herd, benefiting from the zone of silence as well.

Woe Ravens

The Woe Ravens are a massive predatory bird that hunts over the Imoreith Tundra. They resemble a smaller bird known as a "Raven" which is common in the Elfiga Valley and Direwind Hills. The Woe Ravens, however, are much, much bigger, dwarfing even most predator species - for comparison, a predator like a giantess or Jotun could easily use one as a mount, if they can tame it.

The Woe Ravens are different from regular ravens in that they have no sight - their eyes are unnerving white orbs. They thus hunt using their voices - they can use echolocation like bats. However, their voice is also used to terrify prey - it's sound is incredibly chilling and haunting and can make even brave warriors freeze long enough for the Raven to grab them. The Woe Raven will even eat tiny humans, though it prefers larger prey - it is a scavenger and will really eat anything. For some reason, the raven's cry is unaffected by the strange sound phenomenon that affects the tundra - inversely, it makes absolutely no noise flying and can get very close before unleashing it's sonic attack.

The only people who seem able to withstand the cry of the Ravens are the Jotun - they claim they just have tougher eardrums, though they admit they find the cry very melancholy. The Jotun believe the Ravens are reincarnated souls of those who died with business unfinished and their call is one of frustration and loss. Jotun occasionally tame and ride a Woe Raven, but this is only done in times of dire need - the Jotuns prefer to give the birds room and respect.

Malyra Fen.

Many of the animals of the Malyra Fen are, due to the strange preservation here, ancestors of many Felaryan creatures that exist today.

Kensha Rat

While not a rat, scientists have proof that this diminutive beast, only about as big as a raccoon, is actually the ancestor of a number of Felaryan hunting mammals, most noticeably the Kensha Beast. It resembles the Kensha vaguely, looking like an adorably small wolf with six legs. It is mildly poisonous, but the worst its bite or claws will do is give you a rather itchy rash. They are scavengers, living in burrows or in hollowed trees and eating whatever they can. They are apparently quite friendly and make decent pets if declawed.

Duiker Beast

This large, solitary creature is one of the most dangerous predators in the fen. It's hooved feet allow it to move swiftly yet surprisingly silently through the dense foliage. It is about twice the size of a bear but much more streamlined and limber. It is a fierce carnivore - it incapacitates its prey by charging at them with its horns and hooves before devouring them with its hooked teeth and stretchy throat.

Malryan Snake-Ape

A most curious creature, apparently being a cross between reptile and mammal! Its upper half is similar to the Earth animals known as chimps, though with lighter hair. Its lower half is similar to that of a large, powerful snake. These tree dweller creatures are omnivorous, eating fruits and nuts but not impartial to eating meat if they can - they tend to swallow their prey whole with their remarkable detaching jaws. They are a very cunning species, even able to use primitive tools. Some scientists propose some sort of connection to the large nagas found elsewhere in Felarya, though so far there has been few reports of Giant Malyran Snake Apes. Some scientists also postulate that some of these creatures may still exist elsewhere in Felarya and that these remnants have given rise to the popular "Bigtail" legend, though equally as many declare this to be rather farfetched.

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PostSubject: Re: The Home of JT's Ideas   The Home of JT's Ideas Icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 8:57 pm

Excuse me while I laugh excuberantly.... *deep breath* Ahhh... Bigfoot reference. If you made something like this for... say, fairies or mermaids, then this could be a great joke/detail/reference for the wiki, but that's me saying.
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