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Jætte_Troll Friend of the Jotun
Posts : 2769 Join date : 2009-02-02 Age : 33 Location : Over There
| Subject: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:42 pm | |
| This is a thread to discuss ideas relating to History! Hooray!
And, to start us off I am going to throw a mass of History at you all. Please critique and comment and make your own suggestions!
Note - this may receive edits as I think of stuff I missed.
Plus, thanks to everyone who made suggestions used here, or made the ideas that inspired parts of this.
A No-Longer Brief History of Felarya
Very little is known about this Era and any attempt at putting dates on it seems pointless. The creation of Felarya itself remains a total mystery for historians
? B.U. - Creation of Felarya
? B.U. - Giant Tree Takes Root
?-? B.U. -Beasts of the Past Era
? B.U. - First sentient species appear on Felarya.
? B.U. - First Guardians emerge
? B.U. - Malyra Fen is separated from the Great Marshes, trapping ancient fauna and cultures there
? B.U. - Elemental Kings arrive on Felarya
? B.U. - The Palace at Mount Vylkren is sculpted for the first Lava King. Other elemental palaces are suspected to have been built around this time but are so far undiscovered, or were later destroyed.
? B.U. - Buried Palace is built in the Akaptor Desert.
? B.U. - Fairy Kingdom is created by the Guardian Nemyra
? B.U. - King Trazix becomes Ruler of Mount Vylkren
THE WAR WITH THE CORRECTORS - (12,000 B.U. - 10,670 B.U.)
In this age, Felarya became the focus of attention of the Correctors, powerful entities set to remove dimensional anomalies from the universe. Due to its unstable nature, Felarya makes a prime target.
12 000 B.U. - The Correctors starts to attack Felarya.
11 900 B.U. - The Correctors starts to deploy and use their dreaded Obliterators.
11 600 B.U. - Guardians suffer casualties with several of them being either killed or turned into "greys"
11 480 B.U. - The Titan Alcazath is created by the Guardians as a soldier that will be unaffected by the mind-altering powers of the Correctors. Alcazath start creating an army of Titans, shaping them with his Hammer of Creation.
11 400 B.U. - Alcazath establishes his forteress at what will become the Mysterious temple.
11 100 B.U. - A particulary violent assault from the Correctors ravages a part of Tolmeshal forest which will become known as the Miragia forest, a zone famous for its instability, up to this day.
10 960 B.U. - The Titans inflict a severe defeat on Correctors during the "Grey Dawn battle".
10 950 B.U. - Alcazath starts acting erratically, to the worry of his allies, the Elemental Kings.
10 900 B.U. - The new Titans shaped by Alcazath are becoming more and more monstrous in appearance. Tensions are rising very fast with Elementals, and Alcazath finally turn on them.
10 860 B.U. - The Guardians intervene and order Alcazath to give back his Hammer as a sign of submission to their authority. Alcazath refuses and order his forces to start fighting their former masters.
10 780 B.U. - Malyra, an Earth Elemental princess is slain by a squad of Titans. His neighbor and lover, King Trazix, wows to make Alcazath pay for his crimes.
10 720 B.U. - The Correctors seize the opportunity of that infighting and intensify their attacks. Many believe they were in league with the Titans at this point.
10 680 B.U. - The Battle of the blind king occurs. It is said to have lasted a single day of extreme violence, with every camp throwing all they had into the fight. It ended with a decisive victory of Felarya over the Correctors. Alcazath dies during the battle, The last blow being struck by Demedrios, a famous centaur warrior of his time. The Correctors leaves Felarya, never to come back again. Interestingly, it is said a few Guardians met them before their departure, without a fight taking place.
10 672 B.U. - Alcazath is sealed away in a tomb underneath the Mysterious temple. Some believe the Hammer of Creation has been sealed with him, some claim it was destroyed afterwards. This marks the end of the War with Correctors.
ERA OF MIRAGES - (10,670 B.U. - 7,400 B.U.)
What was called the The Era of Mirages is a long period after the war with the correctors where Felayra slowly recovered from the enormous damages it received. It was a time of great uncertainty, with countless anomalies, vanishing lands, flickering landscapes, dimensional storms that occured all over the land because of how unstable it had become.
10 670 B.U. - The Era of Mirages starts after the end of the War, and will last for over 3000 years.
10 410 B.U. -The zone now known as the Akaptor desert is covered by a gigantic and shimmering dome of chaotic and wild energies, constantly shifting and twisting. Anyone trying to enter it would disappear forever.
10 370 B.U. - The Great rocky fields becomes a very dangerous zone, ravaged by a strange phenomenon called waves of anti-reality or dimensional tide. Walking there during its occurrence is not very healthy and would lead to often deadly but interesting effects. Having parts of your body transformed into something, loosing your shadow or becoming perfectly flat would be considered common. Fairies become very concerned by the impact of that phenomenon to their land.
10 200 B.U. - The Great Topazial Rift Forms, on a much larger scale than today, threatening undersea cultures.
10 110 B.U. - The sky of the Sunfall thicket become separated from the rest of Felarya, apparently forever stuck into another dimension.
9 810 B.U. - The dimensional tide increases considerably, leading to an exodus of creatures to the east. The fairy kingdom itself is threatened.
9 780 B.U. - With the help of the Earth elemental Queen Thanjayuur, the guardian Nemyra creates the bottomless chasm around the Fairy kingdom, in order to stop the effect of the dimensional tide, thus isolating the Kingdom from the rest of Felarya.
9 230 B.U. - It is believed the first wave of Bloodclaw Apes arrive in the Jungle of perils.
9 020 B.U. - The Tonorions of the Great hive grow restless, ravaging their suroundings. It is said Q'Tada'x'silath herself surfaced.
8 880 B.U. - The Guardian Notys enter a trance of Rejuvenation. It will lasts five centuries during which the rampant instability of Felarya is progressively healed. For some reasons, it coincides with a time of intense predation all over Felarya, leading to a period called the "Insatiable hunger". All over Felarya, creatures become ravenous, countless are eaten, many settlements wiped out, and small species hide in fear - when they are not gorging on smaller species themselves.
8 360 B.U. - End of Notys's trance and of the time of the insatiable hunger.
8 250 B.U. - Anomalies seem to be generally receding all over Felarya. The dimensional tide of the Great rocky fields is diminishing to tolerable levels. The Great Topazial Rift shrinks to modern day size.
8 100 B.U. - According to myth, the Temple of Lataran appears on Felarya.
7 400 B.U. - End of the Era of Mirages. The instabilities are fading and the dimensional tide ebbs away. Sentient species that survived this, and the "insatiable hunger", slowly start to recover. Elves in particular seem to have withstand the hardship pretty well.
THE AGE OF RECOVERY - (7400 B.U. - 5695 B.U.)
This period refers to the time from the end of the Era of Mirages, to the emergence of the Elven Empire. During this time, various species slowly begin to spread themselves throughout the world again. The world is, however, during this time mostly wilderness. Humans, Elves, Nekos and Dridders build small settlements in the savage wild. Historians trace the oldest (surviving) examples of Dridder and Elvish writing to this time. Since the instability has stopped, more stable portals to Felarya are possible and more visiting species arrive.
6940 B.U. - Ryzelm’oire is founded by Chlaenas.
6590 B.U. – According to Elven myth, the Last Titan seals himself away voluntarily.
6120 B.U. - Legend says genies arrive on Felarya and construct the Floating City of Jallas Amar.
5920 B.U. - Humans arrive in Felarya in large numbers, building various settlements.
5900 B.U. - An intense rain of meteors strikes the Orelosk Plateau region, shaking the earth. For some reasons, Majuras'scriptures appear to describe this event as a bad omen.
5720 B.U. – Elves consolidate their power in the north.
~5800 B.U. - A tribe of humans called the Minkas build a small settlement that will later become Ur-Sagol.
THE ELVEN EMPIRE - (5695 B.U. - 2291B.U.)
During this age, small, hidden Elven communities begin to interact and communicate with each other, sharing cultures and magical knowledge. Soon the Elven Empire will emerge, setting up small bastions of safety in the dangerous jungle. The Empire will interact with, and influence, various other species.
5695 B.U. – Kadyn Elven Empress Eteni comes to power. Under her enlightened rule, the disparate groups and tribes of elves come together and start to thrive. Up to this day, her great charisma and profound wisdom is legendary among her kin.
5534 B.U. – The prosperous Elven city of Restalen is raided by a group of giant Dridders. The city is partially destroyed and many from the Elven nobility are eaten. Eteni herself is swallowed by a dridder named Modanthe. Eteni is rescued by her guards before being digested. Still alive, Modanthe is captured and taken away.
5533 B.U. – After the mourning, calls for vengeance are rising. Many want to raze Dridders settlements in retaliation and to execute Modanthe, but Eteni resist them. She makes a long and impassioned speech that remain famous to this day, calling for the necessity for Elves to understand others races and interract with them instead of simply ignoring them, which can only lead to tragedy.
5530 B.U. – Tensions are rising. Mytalon, an army general, challenges publicly Eteni's authority. As often among elves in such cases, a bow contest is organized and Eteni, with her legendary skills, wins it. Some elves sees in her the reincarnation of the goddess Temolian, and very few will question her rule from now on.
5527 B.U. – Eteni starts to meet with the captive dridder Modanthe. They have long private discussions and an unusual friendship takes hold between the two.
5524 B.U. – Eteni finally frees Modanthe and make her her personal bodyguard. Modanthe swears eternal loyalty to her and to defend her with her life.
5478 B.U. – After years of patient work, elven “Tree Shapers” rebuild Restalen which become the capital of the Elven Empire. it is situated in what will become known as Deeper Felarya. The empire appears more flourishing than ever. This is the start of the Elven Golden age. Many of the most remarkable pieces of the elven culture are produced during those years.
5461 B.U. – Elves organize their army, using the natural variety of their race to create special groups, in order to make the Empire as a whole more prepared for different threats. The regular troops are mostly composed of giant elves.
5456 B.U. – Empress Eteni signs the “Secret Treaty” with the Fairy kingdom. The exact details are unknown, but the Elven Empire does not expand into fairylands and fairies do not hunt in elven lands.
5242 B.U. – The Elven Empire peacefully adds the Minkas, a small tribe of humans and their settlement Minkala as a province of their Empire, in a place that will then later become known as Ur-Sagol.
5004 B.U. - Elven explorers "discover" their cousins, the Terra Elves, living underground and add them to their Empire.
4898 B.U. – Elven Empire encounters a small Dridder Kingdom ruling over a part of what is now known as the Dridder forest. It's Modanthe's birth place and she is very concerned at what it has become. She is sent here and manages to convince many dridders to join the empire and to revolt against the despotic and ruthless rule of the Dridder Queen Taxshillia. A Civil war breaks out among dridders.
4854 B.U. – Modanthe defeats Taxshillia in duel and the Queen's forces are crushed by both the dridder rebels and the elven army. The royal family is sent into exile and the famous piece " The saga of Modanthe the brave" is created in Restalen. Modanthe refuses to become the new Dridder Queen though, in order to remain at the service of her friend and master Eteni. She instead settles as an ambassador.
4786 B.U. – The “Year of Terror” – Dridders loyal to the fallen Queen make an attempt to put Taxshillia's grandchild onto the throne. Elvish settlements in and near the Dridder forest are attacked and many elves are devoured.
4749 B.U. – Modanthe is killed in battle. Empress Eteni mourns the loss of her dear friend. She appears greatly affected, rarely showing herself in public anymore.
4671 B.U. – Elven forces finally defeat the “New Queen” and her dridder army in battle.
4533 B.U. – During a cruise on the Jadong lake, Empress Eteni is eaten by a mermaid. The long sticky tongue takes the guards by surprise and snatch the unfortunate elf. In a few seconds, centuries of rule come to a sudden end. Eteni will widely be considered as the greatest elven ruler. Her son, Tibon takes the throne.
4532 B.U. – Coronation of Tibon. He swears to follow the steps of his mother, which will actually lead to the empire becoming more assertive and expansionist.
4269 B.U. – Elven settlers inhabit the Oloonde lakeland.
4203 B.U – The Elven Empire defeats a confederation of neko tribes living near the Motamo river, subsuming them into the Empire.
4143 B.U. – Nagas tribes united by Chief Ran begin flowing into the central jungles and eat Nekos and humans in large numbers. The Elves go to war against the nagas, on the request of the neko and human provinces under attack.
4098 B.U. – Elves defeat the Naga tribes near the Giant tree. The remaining nagas are made part of the Empire, though they remain in the wilder places between Provincial centers. Elves suffered many casualties in the confrontation, and many at home grow unhappy, thinking that elves have lost their way and should keep among themselves, and simply use their army to protect elves, rather than intervene in the affairs of others races.
4037 B.U. - – A human tribe living near the Lake of Illusions under the protection of the Elven Empire constructs the Temple of Aureusrana.
3981 B.U. – Milkadis Temple is constructed, one of a few examples of elven stonework to survive to this day.
3913 B.U. - Tagarvyn of Oloonde, Elven Alchemist, is said to have finished working on the "Alchemus Omegus".
3835 B.U. – Emperor Tibon is eaten by a harpy during a hunt. His death leads to a power struggle between several houses. Lot of bow contests take place and several "unfortunate accidents" befall on various aspirant to the throne. From this point, elven rulers follow each others in rather short succession. Historians agree to say Tibon's death marks the beginning of the Elven Empire's slow decline.
3501 B.U. - Elven explorers scouting the Great marshes are surprised to find draconic relatives of theirs, the Mist Elves.
3491 B.U. - An elven expedition exploring north encounters the Jotuns. Attempts are made to conquer them, but their fierce resistance and the harsh climate lead Elven Empress Melda to deems them “unable to attain the civilization the other races enjoy.” Elven settlements and outposts are, however, made in the north – these will clash with the Jotun constantly.
3305 B.U. – Tensions grow between the elven tribes in Oloonde lakeland, and the central power of the empire. The Oloonde elves claim to be the true holder of the elvish way, keeping in perfect harmony with nature and minding their own business, while the Empire is becoming a parody of it. A few of them try to make secession but are quickly conquered again.
3097 B.U. – Akaptor, a human mage, enters the desert that will eventually bear his name beause the barrier stopped shortly after. 2792 B.U. – Elven Emperor “Falian the Mad” attempts to conquer the Fairy kingdom. The elven army he sends is mostly eaten. Falian later suffers from a mysterious ailment and dies, being replaced by his cousin, “Falian the Sane”. After this, the “Second Secret Treaty” is signed with the Fairy Kingdom.
2662 B.U. – Nagas tribes unite and start to attack human settlements, eating their inhabitants. Humans ask the Empire to intervene, but the elves are busy with their own internal disputes in Oloonde lakeland, and the calls for help fall on deaf ears. Many human settlements are wiped out. The elves finally intervene but only when some of their kind start to be eaten as well. This will lead to a lot of bitterness from humans who feel they have been let down.
2621 B.U. – Human provinces quietly start to reinforce themselves, building strong defenses and developing their garrisons.
2498 B.U. – The Insecurity grows. Dridders become more and more restless and some humans clash with Nekos near the Motamo river. Feeling in danger, many elves flee their settlements across Tolmeshal forest to join the security of the north. Elven forces finally intervene to try and re-establish order. The Elven Empress Megedyl makes a decree forbidding “Provincial Armies” and order them to disband. This order is largely ignored, making Megedyl furious.
2458 B.U. – Megedyl decides to make an example and send an ultimatum to the human vilage of Zenkuch for the inhabitants to disarm. When they refuse, a group of Scarlet elves is sent with the order of destroying the garrison and to gorge themselves on the villagers. Soon every inhabitant find s themselves digesting within bloated bellies. This act provokes horror among humans and quickly lead them to proclaim themselves independents and to prepare for war.
2450 B.U. – The Dridder Royalty returns to the Dridder forest. Queen Charssadha effortlessly overthrows the Empire's representative. The foundations of Supprozad are laid down and the city begins to grow rapidly.
2443 B.U. – Led by a powerful mage named Almikar Potentis and his companions, humans in Minkala stand successfully against elven armies.
2322 B.U. – The Elven Empire suffers a serie of devastating defeats by dridders in the south, humans in the west and nagas and jotuns in the north. It withdraws from those territories permanently and looses contact with its Oloonde lakeland Province.
2312 B.U. – In a desesperate move, Empress Megedyl try to get the help of fairies and journey to the Fairy kingdom in order to forge an alliance. She will never make it. Her convoy is attacked by a large group of nagas and Megedyl is eaten. Demoralized, many elves chose to flee back to the north. The Empire is quickly disintegrating into oblivion.
2294 B.U. - Linera the Wanderer, a famous dridder explorer, diplomat and author, journeys from Supprozad to the Elifga Valley for the purpose of organizing a deal between the Jotun and Dridders, visiting various dridder and human communities on her path. She keeps a journal of her travels, later published as "Journey to the North", now considered the earliest classic of Dridder Literature.
2291 B.U. –- Severely weakened and besieged , Restalen is just a shadow of the glory it once was. It finally falls to a combination of nagas, dridders and Jotuns assaults. Remaining strongholds are quickly defeated and predators feast. The elven population in Felarya is hit severely, with the exception of their distant Oloonde province, which is spared much of the chaos. The elves that do remain have in many cases evolved into highly different groups - after the Empire they split apart, forming different tribes. This marks the end of the Age of Elves.
During this period, the twin Empires of the Dridders and the Sagolians dominate Central Felarya. They are not as subtle dominions as the Elven Empire and it is during this period that the most headway occours in "Civilizing" Felarya. In many ways, the two Empires are the only thing keeping each other in check. It is during this time that nagas become very prevalent in Central Felarya, constantly clashing with the "civilized" races.
2290 B.U. - Chaos and confusion reign in central Felarya and predation is rampant.
2274 B.U. - The fairies claim that since the Elven Empire is no longer in existense, the "Second Secret Treaty" is now void - fairies begin to migrate east in greater numbers, reaching the Lake of Illusions and what will become the Fairy Pond.
2272 B.U. - Almikar Potentis becomes a hero for humans. He is declared ruler of Minkala and his first move is to rename the city "Ur-Sagol", meaning the New Sagol, in honor of his birthplace in a far away world. He is, in effect, the founder of Ur-Sagol and father of the Sagolians in Felarya.
2694 B.U. – The Citadel of Ur-Sagol is built for defense. This will be the centre of the city that will soon spread around it, reaching its peak size in about 1000 years.
2143 B.U. – The Temple of Aureusrana sinks into the Lake of Illusions
2051 B.U. - Exiled Elves, including scholars, from the destroyed Empire make their way underground and are taken in by their Terra Elf Cousins. The first Terra Elf cities start to be constructed.
2027 B.U. - The Sagolians re-discover the Dimensional Gate and start to study it.
2025 B.U. - The Sagolians begin setting up the Dimensional Gate near their city.
2017 B.U. - Ur-Sagol is prospering, partly helped by the presence of the Great Dimensional Gate next to it, which makes the city a center of trade. With its strong defenses, the city is quickly becoming a haven for humans. Alkimar Potentis is widely regarded as a solid and wise, if stern, ruler.
2005 B.U. – After a whole year of preparation, Almikar Potentis and several other mages cast an extremely powerful and self-sustaining translation spell over the continent, allowing sentient beings to perfectly understand each others'languages. It lasts to this day and show no sign of fading.
1998 B.U. – Neko settlers build a small trading community near where the city of Negav will eventually arise. They rely on the dridders for protection and pay tribute to them.
1967 B.U. – Under the enlightened rule of Queen Charssadha, the Dridder Kingdom thrives and expands to encompass almost all of what is today the Dridder forest. It also holds the neko tribes near and across the Motamo river as vassals, defending them from other predators.
1874 B.U. – Ur-Sagol finishes several gigantic projects, among them its “Lightning Wall” defense system, using orbs similar to the one that will defend the Great dimensional gate.
1870 B.U. – Dridder Queen Charssadha is assasinated in her sleep. Her daughter Ashmet takes the throne.
1856 B.U. – Almikar Potentis makes a long speech to his fellow citizen on the necessity for humans in Felarya to know magic in order to prosper and defeat nature's numerous challenges. The teaching of magic becomes mandatory at school in Ur-Sagol.
1832 B.U. – The Sagolians create a rapidly expanding network of small orb towers and fortified citadels around their city, in order to keep predators at bay.
1822 B.U. – The Sagolians make an unsuccessful attempt to break open the seals of the Mysterious Temple. All the mages involved in the project are killed and laws are set down to prevent meddling with the structure.
1724 B.U. – Ur-Sagol attempts to sway some of the neko tribes south of it to trade with them over the Dridders, accepting those on the North side of the Motamo River as vassals.
1695 B.U. – The “Motamo War” breaks out between Ur-Sagol and the Dridder Empire, over control of the territory between their respective capitals.
1688 B.U. – The war makes little progress. Despite their giant size, dridders find any advance in Sagolian territory difficult, and every Sagolian soldiers seem adept at magic, allowing them to launch a barrage of spells at their foes.
1664 B.U. – Ur-Sagol and the Dridder Empire sign a peace treaty. The area where Negav is today becomes a neutral trading area.
1660 B.U. – Almikar Potentis dies in a tragic accident. His closest advisor Antiniko Serrakmos becomes the new ruler.
1657 B.U. – Antiniko Serrakmos proclaims himself emperor of all humans in Felarya.
1655 B.U. - Ur-Sagol begins to import its first domesticated griffons, which will become a symbol of their royal family.
1654 B.U. - Tensions grow between dridders and nagas as the dridder empire expands and try to subdue nagas tribes into submission.
1554 B.U. – Nagas become united under Apholyba, a gigantic Pit naga, and their resistance to dridders grow fierce. Clashes become more violent and the nekos under dridder protection are eaten in large numbers.
1545 B.U. - Ur-Sagol sustains itself mostly from off-world trading under the rule of King Serrakmos. The city becomes insular and disconnects itself from Felaryan matters as its wealth and magical knowledge grows.
1523 B.U. – The Dridders officially declare war on the naga tribes. This war will continue intermittently for as long as the Dridder Empire lasts, with periods of peace interspersed with periods of intense violence.
1491 B.U. – The Nagas ambush the Dridders at the “Battle of the Giant Tree”. Mothya , the Daughter of Queen Ashmet is killed in the battle. Queen Ashmet swears revenge on the nagas and makes the entire Royal Family swear an Eternal Blood Oath with her.
1456 B.U. - A group of fairies tries unsuccessfully to stop the fighting between the Nagas and Dridders. They decide to never take a side in the conflict as long as it lasts.
1315 B.U. - Sagolian Colonists set up settlements in Deeper Felarya, in search of an unknown resource.
1301 B.U. – Led by Shuaskalan herself, the naga tribes make a daring raid on the dridder capital Supprozad. They are eventually repelled, but not before critically wounding Queen Sheeana. Dridders are deeply shaken that their enemies could slip past their outer defenses and strike at their core.
1299 B.U. – Queen Sheeana dies poisoned. A serious crisis of succession ensues among dridders nobles. From now on and during several centuries, dridder queens don't live very long, their reign ending abruptly in various "unfortunate accidents". This leads to bitter infighting and a general weakening of the Kingdom's influence.
1298 B.U. – A new family takes the dridder throne. The young but ambitious Apholybane becomes the new Queen. She declares she will continue the fight with nagas to the end.
1290 B.U. – As Supprozad expands, construction begins on a “secret” city located underneath it, to house the Royalty. This is designed to keep them safe in the even of another naga raid like the one of eleven years ago.
1234 B.U. – The Dridder Kingdom discovers a technique for making gunpowder from local plants.
1229 B.U. – Queen Apholybane is assassinated. She effectively becomes the first dridder ruler to die from gunshot.
1202 B.U. - The Dridders conquer a large section of the Great Marshes, subduing many tribes of their cousins, the Gerridi.
1183 B.U. – Shuaskalan is killed in battle, during a raid on a Sagolian outpost. Emperor Serrarkmos II orders lavish celebrations for the death of this fierce ennemy. This lead to a warming of relations with the Dridder Kingdom.
1038 B.U. – Nekos first discover the ascarlin deposits in the Ascarlin mountains.
955 B.U. – The “Second Motamo War” erupts between dridders and Sagolians, this time over the control of Ascarlin mines.
952 B.U. – The “Second Motamo War” ends with a peace treaty dividing control of the ascarlin deposits.
550 B.U. – The “Sagolian Encyclopedia of Magic” is first published. Still today, it remains one of the most complete treatises on the training of mages.
422 B.U. – The Sagolian territory expands and pharaonic construction work take place to increase the size of the city. The territory is littered by orb towers and other defense systems. Some can even be seen a few miles away from the Giant tree.
418 B.U. - The Dridder Empire organizes an alliance with the Terra Elf cities.
392 B.U. - Scientifically minded Dridder King Zansel develops the first non-magic powered flying machine in Felarya - a rudimentary hot air balloon. The test flight is a success, though the unmarried King Zansel never comes back down, leading to a crisis of succession. Centuries later, rumours float in of a "flying spider-man" who landed west of Lamia and taught the people there his scientific secrets.
361 B.U. - After some brutal political struggles, the Dridders finally determine that Zansel's young cousin Velia will became Empress, mainly because her rival claimants are all dead or in exile.
335 B.U. – Dridder forces pursue fleeing naga tribes into the Grove of Carnivorous Plants. The bloody “Battle of the Crimson Leaves” produces massive casualties, many caused simply by the flora and fauna of the area.
281 B.U. – The Sagolians win a decisive battle against a tribe of Scarlet Elves that had hunted near the city during the Battle of the Bulvon Woods. King Serrakmos III declares that “In the future, Felarya shall no longer be a land of predators and those that would eat man shall be driven from its surface.”
245 B.U. – King Serrakmos III bans worshiping the Guardians in any form, worried by supposed “Guardian Cults”.
223 B.U. - Guardian Worshiping dissidents from Ur-Sagol leave the sphere of influence of that city, traveling west out of the jungle to avoid persecution. These are the ancestors of the Akaptor Nomads
139 B.U. - The largest mass purging of Guardian worshippers in Ur-Sagol occours. They are killed or driven out of the city.
121 B.U. – Young King Serrakmos IV takes the throne of Ur-Sagol. His coronation celebration is said to be one of the most ostentatious and indulgent in history. A dridder ambassador of the time remarked it was “rather tasteless, with too great a hint of blasphemy.”
66 B.U. – Dridder Queen Armyssandre, the grandmother of future Queen Sineria, is killed in battle with the nagas. Her daughter Chamyra takes the throne and begins to attempts to negotiate a peace between the two species, to the distaste of certain factions in the nobility
21 B.U. – Serrakmos IV holds the 100th Anniversary of his Coronation. A massive statue to him is constructed on the shores of the Jadong Lake. He promises his subjects that soon the threat of predators will be a thing of the past.
19 B.U. – The dridder Queen Sineria ascends to the throne.
14 B.U. – In two separate incidents, two of Emperor Serrakmos IV’s sons are killed by tonorions while hunting. Later this year, many of his favourite wives are eaten by a fairy. The Emperor retreats to his Citadel and is not seen in public for several years. His close relatives say he is working on some personal projects in order to clear his mind. Esentially leaderless, the powerful Sagolian empire seems unsure of the path to follow.
3 B.U. – Emperor Serrakmos IV finally appears again but he looks changed. Far from looking afflicted, the man have an air of calm assurance and determination. The same year, he orders the deployment of more troops to the southern frontier of the Empire and to build orb towers in central Felarya. Those measures are seen as deeply provocative and lead to a quick increase of tensions with dridders, but the Emperor simply ignores protestations from his advisors.
0 B.U. – The Fall of Ur-Sagol. The city is destroyed in a single night. Accounts of what happened exactly vary widely. Some speak of a shimmering dome covering the city, others of an inhuman scream killing every of those hearing it, others of a guardian flying over the city it, or five of them. Either way, the morning after, the city is no more. All that is left are crumbling ruins and most of its inhabitants seem to have simply vanished. The rare survivors are too shocked to even speak and leave in mass the world through the Great dimensional gate. This marks the brutal end of the Sagolian empire.
The term "Post-Sagolian" refers to the time from the destruction of Ur-Sagol, to the present day, though it includes a variety of occourances. Until 145 A.U., the Dridders have unprecedented dominion over Central Felarya - this is the "Late Dridder Empire" or the "Sinerian Era". It is a short period considering the long history of Felarya, but the ruthless reign of the inflexible dridder Queen will nonetheless leave a deep, bloody scar in it.
After the fall of Sineria, various minor powers emerge, but not to the extent of the Empire of Old. The most recent is the city state of Negav, which emerged from a small neko town near the Motamo River.
9 A.U. - Dridder Queen Sineria forbids worship of the Guardians in the Dridder Kingdom, aside from the main Dridder deity.
13 A.U. - Queen Sineria has various religious figures who disagree with her views arrested. She uses the fact that many were looking for a peaceful solution for the war with the nagas as an excuse.
22 A.U. - Queen Sineria's rule is challenged. The fact her mother Chamyra attempted to make peace with nagas is used against her, in order to depict her family as weak-willed.
38 A.U. - Queen Sineria crushes a rebellion led by a rival and defeat her in a duel to prove her superiority. With a mix of seduction, brutality, and remarkable tactical sense, she manages to build a strong support to her rule.
41 A.U. - Queen Sineria organizes a purge of records and information concerning her mother and her mother's reign as Dridder Queen. A good deal of the heraldic "Keepers of Blood" organization opposes this and are summarily exiled from Supprozad.
55 A.U. - The Dridder Kingdom wins a serie of crushing victories against nagas. Queen Sineria takes part personally in each battle and her strong charisma and martial prowess motivate her troops. She displays a frightening cruelty and merciless determination on the battlefield.
58 A.U. - Nekos grow nervous over the unchecked power of Sineria. Moreover she don't seems very keen on protecting them anymore and appear to believe more in their role as food rather than vassals.
93 A.U. - Queen Sineria's rule grows more ruthless. She organizes a purge of her government and nobles, executing in drove those she suspected were plotting against her, being convinced there was an assassination attempt in the works. Many dridder noble families flee the massacre, leaving Supprozad, and moving south to take refuge in the Web Fells.
99 A.U. - Nekos and Humans form an alliance and fortify the neko settlement that will later be known as Negav. Fortunately for them, the battle between Dridders and nagas rages, keeping Sineria's attention busy. However, facing the more advanced technology of Sineria's troops, the nagas looks increasingly desesperate.
102 A.U. - Queen Sineria declares all past treaties with nekos and humans null and void and call on her fellow dridders to treat them as any other prey.
119 A.U. – The great Treachery. Queen Sineria declares she wishes to make peace with the Naga Tribes at least, having pushed them far enough. She organizes a large meeting near the Giant tree with naga tribe leaders, in order to discuss the outline of new territories. In the midst of it, however, her Royal Guards murder them. The ambush is perfectly planned and very few nagas escape alive. Sinera declares that, from now on, any naga claiming to belong to a tribe shalll be executed, and any claiming to lead a tribe shall be horribly tortured, then executed. After this point, the naga tribes virtually cease to exist, nagas regressing to mainly solitary lifestyles – this does not stop Sineria’s relentless hunting of them.
120 A.U. - After celebrating this decisive victory, Queen Sineria now face an increasingly fierce resistance from rebel dridders in the Web Fells
132 A.U. - The rebellion is crushed with unparalleled levels of brutality and all the leaders are horribly tortured. Even some of the closest aides to Queen Sineria become nervous over her cruelty, and the fact that many of the executed dridders were from ancient and respected noble famillies. Those senseless massacres can only lead to more opposition. Despite that, a large majority of dridders stay loyal to Sineria and her very strong charisma.
143 A.U. - Queen Sineria's attention focus on nekos and humans gathered in their fortified settlements. She seems to see their stand as a challenge to Dridder dominance. She declares it as Dridder territory and express her wish to go and take a nap and a snack in the city. Should somebody oppose her, it would mean war. To her delight, she is obviously denied access and come back to Supprozad to make preparations for a full scale assault.
145 A.U. – The Fall of the Dridders. Quaz and another Guardian attack Supprozad. It is said legions of insects of every size descended on the city , blanketing the ground and covering the sun, laying utter devastation in their wake. Queen Sineria is killed, her Kingdom destroyed. The Dridder dominance effectively ends here, many dridder regressing to tribal society or solitary living. Only a small minority living near the Ruins of Supprozad, and a few groups in the Web Fells, try to keep their traditions alive. Interestingly enough, Sineria's body is nowhere to be found, and some persistant rumors say it was taken away and buried in a tomb whose location is unknown.
150 A.U. – Many giant nagas take the opportunity of the demise of their enemies to move and hunt in central Felarya. The insects that devastated Supprozad vanish for the most part, but not all of them. They colonize part of the Dridder forest and Tolmeshal forest, clashing repeatedly with fairies.
305 A.U. – Many fairies are driven away by the insects and come back in large number to the fairy kingdom.
467 A.U. - A group of Terra Elf cities unite into the first "Underground Empire", electing the first Emperor.
737 A.U. – Manox Kerume, The first official Neko king crown himself and rules over a confederation of tribes near the Motamo river. A cunning and brilliant individual, he is nonetheless contested among some nekos, for not being a Felaryan trueborn, and being rather freshly arrived in the world.
746 A.U. – King Kerume orders a complex network of underground tunnels to be dug under where Negav will be built, as a hiding spot and defense against predator attacks. The threat from nagas especially is becoming critical.
769 A.U. – In an extraordinarily courageous and bold move, King Kerume meet with Chani, the leader of a neighboring giant naga tribe. The meeting is private and what happened exactly is unknown, but it is said Chani was impressed and charmed by Kerume's wit and sheer courage and took a liking to him. Afterwards, predation from nagas diminishes considerably and King Kerume is seen as a hero by many. Some nekos resent him for making deal with the enemy though.
919 A.U. – Nearly all elven villages near the Evernight Forest mysteriously vanish.
1138 A.U. - "Under Emperor" Tashern of the Terra Elves lays down the plans for the "Great Underground Highways".
1218 A.U. - The "Great Underground Highway" project is canceled as it approaches the 80th Anniversary of its commencement, as disaster after disaster befalls various routes. In the wake of this, the "Underground Empire" divides up into many small city states, the Emperor loosing prestige after his failed project and the various cities tired of wasting resources, money and citizens on the "Impossible Road".
1261 A.U. – Darkness elementals swarm out of the Evernight forest, starting the “One Hundred Years of Nightmares” in Central Felarya. It's a period of intense fear, where people vanish for simply walking in the dark, and homes are kept well lit, from fear of wandering nightmares appearing. Déméchrelle herself is seen wandering in the north, sowing devastation, and feasting on every creatures : animals, elves, humans, or even giant nagas!
1333 A.U. – The darkness expands and engulf whole regions of Felarya. Fairies flee the Forest of whispers and watch worriedly as a dark tide flows, seemingly endlessly, down the chasm surrounding the Fairy kingdom.
1341 A.U. - King Kerume and Chani mount a joint effort with the best nekos and nagas shamans in order to stop the darkness from advancing in their region. It's a success but it makes some nekos resent even more Kerume, who seem to go along very well with Chani. Bawdy songs are sung in some taverns involving the two.
1363 A.U. – Déméchrelle is sealed by the Guardians.
1427 A.U. – Tensions increase among nekos and King Kerume is assassinated in a coup. The rebel leader, Gewaz Tatal proclaims himself the new king. Furious, Chani swear to capture and eat Tatal herself.
1451 A.U. – Tensions don't show any sign of abating. Many nekos deeply resent Tatal for assassinating Kerume and putting an end to a period of relative quiet and prosperity. Chani goes on frequent rampages and earns nicknames like " the devourer" or " Slithering death" and is used as a bogeyman to scare young nekos. Humans living alongside with nekos also grow uneasy with the new King, Many of his policies seeming to target them.
1465 A.U. – Tatal is deposed in a coup. He manages to escape though, and disappear. There is various theories on what happened but none could be verified. Some say he left Felarya, some say he was handed on a plate to Chani. Chani herself simply vanishes shortly after and is never seen again. Mazdam Tonho becomes the new king.
1567 A.U. - The Academy of Sentinels is Founded in the Mist ocean.
1662 A.U. - First humans reach Shillapo Island.
1679 A.U. - Human settlers from Shillapo Island reach Threnos Island
1681 A.U. - Torin City on Iracal Island is founded.
1736 A.U. – Official founding of Negav. The settlement has been there for centuries, but it's the first time the name Negav appear, and king Tonho orders heavy protective walls to be constructed around the city.
1757 A.U. – A large group of centaurs attack Negav. The city put up a fierce resistance though and, despite many guards being eaten, repel the raiders. Smaller races across Felarya start to look at Negav as a safe haven, and many join the city to live there.
1774 A.U. - Adventurer Guild is founded in Negav.
1779 A.U. - Tensions rise between humans and nekos. Humans are rioting in Negav, asking for more rights and more representation in how the city is ruled. Makem, the son of King Tonho is critically wounded by a human archer. Furious, the king order a severe crack down on the protesters.
1784 A.U. - Clashes intensifies and threaten to descend into civil war. Some of King Tonho's advisors recommend a compromise, because this infighting weaken dangerously the city. The King reluctantly agrees but tensions remain high, with sporadic skirmishes occurring.
1798 A.U. - A group of powerful mages calling themselves the Ps'isols take discreetly their quarters in Negav and open a small school of magic . They are headed by Fergo Thelandros
1800 A.U. - Torin City is conquered by harpies.
1836 A.U. - Human riots erupt again in Negav. The two sides appear even more polarized and the confrontation is violent. This time, King Tonho doesn't listen to his advisors, and even arrest some of them for treason.
1837 A.U. – The “Great Destruction” occurs. In this fated day, a group of giant nagas approach Negav and is surprised to see no guards on the massive defensive walls, busy as they are fighting inside. The nagas quickly take the opportunity to attack, entering the city and eating terrified inhabitants. Soon, the new spread among local predators who flock in numbers to take part in the feast. The city's defenses are totally disorganized and the guards, left with no orders, are eaten, almost to the last. The only saving grace for Negavians is the large tunnel network under the city, and the capacity of the stuffed predators' stomaches. King Tonho himself is eaten, reportedly in his own palace.
1840 A.U. – The Ps'isols mages take matter in hand. They gather survivors and re-organize Negav's defense and reconstruction. The inhabitants are too much in shock to question their leadership.
1851 A.U. – A race of advanced humans called the Vishmitals arrive for the first time in Felarya. They offer their service to defend Negav and help rebuild it.
1860 A.U. – The reconstruction is well underway. There is many scenes of friendship between nekos and humans as they rebuild their city together. The Ps'isols mages assume their roles as rulers. Their very powerful magic earn them respect among Negavians.
1893 A.U. – The Ps'isols mages unveil their latest creation : the Isolon Eye. It's a marvel of magic that keep predators at bay and offer a total protection to the city. At first incredulous, Negavians quickly realize this is true and the Ps'isol mages are regarded as heros.
1895 A.U. – The Ps'isols mages proclaim themselves Magiocrats and rulers of Negav, which nobody question. They are largely in charge already anyway.
1902 A.U. - First record of Othemites in Felarya.
1908 A.U. - First record of an Elven District in Negav.
1925 A.U. - The Isolon Fist is founded.
1940 A.U. - A second wave of Vishmitals arrive in Negav.
1941 A.U. - Laws are signed in Negav preventing small predator species from owning or renting property or housing within the city.
1945 A.U. - The Investigators organization is founded.
1947 A.U. - Some tensions arise between humans and nekos over the changing demographics of the city and their rights. Nekos complaint they are being treated as second class citizens. and that some of the new laws are targetting them.
1953 A.U. – Nekomura is founded and nekos encouraged to move there. Under the Mancala accord, The Magiocrats provide nekos with a smaller version of the the Isolon Eye that, the neko soon realize, must be periodically recharged... for a fee. This felony is the cause of a long resentment of nekos toward Negav.
1977 A.U. - Increase of tensions between Ps'isol Magiocrats and Vishmitals over who control the military of the city. The two respective force don't engage directly, but frequent sneak attacks are delivered via secret services.
1980 A.U. – Vishmitals start building a mysterious outpost in the Great rocky fields for unknown purpose.
1988 A.U. – Open skirmishes take place between the Isolon Fist and Vishmitals soldiers. Tensions escalate rapidly to an all time high, despite efforts by some on both camps to cool things down. They eventually succeed but the distrust remains huge between the two factions.
1990 A.U. – A Vishmital commander is eaten by a nemesis, presumably hired by some among the Isolon Fist. This sparks a new round of violence and the cold war between the two factions threaten to become hot.
1992 A.U. – The Vishmital outpost in the Great rocky fields is attacked by a pack of Storm sprites an destroyed. It appears to deal a huge blow to Vishmitals who begin negotiating a truce and a new power-sharing accord with the Magiocrats. Under that new agreement, the Vishmitals'role is strictly military.
1998 A.U. - Othemites' House of a Thousand Suns is constructed in Negav as a base of operation.
2008 A.U. – A blond giant naga known as Crisis is born.
2026 A.U. – The first Deluran explorers arrive on Felarya
2046 A.U. - The modern Negav Police are formed, replacing the stricter MSD.
2068 A.U. – Present Day
Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:59 pm; edited 96 times in total | |
| | | Slimetoad Temple scourge
Posts : 617 Join date : 2010-09-13 Age : 36
| Subject: Re: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:09 pm | |
| Wow...you certainly did your work here o.o
Only nitpick I have is that maybe Crisis's birth feels out of place, she hasn't done anything really meaningful.....yet
| |
| | | AisuKaiko Keeper of Flat Chests
Posts : 2078 Join date : 2009-12-21 Age : 33 Location : In Ruby's cave in the Imoreith Tundra
| Subject: Re: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:12 pm | |
| Oh my, that's... thorough o__o
Seems very well thought out and I can't really find anything to nitpick o: | |
| | | Jætte_Troll Friend of the Jotun
Posts : 2769 Join date : 2009-02-02 Age : 33 Location : Over There
| Subject: Re: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:33 pm | |
| - Slimetoad wrote:
- Wow...you certainly did your work here o.o
Only nitpick I have is that maybe Crisis's birth feels out of place, she hasn't done anything really meaningful.....yet
Point taken. I was a little unsure of that, but heck, she's the main character in the manga and there's a fair bit of backstory to her birth. I also just put it in there to put recent history into perspective a bit. | |
| | | luke112 Temple scourge
Posts : 613 Join date : 2011-01-21 Location : Underground bunker taking weapon Inventory
| Subject: Re: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:26 pm | |
| 11811 B.U. – According to vague Elven myth, the Temple of Lataran appears on Felarya what occurs between theses to time peroids,i got an idea, not doing specifics until later 7790 B.U. – According to Elven myth, the Last Titan seals himself away voluntarily.
Sometime between 11811 B.U And 7790 B.U great endo-hitmock war erupts 300 years later some of the endorian Forces crosses into Felarya to make a last stand in what would become the Imoreith Tundra and the lands surrounding it. First endorian artfacts left behind in felarya.Both opssesing side wiped each other out. Well thats my idea anyway, | |
| | | rcs619 Felarya cartographer
Posts : 1589 Join date : 2008-04-07 Age : 36
| Subject: Re: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:55 pm | |
| - Jætte_Troll wrote:
- Slimetoad wrote:
- Wow...you certainly did your work here o.o
Only nitpick I have is that maybe Crisis's birth feels out of place, she hasn't done anything really meaningful.....yet
Point taken. I was a little unsure of that, but heck, she's the main character in the manga and there's a fair bit of backstory to her birth. I also just put it in there to put recent history into perspective a bit.
I don't think its too much out of place. She is the mascot afterall =P Overall though, I think this timeline is really good. You gave a plauible chain of events as to how the Ur-Sagolians and the Dridder Empire came into being, and some really interesting ideas for what the Elves could have done in the past. I really like the relationships between the Sagolians, Dridders, Nekos and Nagas. It really has an old-school European feel to it, with the different nations clashing all the time, and the Nekos playing the part of Poland and getting conquered and/or eaten again and again. It kind of sets up the present as kind of an uneventful period. The old powers have all collapsed, and Negav has moved into the power vacuum to become the new big power in the Jungle. Because of the fall of the Dridders and Sagolians, things are also a lot more stable than they once were. Nice work, dude ^^ | |
| | | ravaging vixen Moderator
Posts : 504 Join date : 2010-02-07 Age : 33 Location : Rocky mountains
| Subject: Re: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:38 pm | |
| awesome sauce man! i think you just missed one thing though - Quote :
- 2038 A.U.- Vishmital outpost is destoryed
from what i heard to current day time, its just abandoned. sorry to point that out but i just find that a flaw since i sort 'need' it too still be there ^_^". other than that. everything is good and in very plausible detail, nice work! | |
| | | rcs619 Felarya cartographer
Posts : 1589 Join date : 2008-04-07 Age : 36
| Subject: Re: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:54 pm | |
| - ravaging vixens wrote:
- awesome sauce man! i think you just missed one thing though
- Quote :
- 2038 A.U.- Vishmital outpost is destoryed
from what i heard to current day time, its just abandoned. sorry to point that out but i just find that a flaw since i sort 'need' it too still be there ^_^".
other than that. everything is good and in very plausible detail, nice work! "Abandoned Vishmital outpost Danger: Normal Inhabitants: Storm Sprites In the southern part of the great rocky fields lies a huge but deserted military complex. This imposing fortress was an infantry training center as well as a radar outpost of the Vishmitals. Oddly, while the place is void of any trace of its former owners, a good part of the equipment and advanced technology there is still functional. For example laser turrets will deploy and open fire whenever a harpy approaches, and sentry robots roam the zone around the base, deeming everyone who approach to be an intruder, and opening fire after the first warning to leave. The base is now a playground for a pack of storm sprites who are probably responsible for its fall in the first place. So far the Vishmital's attempts to reconquer it have all failed. Needless to say their rivals, the Ps'isol magiocrats of Negav, are not in a big hurry to help them retake it. Seeing the Vishmitals' efforts to retake the base, some have started to wonder if they didn't leave something very valuable behind them there." - The Wiki It seems like it is still mostly there, but between the sentry guns, sentry robots and Storm Sprites, it has become quite the death trap. | |
| | | Jætte_Troll Friend of the Jotun
Posts : 2769 Join date : 2009-02-02 Age : 33 Location : Over There
| Subject: Re: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:32 pm | |
| - rcs619 wrote:
- Jætte_Troll wrote:
- Slimetoad wrote:
- Wow...you certainly did your work here o.o
Only nitpick I have is that maybe Crisis's birth feels out of place, she hasn't done anything really meaningful.....yet
Point taken. I was a little unsure of that, but heck, she's the main character in the manga and there's a fair bit of backstory to her birth. I also just put it in there to put recent history into perspective a bit.
I don't think its too much out of place. She is the mascot afterall =P
Overall though, I think this timeline is really good. You gave a plauible chain of events as to how the Ur-Sagolians and the Dridder Empire came into being, and some really interesting ideas for what the Elves could have done in the past.
I really like the relationships between the Sagolians, Dridders, Nekos and Nagas. It really has an old-school European feel to it, with the different nations clashing all the time, and the Nekos playing the part of Poland and getting conquered and/or eaten again and again. It kind of sets up the present as kind of an uneventful period. The old powers have all collapsed, and Negav has moved into the power vacuum to become the new big power in the Jungle. Because of the fall of the Dridders and Sagolians, things are also a lot more stable than they once were.
Nice work, dude ^^ Hehe, thanks! That's what I was aiming for - not just to create random dates, but to show slowly evolving trends. It is also important to remember that even though there were "Empires" and "Kingdoms" they were more a collection of "safe" zones - in between the civilizations was still always dangerous wilderness. And I wouldn't say the present is "uneventful" - between all of these dates stuff was happening, I'm just trying to lay out a general "road map" of what went on. And also show that Felaryan History has more to it than "Ur-Sagol Fell"! But yes, the Empires are gone, brought down, in varying ways, by their own pride. The poor nekos were probably like "yay, they're all gone!" and then the Magiocrats showed up... Also, with the Elven Empire, I figure this does explain "Elven Attitude" in a lot of ways. I.e. - "We totally had everything under control but then you had to go make a mess of it and look what happened when you tried running the place, morons. We at least never pissed off the Guardians". And I guess I'll edit that Vishmital point. | |
| | | Asuroth Marauder of the deep jungle
Posts : 346 Join date : 2009-03-24 Age : 38 Location : Your guess is as good as mine...the computer
| Subject: Re: Chronology Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:00 pm | |
| Well I'm a bit late to the party but seriously this is a pretty kickass timeline to depict and explain a lot of events! Very nice mixing of the different races and all the struggles, I really can't add much more than what Cliff said but I love this a ton heh. It also answers just where the hell did all these damn ruins come from too... | |
| | | Archmage_Bael Mara's snack
Posts : 4158 Join date : 2009-05-05 Age : 36 Location : Shatterock Caldera
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:20 am | |
| Wait, so the elves defeat the dridders AND nagas, and subsume nagas into their empire along with other humans and nekos and for some reason they still cant defeat the jotuns? In addition to this sounding extremely forced, it's also absurdly rediculous to assume a race of tiny elves can defeat dridders and nagas in a war.
I just don't even know what is...
Though the whole rest of the timeline seems pretty good and thought out. I really like the very beginning of it all for some reason. | |
| | | Anime-Junkie Loremaster
Posts : 2690 Join date : 2007-12-16 Age : 31 Location : The Country of Kangaroos and Criminal Scum
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:52 am | |
| - Archmage_Bael wrote:
- Wait, so the elves defeat the dridders AND nagas, and subsume nagas into their empire along with other humans and nekos and for some reason they still cant defeat the jotuns?
It depends if the elven empire included all sizes of elves. | |
| | | Archmage_Bael Mara's snack
Posts : 4158 Join date : 2009-05-05 Age : 36 Location : Shatterock Caldera
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:03 am | |
| Even then it's still highly unlikely, and conquering not only dridders, but nagas as well raises my eyebrow. I'm all for elf superiority and all (being an elf lover, a main OC being an elf.) but this just seems too far fetched a feat without a detailed explanation. | |
| | | aethernavale Great warrior
Posts : 501 Join date : 2010-03-07
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:57 am | |
| It's a very well detailed timeline but I'll have to think of some things about it. It conflicts in a couple places with things I had planned, which probably also applies to Cauldron and a few other people dabbling in the past. For example, I have Supprozad dating back way before it - though under a different name - in parts of my story not currently written (all arc 2 stuff) and originally being a part of another society, the ruins of said city being built upon by the dridders later on.
I too would like some further explanation as to the elves bit, I'm not particularly against it but it does raise interesting questions. I will admit it helps to tie the more 'modern' history together, whereas Arc 2 of my story will be focusing on the 'ancient' history involving the times before the Titans.
Also, the Ur-Sagol dimensional gate was not made by the Sagolians. The wiki states that all attempts to date it failed, but the pedestal it stands upon has been there for at least 4000 years which your timeline also doesn't take into account. The defensive tower it sports was probably built by the Sagolians. | |
| | | Karbo Evil admin
Posts : 3812 Join date : 2007-12-08
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:08 am | |
| It's an astonishing work here ^_^ you read extremely meticulously the wiki and it shows ! there is a lot of things I really like here, some ideas that make a lot of sense and just *click* together. For example it's silly to say but until now I didn't imagined the Serrakmos statue to be linked to Ur-Sagol in nay way and yet it makes perfect sense ^^ Like some others pointed, I'm less sure about the elves' absolute dominance of Felarya in Ancient time. My mind is also starting to work on how nagas were organized exactly. There is obviously some thing I wasn't seeing this way but this timeline is definitely very solid and, more importantly, make the mind work just by reading it ^^ Very nice job ! | |
| | | rcs619 Felarya cartographer
Posts : 1589 Join date : 2008-04-07 Age : 36
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:00 am | |
| - Archmage_Bael wrote:
- Even then it's still highly unlikely, and conquering not only dridders, but nagas as well raises my eyebrow. I'm all for elf superiority and all (being an elf lover, a main OC being an elf.) but this just seems too far fetched a feat without a detailed explanation.
Not necissarily. Going by this timeline, at the time, Elves were arguably the most advanced species in knwon Felarya...being the first to unite into one big civilization. If you have better magic, tech and organization, conquering small tribes is not that hard. The Joutun are a different story though. They're a violent and scrappy bunch to begin with, plus they live in the cold, and are too stubborn to be conquered. It probably wasn't so much that the Elves didn't have the might to conquer them, as it was that the whole campaign just became not worth the effort, between the cold and the Joutun themselves. I don't think Jeatte ever specified if this was a giant, human-sized, or mixed Elven Empire though. Either of them could work, really. The mixed one would be a little tougher, but if we assume that all Elves believe in Elven superiority, then it doesn't seem too far-fetched that they would all unite to try and expand the influence of that superiority. A mixed-size civilization is also something that hasn't been done before (outside of Kotori Town), and is a pretty interesting concept in and of itself. I think the Elven domination helps set up Ur-Sagol and the Dridders pretty well. it gives them a reason for popping up around the same time, and teching up fast. The influence of the Elves would have not only motivated them to break free, it would have let them see how a large civilization works. They could have then stolen some of the Elve's ideas, and some of their tech, to help get their own civilizations moving. | |
| | | Jasconius Survivor
Posts : 810 Join date : 2010-05-02 Location : Pit of Tartarus
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:28 am | |
| I like this a lot. You definitely put a lot of effort into this and did your research. I am impressed.
Now for some suggestions. Couldn't think of any exact dates for them so you can change them if you want. I'll be looking to the lore section and such for ideas:
? B.U. - Titans turn on their creators, the Guardians.
? B.U. - Akaptor Ocean dries up and becomes Akaptor Desert.
? B.U. - The Great Tree takes root.
? B.U. - What is to be known as the Buried Palace becomes buried.
? B.U. - The original "Alchemus Omegus" is written.
? B.U. - The dreaded "Omnomnomicon" is written.
? B.U. - The "Soul of Chephrda" is said to have been created.
? B.U. - The "Great Squirrel Invasion" occurs.
? B.U. - Chlaenas construct Ryzelm’oire.
? B.U. - The Temple of Dreams is constructed by unknown beings.
Last edited by Jasconius on Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:01 am; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | gwadahunter2222 Master cartographer
Posts : 1842 Join date : 2007-12-08 Age : 40
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:39 am | |
| - rcs619 wrote:
- If you have better magic, tech and organization, conquering small tribes is not that hard.
Unfortunately no, because many great civilization were and are put in difficulty by less advanced societies. It can give you a great advantage but not the warranty of victories, because in war many factors can change the turn of the events. | |
| | | Pendragon Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Posts : 3229 Join date : 2007-12-09
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:03 am | |
| It's a pretty good timeline, though I might have a few quabbles here and there. | |
| | | Jætte_Troll Friend of the Jotun
Posts : 2769 Join date : 2009-02-02 Age : 33 Location : Over There
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:30 am | |
| Hmmm, good point on the Dimensional Gate. I'll edit that.
As for elves, @Bael - Yes, they had giant elves working with them, at least I figure that they had a few.
I didn't really have the time to go in depth onto how each Empire worked precisely. But the elves did use giant allies, as well as cunning use of magic.
As well, when I'm writing of total Elf "dominance", remember that Felarya was still very dangerous in between "civilized" spots. The reason the elves became so widespread is because they didn't "put all their eggs into one basket" so to speak, like with Ur-Sagol or Supprozad. Their towns could be quickly constructed by manipulating tree growth, grouping them in a circle to make a wall, or just creating passages within a large one. I figure they had lots of towns like this spread across Felarya.
As for the Jotun, Bael, gwadahunter has the right idea. The Elves could defeat enemies in pitched battles, but had a difficult time when the enemy wouldn't "play fair".
If you need an Earth parallel, look at the trouble various Germanic tribes, with low tech, gave the more organized Roman Empire.
As well, the Elves probably figured it wasn't worth their time trying to "fix" the Jotun. | |
| | | gwadahunter2222 Master cartographer
Posts : 1842 Join date : 2007-12-08 Age : 40
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:48 am | |
| Ok if I understand why Elf spread it's because they can built quickly infrastructures by manipulating tree growth but what makes them start using stones in building Another remark - Quote :
- 2094 B.U. – After the fall of the Elven Empire, predators become more and more common in Central Felarya. In response, in 2094, the Citadel of Ur-Sagol is built for defense. This will be the centre of the city that will soon spread around it, reaching its peak size in about 1000 years.
Central Felarya is inacurate because it's not the central of the world but of the continent. And I doubt dimensionnal trade started really during Ur-Sagol era but existed before. | |
| | | rcs619 Felarya cartographer
Posts : 1589 Join date : 2008-04-07 Age : 36
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:59 am | |
| - gwadahunter2222 wrote:
- Ok if I understand why Elf spread it's because they can built quickly infrastructures by manipulating tree growth but what makes them start using stones in building
Another remark - Quote :
- 2094 B.U. – After the fall of the Elven Empire, predators become more and more common in Central Felarya. In response, in 2094, the Citadel of Ur-Sagol is built for defense. This will be the centre of the city that will soon spread around it, reaching its peak size in about 1000 years.
Central Felarya is inacurate because it's not the central of the world but of the continent.
And I doubt dimensionnal trade started really during Ur-Sagol era but existed before. Until we actually know any of the region outside of known Felarya, calling it Central Felarya isn't really inaccurate. The current map is the entire world of Felarya as we know it. There is a lot more out there, but right now it is a non-issue because it is totally uncharted. | |
| | | Jætte_Troll Friend of the Jotun
Posts : 2769 Join date : 2009-02-02 Age : 33 Location : Over There
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:06 am | |
| - gwadahunter2222 wrote:
- Ok if I understand why Elf spread it's because they can built quickly infrastructures by manipulating tree growth but what makes them start using stones in building
Another remark - Quote :
- 2094 B.U. – After the fall of the Elven Empire, predators become more and more common in Central Felarya. In response, in 2094, the Citadel of Ur-Sagol is built for defense. This will be the centre of the city that will soon spread around it, reaching its peak size in about 1000 years.
Central Felarya is inacurate because it's not the central of the world but of the continent.
And I doubt dimensionnal trade started really during Ur-Sagol era but existed before. Central Felarya is a casual term to refer to the central area on the map. Even if its not the center of the world the term is used to denote the area around the Giant Tree. The Elves started to use stonework when making sites of religious significance. They probably actually learned advance stonework from the Sagolians and Dridders that they conquered. They wanted their places of worship to be a permanent thing. | |
| | | Claire Seasoned adventurer
Posts : 157 Join date : 2008-01-31 Location : its a secret!!!
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:49 pm | |
| Hmm. Fairy's healin dridders and nagas. Dridders helping ur-sagol during their destruction.... I wounder where I read that before.... -____- | |
| | | Anime-Junkie Loremaster
Posts : 2690 Join date : 2007-12-16 Age : 31 Location : The Country of Kangaroos and Criminal Scum
| Subject: Re: Chronology Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:56 pm | |
| - Quote :
- I don't think Jeatte ever specified if this was a giant, human-sized, or mixed Elven Empire though. Either of them could work, really. The mixed one would be a little tougher, but if we assume that all Elves believe in Elven superiority, then it doesn't seem too far-fetched that they would all unite to try and expand the influence of that superiority. A mixed-size civilization is also something that hasn't been done before (outside of Kotori Town), and is a pretty interesting concept in and of itself.
Actually, the dridder empire included all sizes of dridders (this has been discussed before). | |
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