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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeTue Jan 18, 2011 8:59 pm

Heya, I floated interest in this a while back, but was too busy to follow up. Now, seeing that some of my old pals in RP are back and feeling that I need some casual writing, I create this!

This is a basic, free-form RP. If people express interest, I'll lay down more rules and how to make a character - character making rules will be a little tweaked due to this being an atypical Felaryan RPG. What sort of RPG it will be exactly... well, we'll have to see.
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeTue Jan 18, 2011 10:11 pm

Gotta say, this sounds pretty interesting. You can count me in if this comes to fruition. It'll be nice to officially get involved in the rp community again. Out of curiosity, would Negav be the only setting, or would be more along the lines of there being other places mentioned with Negav being the real main focus?
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeTue Jan 18, 2011 11:47 pm

The Joker wrote:
Gotta say, this sounds pretty interesting. You can count me in if this comes to fruition. It'll be nice to officially get involved in the rp community again. Out of curiosity, would Negav be the only setting, or would be more along the lines of there being other places mentioned with Negav being the real main focus?

Well, it would be focused in Negav. But if we really wanted to we could branch out - the "surrounding" areas are definitely all fair game and will be counted as "part of Negav", as far as the Ascarlin Mines and Nekomura. Also, Negav has the underground, parts of which are probably a wilderness by itself. A great RP could just come out of people trying to test just how far down the underground goes...

Anyways, Characters -


Physical Description:

Additional Info:

-Note - Race will, realistically, be a more influential thing on a character in Negav. A Neko might be viewed by some racist humans as "primitive". An elf might be stereotyped as "haughty". A human might be seen as "clumsy" by other races. An elf would be able to walk freely into the Elven District.

In general, races will probably be human, elf, neko, inu and variations on those. A small naga or dridder could be made, but would be difficult as they would not be allowed, except in exceptional circumstance, into the actual walled area of Negav. But, something could possibly be worked out.

Under Additional Information, put anything you think could be useful for other to get a feel for your character.

This could be...

Personality - This should really be developed through RP, but it can be helpful to put notes down.
Biography - Similar to personality, not totally required, but can be helpful for developing story
Place of Residence - Where does your character live in Negav? This can be a clue to other aspects of their character. A big mansion in the Upper Tier? A small underground apartment? A townhouse? A hut? Race can also affect this. A small naga or dridder is stuck living in the Motamo Docks, or maybe Underground. An elf can live anywhere, but has the option of living in the Elven Quarter, if they are a fan of a close-knit community.
Occupation - Similar to residence - is your character a noble? A merchant? This is similar to the concept of class, which, like race, will affect other characters interactions with you. People will treat an elf noble differently than a neko street sweeper.

Finally, if you are interested, I would highly, highly recommend going over the Negav entry and associated pages in the wiki.
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 4:30 am

can this lazy but very RP loving reptile join in? ^^

well, i got my word to work again, so here is my character.
i hope she will do, cause the names were a pain to come up with Laughing

Last edited by Reptillian on Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:30 am; edited 2 times in total
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 10:06 am

Reptillian wrote:
can this lazy but very RP loving reptile join in? ^^

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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 11:50 am

How about me? I may use Nagi, if you don't mind.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 1:48 pm

sparkythechu wrote:
How about me? I may use Nagi, if you don't mind.

Well... I'd have to see that character.

Anyways, here's mine as an example (use the spoilers to keep it neat and easy to find.)

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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 1:27 am

I may be interested, Geeran is from Negav afterall, and since this is at least starting in the city, I can use Geeran as a person rather than as simply a "Mecha Pilot".

That is, if you'll have me.
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 5:33 am

Argh, spoilers. I can't see those on a dsi. It'll take me some time to write up that much of a bio, so I'll just say he's a bit unstable but interesting to be around.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 10:11 am

Darkstorm Zero wrote:
I may be interested, Geeran is from Negav afterall, and since this is at least starting in the city, I can use Geeran as a person rather than as simply a "Mecha Pilot".

That is, if you'll have me.

Sure - you'll make five which is good.

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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 1:12 pm

Can I make it six?

Bio Posted:


Last edited by CauldronBorn24 on Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 7:37 pm

CauldronBorn24 wrote:
Can I make it six?

I'll post bio here for the character I plan on using here when I can or would you rather I PM it to?

Okay, lol, I'll make an exception for you. Start posting the bios, you can post 'em here, like I did.
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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 7:40 pm

Well, here's mine, There's really no difference in it from the one in "Journey of a Drow". I kept Geeran's mech specs in there in case this does leave Negav tho. Let me know if this is unsuitable,

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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeSat Jan 22, 2011 11:38 am

Well... it's rather extensive. But at least you posted. Razz
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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeSat Jan 22, 2011 9:57 pm

Heh, I preffer too much detail over not enough detail. Laughing
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeSat Jan 22, 2011 11:42 pm

Darkstorm Zero wrote:
Heh, I preffer too much detail over not enough detail. Laughing

Hehe, it's fine. I'm by no means strict on bios.

Hopefully the others will write down soon, but if not, we can start in with three people and let them catch up. Or, even start their own subplot. Really, come to think of it, as many people as want can join - its a big city. Anyways, yeah, I'll do the kick-start post in a bit.

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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeSun Jan 23, 2011 7:47 am

Jætte_Troll wrote:
Hopefully the others will write down soon
sorry i'm having some trouble with word, and i don't feel comfortable writing stuff like that online with my internet ^^'

i'll get to it when i get it fixed lol!
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeSun Jan 23, 2011 11:56 pm

The bar was located on a steep street, right between Lower and Middle Tiers. It was called "The Neko's Tail". The name was ambiguous - the sign featured a rather lewd caricature of a neko girl bent over, looking out into the street, attempting to draw in any sort of crowd - tired Adventurers or workers from below, or bored folk from above.

Inside it was less exciting than the exterior promised. A standard long bar, made of stone. An area for people to sit and small tables to drink, eat the cheap fare, or smoke. A few nekos idly played darts. A pair of elven girls walked out, obviously not impressed by the appearance of the clientele.

A slender man, face obscured by a large hat and glasses, staggered to the bar.

"More Gizerbrew." he stated flatly. "And don't water it down so much."

The inu barkeep looked doubtful for a moment, but the skevols convinced him to serve. The man took his drink and walked back to the table he had been sitting at. He paused, processing. Yes, it had been his table. And no, it was no longer vacant. A couple of rough looking neko and an pair of equally rough looking humans sneered at him.

"I was sitting here." he said in a tired voice, pulling his scarf down to sip his drink.

"Yeah and now yer not!" retorted one of the humans quickly.

"Alright." said the man. "Look, I'm not one of those noble "I really don't want to fight, but I will stoically stand my ground until you provoke me - people". I am drunk and pissed off tonight. So shove off, because I DO want to fight. I would love nothing more than wiping this place with your faces."

There was a brief, stunned silence, before the more massive, leonine neko stood up and swung at him, eager to end it quickly. The man ducked and threw his drink in the face of his opponent, before kneeing him in the groin. The other three leapt up and rushed. The man was quicker than a human ought to be and fought pretty dirty. He clearly had the upper hand, until the nine other members of the same gang wandered in at that time, one of them bashing him over the head with a bar stool. He managed to claw his way out - into a corner.

"He bit me!" cried one of the original aggressors.

"I'm a vamp, s'wat I do. you attack me, I get a share of your blood. Ancient vamp rules."

"Oh shit!" said the terrified human. "Am I gonna become a vampire?!"

"No, dipshit, you're not going to become a vampire" said one of the newcomers, a short inu with pointed ears, smacking him over the head. "But we don't take kindly to your kind around here."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Guess I better leave." said the man.

The gang leader laughed. "Hehe... sure. But first we're gonna beat the shit out of you and rob you blind. You'll be leaving here in a bodybag."

"Well, shit." replied the man. He could easily take four of them, even eight. He could probably take them all - in an open area. Right now he was crowded in - trapped. Plus they were armed with lengthy weapons, more reach than the knife he drew. And the barkeep seemed to be doing squat to try to break up the fight - probably related to this punk.

The gang advanced, cautiously but surely. Unless something happened soon, Samiel realized he was going to be testing the limits of how much his vampire physique could recover from. Likely passing that limit.

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 12:40 am

One of the few other occupants of the tavern was sitting at the far end of the bar. This particular young man had been there for the past hour before the scuffle began, he had been ordering a semi-steady supply of water and juices during that time, for he was not yet of drinking age at the tender age of 19. yest at that same time, he had the weathered apperance and the haunted eyes of a veteran of the wild lands beyond Negav's protected borders. And it was those memories that brought Geeran here, either to just sit and think, or try to forget. Nobody knew, as few ever approached the young man.

His hour long train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the loud declaration of one of the other patrons: "Yeah and now yer not!" and that caused Geeran to turn his head slightly and look at the ensuing melee.

Geeran was rather impressed despite himself with the man's combat skill, and he turned slowly to watch more with a stoic expression.

That was until more men had arrived and turned the tables...

Geeran's subtle movement to his holster went unnoticed...

"Hehe... sure. But first we're gonna beat the shit out of you and rob you blind. You'll be leaving here in a bodybag."

"Well, shit."

When those last words where spoken, Geeran's hand flashed out, in it's grasp was his trusted Plasma Pistol, where he proceeded to let three quick bursts flare bitween the lone man and the gang of ruffians.

"I'm in the middle of drinking here gentlemen, and your disturbing my train of thought. That makes me VERY angry. You want to cowardly attack a lone man 12 on 1, talk about robbing him and putting him in a body bag, you picked the wrong time and place... Now, I may let you scamper away with your worthless hides un-vapourised, if you pay your dues and depart immediately... Or else you'll be joining those melted holes in the floor. Make your choice gentlemen..." Geeran spoke in a low and dangerous tone that spoke volumes as to what he thought of these men... It was the same voice he used with Predators during his hunts, and anyone who was with him during that time would know he would not hesitate.

His left hand reached his opposite hip, either for another weapon or one of the grenades on his belt, and his eyes focusted keenly for even the slightest twitch the wrong way, waiting to see if any of them where reaching for a gun themselves...
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 5:54 pm

Hue brought his squad to a halt outside the Neko's Tail bar, their patrol route brought them right to the border of the Lower Tier, as far as he was concerned this area was best left to one of the other policing forces but orders were orders. ISD command recently became aware and was in the process of tackling an illigeal extortion opperation being carried out by a group fronting themselves as a citizen milita. Hue's patrol had been tasked with informing the local business and bars while acting as part of the dragnet to catch any of the bandits that may be lurking in the area.

"Anyone fancy a drink?" Hue asked his subordinates as he eyed the bar, reaching over to open the door slightly; the stunned faces of his squad were half hidden by the metal bevors but their verbal surprise was all too clear.

"Excuse me sir?" one of the constables asked, taken a back by his sargent's suggestion.

"For fuck sake lads, you're officers in the Public Security of the ISD, have a look inside that bar!" Hue responded angrily. To him such incompitance was inexcusable, but prehaps he could put it down to this squad being realitivly green; afterall there weren't many ex-MSD agents left in the organisation.

"Looks to be a standard bar quarel sarge, nothing that I think would require our intervention. Wait, seems that poor bastard is ready to start a fight; well he's either pissed out of his head, is hiding something, or worse; both." Came back the analysis; much to Hue's satisfaction.

"Ok lads, we have a potentially violent situation on our hads, while usually I'd let them kill each other, this is still the Middle Tier and people aren't to fond of finding dead bodies in their local." Hue responded, hoping their presence alone would be enough to defuse tensions; if not he and his squard were more than prepared to deal with any violence.

"Sir someone just opened fire! Looks to be an energy weapon." yelled one of Hue's men as he pulled his skokat from its scabbard before combining it with his kubus in anticipation of the coming actions.

"Right, sublime grenades then open up with your skokats." Hue ordered as his men rolled the spherical devices into the room though the open door and windows; upon activation the main body of the grenade began to rapidly effervesce into thick orangey yellow clouds which filled the bar. The gas only acted as a mild lachrymator on its own however it's true purpose was to increase the area effect of the Investigators' mana based weapons.

Hue and his officers quickly took their firing stance; confident the gas had reached the back of the inteior they repeatedly opened fire with their skokat/kubus weapons; the pink arcs of energy bolting into the bar before spreading in all directions; the cloud conducting the energies into anyone in contact with the gas giving them a painful incapaciting electric shock. Hue stepped forward and wrenched the door fully open to allow most of the gas to escape; holding his skokat infront of him he entered the bar, his squad covering his advance. After his first few steps, two more followed him in, taking position on both his left and right flank; the three officers advanced cautiously as a yellow haze still lingered in the bar.

"While I'm not sorry for what my men and I just did, I would like someone to explain to me why we intervened. In other words who stared this and who opened fire?" Hue's voice boomed over the gorans of those recovering from the assault.

Last edited by CauldronBorn24 on Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 7:44 pm

The gang members cowered behind whatever cover they could find. The had not expected a stranger to start opening fire with a plasma weapon, and less so that the goddamn ISD would show up.

The barkeeper popped up from behind the bar.

"He did it!" he shrieked, pointing at Samiel. "Him and his psycho friend with the gun!"

The gang members all nodded in agreement, though they were all on the ground in various states of paralysis.

"Oh, for fucks sake." said Samiel, standing blatantly in the open, being obviously unaffected by the magical assault, unlike pretty much everyone else around him. Everyone in the bar must be related! They all nodded in agreement that yes, it was that vampire's fault, as well as the man with the plasma pistol.

"Racists!" he called out at them all. "Have you no shame!"

He looked at the ISD people.

"Look officer... this was all a misunderstanding... How about everyone just relaxes?" he said.

He then proceeded to run with inhuman speed at the nearest window and make a flying leap out of it, rolling into the street.

"Bwahahahaha! Screw you, pigs!" he laughed maniacally, running down the street. "Vivé le revolution! Down with the magiocrats! Fuck Oth!"

He then proceeded to forget he was on an ascending street, vaulted over a ledge and realized he was much higher up than he though.

"Oh fuck" he said, before he plummeted, impacting the stone pavement. While such a fall was hardly enough to kill a vampire, it did leave him entirely incapacitated.
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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 8:30 pm

Hue and his men looked rather unsurprised at the vampire's bizarre exit, not really caring what became of him providing he made himself scarce. From what Hue could tell the vampire was the one the Intelligence Division had nicknamed 'Shadow Arrow' of course he couldn't be certain. While Shadow Arrow had a deffinate attitude problem and was considered a lose cannon, the Intelligence Division found some of his work useful for their own means, and would prefer if he remained 'active.'

"Just leave him, I'm not going to deal with some wise ass vampire, not when I can focus on what's infront of me." Hue announced to his men as the full eight man squad entered the bar; surrounding the fallen gang members. One of the officers armed with a shotgun stood over the young man who still had is hand gripped tightly around his pistol.

"Sir he's still armed." he called out to the sargent.

"Disarm him then... That goes for all of them, make sure they are carrying nothing, strip them naked if you have to." Hue ordered as he turned towards the bar.

The constable kicked the pistol out of Geeran's hand before stepping on the young man's chest with is boot, keeping his shotgun aimed at his face.

"I don't want any funny business from you son, all I want to know is what happend here. Answer my questions honnestly and I'm sure the sargent will be reasonable." the officer questioned Geeran, even though he wasn't sure if he was conscious or not.

Hue's men began their search of the gang members, most were still too weak to put up any resistance, those that did were immediatly struck with skokats; the long truncheon like weapons sending further painful shocks into their bodies.

"Eighteen knives, two primitive hand guns and it looks at least one of them had a stone enchanted with a fire rune. Looks like they were ready to do some damage sarge."

"So are these boys regulars of yours?" Hue asked the bar keeper as he loomed over him tapping his fingers on the stone surface.

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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 11:17 pm

Geeran took on a look of stoic indifference before replying.

"Sir, I witnessed the entire altercation. The Vampire who had just made his... Hasty exit despite himself... Was simply returning to his table with his drink when those 4 men..." Geeran indicated the original 4 ruffians "decided to clam that same table for themselves, and would not budge when asked to vacate, in a rather rude fasion... Now, a small melee ensued bitween the 5, when the other 8 men entered the bar, who then proceeded to smash the vampire with a barstool, bringing the total to 12 men against 1. Finally, this idiot..." Geeran indicates the gang-leader" decides to puff his chest out and claim how he was going to kill the vampire, rob his corpse and drag him out in a body bag. Thats when I intervened, I fired 3 shots with my Plasma Pistol into the floorboards bitween the gang and the unarmed Vampire, and thats when you men showed up" Geeran concluded.

"As for who I am; my name is Geeran Holden, I'm a registered Predator Hunter and Mecha Pilot." Geeran added.
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Friend of the Jotun
Friend of the Jotun

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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 12:16 am

The barkeep nodded. "Yeah, yeah, that's right, all that he said. I've never seen most of 'em - they're some rough gang, from the Pit most likely!"

The leader of the gang looked at him distraught. "Uncle..!"

"Shut up!" barked the barkeep, literally. "I don't know these people! Get them out of my establishment! And make them pay for the mess!"


Samiel groaned, sitting up. Having your bones knit themselves together was never pleasant. But, on the bright side, the ISD wasn't chasing him, like he thought they would be. Huh. That made everything easier. Then again, it could all be part of their twisted plans. He had recognized the leader of the squadron. Crap, were they letting him go on this just to twist his arm later into doing more of their dirty work?

Still - so far, no jail time. And, the best thing was, those stupid ISD people couldn't contact him if they wanted too.

He laughed at their arrogance as he stumbled towards the nearest Underground access point, ready to head home.

It was only when he reached his small underground apartment and felt his coat that he realized it was missing.


On the bar, carelessly left there, was a sturdy card, now flecked with a little bit of blood.

Samiel Jeltus

Private Investigator

Underhome Apartment Block, #143

Messaging Code NU-28475


Samiel sighed and shrugged. Probably dropped the card on the way home. He only carried it around for when he got so drunk he forgot where he lived. Even sober he could barely remember his Messaging Code

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PostSubject: Re: In Negav   In Negav Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 7:41 am

I finally got to posting the bio.

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